Illinois Valley News, Thursday, March 21. 1938 Page Two An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois CHURCH SERVICES Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Sunday school ................. 10 a. m. Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1379 Preaching at 11 a. m. Dick Fraley. ... Editor M C ATHEY Bu»ine»» Manager Young People’s Meeting, 7 p. m. L. E. ATHEY Acting leader, Vivian Pullen. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES Preaching at 8 p. m. In Josephine County All the young people that wish $1 so One Year ........................................................................ to bring their lunch and meet at .75 Six Months 50 the Bridgeview church next Sat- Three Month» urday morning at 10 o’clock may Outside of Josephine County $2 00 do so. We are going to clean the One Year church and if weather permits, The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any a Ivertising < ,,py which it deems objectionable. Advertising rate on application will go on a hike, If not, there will be some other kind of enter- tainment. «¿Bi empire NON-DENOMINAT1ONAL ( redwood NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS U«ïQ Cave City Sunday School and church ser­ vices every Sunday in church. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. A MARVELOUS SET-UP Church services at 11 a. m. Young People’s Christian En­ Through the cooperation of the federal govern­ deavor will have a special meet­ ment who has set up organizations to study and give ing at the Cave City church at the people ideas on how to proceed to help themselves 7:30 p. m. Sunday evening. Let’s everyone there. and tell where and how the projects can be formulat­ have Everyone is cordially invited to ed, we have had this valuable advice given to us from attend services at this church. Good Attendance At I. V. Grange Meeting the places to register, and we are glad to have the matter brought to our attention. The following places are accessible to residents of the valley where they can regis­ ter: Harry Me»»enger, Takilma. M rs. C. E. Lawson, O'Brien. Mr». Lucile Floyd* Holland. Johnny Wittrock, Kerby. Lew Hammer, Selma. The New», Cave City This is going to be quite an in- teresting campaign and every one entitled to vote will want to exer­ cise this privilege at the May pri­ maries. If you did not vote at the last election; if you have moved from one precinct to an other or if you are .a new comer in the valley, it will be necessary to register. Also jf you have be­ come of age since last election you can now register. Any of the above places will be glad to take care of those desiring to register. --------------o------------- The Illinois Valley Grange met last Thursday evening with a good attendance The agricultural program, which was very interesting, included an article concerning the destructive­ ness of earwigs, read by Ken Rob­ inson ; “The Song of the Lazy Farmer,” given by George Wells; an interesting discussion on chick­ ens; and a method of killing ever­ green blackberries, given by F. L. Sawyer. In the legislative com­ mittee report it was brought out that the Illinois Valley should be prepared to get its share of PWA work this spring. Elmer Massey wa- given the ob­ ligation in the first and second de­ grees. Harry Smith Jr., gave an inter­ esting report of the activities of the Grange at the Oregon State college, of which he is a member. Everyone complimented the Grange upon the new seats. These are a great improvement in the hall, in appearance, as well as in comfortable seating. The Lecturers program was de­ voted to practice for the coming contest with Deer Creek. After the meeting everyone en- joyed a delicious supper. Surprise Birthday Party On Bud Hoskins CONTRIBUTED A good old fashiorted barn dance, “and did the rafters ring.” Each couple invited received as an invitation a card representing an old barn, with the big doors open wide to reveal the invita­ tion. The party was held in the Odd Fellows hall at Kerby. The interior was decorated to represent the old barn, lanterns, saddle, pack saddle, plough, har­ ness, calf muzzle, hay, straw, hen's nest, even the cobwebs were seen. Four good horses graced the stall in the grand old horse race that George W. Martin won over all. Then came the tug-of-war with the old hay rope won by the heavies, Other games, rope jump- ing, blowing the old cow horn. The game post office was left out on account of the weather. Sandwiched in between was the old square dances,, waltz, three- step, and so on. At midnight the guests paid a visit to the kitchen for a “square.” Good old spare ribs, dressing, sauerkraut and cof­ fee and the huge birthday cake, presented by Mrs. Schumacher. Then the guest of honor received a fat gunny sack, when opened, a nice leather jacket was found in­ side. Everyone had a raring good time, all were home by the second cock crow, March the 17th. ------------- o-------------- ■ Cave City Theater ¡SATURDAY .nd SUNDAY, | MARCH 26 - 27— "THE FIREFLY” I ■ Starring Jeanette MacDonald and Allan Jones ATTENTION—On account of I the length of this feature, it | will only be run once each even- » ing, feature starting at 7:30 J | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30— ¡“Thrill of a Lifetime” | With Ben Blue, Eleanore Whit- I m y and Betty Grable "Gold Is Where You Find It” I I Watch ALSO NEWS and CARTOON ADDED FEATURES I CANDY Light Lunches In Grants Pass at 3' Horning’s Shack ................................... th specialists in the Farmers Security Association this DR. A. N. COLLMAN •o ILLINOIS VALLEY SEVENTH week. Naturopathic Physician These men have made a thorough study of the DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Glassware Shipments CAVE CITY, OREGON conditions in Josephine county, including the Illinois Sabbath School at O'Brien at Bring in Vetch Weevil a. m. Valley, and through their work have discovered that 10:30 Sabbath School at Cave June Oregon’s million - dollar vetch 3 ...................................................... 