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About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1938)
Illinois V alley News, Thursday, April 7, 1938 Page Two r Coming Attractions at Cave City Theater USED CARS Always Better Values All-Ways Proclaimed as the greatest mo OTIS E. HACKETT tion picture ever made with an Easy terms—Reasonable trades undersea boat as its subject and 627 S. 6th St., Grants Pass locale, “Submarine D-l” will be ^SATURDAY «nd SUNDAY, seen next Saturday and Sunday with Pat O'Brien and Wayne Mor I APRIL 9-10— ris the principal stars. HENS HENS HENS! In the story the D-l is rammed “SUBMARINE D-1” and sunk during some war game « With Pat O'Brien and maneuvers, and the boys’ inven HAMS George Brent tions get a chance to show their FOR EASTER worth. They are successful in saving the sub’s crew and its hero To my regular customers a ic commander. I generous portion of Corn On Wednesday, "Navy Blue and WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13— Beef and Cabbage FREE Gold,” with Lionel Barrymore and I with each $1.00 cash pur- “NAVY BLUE AND Robert Young the principal stars, chase I portrays the poignant devotion of GOLD’’ cadets pledged to their country's Saturday Only Lionel Barrymore and service, the thrilling sportsman Undersold I Will Never Be Robert Young ship of the navy’s titanic football I games and the love of two players NON-DENOMINATIONAL ¡ALSO NEWS and CARTOON for the sister of their quarterback ADDED FEATURES Cave City pal. Don’t miss these fine pic Sunday School and church ser- I tures. I. -o vices every Sunday in church. llllllllllilllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllll'HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHIIIIIIIIIilHI Associated Service Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Church senrices at 11 a. m. Station Changes Hands El ¡FRENCH LAUNDRY Everyone is cordially invited to > | & DRY CLEANERS Tom and G. C. Smith, proprie THE BARBER attend services at this church. tors of the Associated Service sta --------------o-------------- Agencies Bart McCue tion, sold the station to W. F. ILLINOIS VALLEY SEVENTH I larger today and he took posses Alma's Dre»« Shop, Cave City CAVE CITY. ORE DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Wittrock’» Store, Kerby sion immediately. Mr. Darger : Sabbath School at O’Brien at plans several improvements in his 0 Lew Hammer, Selma S 10:30 a. m. new business and will be assisted Î (’all: Wed. and Sat. Sabbath School at Cave Junc- by his son, John. tion at 1:45 p. m. The Smith brothers wish to OLD TIME Church service at 3 p. m. thank their many friends for past 0. ..................................... □ a I Everyone is welcome. patronage. EASTER ( ANDY I I --------------o-------------- F. W. Cooper, Elder. An independent newspaper dtvoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois CHURCH SERVICES Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11. 1937, at the Post Office at Sunday school ................. 10 a. m. Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 Preaching at 11 a m. ......... Editor Preaching at 8 p. m. M C. ATHEY Business Manager L E. ATHEY Sermon topic for next Sunday will be, morning: “The Purpose SUBSCRIPTION PRICES ful Christ;“ evening, “Did the Bi In Josephine County $1 50 ble Come From God, Man or the On« Y««r .... .75 Devil?” Sia Months 50 Had a' very interesting service Three Months Outside of Josephine County Sunday with a good attendance. $2 00 On« Year Some visitors from Medford and The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising some of the boys from the CCC copy which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application camp attended. Had a nice crowd at the “April Fool" party held for the young people which was at the Pullen home Friday night. About 30 were present. ^REDWOOD EMPIRE NEWSPAPER PUBUSHERS ( OMMISSION ER TH R ASH ER The county is soon to lose one of its best and most influential county commissioners. The Illinois Val ley and The News is indeed regretting the fact that we must find some one to fill the place of Commis sioner George Thrasher. While we rejoice with him at his good fortune to be one of the lucky applicants to draw a ranch in the Tule lake district, nevertheless we will miss his smile and friendly counsel. The news came over the wire that he had been one of the lucky applicants to draw a ranch