Page PWb Illinois Valley News, Thursday. June 30, 1938 —r~ FOREST SERVICE ------------------------------ -- TRAILS OPENED PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DR. A. N. COLLMAN Naturopathic Physician CAVE CITY. OREGON 3...................................................... E I Dr. Fred W. Gould | Dental Surgeon Tuffs Building Phone 4 Grants Pass ^9——***-^3 Dr. H. W. Hermann optometrist Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Telephone 258-J 519 “H" St. Grants Pass CAVE JUNCTION BEAUTY SALON Ladies and Girls Haircutting FLO LEEDY BEAUTICIAN Notary Publics in Cave City AMY HUSSEY M. C. ATHEY E.......................................................... E : : = THE BARBER Bart McCue CAVE CITY, ORE • Trails going into the back coun-' try on the Page creek ranger dis trict are being opened up rapidly and are in fine shape, reports I Ranger M. M. Nelson, of the Red wood Ranger station. It is antici- pated that all trails below snow line will be in good passable and serviceable condition by the end of this week Work at the higher elevations is being delayed due - to heavy snow. Trails in the Baldface and Can yon creek countries have been maintained as well as the trails in the Sucker creek and Illinois ■river watersheds, which have been completed up to snow line. The Il linois river trail from Briggs creek to Bad mountain lookout has been completed and is in very good condition. At the present time there is a crew of men working on the trail to Kerby peak, and a crew work ing on the Oregon Caves and Grayback trails. Work on these trails will probably be completed within a few days. The Happy camp road is not open to through traffic, nor is it open for travel to Bolen lake. There is a crew working on the road at the present time with an ticipations of having the road open to traffic by July 1. The trails this year are in the worst condition they have been for years due to heavy snows and high wind, causing many large trees and snags to fall. ------------- o-------------- B. M. Peterson has joined the force of the Quarantine Station. L B. HALL FUNERAL HOME Mrs. L. B. Hall, Manager AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 388 Cor. 5th & C Sts. VETERINARIAN Horses and Cattle my Specialty DR. O. L. HOHLFELD Office Otis E. Hackett car lot Day phone 162—Night 571 Grants Pass USED CARS Always Better Values All-Ways OTIS E. HACKETT Easy terms—Reasonable trades 627 S. 6th St., Grants Pass GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY Pickup in Cave City and Kerby Monday and Thursday Miss Elizabeth Mellow is spend ing her vacation with relatives and friends at Crescent City. —o— Mr. and Mrs. George L. Martin and Eileen Whitehead made a trip to Grants Pass last Friday. —o— Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones and son Bobby arrived from Los Angeles last week and are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Drake on Caves highway. M iss Marie Roesch of Aberdeen, South Dakota, accompanied Betty Krause, and Ethel McDonald of Rapid City, and Mrs. Albert An derson of Philip, South Dakota, as far as Eugene for a visit after spending last week visiting Victor ia Jasperson. The others proceed ed on to South Dakota. NOTICE TO CREDITORS June 30. 1939, hereinafter set M hemlock 20 M. Sec 35, NW1« red forth, and to vote on the proposi NW1« Douglas fir 1,365 M cedar 45 M. hemlock 48 M; T. 14 tion of levying a district tax. S„ R. 1 W , Sec 35. SW‘« SW1« red and yellow fir 1,140 M; T. 18 BUDGET S, R. I W . Sec 13, SW1« NW1« Estimated Expenditures yellow fir 146 M; T. 38 S., R. 8 W , I. General Control Sec 13, only the sugar and yellow $ 40.00 1. Clerk pine of 24 inches and up stump •> Other ser diameter on the NW1« SE *« 25.00 vices sugar pine 75 M, yellow pine 20 M, 10.00 3. Supplies SW *« SE1« sugar pine 100 M, yel 4. Elections and low pine 40 M, NE1« SW ■« sugar 45.00 Publicity pine 140 M. yellow pine 25 M, Legal service (clerk's SE *4 SW Q sugar pine 160 M, yel bond, audit, low pine 10 M, SW *■« SW1« sug •te i 25.00 ar pine 160 M, yellow pine 5 M; none of the timber to be sold for 6. Other expenses of less than $3.50 per M for the general control 50.00 sugar and yellow pine; $1.50 per M for the Douglas, red and yel 7. Total expense of low fir; $1.25 per M for the red general control 91*6.00 cedar; and 75 cents per M for the II. Instruction—Supervision hemlock T 1 1 S . R 1 E . Sec 33, SW1« SE1« yellow fir 635 M, 1. Principals $ 1,630 white fir 55 M, hemlock 215 M, 2. Total expense $1,630 none of the timber to be sold for of supervision less than $1.50 per M. for the yel III. Instruction—Teaching low fir and $1 per M for the white 1. Personal service: fir and hemlock. T. 28 s.. R. 12 (1) Teachers $ 1,170 1,080 W., Sec. 3, olt 1, old growth red (2) fir 1,775 M, dead red fir 270 M. (3) ...................... 