Illinois V alley News, Thursday, July 14, 1938 Page Two Illinois ey News lllinoi» Valley Seventh Day Illinois Valley Grange To Give Benefit Dance B.-ri Tucker in honor of Wuj ■ ■ Walters. Wayne is leaving this week for lower California ami the following attended the party to wish him bon voyage: Inez Ar- dith, Dick Tucker, Marguerite Prentice, Terry and Clara Miller, Mildred Norman, Thelma Mor­ ton, Martha May Gregg, and brother, Jr., Everett Longinecker, Earl Longinecker, Roy Longineck* er and Rev. Laurie. At midnight cake and punch was served. Adventist hurch Sabbath school 1:30 p. m. Church service, 3:00 p. m. Everyone welcome. F. W. COOPER, Elder. cal messages in song by the waters. “Shall We Gather at the River'' is the theme hymn. Saturday, July 16, the Illinois Valley Grange is giving a benefit , SPECIAL dance for Mrs. Laura Krause. One --------- o-------- of the best things the folks in this CLEARANCE great valley do is to help those in WEEK END RALLIES distress. All know what Mrs. AT WONDER PARK Krause has gone through and Editor i M C. ATHEY that she is worthy of all the help ' A grand Sunday meeting was Busine»» Managar L. E. ATHEY that can be showered upon her so held at the convention, in Won- per cent be out for this occasion. Remem­ der park on the last day. Rev. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES ber the date and place, Saturday, In Josephine County Reduction The Mary C. Ayres Chapter a record crowd is expected to be ' Lorce of Selma, was the first $1 50 One Year speaker and gave a fine address, .75 No. 15,092 of the Girl s World Six Months night, July 16, at the Illinois Val­ Rev. H. D. Baugh spoke on every on Everything 50 Wide Guild of Selma, will be held Three Months ley Grange hall at Bridgeview. Sunday afternoon, A gathering of Outside of Josephine County For balance of July at the home of Miss Peggy Hogue ■ o------------------------- $2 00 good folks at Wonder park for One Year next Saturday afternoon. lunch and services of music. Ask for queen votes - -o The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising GRANGE PICNIC Rev. Dr. Brougher was invited A group from the Selma NEXT SUNDAY copy which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application I this Sunday and Rev. Shaw spoke church attended a sermon Sunday and the harp played. Dr. Morris afternoon at Wonder. They pic­ Josephine County Grange pic- '«Un nicked before returning home with nie will be held along the bank J of Wilderville, prayed and. Rev. ÍREDWO0D EAAPlKE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS the following enjoying the trip: of the Rogue river on Ed Hughes' Walter Duff spoke of their 1939 JORDAN’S Mr. and Mrs. Radcliff, Mrs. farm near Shan Creek, next Sun­ convention when 300 campers pleasure Maude Hogue and daughter, Peg­ day, July 17th. State Master Gill, could stay on this gy, Mrs. Susan Breazealle, Mrs. Miss Bertha Beck and Peter Zim­ grounds. Their aim was to he'p the | people. They stood for the family, Walton and Rev. Laurie. DOES HISTORY REPEAT ? merman will be present. Let all | the American Sunday and for no Grange members and their friends and Mrs. Ed Norman have come and bring well filled bask­ j crime in the county. Every true In the June issue of Readers Digest, two very per­ as Mr. church they backed well. SHOP- guests for a short time Mrs. , tinent articles appear that are worth republishing. M. Morton and family and Mrs. ets. ------------- Saturday afternoon the young o-------------- Make your headquarters here I folks swim and camp fire service, Hara and three children of San Read carefully the following: July 4th and always after Mrs. Elizabeth Lynch, Dr. Wil i Sunday at 2:30 p. m. Good musi- Francisco. Mrs. Morton and Mrs. lard Young and sister, Miss Orrie 632 South Sixth Street It is a gloomy moment in history. In our own Hara is the mother and sister of E. Young and Rev. C. w. Gan- Grants Pass country there is universal commercial prostration and Mrs. Norman. throp of San Francisco and Rev. —o— panic; thousands are without employment and with­ GOOD EATS Ganthrop’s son Howard Young, at­ M rs. II. Warren was a guest at torney of Crescent City, were Ju»t Like Mother Made out the prospect of it. In France the political caldron the home of Mrs. E. Barnes last ¡FRENCH LAUNDRY! guests of Mrs. Florence Hallock seethes with uncertainty; Russia hangs as usual like Monday afternoon. Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. WAFFLES I & DRY CLEANERS I a dark cloud upon the horizon of Europe; while all the Lynch who recently returned from SERVED AT AI L HOURS I The annual school meeting of Honolulu, is the wife of the vice- influence of the British Empire is sorely tried in cop­ Selma District was held last Mon­ I Agencies president of the Chamber of Com­ SPANISH CASTLE ! Alma's Dre»» Shop, Cave ing with disturbed relations in China. day, July 11th, and Fritz Krauss merce of San Francisco. Miss Or­ City LUNCH Of our own troubles no man can see the end. was elected to fill Ed Norman s rie E. Young is director and noted Wittrock's Store, Kerby place on the board. Mrs. Ed Nor organist of the Hamilton Square They are as yet mainly commercial and if we are man Mrs. A. J. Jackson. Prop. I Lew Hammer, Selma was re-elected as clerk. Baptist church of that city, hav­ I only to lose money, and by poverty be taught wisdom —o--- played there 26 years. Mrs. I Call: Wed. and Sat. —the wisdom of honor, of faith, of sympathy and Charlie Weston and family left ing Hallock was at one time a member week San for charity—no man need despair. And yet the very the first of the of her choir. Francisco, where they will make haste to be rich, which is the occasion of this calam­ their When in Grants Pass home. An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March .3, 1879 10 Alma's SIBERRIAN i i I 1 i I I I ♦ I emu’ll es ity, has also tended to destroy the moral forces with which we are to resist and subdue the calamity. Last Saturday night a few of Does this smack of the present? Well, this ar­ the Selma residents had a scare ticle appeared in Harper’s Weekly- October 10, 1857, when a grass fire got beyond con BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY trol. It was soon put out by Lew “believe it or not." CHURCH Hammer, Cap Hinckle, fire war­ Sunday school The menace of the Roosevelt campaign does not den, Mr. ami Mrs. E. Barnes, Mr. Preaching et 11 a. m. 10 a. m. lie in the third term, but in the state of mind that Laurie ami J. Puniply. Preaching at 8 p. m. could desire four more years of Roosevelt in the Mr. and Mrs. R. Acken left for Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. White House, four more years of personal govern­ Rogue River on a fishing trip Church services at 11 a. m. Everyone is cordially invited to ment, four more years of presidential lawlessness, over the week end. They returned attend our service. four years more of executive contempt for Congress, to their home Monday. ------------- o------------- courts and constitution, four years more of central­ Mr. and Mrs. P. Pyle and chil­ Cave Junction Community Church ization, four years more of wanton extravagance, of dren spent last Sunday afternoon 7:45 p. m. Preaching, "Christ denunciation and demogogy—in the state of mind visiting the Edgar Barnes’ fami­ and Him Crucified.” 9:45 a. ni. Sunday school. that wants the new national aims, that wants a fed­ ly. 11 a. m. Morning worship. o—■ eral interference with every form of human industry The Children ■— World Crusaders ■IF and activity, that wants the states stripped of their met with their leader, Mrs. V. «P powers, that wants the minority deprived of all the Radcliff at the church last Sat­ SPECIAL : safeguards against the tyranny of the majority, and urday afternoon bureaucracy substituted for the Bill of Rights. ERIED CHICKEN o You have heard this time and time again concern­ MRS. HATTIE HART ing President Roosevelt. But the above article ap­ PASSES AWAY : peared in the New York World, January 2. 1912 and Mrs. Hattie Hart of Kerby, alluded to Theodore Roosevelt. 72 years, passed away last This newspaper holds no brief for any political aged Friday afternoon, at the Josephine party. We are an independent newspaper. We do not General hospital in Grants Pass, HOLLAND HOTEL believe in destruction. We do not believe in tearing Mrs. Hart was a member of one down. We do believe in constructive criticism. The of the county's pioneer fami- lies. She was born at Kerby, De­ 12 to 1 and 6 to 7 present administration must be given credit for hav­ cember 2, 1865. ing tried to help the masses- whether they succeeded Surviving Mrs. Hart is a daugh- Mrs. Ethel Coplay or not is a matter for future ages to determine. But ter, Mrs. Woodbury of : brother. Erank i articles like the above will he printed all over the na­ O’Brien, : .