Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1938)
Illinois Valley News. Thursday. May 12. 1938 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DR. A. N. COLLMAN Naturopathic Phyiician CAVE CITY. OREGON Mahoney On Speaking q ...... ................................ .... LETTERS à........................ ‘< d WHY FEAR DEATH? Tour Of State I would like to know why so many people ask this question: gr........ ..... e “Are you ready to die?” Most people are like a blind | Dr. Fred W. Gould | EUGENE — Willis Mahoney, man in a dark room, looking for Dental Surgeon democratic candidate for U. S. a black hat that isn't there, con Tuff« Building senator, hurled charges here this cerning the question. After all, Phone 4 week against a gigantic marketing “Why fear death?" It is the most Grant« Pa«« combine which, he said, is rapidly beautiful adventure of life. To forcing,the small American dairy the well seasoned mind life is a man off the land. pageant, what next? and will the Dr. H. W. Hermann “The economic vise in which the day's scene and doings be tragedy OPTOMETRIST dairyman finds himself is due to er comedy and at the end of play Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted the fact that he has been unable there is always that most alluring Telephone 258-J 519 “H” St. to obtain a living price for his pro adventure—death. Grants Pass duct,” Mahoney averred. “This What does it mean? We know has not been due to overproduc a deal, we have fat books of tion, but to the fact that the mar science, other books full of fig keting of dairy products is in the ures, we have studied, CLARENCE EGGERS probed, grip of an unrestrained savage tabulated, classified, gone into Watch Maker and Jeweler monopoly which reaches into prac the library and seen the Angean Del Rogue Hotel, Grants Pass tically every part of continental stables of our knowledge. But Special rates on Repair Work America. This monopoly is com we know as little of what death to Illinois Valley Residents posed of the National Dairy Pro- j means as the caveman knew ducts corporation, the Borden There is that shut door. We company and the Plymouth Cheese paint pictures on it. We peep at L B HALL Board.” the key hole and think we see Charging that these groups ex something, but what is on the FUNERAL HOME Mrs. L. B. Hall, Manager ercise a "criminal monopoly,” Ma other side no man knows. Some AMBULANCE SERVICE honey detailed to his audience the day we shall each find out. But Phone 388 Cor. 5th & C Sts. methods used in fixing cheese and them that know never tell. It is milk prices. He told how the Ply one secret that is kept. mouth Wisconsin Cheese Ex Against that door pour human change meets weekly, and through ities most desperate love, and a system of dummy bidding, the longing. As we grow older the HULL & HULL largest dairy companies and best of our friendship gather over FUNERAL HOME “packer kings,” set the price of there. Do they still live? Do they Ambulance service day or nite dairy products for the entire still love? 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 country each week. Against that door surges ques “In the nation generally, there tion after question, and there is are 2,500,000 dairymen whose no answer but the surfs roar economic lives are threatened by where the baffled questions break. VETERINARIAN this brazen procedure," Mahoney The great adventure. It is Horse« and Cattle my Specialty said. around the corner from us. Where DR. O. L. HOHLFELD "I have been carefully through shall I meet? Today? Tomorrow? Office Oti« E. Hackett car lot Day phone 162—Night 571 the findings of the federal trade Our utter ignorance of what it Grants Pass commission in the various milk means has a deep influence upon sheds of the country as to the ac-^ life's quality. .........>U*Q tivities of this outfit. Reading To know’ positively the future between the lines, it is apparent would make us hard. Dogmatists, to me that monopoly exists in most who assert they know, and have THE BARBER of the milksheds of the country, made themselves believe they Bart McCue and the National JJairy Products know, lose a certain flavor; for corporation and Bordens are in . they have ceased to be adventur CAVE CITY, ORE command. ous. The soul’s finest food is mys “It appears, too, from the cor tery. It makes nobleness of mind. 0.............................................................0 respondence set forth in the re It is like living always in sight port, that these outfits have di- ' of the ocean. Notary Publics vided up the various milksheds Every day is a surprise. The like, captive provinces and have one thing of which we are sure in Cave City thus regulated the price the dairy is the unexpected. AMY HUSSEY man gets for his product. Each of us stands upon the prow M. C. ATHEY “The legal machinery is ade of today, eager, Columbus, peer quate for disciplining these ex ing into the uncharted sea of to ploiters and the time is now ripe morrow. when they must be shown that or CAVE JUNCTION What shall happen to us when ganized government and the la^ we go through that door? What BEAUTY SALON dominate this nation.” Ladies and Girls Haircutting for us will be the great adven -------------- o-------------- ture? . FLO LEEDY All I know is that, when I came Schedule of Air Mail BEAUTICIAN into this life, loving hands had Leaving Medford made a plan for me, a mother’s breast awaited me, a father’s care Air mail leaving Medford for USED CARS the north and south is given in protected me. Always Better Values All-Ways OTIS E. HACKETT Easy terms—Reasonable trades 627 S. 6th St., Grants Pass GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY And there, too shall the new comer not find a home? Shall not love and labor welcome him? Whatever it be, let us approach it with stout hearts, relying upon the cosmic accuracies of the spirit, the certainties of love. Surely a soul has gained much that has learned to look on death, not as a great calamity, but as the most beautiful adventure. My answer to the question is: I'm ready to die anytime. JOHNNY WILSON, Kerby, Oregon. -------------- o — Plug In the Fence— Turn the Cows Lose Crescent Citv Port Allocated $135,000 Apparently ending a long fight for funds with which to build a sand barrier that would stop the shoaling of Crescent City harbor came word this week that the War Department civil works appropria tion bill was reported favorably to the Hou-e of Representatives at Washington, D. C. This good news comes to Cres cent City and Del Norte county as the untiring work of the local LX ta''» XT •*!