0 this valley is one of the most fertile and adaptable tion at 1:45 p. m. seed industry has probably been Dr. Fred W. Gould | to intensive agricultural purposes of any section in Church service at 3 p. m. saved from irreparable damage Dental Surgeon Everyone is welcome. the country. recently, according to Frank Mc- Tuff» Building F. W. Cooper, Elder. From four major projects in western Oregon, the Kennon, chief of the division of Phone 4 ------------- o-------------- Illinois Valley looms up like an elephant in a circus The Friendly Mission “playing Grants Pas» plant industry, due to the sharp ..fl eyes of a cabinet shop worker 3' parade, one of the outstanding valleys for future de­ field” is being prepared this week who discovered the vetch weevil velopment in the nation. It is not a reconditioning for the tennis courts which are to in the packing of a shipment of Dr. H. W. Hermann project or re-building an old district—It is a brand be installed as quickly as the glassware. OPTOMETRIST Weather will permit. The pro ­ new, fertile field heretofore undeveloped, one of the The pest, Bruchus brachialis, Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted gram of summer play at the Mis- few instances left to the settlers who are looking for sion will be free to every person entered Oregon in a shipment Telephone 258-J 519 “H” St. from Belgium to Portland. The a home where they can make a comfortable living. living in the Illinois Vai ey. The Grants Pass glass had been packed in hay and All of this awaits settlers in the valley, when and if plan as outlined by Dr. Brown narrow-leaf vetch and live weev­ we of the present inhabitants, take advantage of the will provide eventually for a play ils were discovered in the vetch for every member in great opportunities laid before us and cooperate opportunity HULL & HULL seed when a portion of the origin­ every family. with the county as a unit and get federal help to es­ al import lot was opened at Cor­ --------------o-------------- FUNERAL HOME vallis. tablish and push to completion this development. The opening program of the Ambulance »ervice dav or nite The weevils were called to the Economically feasible and profitable to operate, Friendly Mission for the 1933 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 attention of G. R. Hyslop, head of this project can support 350 new families in the val­ summer season is announced for the division of plant industry of Palm Sunday, April 10, at 3 p. ley and put into cultivation 7000 acres of fine, fertile m. the Experiment Station at Cor­ The guest speaker wil be the land. This is the statement given to us by the spec­ honorable vallis. The State Department of Judge N. G. Wallace, GRANTS PASS Agriculture immediately contact­ ialists that have been working on the matter for public utilities commissioner of STEAM LAUNDRY ed firms which had received lots Oregon. months. of the original shipment and sup­ ------------- o ------------- Pickup in Cave City and Kerby Plans are under way to take advantage of this ervised the destruction of the Monday and Thursday New Name for News 2000 Employees Rush opportunity, and all the agencies of the government, packing material. At the same time, the Portland importer was □ state and county are at our disposal to help us form­ ........................................................... 3 Eair Building Work notified that he had the option of (Continued from l’ag-e One) ulate an organization that will follow through and PIONEER TAVERN j the rest of the ship­ complete the details. This cooperation can not be the school house on the road (be­ Two thousand workmen are fumigating Selma, Oregon ment or repacking and destroying measured in a dollars and cents value, it is priceless tween Waldo and Takilma, Eber­ now employed in constructing the the original packing under super- BEER and WINES magic city on Treasure Island, to us, and we are indeed grateful to these organiza­ ly mine, Thursday evening, March where, vision. Good Eats and Music i on February 18, 1939, the 31st, at 7 o’clock. These services There has been no vetch weevil tions ty»r giving us the information. Golden Gate International Expo­ being sponsored by the St. in the state, and discovery of the 3 .......................................................... 