□ S of tion and in the future, they will I h * re-printed and they Floyd The L. Funeral Home "A will exactly tabulate the times as of the present and conducted Mon- future years to come. As the Digest says at the be­ lay afternoon, at the Odd Fellows ginning of these articles, taken from Terence, Roman cemetery in Kerby and the East­ dramatist: "Nothing is said now that hath not been ern Star chapter of Kerby, of which Mrs. Hart was a member said before." took part in the services. Dinner : /■ ------------------------------- O-------------------------------- ARE WE CHRISTIANS? There are wars and rumors of war. There are de­ pressions, recessions and oppressions. The world is full of greed and lust. Aeroplanes drop bombs on un­ protected people and literally thousands have lx*en killed. This is our great civilized and Christian era. Most countries are in the hands of dictators and thev are helping to subdue others. Here in America we are about to enter into another political campaign where mud and slime will be hurl­ ed against some of the candidates. It has already started right here in Oregon we regret to say, and no one knows where it will end. Christians are supposed to be charitable and kind to one another and yet we hear or read most every day of some disparaging remarks made against a fel­ low human being and in politics it at times becomes nauseating. Let us forget our hatreds of the other fellow’s pol­ itics or religion and "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them; for this is the law and the prophets’." <)- HOLLAND NEWS Benefit Dance SATURDAY. JULY 16 Last week Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Johnson of Klamath Falls and Roy For Mrs. Gus Krouse Hervey of Holland were vi-itors at the Baldwin home on Caves Illinois Valley (»range Highway. —o— Brideview A dinner was given last week Grange Hall at the Baldwin home, on Caves highway in honor of Mrs G W J Baldwin, celebrating her 79th V birthday Those enjoying the din E E ner were, Mr. ami Mrs. Ralph : Spencer, Mr. and .Mrs. Chet Leon ard and Mrs. Eva Roetie, all of Medford; Mr. ami Mrs W Grif- feth and son, Bud of Dryden ; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Baldwin and Entertainment De Luxe sons, George and James; (’. A. Hervey, and the guest of honor, Sat. and Sun., July 23 24 Mrs W G. Baldwin. CAVE CITY THEATRE <> Mr. ami Mrs. W O Burch brought in some mighty fine look­ ing corn yesterday This is the first local corn of the season, and taken out in a truck ami spent a they will have a g od supply The SELMA NOTES most enjoyable time. Illinois Valley CAN raise fruit Th«. Girls 4 H Cooking club — o— • nd vegetables, most of them su­ held a picnic at the G ray back A farewell party was given last perior in taste and flavor to other camp last Wednesday They were Friday night at the home of Reu sections. “Merrily We Live" With Constance Bennett and Brian Aherne Wednesday, July 27 "True Confession" With Carole Lombard and Fred MacMurray >«»»»»»«»»»»»»»»»»»»••••»•••»•••»•••••••••••••««"•••••••••••••(•] Eat at the CLUB CAFE MAKE THIS STORE YOUR SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS 6th and “G” Streets LOG CABIN HOTEL Now Serving Supplies of All Kinds Chicken and Steak Dinner» Mrs. McCarthy Selma, Oregon We get part of our milk from thin cows for those who want to stay thin; and part from fat cows for folks who want to get fat. Lew Hammer's Selma, Oregon Horning’s Shack HOHIIIIHnOHtlillllllHIIIininillllHIIIIHIItIMIHIIIIIIHIIIlHIIllIllIiiilliiitlllHUIIIHIillllllllHHHIIIIIIinHIIIIIIIIIIOlUillllHIIIIIIIIOlillllllllHHHHIHIIIIIItlillli i 3 Í I 5 = a = I = Í 3 I July Clearance On Annual Store-wide Julv Clearance Sale Be­ gins, FRIDAY, JULY 15. Drastic Reductions in All Departments to Make Room for Our Fall Merchandise. Take Advantage of This (¡olden Opportunity to SAVE in All Departments. Remember—Every­ thing to Wear for Every Member of the Family. Sale Starts, Friday, July 15 i 3 I Golden Rule Store (»rants Pass, Oregon I i ■ liltlHIitiHillHIIIlHIIIIWillUtllOIHIIItlHIIHIIIIHIIIOIHIIIIIIHIIIIHIIIIHHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHtilllllllUHHUliillMHIIHillHIIIflilllHHIIHUHinHHimiHIIIIHM For Sale One of the best cattle ranches in Southern Oregon, 280 acres, 60 cleared ready for crop, 81 shares in Kerby ditch with perpetual water right. This property formerly sold for $11.000, can now be had for $1.000 down. Total Price 7 Ted Athey NEWS OFFICE. Cave Junction Keep Your Food Fresh with ICE FREE DELIVERY TWICE A WEEK Valley Phone Orders Received ILLINOIS VALLEY ICE CO. Phil Sawyer, Prop. ------------------------------------------ ----- -■ ||||||||MMMM||MM