990 red cedar 200 M, dead cedar 20 M, 2. Supplies (chalk, 220 lot 2 old growth red fir 1,310 M, paper, etc.) .... dead red fir 230 M red cedar 140 3. Total expense of $3,460 M, «lead red cedar 75 M. hemlock Teaching 30 M; none of the timber to be IV. Operation of Plant sold for less than $2.50 per M for (1) Janitors and other the old growth red fir, $1.25 per employees $ 420 too M for the dead red fir, $1 per M 2. Janitor’s supplies 255 for the red cedar anil dead red 3. Fuel cedar, anil 50 cents per M for the 4. Light and hemlock. Signed: Fred W. John 180 power 5. Water 40 son, commissioner. 6. Total expense of 7-8 operation $ 955 V Maintenance and Repairs CLASSIFIED ADS 1. Repair and main tenance of furniture FOR SALE — Jersey bull, very and equipment $ 80 reasonable, 1 *« mile So. from 2. Repair and main Cave Junction, M. B. Harper. tenance of build Caves Highway. 9-ltp ings and 50 grounds: (1) FOR SALE OR TRADE—Milk 3. Other expense of maintenance and goats for hay. ejc., Mrs. Elvina 100 repairs Stockwell, Route 1, Kerby, Ore 4. Total Expense of Main gon. 9-ltp tenance and Repairs $ 230 FOR SALE — 120 acres stock or VI. Auxiliary Agencies dairy farm, 60 acres tillable. (1) Library books $ 110 4-room house, fair barn, plenty (3) Supplies and water, make an offer. Terms, 15 pairs, etc. T. J. Welch, Selma, Oregon (3) Supplies and 9-ltp other ex 25 penses WANTED From one to 15 head 5. Total Expense of Auxiliary Agen of beef type cattle, address the cies $ 150 Illinois Valley News 8-1 tp VIII. Capital Outlays 1. New WANTED — Horse or mule for $1,000 buildings pack animal. Inquire of Ted 2. New furniture, Athey, News office. 8-ltp i equipment and re placements . 800 3. Total Capital Outlays $1,800 Complete INSURANCE Service IX. Debt Service We actually save you up to 40'i 1. Principal on bonds All forms of insurance, bonds, I (include negotiable inter PUG filing. est-bearing war Your interest is our interests rants issued under Al J. Peake Agency section 35-1104) $ 300 So. 6th Cor. *‘M” St. Grants Pass 2. Interest on 6-tf 300 bonds 3. Interest on PREST-O-LITE Batteries $4.00 300 warrants....... and up. Wholesale and retail. 4. Transfers to Campbells Super Service, next sinking fund 300 $1,200 Total Debt Service to Courth.tise, Grants Pass, 200 X. Emergency Oregon. —16tf INDEBTEDNESS ______________________________________________________ 1. Amount of bonded FOR SALE—470 Acres. Owner indebtedness (include must sell, not able to work. Lo all negotiable interest cated on Caves highway, 30 1 bearing warrants is sued under section springs on property, 90 acres 36.1104) $2.150 cleared, 35 in cultivation. See 2. Amount of other in Ted Athey, News office, Cave debtedness 3,000 Junction, Oregon (Secured by $3,000 COPCO Stock) FOR SALE Small cook stove 3. Total indebtedness Good baker, reasonable. In- | $2,150 sum of items 1) quire News. 4-ltfc i RECAPITULATION Balance, amount to 1)0 YOU KNOW THE VALUE of be raised by dis trict tax $9,860 one of these small classified ads. They get results, and cost UNITED STATES DEPART so little. MENT OF THE INTERIOR Gen ynj nr t r ttx tv 75 3 n 7r 7 n nr nr nr COMPLETE jn* n JEÜE& LINE OF 2 Builders HARDWARE and SUPPLIES PAINTS. ENAMELS AND HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Clean-up Paint-up I £ MARTIN £ HARDWARE Cave City it, RIVOLI CANNING SEASON Now Playing — Ritz Brothers,- Tony Martin, Marjorie Weaver: in Is now on and it is time to prepare. Kentucky Moonshine”! We have a special offer of pound can of pepper or cinna mon for 10c with the purchase of every package of Watkins Fruit Pectin. This is a real bar- gain. 1 have three other bargain specials for the month of July. Preview--- Saturday night lip. m., July 2 Anna May Wong in 2 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday : July 3-4-5 Robert Taylor, Margaret Sulla-: Your Watkins Dealer Robert Young in “Three Comrades” 1 ! K & LTRUCK LINE Wardrobe Cleaners The oldest and best since 1911 Free Hick up by Grants Pass Laundry : “M hen M ere You Born” Oscar A. Anderson Will be calling on you soon aft- er July 4th 1 1 Freight for Cave Junction and Caves Highway left at Drews Garage, Cave .Junction. Daily Service Illinois Valley Motor Co. Bob Rout, Proprietor Authorized Sales and Service for Chevrolet Motor Cars and Trucks In the County Court of Jose BATTERIES — TIRES — PARTS phine County, Oregon. In the Matter of the Estate of Complete Lubrication Service J. L. Head, deceased. HULL & HULL Notice is hereby given that the TEXACO GAS — OIL — GREASES undersigned has been appointed FUNERAL HOME administrator of the estate of J. Ambulance service dav or nite L. Head, deceased, and all per Mechanical Service for All Cars I 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 sons having claims against the estate of the said deceased are .. ............................................................................................•....................... 