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About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1938)
Page Two Illinois Valley News, Thursday, May 5, 1938 An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 Editor Business Manager M C ATHEY L. E. ATHEY received canned fruits and various articles of »clothing and bedding and the like—all needed of course for folks who lost everything in BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY the fire. CHURCH SERVICES Those wishinng to assist may leave such articles as they are Sunday school .....<.......... 10 a. m. unable to deliver personally with Prcuching at 11 a. m. the Balzkes, or the Lawsons at Preaching at 8 p. m. O Brien, at the Friendly Mission, Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. or at the office of the News. --------------o------------- Church services at 11 a. m. ■o— SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County NON-DENOM1NATIONAL Cave City $1 50 .75 Sunday School and church ser 50 vices every Sunday in church. One Year ..... Six Months Three Month* Outside of Josephine County One Year $? 00 Everyone is cordially invited to attend services at this church. The Illinois Valley News FMMVM the right to reject any advertising copy which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application ILLINOIS VALLEY SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH C redwood EMPIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS UmQ Mother's Day Sabbath School at O'Brien at 10:30 a. m. Sabbath School at Cave Junc- tion at 1:45 p. m. Church service at 3 p. m. Everyone is welcome. F. W. Cooper, Elder FRIENDLY MISSION this week from southwest Mis souri, and are looking forward to locating in Illinois Valley. o * Don’t forget the Firemen’s ball Saturday, Mai) 7, Legion hall. •O 12 MONTHS OF PLEASURE on behalf of the family of Mr. Ralph O. Gray. A generous neigh bor gave them three setting hens with the appropriate number of Oggs under each one. They have S........................................................ ... The Illinois Valley News with this issue, Volume 1, Number 52, ends the first year of its existence in the valley. It has been rather a hard year for the proprietors, coining to this great undeveloped section and trying to do its share among new faces and new acquaintanceKfbut believe us, it has been a year of pleasure and happiness. We have found new friends, real, genuine people whom we respect and admire, and this has made the year pass swiftly. Coming into the Illinois Valley as perfect strang ers, it was not easy to publish a good, newsy paper. We had unlimited confidence of the ultimate outcome of our venture and of the future of the Illinois Valley, but we were on probation, as it were, and we had to creep, as such a youngster, until confidence was es tablished. We sincerely hope that this confidence has been thoroughly instilled and that we may serve the good people of the Illinois Valley for years to come. The rumor has come to us several times, that we are going to leave the valley and move some place else. We paid no attention to this at first, but it still persists, and to make this point clear, let us say that we have no intention of leaving such a beautiful place as the Illinois Willey and are now pre paring to build our own building, and will do so as fast as details can be worked out. We want to express our gratitude to all the good people who have so generously assisted us in gather ing news and those who gave us good advice, and also to all our advertisers who have made the paper poss ible. And may we say here, friends, that jf you like the Illinois Willey News, and would like to see it become a better and larger paper, we ask you to tell our adver tisers that you saw their ad in the paper. Merchants advertising in any newspaper like to know that folks read their ads and notice it, and by simply telling them that you noticed the ad would be greatly appre ciated. both bv the merchant and the publishers The News. Next week we are starting out on a new year service to the valley. We know we are going to happy in this service, and we are going to be the means of helping develop many activities in this 1 sec- tion. May we ask for the same fine patronage we have received during the last year? The policy of the paper will never change as long as the Athey brothers own it. We publish only a constructive newspaper, never destructive, and we hold only the highest thoughts for the ultimate success of the fu ture of this great Illinois Willey and its people. • RIVOLI Ham Hocks The Illinois Valley Garden Club will hold its annual Wild Flower Show, at Kerby, Jose phine county, Ore., May 24 in the Odd Fellows hall. There will be displayed as many as possible of the several hundred varieties, natives of this section, among them several rare specimens native to no other part of the world. --------------o-------------- Bob Rout, C. Y. Arnold and El wood Hussey attended a meeting of the 40 et 8 at Grants Pass last Friday. Arrangements are being completed for the Interstate Wreck at the Oregon Caves, June 4th. — 0— Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rutledge and daughter arrived in Cave Junction At Packing House Prices I Special for SATURDAY, MAY 7th When in Grants Pass Eat at the CLUB CAFE 6th and “G” Streets 0........................................................ 