Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1938)
Illinois Valley News, Thursday, May 12, 1938 Pajfe Twelve 4 9 B Í fi 0 fi fi 0 fi Prices Good for FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY 0 fi 0 29c MIRACLE fi WHIP PRODUCE 5c 0 fi 29c Rhubarb 0 fi fi- Cucumbers 10c fi Tomatoes 29c s fi Cheese, K Asparagus 0 fi 29C Honey, Standby Lettuce 39c 5c 0 fi Corn Flakes I 27c Fresh Limes 14c 29c 0 fi Campbell 29c 0 fi FRESH MEATS 0 Tobacco 95c fi Veal Roasts __ 13-Ioc 0 fi Pork Roasts __ 0’ 43c 16-2IC fi 27c 0 Steaks We Carry fi a complete line of 0 Crown Milled fi Cave Junction, Oregon 0 fi 0 fi Teach Your Dollars to ave More Cents at 0 .fi 0 Cave Junction, Oregon fi Best Wishes to the News on Their Anniversary J.----------------------------------------------- Salad or Sandwich Spread r 1.. * DRESSING, quart W()R( HESTERSHIRE SAUCE, FRENCH’S—2 Bottles for WEL-PAC MANDERJN ORANGES Per can .Following Articles Friday, Saturday Only ROYAL(LU 2 Pound Jar, PEET’S SOAP Large Package, each Fine for Canning, 9 lbs. LIBBY’S DEVILED MEAT %’s, 3 cans for 3 for Schilling s, 2 oz. c I. G. A. SHRIMP— 2 ('ans for Firm and ripe. 3 pounds JELLO ICE ( REAM FREEZING MIX—3 cans for ME( O SLICED BEETS No. 2 Cans, 3 cans for ROYAL CLUB CORN No. 2 (’an. 2 cans for ELKHORN, per pound Pure, 5 pound can 2-lhs. X ML— Solid Heads CRISPIES, 3 package^ for . Doz. TOMATO. 1 cans fé Specials good for Friday and Saturday HILL’S BROS., BI LL DURHAM, per cart. 9 8-10 pound sack i.b. FAVORITE CAT I I Ounce Bottle I'-hone, Rih. Sirloin, lb. We are in the .Market for Beef, Hogs or Veal ILLINOIS VALLEY MEAT CO. Schumacher’s Cash Grocery Locals »V hite *he is —o—— Mr. and Mrs. W A Brouillet made it trip to (¡rants P ush and Medford ovt I» the week end Wednesday. May IS Fruitdale- ing at the home of her brother. Joe Pomona Grange. Medford de Skeeters of Talent, Ore., for the gree team will put on the work past two weeks. —o--- —o— Mr. and Mrs Varner and fami Mr. and Mrs. Allen D. Currier ly arrived last week from Pasa and daughters, Virginia and Shar dena. California, where they have on spent last week end in Grants been residing the past winter. Pas-, visiting friends and relatives. ■—-o— Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Smith re Harry Sowell of Kerby, left Tuesday morning for Algoma. turned last Wednesday from San Oregon, where lie will be employ Francisco and Los Angeles, where ed for the summer they have been visiting for the —o— past ten days. —a— Hugh White left for the Apple gate last Wednesday to get the Thursday. May It* laidie- Home horses for the Redwood Ranger Missionary Society meet at Station. the home of Mrs. Halleck. Eve •—o— ryone welcome. Potluck at noon. ‘ Mis. Leo Martin ha been visit- Please come 4 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hout of Camp Hoquiam wish to thank the Cave City Volunteer Fire depart- ■ ment and others who helped in putting out the fire recently in the building formerly occupied by Mrs. Jerry O Reilley, Mr. and the Cave City Coffee shop. Mrs. Clyde Phelps of Klamath Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Jones left Falls and Miss Clara Sherier of of Arlington, Virginia. spent last last Friday afternoon for Medford Sunday vi-iting the Sherier fani- where they will spendl -everal days visiting relatives and friends be iiy- fore leaving for their new home in —o--- Weed, California. Mr. and Mrs S. E. Robinson and —o— family will leave the last of the Lucille Phillips was in Cave week for Brookings, where they will vacation for a few days. Mr. Junction la-t week end and spent Robinson is the genial produce and the day visiting school chums in cannery man that stops at your Keiby. where she attended high school before leaving for Tacoma, door each week. Mr and Mrs. E. P. Lawson of Ye Rustic Inn and Mr and Mrs. Jack McMannis of Hollywood. Calif., made a trip to Grants Pass the first of the week. —o— i where she has been living for the past winter. — o— Mr. and Mrs. George Marshall F rederick have lately purchased the Cochran acre- across the Redwood highway from the Friendly Mission and are busy creating a real camp. They hav> erected a double garage, a single cottage with garage, and a double cabin which is splendidly appointed for the tourist traveler.