0 hereby required to present the same, properly verified, as requir ed by law. to the undersigned ad REDWOODS HOTEL ministrator or at the office of his attorney, O. S. Blanchard, in the Grants Pass City of Grants Pass, Oregon, within six months after the date of this notice. Dated this 30th day of June, SOLICITS YOUR eral Land Office, Washington. PATRONAGE 1 * 1938. FOOT CORRECTIONS—I will be M. F. Head, administrator. Sealed bids, marked outside in Cave Junction and Kerby, • ! ‘Bid for timber’’ and addressed to Thursday, July 7 and will call the Register, District Land Office, Excellent Coffee Shopi NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELEC Roseburg, Oregon, will be receiv at your home. Leave word at TION UPON QUESTION OF ed until 10:30 o’clock a. m, Paci The News office for oppoint- IN CONNECTION | INCREASING TAX LEVY j fic Time, July 8, 1938, for the ments. E. C. McNeely, Foot Cor REASONABLE RATES i OVER AMOUNT LIMITED BY purchase of timber upon the tracts rections. 7-ltp SECTION 11, ARTICLE XI, hereinafter described. All timber Grange Hall. Brideview- Oregon STATE CONSTITUTION must be cut and removed within two years from the date of approv SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1938 Notice is hereby given that an al of the contract, the cutting to election will be held in Union I be conducted under forest practice MACK S SEED Slipper at Midnight—Babcock’s Orchestra High School District No. 1 of Ker rules applicable to the region. Each by, Josephine county. State of Ore- bid must state for each species the and Feed Store Admission 75c gon, at the school house in said ; amount per thousand feet, board E. C. GAYMAN school district, for the purpose of J measure, that will be paid for the submitting to the legal voters of I timber. No bid for less than ap ♦ said district the question of in- j praised price will be considered. creasing the tax levy for the year Each bid must be submitted in du SPERRY’S COMMERCIAL 1938-1939 over the amount .lim plicate and be accompanied by a FEEDS ited by section 11, article XI, of certified check on a solvent na GILL’S GARDEN SEEDS the Constitution of Oregon. tional bank in favor of the Regis RED STEER FERTILIZERS The reasons for increasing such 1 ter, District Land Office, in the levy are : INSECTICIDES amount of ten per cent of the bid Increase in school expenses and price offered for the timber. The to build addition to the school deposit will be returned if the bid Bring in your worn tires. We house: also to authorize the issu is rejected, applied as part of the We are celebrating with the greatest values retread them with a thick, new 4 ance of negotiable interest bear purchase price of the successful wi aring surface of the same ing warrants to finance the same. bidder, or retained as liquidated you have ever seen. The quality merchandise I kind of fine rubber you get on The amount of tax, in excess of damages if the bid is accepted and DAILY a new tire — at */i the cost 6'1 limitation, proposed to be lev the required contract is not exe will convince you .... the low prices will con ied for -aid year is 12,360.00. cuted and presented for approval Safety, full mileage and vince you .... the complete selection will con Dated this 31 day of May. 1938. within ten (10) days from the ac appearance guaranteed. Attest : I ceptance of bid. A cash or corpor vince you! Everybody saves at the Golden Rule! EFFIE M. SMITH, I See our American Retreading ate surety bond of five dollars I District Clerk. Molds at Work You will too! ($'i.00) per acre must be deposi i I LUCIUS ROBINSON, ted with the Register, District Chairman Board of Directors. I Between All Illinois i Land Office, at the time the con Custom Super values in our shoe department. Latest tract is executed; said cash bond I RETREADING I Valley Points and styles and material at economical prices. be returned to the purchaser if I NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING to VULCANIZING the terms thereof have been fully Grants Pass I observed and the cut-over area left REPAIRING IS HEREBY GIVEN in a state which will insure na ILLINOIS VALLEY I to NOTICE the legal voters of Union High tural regeneration; otherwise to. I FREIGHT SERVICE I School District No. 1 of Josephine be forfeited as liquidated dama State of Oregon, that a ges. The right to reject any and I Countv, I GET OUR RATES SCHOOL MEETING of the said all bids is i eserved For copies of will be held at the school the form of proposal, form of con | Bob Rout Harold Hillj I district house on the_14th day of July, tract, and other information, ap THE TIRE MAN 1938, at 2:00 o’clock p. m., for plication should be made to the Pass Grants ( Texaco Garage j the purpose of discussing the bud Register, District Land Office, Sixth and “ M ” Streets ( CAVE JUNCTION get for the fiscal school year, be Rsoeburg Oregon: T. 10S., R. 1 S., ginning June 30. 1938, and ending Sec 27, SE1-« SF.‘« yellow fir 650. 4th of July DANCE SAVE One-Hall on II TIRES 4th of July Duckworth The Golden Rule Store Freight Service I