Tuesday, and the story was published Tuesday evening in the G. P. Courier. No sooner had the news gone out that the commissioner, would of necessity have to resign when GRANGE CALENDAR he left the county, than several applicants appeared on the scene for his job. Illinois Valley — First and third The Illinois Valley is serving notice to the rest of Thursdays, 8 p. m. the county that we expect someone from this valley Deer Creek— First and third Sat to be appointed, when and if Commissioner Thrasher urdays, 8:30 p. m. — Second and fourth resigns, if there must be an appointment. If. Mr. Redwood Thursdays, 8 p. m. Thrasher stays on the job until after the November Fruitdale — Secund and fourth election, then some one must be appointed. If he re Saturdays, 8 p. m. signs any time before 20 days of the November elec William»—First and third Thurs- days, 8 p. m. tion, his successor can go on the ballot and be elected Rogue River Valley — First and as usual. third Saturdays, 8 p. m. Citizens of the county will recognize the fact that Merlin— First and third Fridays, the Illinois Valley is entitled to representation in the 8 p. m. county court and will expect someone from the valley Grave Creek — Second and fourth Wednesdays, 8 p. m. to be appointed, if appointment is necessary. Other Shan Creek — Second and fourth wise the ballot will determine his successor. Saturdays, 8 p. m. ----------------- o----------------- Missouri Flat — First and third Fridays, 8 p. m. 50 - 50 PROPOSITION The mining fraternity of southern Oregon have Duck Eggs?—Nope, no desire to hurt, hinder or destroy the activities of Just Overgrown Hens any other group or section. The miners are reason Blake Miller came into our of- able minded people and recognize that they must give fice this week with two eggs he and take in order to make Oregon pleasant as well as swears are chicken eggs. If we did not know Blake, we would tell profitable for all. him to change his brand, for the However, the miner has his rights, and he de eggs are exceedingly large for a mands that these he recognized as well as the rights hen. of others, and that no laws pass that will hinder him They came from Rhode Island hens, he says, and most of them from his operations. do not have double yolks. They If al! classes are willing to cooperate, there need measured 6'4 inches around and be no stringent laws passed that can be interpreted 7 i4 inches long. to the detriment of any faction. This is a matter of a 50 - 50 give and take proposition. CANDIDATES The time for filing for office has passed, and we all know who is who and for what office they are seeking, and we can begin to scan the list and see what we can see. The principal interest to local voters will be the county offices and we have an array of talent, both democrats and republicans for most of the places to lx* filled. Most interesting is the number of candi dates for county judge and a commissioner, where there are a number seeking the offices. A little over a month to go before the primaries, so look ’em over carefully, folks, and let your conscience be your guide. -----------------o----------------- Has spring came, come or is it gone? Anyway these warm sunshiny days makes us feel a lot better and the world looks brighter. A trip into the woods at this particular time reveals wild flowers in a pro fusion that would do a green house much credit, and nature is lavish with greenery and color. My! what a marvelous place to live. EIRE TRICK Mr McLean also made a fine report on the Kerby Rod and Gun club ami told of the accomplish ments of the club during the past year. A motion was carried to en courage the club and give them every possible assistance. A motion was carried to make the meeting of May 10th a night affair and invite every candidate for public office in the county to attend and give each two min- utes to tell about his or her can- didacy. This meeting will take on the importance of a bansuet and should be well attended. (Continued from Page On«*) Kerby high school giaduating class would present their play Friday night and asked the members to come out and see the show. He al*o Mid there would be a soft ball game between the men of Kerby and Cave Junction next Sunday afternoon, weather per- mitting. lie also stated that no one from Gave Junction attended the lust meeting of the high school board, • - —o— and he suggested that the