Illinois Valley News, Thursday, Max 19, 1938 8 fl 8 fl 8 fl a fl Shop and Save where the Savings are Greater 8 fl 8 Prices Good for FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY fl » TASTY SALAD 25e fl Dressing HIRE’S ROOT BEER 26-oz. bottle ..... 8 fl 8 fl 8 Sugar * e fl I 9c fl Ti 2Oc Gresham Catsups 45c fl Wing Cigarettes 8 93c fl FLOUR 8 $1.49 fl 19 COFFEE 8 fl FRESH MEATS POST TOASTIES 8 DEAL fl Beef Roasts 8 Lb. 19c fl 8 Pork Chops Sc fl 8 Lamb Chops 29C fl 8 Hams 2Oc fl Milk 8 ('ave Junction, Oregon fl SStfSS r 8 fl Teach Your Dollars to Have More 8 fl 8 Cave Junction, Oregon fl or Sandwich Spread, qts. PAPER NAPKINS SO count, 3 pkgs. ARISTO JELLY, Imitation ‘/2 gal., can GRAPE FRUIT, Royal Club No. 2 cans, 2 for Pure ure Cane, 100-lb. sack RIPPLED WHEAT. 12 agate mar­ bles free with each pkg. HAND SOAP. Lux 3 bars No. 10 cans, so-called gallons RINSO 23L-OZ. pkg. PRODUCE FLAVOR AIDE 3 pkgs............... Following Articles Friday, Saturday Only Potatoes Shaftner’s. New, 10-lbs. Strawberries lOc Box Tomatoes 29c Firm and ripe, 3 pounds Lemons 19c Carton .................... Doz. ...... Kitchen Queen, 19-lb. sack Radishes gX. 3 bunches. lOc Royal Club, 1-lb. glass jar Specials good for Friday and Saturday CHOICE CI TS OF STEER BEEF 2 pkgs. Post Toasties 1 pkg. Huskies ORANGES, Wel-pac Manderin, can Lb. DAINTY DIMPLE PEAS Royal Club, No. 2 cans, 2 for Lb. Whole Picnics, lb. ILLINOIS VALLEY MEAT CO. Morning, per case 11 ’Î 7 1 >*■ NU I’»OK A Soap Powder 25e Lge. pkg., no premium ¿V CORN. Meco, (¡olden Bantam, No. 2 cans, 3 cans HOMINY, Van (’amp’s No. 2'2* s , can IOC SALT, I^eslie 2-11). pkgs., 2 for ISC MEAT LOAF, Hayley’s 3 cans 25c WHEAT. POPS 6-oz. pkgs., 3 for 25c Cents at / 9 Schumacher’s Cash Grocery Locals him the details of a very simple plan to secure a water system to supply water for domestic use. A meeting will be called in the near future to decide just who wants water, this beihg the first «tep Every property owner should attend this meeting. —o--- Mrs. J. II Wilson of Kerby re­ ceived a very interesting letter from her father. W. J. Clark of Roseburg, telling of his trip while touring the east. In Iowa he states farmers are jubilant over pros­ pects of th«' best crop in years. Al­ so along the highways he saw many 0 8 0 8 P 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 s 8 0 8 0 8 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 a at San Francisco, in good health, pansy, mariposa lilly. violet, white. ' having attained to SS years of age. yellow ami blue and the phlox of j The Lawsons will leave later in the which there are several varieties i summer for Graybull, Montana. and hundreds of others. Among I where they plan to make their fu- s<'ine of the more rare flowers Grants Pass Chamber of Com- I ture home. Graybull is the home are the Darlingtonia, which grows mere«’ has had a busy time for the I town of Mrs. larwson, and her in no other part of the world, the past few days with cachet enthus­ mother is in need of a daughter's beautiful azalea which grows in iasts for the first air mail flight. ’ care. The sincere good wishes of profusion of which there are three People from ali over the United all the valley folks will ever attend I distince verities States and minor possessions a« the Lawsons The wild flower exhibit will be ■■ o-------------- well as many foreign countries held at Kerby, in the I. O. O. F. have sent stamps requesting a let­ hall. May 24th. This will be both WILD FLOWERS ter on th«> first flight. afternoon and evening and eve- The Wild flowers of outhwest- ryone is invited to come and see Mr. and M ik . E. P. Lawson left I ern Oregon are noted for their these specimens and learn the dif- Sunday for a visit with his father, size, brilliant coloring and the • ferent methods of preservation in to make them look too weak for Mr. the long trek to the west, i Clark has visited Kerby many times. —0 — - C J. Graton was in Cave June Beach, tion the first of the week from pa-sed through Cave Junction last his mine near Jaeksonvill« week for a short visit. Mr. Luce is —o a brother-in-law of Flo Leedy. Noble Jasperson was transacting —o--- business in Grants Pass, the first Miss l a Verne Roberson of Ash­ of the week land has been engaged by the —O’­ board of director« for the Kerby Mrs Forbes Slayton returned | grade school to touch next year. from Grants Pass, last Saturday, | Mi«s Roberson will be in the mter- where she spent several «lays visit­ : mediate rooms. ing relatives and friends. —-o—- —o—— last week Elwood Hussey was truck loads <>f people with their Janies Lawson, who is remembered large number of different varie- Dr. and Mrs Willinm A. Brown, in Salem, and called on the state possessions headed for the west in the valley for his unique skill j ties. The larkspur, lupine, birdball. accompanied by Mis. DeF.tta Scott, I engineer, Mr Strickland who gave Soin» trucks in such disrepair as , in sculpturing. and who now lives 0 Support the Fire Department. o