Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1938)
c Gateway to The Oregon Caves Illinois ey News A LIVE WIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE ILLINOIS VALLEY AND SURROUNDING DI STRU TS Volume II No. 8 Clean-Up ('ave Junction. Oregon, Thursday, June 30, 1938 Chamber Day Set For To Play Soft Friday Ball At G. P. Jubilee Queen Contest Starts Price 5 Cents FLASH President Roosevelt signed the moratorium bill and prospec tors will not have to do their assessment work this year, ac cording to the bill. However, only claim holders entitled to exemption from payment of in come taxes for the 1937 tax year may claim the relief ex- tended by the act, says the Grants Pass Courier. Prospectors Claiming relief must file notice by midnight, July 1, of their desire to con tinue to hold their claims. This notice must be filed in the of fice where the location notice or certificate is recorded. --------------o—----------- I Chamber Plans Trip Happy Camp Saturday, July 2nd, the Sec Each candidate will receive 10,- ond Annual Miners’ Jubilee Queen 000 votes for filling in the cou Clean-Up day for Cave Junc- Saturday evening, at 7 o’clock Last Tuesday noon the Illinois Contest starts in earnest and pon or registering. Only one tion has been set for Friday, July sharp, the Illinois Valley Chamber V alley Chamber of Commerce met many of the pretty girls of the val nomination blank to each candi 1st. We are sorry that the paper of Commerce will play soft ball to discuss plans for the caravan of ley w’ill list their names or their date. will not be in the hands of all by against the Grants Pass Chamber Chamber of Commerces from friends will and receive 10,000 3— Each 25 cent purchase at the that time, but all will get the pa of Commerce on the high school votes to start the contest. Grants Pass, Crescent City to join stores of business places giving per by noon Friday, and can help ball grounds. the Illinois Valley Chamber in one This year the committee decided coupons will entitle purchaser Thi- is a challenge game and in the clean-up. of the greatest caravans that ever to have one queen and four prin to 250 votes. The Chamber has the coopera-1 the Grants Pass boys say they visited Happy Camp. cesses. Last year they only had 4— Contest starts July 2nd and tion of M. M. Nelson of the For- will give the local chamber the three princesses, but this year de closes Wednesday night at 6 p. The importance of the trip was est Service and Sam Bunch I of trimming of their lives. Of course cided to have four, two on each m. sharp. August 31st. Queens outlined and when President the highway department. Both ! we have our idea about that. Nev side of the queen. The five highest show at Cave City theatre will Agricultural Committee Drews asked how many would at men will do all in their power to ertheless, this game is going to in the standing at the close of the announce winners. tend, every hand went up, which of Grange to Meet help in the clean-up campaign. be a red hot one, and we suggest contest will be declared winners, 5— Nominations of candidates will means that there should be about It is planned to burn all the that you attend if possible and the very highest will be queen and absolutely close Wednesday The seventh monthly meeting of 15 cars go from the valley on the dry grass around the town and root for the home team. the next four her princesses. night, July 20th. No candidate the agricultural committees of the visitation to our neighboring town last Tuesday at the Chamber meet There is a dearth of players in Girls, now is the time to enter will be allowed to enter contest ten granges of Josephine ctounty in California. ing, it was decided to start at 5 the local Chamber’s ranks, and it the contest. Fill in the coupon after this date. will be held in the courthouse on President Drews said in opening a. m. in the morning. Fire Chief will be necessary for some help which appears in another place in 6— Contestant with highest num- the evening of July 5. i the meeting that the receipts of George W. Martin has ordered the among players, so if you play soft » fire truck out at 5 a. nt. to follow ball and can get to Grants Pass this paper on page three and ber of votes to be declared queen J. L. Woodward, chairman of the firemen's ball was $15 and send it in immediately, you will re the next four highest to be de the Pomona agricultural commit this amount was turned over to the fire burners of grass to wet for Saturday evening, by. all ceive 10,000 votes for filling in clared princesses. tee is announcing that these the firemen. The discussion then down and take care of emergen means let M. C. Athey at The this