0 ¡Double Thick MILK SHAKES f Preview—Set. Night—11 p m. 18c CAVE CITY DRUG STORE Per Pound E KEITH'S MARKET “JIMMIE” VALENTINE’S CAFE Let'« Make It Headquarter* WHEN IN MEDFORD 0 MOTHER’S DAY REMEMBER HER WITH SWEETS A Complete Selection at Horning’s Shack ..................................... ¿1 ( AVE JUNCTION BEAUTY SALON Ladie* and Girl* Haircutting FLO LEEDY BEAUTICIAN DRESSES Notary Publics in Cave City AMY HUSSEY M. C. ATHEY I I I PURSES Whitt* and Colored Regular $1.29 value ALMA'S DRESS 0 Special Notice! CAVE JUNCTION MAKE THIS STORE YOUR SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS Questions you have asked yourself many times. Why spend a life, confused, and wonder ing when the answers are in your Bible. Supplies of All Kinds COME TO THE “Dangerous to Know” “VALLEY CHURCH” Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. May 9, 10, 11 CAVE JUNCTION “Bluebeard’s Eighth t Lew Hammer's EVENINGS, 7:30 SUBJECT OUTLINE FOR NEXT WEEK Selma, Oregon • AFTER DEATH —WHAT THEN?” COME YOU CANNOT AFFORD Between All Illinois Valley Points and Grants Pass ILLINOIS VALLEY FREIGHT SERVICE ❖ ANSWERED SUNDAY—TUESDAY—FRIDAY Freight Service I I I I I GET OUR RATES I Bob Rout Harold Hill ! Texaco Garage $1.00 Many other Gifts for Mother ANNA MAY WONG AKIM TA.Ml ROFF in CLAUDETTE COLBERT GARY COOPER in : Vanilla and Strawberry ICE CREAM Mother's Day SPECIALS Grants Pass “Mad About Music” OWL CAFE TRY OUR 10c HAMBURGERS and WILD FLOWER SHOW Thur*.—Fri.—Sat., May 5, 6, 7 DEANNA DURBIN in at Spare Ribs .‘Mothers of Men and the Moth er of God” will be the Mother’s Day subject at the 4 o’clock Sun day afternoon service at the Friendly Mission chapel. --------------o-------------- ............................................................ The Duff evangelists visited (•) • • the Illinois Valley CCC camp Sun- lay and received a warm welcome from Lieutenant Hamilton and Mr. Mallory. A very old friend. Rev. Walter Duff had preached in Friday and Saturday Only Grants Pass, Presbyterian church MOTHER’S DAY CARDS : in the morning and two services :n this valley on the same day. He made each boy in camp promise : ■ to write their mother or send a Regular $5.95 at $4.95 Regular $4 95 at $3.95 gift. The young evangelists will Regular $2.95 at $2.75 obi their evangelistic convention Regu lar $1.95 at $1.85 his year at Wonder, Ore., and Regular $1.67, 2 for $3.00 will have Dr. Crouser, Luthern SLIPS minister from San Jose, Calif., Rollins Satin and Pure Dr. II. .Armstrong from Seattle, Crepe, Tailored and L >f the largest Presbyterian church Trim i n the world. Dr. Proppie, Holly Regular $1.98 value at $1.85 Regular $1.75 value at wood, Calif., and the young evan $1.65 gelists themselves, July 1st to 10th. HOSE All our valley is especially invited Rollins, Guaranteed and as its free many will enjoy Regular 89c value, 2 pr. $1.65 the harp music, songs and happy Regular 79c value, 2 pr. $1.50 Regular $1.10 value, 2 pr. $1.95 ■ ervices. ------------- o-------------- Sunday, May Sth, is Mother’s Day and we al should pause and think what this day means. Every one of us should wear a red carnation for Mother who is with us, and a white one for Mothers who have journeyed to that great beyond. Mother’s Day is set aside for every son and daughter to remember Mother. (We think that is the sweetest word in the English language. Mother.) How can we repay her for the love she has bestowed on us? How can we make her life happier, her burden lighter? Many of us never think of that until it is too late, and then we remem ber how many things we could have done that would have pleased her. A line in a play reads, “Take it as you will, this Mother business is a great institution.’ The author said a book full. Mother is the greatest of all. No institution, nothing surpasses Mother love. She will go through all the tortures a wayward son or daugh ter can heap upon her and still love them and hold them tightly to her breast. Those of you who are fortunate enough to have your mother with you, stop and think and try to real ize just what Mother is to you. When your Mother is gone, you have lost the best friend you will ever have. Try and be just half what Mother thinks you ‘ine Response for Victims of Fire are and you’ll be a pretty good son or daughter. ______ i On this great day, may all Mothers have the The "News” gladly reports a (ine blessing of thoughtful, loving children, who will be beginning response to the appeal last week for the “Farm Shower” a pride and joy to them in the years t,o come. Dine, Dance & Drink TO MISS THIS Friday, May 6th — “SAVED BY GRACE” Bring Your Bible and a Friend MACK’S SEED and Feed Store E. O. GAYMAN ♦ Keep Martin On the Job SPERRY’S COMMERCIAL FEEDS GILL’S GARDEN SEEDS RED STEER FERTILIZERS INSECTICIDES When a corporation finds a good man they keep him on the job. That is what Oregon should do with Governor Martin. He has proven himself one of the most forceful governors the stat£ has ever had and has won fame for himself and the state all over the nation. A visitor to a neighboring state will in variably hear the remark: “You’ve got a good governor, wish we had one as good. With this kind of a reputation, the voters of Oregon will do well to KEEP GOVERNOR MARTIN ON THE JOB Paid Adv. ■ I REDWOODS HOTEL] I Grants Pass I ! I I SOLICITS YOUR I PATRONAGE i I Cranio 1$«» «»•» .Excellent Coffee Shopj ! IN CONNECTION , J REASONABLE RATES |