0 T1W plans are laid open on the table. The way to are sition will open its portals of the Paul's Lutheran church of Grants infested shipment is considered proceed is being studied. We have this marvelous Pass. Efforts will be made to pacific to a waiting world. highly significant because many DR. E. E. BROOKS set-tip given us on a silver platter. It is now up to us hold services once a month. Thurs­ Under direction of W. P. Day, states have quarantined vetch DENTIST and director of what we do with the opportunity. If we cooperate day evening the pastor will speak vice-president seed coming from infestet! areas. Office closed Wednesday and works of the Exposition, the ■■ ■ o with the county as a unit and help our neighbor as on "The Challenge in the Passion building program totaling $20 - Sunday —Simon.” The sermon will Look out for autos. well as helping ourselves, we are in a position to reap Story Cave Junction, Oregon be based on Mark 15* 21. All who 000,000 is proceeding well ahead of schedule. great benefits to the Illinois Valley. are interested in Bible-preaching Our county agent and the County Planning board are cordially invited. People of Work is now under way on the final Yerba Buena Island unit of are working night and day to make this county unit all creeds and those who have no the Exposition's $1100,000 high­ ( AVE CITY’S project come true, and we of the Illinois Valley should creed are welcome. Come as you way system. This complicated un­ Popular (’ale are. We preach a “ Changeless give them one hundred per cent cooperation. Christ for a Changing World.’’ it ties in three roads with the San Tho'e who are particularly inter­ Francisco - Oakland Bay bridge, —o ♦ and an overpass over the bridge Freight ested in the Lutheran church are itself. asked to write to Rev. Harry H. Frame work of the 400-foot Young. 10 Portland Ave., Med­ Tower of the Sun, a $350,000 steel ford, Oregon. spire rising from the Court of Honor, is virtually finished. The Morning Oregonian in a recent editorial made the following observation. It is a well known fact GRANGE CALENDAR that the Oregonian does not have much time for dem­ ocratic candidates, but shows its fairness in the fol­ lllinoi» Valley — First and third lowing: Thursdays, 8 p. m. "Indictment of Willis Mahoney by a Linn county Deer Creek First and third Sat­ grand jury on a charge of reckless driving smells of urdays, 8:30 p. nt. — Second and fourth politics. .If the actuality is what the odor indicates Redwood Thursdays, 8 p. nt. it is shaiiy business. Fruitdale Second and fourth "State police investigated thoroughly the accident Saturdays, 8 p. m. which is the basis of the indictment. They found Mr. William» First and third Thurs- Mahoney blameless for the death of the victim of the days, 8 p. in. River Valley First and accident. The state police do not act by political con­ Rogue third Saturdays, 8 p. m. sideration in such casesand they whitewash no guilty Merlin First and third Fridays, person. To suppose they whitewashed Mr. Mahoney 8 p. m. is preposterous. Grave Creek Second and fourth "On the record, this newspaper can hardly be ac­ Wednesdays, 8 p. m. Creek — Second and fourth cused of partisanship favorable to Mr. Mahoney. Shan Saturdays, 8 p. ] But it thinks this case smacks more of politics per­ Mi«»ouri Flat — m. First and third secution than of law enforcement in good faith. It Fridays, 8 p. nt. will I m * surprising indeed if the outcome of this case does not pour water on the wheel of the Mahoney Where To Register senatorial candidacy rather than dam the flow. Eor Max Primaries Leave it to Willis to take advantage of the incident. Recently we published a story He will know how. telling those who desire to regis- —o ter could do so at Johnny Witt- Almost ready but not quite — Cave City’s fire truck is still just as good as nothing. So near and yet so far. We expect we will have to have a fire in town before we get enough energy to complete a job began last summer, if this is an indication of what we can do in Cave City — Good night. Procrastination? Blww«y! Blooey!! Blooey!!! I rock's, Kerby, at The News and the court house. Our attention has been called to the fact that valley reaident« can register at several other places but this paper did not know this when the article was published. It was no intent on our part to deliberately mislead anyone as to USED CARS Always Better Value» All-Way» OTIS E. HACKETT Easy terms-—Reasonable trades 627 S. 6th St., Grants I’ass VETERINARIAN Horses and Cattle mv Specialty DR O. L. HOHLFELD Office Otis E. Hackett car lot Day phone 162—Night 571 (¡rants Pass HOME COOKED MEALS HOME MADE PIES TRY OUR 10c HAMBURGERS Í Between All Illinois I I Valley Points and I Grants Pass I I ILLINOIS VALLEY ♦ I FREIGHT SERVICE 1 Owl Cafe CAVE JUNCTION I Bob Rout — Texao Garage Ma Whitehead ........................................................... 0 CAVE JUNCTION BEAUTY SALON 5c Candy Bars 4 for 15c I Ladie» and Girl» Haircutting Dorothy D. Soap, 2 Bart 25c f Regular 25c per bar CAVE CITY FLO LEEDY BEAUTICIAN 0. When in (»rants I’ass Eat at the CLUB CAFE 6th and “G” Streets WOOD OAK. $2.00; FIR. PINE at $1.50 Per Tier at CAVE JUNCTION D. M Wright or Lloyd Harper FRENCH LAI NDRV AND DRY CLEANERS Of Grant» F»» Family Laundry ¿Seryite —Dry Cleaninc Un»urpa»»ed. Collect and Deli&r Wed. and Sat. CLARENCE EGGERS Watch Maker and Jeweler Del Rogue Hotel, Grants I’ass Sprcial rate» on Repair Work to lllinoi» Valley Relident« DRUG STORE 0 MAKE THIS STORE YOUR SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS T i Supplies of All Kinds • i i i i Lew Hammer’s I RE DWOODS HOTEI I Grants Pass I I I SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE I I I ’Excellent (’offee Shopf IIN CONNECTION REASONABLE RATES | | Selma. Oregon