coupon. Only one coupon is 7— Al! rules ami regulations are monthly meetings will be thrown turned to the Happy Camp trip. cies that may arise during the News office know. We need sev good for each candidate. Then tell subject to change by the com open to all farmers who are inter Much discussion was indulged in clean-up. eral players, help us out if you can all your friends to trade in the mittee as they see fit for the ested in promoting the agricultural on how we were to go and how to It is hoped by the Chamber that for we want to beat the G. P. valley and have them ask their success of the contest and the development of their communities. advertise the fact that we were all every resident of Cave Junction Chamber and do a good job of it. merchants for the queen .coupons, Miners' Jubilee. Final decision These meetings have been well at from the Illinois Valley. Finally will participate in the clean-up This game will be one of the so you can write your name on rests fully with the committee. tended by grange members, and Elwood Hussey moved that a com and help lessen the fire hazard features of the Grants Pass them and deposit them in a box The girls who win this year's the Pomona committee believes mittee be appointed to take com during the hot, dry summer. Fourth of July celebration, being which will be in every store in the honors will have a grand time all that they also will be of interest plete charge of the trip and make played Saturday evening at 7 p. near future. Until the boxes are through the Jubilee and after that to farmers in general and invites all arrangements. The committee m., on the high school grounds. Forest Service Gives placed, hold the coupons and have several social functions are being all those interested to attend. consists of C. L. Schumacher, your friends get coupon votes for planned where visitations anti Rules for Fireworks Projects which have received at chairman; George L. Martin and Coming Attractions at you. Purchasers in the valley stores trips are to be made in the inter tention by this committee have Blake Miller. This committee will receive 250 votes for every 25 est of the Miners' Jubilee. Even a been weed control work, promo make all arrangements and the Recently several persons have Cave City Theater cent purchase, or 1,000 votes for trip to the San Francisco fair is on tion of cooperation in the Federal complete itinerary will be published called at the Redwood Ranger Sta a dollar purchase. the schedule, with all expenses Bang's testing, promotion of 4-H in the issue of The News on July tion to inquire about federal and Romancing stars, dancing stars, Here are the rules of the con paid and a wonderful time is in club work, assistance in rodent 7th issue. The caravan leaves Sun state laws in regard to burning and fireworks. It is felt that a comedy stars, singing stars—there test, read them carefully and then the offing. This is a chance for any control work, maintaining un ex day morning, July 10th. brief statement of these rules may are stars all around the screen’s get started at once. The stores will girl that she should be proud to change list, and cooperative live The importance of this trip can Number One star, Shirley Tem have the vote coupons by Satur win. We cannot stress the fact that stock marketing. be of help. not be too strongly impressed on girls should enter the contest now 1. Fireworks are NOT permit ple, in her best-of-all musical hi_t, day. At these meeting also a general the citizens of the valley. The prin and :et. their friends to shop in discussion on farming conditions “Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm,” RULES ted on National forest land. cipal issue Is to get an all-year 2. With regard to the Clean-up which comes to 1 the Cave City 1— Any girl living in the Illinois the valley and gather the vote cou over the state and nation takes road between the Illinois Valley Valley between the ages of 16 pons. The coupons can only be se place, using as a reference the week: The Forest Service is pleas theatre, Saturday and Sdnday, and Happy Camp so the people who and 30 is eligible to enter the cured through stores where they material published by the bureau ed to see this move to clean up rub July 2 and 3. live in Happy Camp can have an Randolph Scott and Gloria Stu- will be given out for every 25 cent of Agricultural Economics. contest. bish piles and trash and will do outlet that will be accessible all everything possible to help make art are gloriously in love; Jack 2— Use the nomination blank in purchase or more. the year to the coast and interior Start NOW girls and win this The News or register at The the movement a