people of Cave Junction give more ser A skull of the most beloved ious thought to the high school dead relative is carried by various The next meeting of the board will Australian aborigines. ix a drink- be the first Friday in May* I Theater ! ♦ : ! KEITH'S MARKET I I I ? I I I I I I I I I I i I i Palm Sunday Is 'Courting9 Day In South Italy Palm Sunday, important in Chris tian observance of the Lenten sea son. is the day to court your sweet heart in Spezzano Albanese, Calab ria. In this section of southern It aly bashful swains act much like they do on St. Valentine’s day in this country. Unattached young men and eligi ble bachelors are given the unusual opportunity of serenading their sweethearts in broad daylight, the custom being about 600 years old. Attired in finery, the youths assem ble at the main piazza, carrying— instead of palms -bouquets of laurel blossoms. They move in a procession, mak ing the rounds of some 30 balco nies, all of which are strewn with carnations and in which are girls garbed in picturesque pleated skirts and ruffled i uses. The young men ides and if their at- sing their icome they receive tentions i i carnations ------------- o-------------- At a recent meeting of the Chamber of Commerce unit of the Redwood Empire association, the directors recommended that "ho tels, resorts, wayside enterprises, issue their own 'where-to-go' and what-to-do’ folders and other di rectional material designed to prolong the stopovers of tourists and vacationists.” Dance NOVELTIES i SATURDAY NITE APRIL 9th In Grants Pass at Horning’s Shack a- ...................................... di DR. A. N. COLLMAN Naturopathic Physician Illinois Valley Grange Hall CAVE CITY, OREGON Bridgeview a......................................... ? Dr. Fred W. Gould Dental Surgeon Tuffs Building Phone 4 Grants Pass MACK’S SEED and Feed Store Dr. H. W. Hermann E. O. GAYMAN OPTOMETRIST ♦ Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Telephone 258-J 519 “H” St. Grants Pass SPERRY'S COMMERCIAL FEEDS GILL’S GARDEN SEEDS RED STEER FERTILIZERS INSECTICIDES HULL & HULL FUNERAL HOME Ambulance service day or nite 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 Dine, Dance & Drink at OWL CAFE GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY TRY OUR 10c HAMBURGERS ♦ I DAILY I I I I I I Between All Illinois I Valley Points and I I Grants Pass I I FREIGHT SERVICE I I ILLINOIS VALLEY I What is Freight Service a Kilowatt? 5........................................ a [ PIONEER TAVERN | Selma, Oregon BEER and WINES = Good Eats and Music i a s When in Grants Pass Eat at the CLUB CAFE 6th and "G” Streets I I JUNCTION I Texaco Garaiei I ❖ GET OUR CAVE Rout Pickup in Cave City and Kerby Monday and Thursday RATES VETERINARIAN Horses and Cattle my Specialty DR O. L. HOHLFELD Office Oti» E. Hackett car lot Day phone 162—Night 571.. Grants Pass (T CAVE JUNCTION BEAUTY SALON G). The kilowatt-hour is a measure of electricity It is really a giant unit It is the energy of a horse working for I I 3 hours The horse can do more than the muscle work of 10 men So a kilowatt- hour is equal to the combined muscle work of I 3 strong men in an hour A kilowatt-hour is 1000 watt-hours just os one foot is 12 inches A watt- hour is not so small that we should sneer at it. When a 100 pound woman walks from the cellar to the first and second floors, and then to the attic, she is tired, yet her work equals only I watt-hour She would have to make the trip from the cellar to the attic 1000 times to equal the work one kilo watt hour of electricity does The average cost of a kilowatt-hour used in the home in the United States is nearly 4*4 cents, the average for this company is much less than that Would you walk fioni il>e cellar to the athc 1000 times for less than •! 4 ctnts ? Th* California Oregon Powwr company Milk Shakes, 15 Cents i FLO LEEDY BEAUTICIAN CAVE CITY : □ Del Rogue Hotel, Grants Pass j REDWOODS hotel ! MAKE THIS stori ; YOUR SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS Grants Pass Supplies of All Kinds Special rates on Repair Work to Illinois Valley Residents I I I I I Ì I SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE I i I I I I Excellent Coffee Shopj . IN CONNECTION j REASONABLE RATES | Lew Hammer's Selma, Oregon I o DRUG STORE CLARENCE EGGERS Watch Maker and Jeweler ■b I ....................... T Try Our Double Thick Ladies and Girls Haircutting