Illinois Valley News, Thursday .lune 9, 1938 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clark of Detroit, Mich., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rout. Mrs. Clark , is a sister of Mrs. Rout. Oregon motorists are already DR. A. N. COLLMAN “cashing in" on their successful Naturopathic Physician Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hammer and efforts to reduce the automobile's Mr. and M rs. Henry Hanewood CAVE CITY. OREGON toll of accidents, injuries and made a trip to St. Helens, Port deaths, since nearly all insurance companies in the state have an­ land, Bonneville Dam and Wash- -E nounced rate reductions ranging j ington points last week. a- : from 5 to 15 per cent on property Dr. Fred W. Gould C T. Weitz of Grants Pass mov­ damage and public liability insur­ Dental Surgeon ed to his ranch north of Selma last ance, Secretary of State Earl Snell Tuff« Building week. He was in Kerby and Cave Phone 4 declared today. Grant« Pa«« I Some of the companies have Junction looking over the im­ a- ■a made a flat cut in the amount provements in the valley. of premium payable while others Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Woodbury have offered a 5 per cent rebate of Grants Pass are now making to all policy holders who will have their home with Mr. and Mrs. H. no accident claims charged against J. Woodbury in O'Brien. They plan them in the course of the year. to remain here all summer. Snell said that savings to Ore­ gon drivers effected by this ac­ Mrs. Harry O. Smith returned tion of the insurance companies last Saturday evening from Marsh­ are expected to run into the hund­ reds of thousands of dollars an­ field, where she attended the an­ nually, although an exact estimate nual convention of the Oregon Federation of Garden clubs, and cannot be made at this time. Credit for a share in Oregon’s was elected second vice-president accident reduction was given di­ of the organization. Mrs. E. J. rectly to Snell's organized safety Wilber, president of the Illinois effort- by John R Cooney, chair­ man of the board of Insurance Re­ NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL duction. MEETING .Metropolitan Causualty Insur­ ance company of New York, on a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN visit to Oregon. Cooney quoted to the legal voters of School Dis­ National Safety Council figures trict No. 1 of Josephine County, giving Oregon's reduction in high­ State of Oregon, that the AN­ EJ. (3 way fatalities for the first three NUAL SCHOOL MEETING of said months of 1938, compared with the District will be held at the school THE BARBER first quarter of 1937, as 40 per house; t obegin at the hour of 2:00 cent, fourth best record among o’clock p. m. on the fourth Mon­ Bart McCue the nation s 48 states. day of June, being the 27th day of CAVE CITY, ORE Snell said that in addition to June A. D. 1938. the saving of 23 lives so far this This meeting is called for the 'S year. Oregon motorists reported purpose of electing two director« é 700 fewer accidents up to April one < 1), 5-year term and to fill un .30th than during the same period expired term of George Thrasher last year. and the transaction of business us­ “This action of the insurance ual at such meeting. companies comes as tangible evi­ In districts of the second and dence that Oregon’s safety cam­ third classes the ballots shall not paign is making headway," Snell be counted until one hour after added. “We are hopeful that our the time set for the meeting to I drivers yill not only continue to ¡begin. Until the count begins, any enjoy these monetary benefits, but legal voters of the district shall be 1 also that they will strive even more entitled to vote upon any business zealously to conserve life and before the meeting. health by driving carefully. Pre­ Dated this 6th day of June, vention of human suffering and 1938, loss of lie should be the prime ATTEST: objective of all our safety ef­ EFFIE M. SMITH, forts. District Clerk. ■o LUCIUS ROBINSON, Chairman Board of Directors. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY » Sa l ey t Driving Brings Results to Motorists NEW NEWS BUILDING DEDICATED CAVE CITY THEATER (Continued from Page One) Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Saturday and Sunday Griffin and son, Wallace, Mrs. June 11 and 12 Ada F. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Clint Hards, J. M. Hout, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Smith, Mr and Mrs. J. E. Whiteman, Nelle Hayden, Leona Lillis, Louise Hickman, Aileen Whitehead, Bert Watkins, J F Longfellow, Frank Schiska, A. C. with Hamrick, Irene McCasland, Frank IL.flfmier, Elwood Hussey, A. Y. : Sophie Tucker, Judy Garland : Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rout, and Mickey Rooney Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rout, Mr. and Mrs. H. (’. Vernon and son, Mrs. Ethel Pickett, Blanche Cousineau, News Reel and Short» Mis A. G. Jackson, Carolyn Hay­ È.........................................................□ den, Lynton E. (Ted) Athey, Mr. and Mrs Mornay C Athey, Milton Ackerill, Jack Hayden and H. W. k Howard. {"Thoroughbreds | Don't Cry" 1 I ✓ [ REDWOODS HOTEI (¡rants Pass I I I I I i » SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE f.i I (Jrade School Election I Monday. .June 20th I I Excellent Coffee Shop, School District No. 3 will meet IN CONNECTION | REASONABLE RATES j MACK’S SEED and Feed Store E. C. GAYMAN i Monday at 2 p. m., June 20th in the Kerby school house. This is the annual meeting to elect one directoi and a clerk. All 'ogal voters can participate in this election. ------------- O - ■ C. Arnold made a business trip to Grants Pass last Tuesday. ♦ □ SPERRY'S COMMERCIAL FEEDS GILL'S GARDEN SEEDS RED STEER FERTILIZERS INSECTICIDES ✓J S TOP! I I & \ alley club and Mrs. Agnes Smith, delegate, and Mrs. O. J. Millard, president of the Grants Pass club accompanied Mrs. Smith to Marshfield. CLASSIFIED ADS \\ ANTED — 2 hard rock miners at once. Must be able to deliver the goods. Don Morrison. 1-td FOR SALE- 14 pigs about 70 or 80 pounds. R. O. Grey on old Dave Webb place. 4-ltp SUPPLIES FINANCE INSURANCE Fire, Theft, Collision, 2 years 128.00. Save with PAINTS, ENAMELS AND HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE AL PEAKE AGENCY 6th and N., Phone 210. PREST-O LITE Batteries |4.UU and up. Wholesale and retail. Campbell's Super Service, next to Courthouse, Grants Pass, Oregon. —16tf Clean-up Paint-up MARTIN FOR SALE—470 Acres. Owner must sell, not able to work. Lo­ cated on Caves highway, 30 springs on property, 90 acres cleared, 35 in cultivation. See Ted Athey, News office, Cave Junction, Oregon FOR SALE Small Good baker, quire News. FOR Cave City stove cook reasonable. SALE HARDWARE In­ 4-ltfc Chevrolet Illinois Valley Motor Co. •coach. M. C. Athey has been us­ ing this car for years and it has given fine service and has lots of good transportation left in it. Four new tires. $75 cash. No time payments. Take it as is. Bob Rout, Proprietor Authorized Sales and Service for Chevrolet Motor Cars and Trucks DO You KNOW THE VALUE of one of these small classified ads. They get results, and cost so little. BATTERIES — TIRES — PARTS Complete Lubrication Service TEXACO GAS — OIL — (¡REASES SAVE One-Half Mechanical Service for All Cars 0 ra on TIRES See Bring in your worn tires. We retread them with a thick, new- wearing surface of the same kind of fine rubber you get on a new tire — at ’a the cost Ted Athey Safety, full mileage and appearance guaranteed. for bargains in See our American Retreading Molds at Work Real Estate Custom RETREADING VULCANIZING REPAIRING Duckworth WHERE THERE'S AN Electric Refrigerator THE TIRE MAN Sixth and “M” Streets ICE I ILLINOIS VALLEY ICE COLD STORAGE CO. I Phil Sawyer, Prop. DELIVERY I Plant located un Sawyer ranch on Caves highway I Nation Marks Hag l)av At the THERE’S ALWAYS FOOD FOR A MIDNIGHT SNACK State Line Rendevous ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS with their large stor­ age capacity enable you to buy food in quantities Freight Service at greot savings food keeps perfectly with never any wastage DANCE Between All Illinois Valley Points and Grants Pass Harold Hill | Texaco Garage CAVE JUNCTION something tempting for those midnight snacks) you actually save money | refrigerator itself enough to pay for the Get one NOW American Legion Hall Cave .Junction Ladie, Auxiliary Dinin« Room Weiner« and Buna, Old Fashion­ ed Strawberry Shortcake, Coffee and Pop Be­ sides having better food and more of it (always SATURDAY. JUNE 11 ILLINOIS VALLEY FREIGHT SERVICE i I GET OUR RATES Bob Rout Meats vegetables, fruits ... all June 14 is Flag Day, and here is a picturesque view