success. However, Haley and Slim Summerville make points in Oregon. Legion Auxiliary News office in Cave Junction. coveted prize! it will be necessary to get a per merry; tap-king Bill Robinson When the road is completed it Receives Invitation mit to burn before starting. The dances with Shirley at top-speed. will be much easier for the resi You'd never know the old farm! personnel at the Redwood Ranges dents of Happy Camp to take this The Ladies Auxiliary of Glen Kate Douglas Wiggin ’ s story sug Firemen ’ s Dance at Garden Club Met Station will be glad to issue these Morrison Post No. 70, have re road out than the present one to permits and help you in any way. gested the merry, modern screen Last Friday Afternoon Kerby, July 4th ceived a special invitation frain Yreka, and much shorter and a play by Karl Tunberg and Don Please feel free to call on us. the Hostess unit of the Legion much better road when completed. Ettlinger. A streamlined Radio ■ ■ - - o—---- — The Kerby Volunteer File De Last Friday afternoon the Gar The road would throw much Mr. and Mrs W. Young trans Center moves in down by the 'old den Club ladies met at the home partment will hold a benefit dance Auxiliary State convention to be business to the merchant^ of this held in Pendleton, Sept 1-2 and 3. 1 acted business in Grants Pass last mill stream, and it's a happiness of Mrs. E. J. Wilber with about 24 in the I. O. O. F. hah in Kerby valley and to Grants Pass ami The letter follows. hook-up for everyone. week end. for the fire department. A special Crescent City. Dear Unit member: Six new rhythem songs stud the present. event has been planned and* all 0 ........................................................ What to Wear The meeting was called to order -3 We, the Hostess Unit for the happy musical score. I at 2:30 p. m. and after a short who attend will have a good time 1938 American Legion and Amer C. L. Schumacher with his com In addition Shirley sings a med and help a most worthy catKe. | COMING EVENTS ican Legion Auxiliary State con mittee of Blake Miller and George ley of all her famous hits of the business meeting the following new Mrs. Mabel Ramsey, Mrs. Pearl officers were elected: Mrs. Verlie / vention, would in this manner ex L. Martin, suggest that the valley .......I....,.,.,,.,, .......... past, a reprise which has been re Babcock, president; Mrs. Vivia Martindale and R. B. Phillips is tend a personal invitation to each residents wear the official costume quested by many of her fans I the committee in charge and they Friday, July 1,—Election of of On Wednesday. July 6, "Border Johnson, vice-president and M rs. are leaving nothing undone to one of you to attend the conven- of the Miners' Jubilee and get as ficers, Rod and Gun club, 9 p. tion to be held in Pendleton, Sept- much publicity for the Jubilee as town with Paul Muni and Bette Ella Patrick, secretary. make the dance a complete suc m., Ritz Tavern, Kerby. possible. The official costume Davis has been booked by Manager Plans were then made for the cess in every way. Good music and ember 1-2 and 3. consists of Toreador black felt hat Sincerely yours. Rout and press agents are lavish in annual picnic to be held, July 22, a good time is assured*all who at- Saturday, July 2—Dance, State their praise of this film. Usual at Gasquet. Promptly at 4 o’clock which will be on sale at Jacob PENDLETON UNIT, NO. 23 tend. Line Rendezvous. sen’s Variety store; flowing black Ida Peters, Pres. News and Shorts complete the pro everyone was on their way to Pine --------------o-------------- --------------0 ------ tie, goldenrod shirt, can be pro Cone Inn, where refreshments gram. Saturday, July 2—Grange dance. cured from Alma Martin, but they ■ ■ o-------------- were served. Mrs. Roy Dundas is Government Steps In ( AMP FIRE PERMITS should be ordered as she has to dye Bridgeview. a gracious hostess and the Gar- | Regulating Game Life Josephine County REQUIRED AFTER 1ST them the goldenrod color. Trousers den club ladies appreciated being Homemakers Committee entertained at her very attractive By and amendment made rc- and shoes can be arranged to suit Camp fire permits will be re the individual. The above for men. place. cently to regulation T-7, illegal The Josephine County Home quired for building camp fires aft For ladies they should wear their The talk on native lillies given possession of fish and game on maker's camp committee has de er July 1 in accordance with both old-fashioned costume if possible, National Forest lands is made a by Thomas O. Peacock of Crescent federal regulations and state laws. and as many ladies as can possibly Saturday-Monday, July 2-3-4— cided to sponsor an award