àl r.'J1 VISIT ILLINOIS VALLEY ICE & COLD STORAGE CO. Phil Sawyer, Prop. DELIVERY Plant located on Sawyer ranch on Caves highway Freshly Froien Cream SANDWICHES AND LIGHT LUNCHES III. iiuiiiiiiillllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIM a............................................................................................... id Illinois Valley Motor Co 632 S 6th Street Grants Pass iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir bob Rout, Proprietor i : | : ! Authorized Sales and Service for Chevrolet Motor Cars and Trucks BATTERIES — TIRES — PARTS Complete Lubrication Service : TEXACO GAS — OIL — GREASES Mechanical Service lor All Cars 3 I I 0 i+ Opportunities Mad« over «Relativ« "limit'' la«* YARDS Grants Pass SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE I i i I I I i IN CONNECTION f REASONABL! RATES i MACK’S SEED and Feed Store E. O. GAYMAN 4 ICE + 1 ! I Excellent Coffee Shopj I .0 Details j REDWOODS HOTEI ■ CAVE CITY JAC KSON COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WHEN IN GRANTS PASS Grants Pass Oregon I i ! : On your first Anniversary iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM the following table: SOUTH— 1:45 p. m., mail closes 1:09 p. m. 11 :45 p. m., mail closes 10:59 p.m. NORTH— 6:07 p. m., mail closes 5:22 p. m. 1:39 a. m., mail closes 3.54 a. m. COPELAND I AMERICAN LEGION HALL : : I The News NOTHING DOWN LUMBER SATURDAY May 11th To the people of the Illinois Valley and will build that additional room, re-roof or modernize the old house See Us for fast game, but that one must slow down to play it properly. He meant that the good players learn to set their pace so that their judgment is not clouded by ner vousness or strain. The same principle applies to automobile driving according to Secretary of State Earl Snell. Good drivers avoid hasty actions and too much speed, and actually save time in the long run by driving courteous ly and at a moderate pace. Congratulations A complete travel service bureau for tourists, to enable World’s Fair visitors to plan side trips to any of the vacation wonderlands of the eleven Western states, will be maintained on Treasure Island by the National Automobile club. $5.45 and Up chamber of commerce andd others who have labored faithfully for ( many years for harbor improve-1 ments but have only been success ful in getting piece-meal appro priations during the past ten years 1 For the past two years the gov ernment has been sending a ' dredger here to bail sand out of the harbor, spending $20,000 each year but with the incoming tide the sand was carried back and the efforts lost With the construction of the sand barrier, it is hoped that this will stop the sand from drifting and a deep water basin may be maintained. Del Norte county has agreed to supply a suitable site upon which the government may keep its machinery and to supply the nec essary rights of way to and from the point of operation. Prospects at this time are bright for the construction of the barrier this summer, it is said, as a recommendation for the alloca tion of $35,000 for that purpose was made to the committee.— Crescent City American. “Plug in the fence around the alfalfa field and we’ll turn the cows in.” Can you imagine the farmer with electricty giving his hired man that order? Not so fantastic as you may think. There is now a one-wire fence on the market that depends on a charge of electricity to make it effective. The single wire car ries a broken current reduced be : O low the point of any danger to livestock. The charged wire gives TOO MUCH SPEED the animals a tickle they will stay A baseball player in a recent away from. Wire used is ordinary interview said that baseball is a 0- barbed wire. The wire js placed on posts high or low, depending on the kind of stock to be enclosed. The wire is connected to an electrical unit, which is plugged into the house or barn light socket. -------------- o-------------- --------------o Pickup in Cave City and Kerby M onday and Thursday Page Three ♦ SPERRY’S COMMERCIAL FEEDS GILL’S GARDEN SEEDS RED STEER FERTILIZERS INSECTICIDES Price Now Only BEEF PLATE WITH SAUERKRAUT Cover beef plate with boiling water. Season with salt and pepper. Cook slowly, at a sim mering rather than boiling tem- porature. When done serve with sauerkraut. MEAT MAN’S OST IMPORTANT FOOD KEITHS MARKET 5A85 RED CROSS SHOES Parnian blue the gay new, proper shade Marine blue—tbe classic navy tone. Both are fashion featurea for Spring—and positively (tunning in Red Cross Shoes. Come in, have a pair eipertly fitted to your foot—walk in style—fn youth and bwaoty. Unbelievable - but Red Cruse sbuaR are uuv only $6 8S 171 ACRES—Close in; Good for sheep or goat ranch. Investigate this. 10 Acres bottom land, 6 cultivated, 4-room house double garage, large woodshed, water rights and irrigation ditch to place for $1500.00 235 ACRES—Near Kerby, Owner will sacri- ■ I fice this property. Terms. 10 ACRES—Bottom land on the Illinois river, A bargain for $1000.00. s 35 ACRES—With water right on the Althouse. ■ Buildings and machinery. Price $3,150. 20 Acres. One mile from town, $600 down, three years to pay, full price $1850.00 10 ACRES—On the Althouse with water right. Priced at $1650. Auto Camp at a bargain. Look into this. Placer mining and lode claims also on our list. Ted Athey Hadley's Cinderella Shop 208 S. 6th Street LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER News Office — Cave Junction, Oregon Grants Pass i