for the City, was enjoyed by all. Mr. Pea federal offense. Fourth of July celebration, Extension unit having the most The In the past, game law violations Permits may be obtained at the make the trip should do so. members attending Homemaker's cock is a botanist who collects wild on National Forest lands have Redwood Ranger station in Cave date is Sunday, July 10th, and the Grants Pass. camp. This will probably take the flower seeds, bulbs, forest tree been prosecuted in the state Junction, at the Store Gulch sta party should be ready to go at seed and rare perennial plants. Wed., July 6 — American Le form of a handsome gavel which courts; in the future, it will be tion on the Illinois river, Cedar O’Brien, at 8 a. m. It is import gion, election of officers. may be used by the winning club necessary that such violations Guard station on the Caves high ant that all the Illinois Valley folks NOTICE in its business sessions during the where noted, will necessarily be way, at Elk Valley Guard station stay together in line and make as Glen Morrison Post No. 70 will Saturday-Monday, July 2-3-4 — coming year. If won by the same handled under the federal courts. on the Redwood highway, or at good a showing as possibe. Try to Sons of the Beach Treasure I unit for three years in succession, hold its annual election of offi follow the advice of the committee I any forest service lookout. Hunt Crescent City, Calif. * it will become the property of that cers next Wednesday night. All On the same date, July 1, other and cooperate all we can. It is a State Sanitary Engineer, E. C. | unit This award will be made as members are urged to attend this regulations become effective as grand trip and will return much to Green and Dr. Osgood, were busi Sunday, July 17— -4-H club meets a part of the camp program, states meeting. follows: this valley. The trip to Pendleton, to attend ness visitors in Cave City today. at the home of Frank Mellow. Miss Nola A. Welch, Home Demon 1. No smoking while travelling o— ■ ■ the State Convention will be dis They inspected the location for the stration agent, and publicity chair will be permitted except while cussed and other important mat well that the Cave City District Friday, July 22, Garden club man for the committee. At the traveling two-way surfaced ro*ds. I MASONS OF THREE ters taken up. Commander Harold Improvement Company plans to picnic, Gasquet. present time, the Murphy Road 2. An axe, bucket, and shovel STATES GATHER group has the most members reg Hill asks everyone to make a spec drill and gave it his O. K. Drilling will be required for each party on the well will start this week. ial effort to be present. Fri.-Sat., Aug 5-6—Third An istered. camping on the National Forest On Saturday, July 9th, the Ma A camp registration committee nual Gladiolus show. Grants except parties which pack in on sons of Oregon, Nevada and Cal Pass. has been selected so that women their backs. ifornia will gather atop the cinder in all parts of the county may con 3. Certain camp grounds are de cone that is known as Prisoner’s register. Committee Sept. 3-4-5—Illinois Valley Min veniently I signated where no camp fire per Rock, in the Modoc Lava beds, to members are: Deer Creek, Mrs. er's Jubilee at Cave Junction. mits are required because they hold a meeting, as did their an THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 10000 VOTES Addie Swinney; Illinois Valley, are equipped with stoves and are cient brethren on the highest hill, Mrs. E. J Wilber and Mrs. Harry I I Hereby Nominate Monday, Sept. 5—Labor day. under the watchful eye of a forest ’uoARaq jo Xdoue.) X.uwpi aq) J.iptin O. Smith. guard. Those in the Illinois Valley by the light of the moon. --------------0 Monday-Sunday, Sept. 5-11—Ore are Grayhack forest camp, Elk The occasion will be a special X Miss Victoria Jasperson will > gon state fair, Salem. Valley forest camp, and Store communication of Provident Lodge have as holiday visitors over the Gulch forest camp. p A- A M of Sacramen Candidate for Queen of the Miners’ Jubilee Wed.-Sat., Sept. 14-17—Josephine Fourth, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Han --- --------- o-------------- to, California, and the third de September 3, 4, 5, 1938 lon of Portland and Mrs. Grimer Mr. and Mrs. W S. Doty left gree of Masonry will be conferred. County Fair. of St. Cloud, Minnesota. Mrs. I r Crater Lake Sunday morning All Master Masons are cordially Only One Nomination Blank for Each Candidate Tuesday. Nov 8—General elec Grimer is the mother of Mr. Han d will be gone for the rest of invited. Several local members are lon.' r summer. tion. planning on making the trip. Nomination Coupon