Page Two Illinois Valley News, Thursday, March 10, 1938 Illinois Valley News An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 Editor Busines» Manager M C. ATHEY L. E. ATHEY .... SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County One Year Six Months Three Months Outside of Josephine County One Year $1 50 .75 50 $2 00 The Illinois Valley N. »» reserve« the right to reject any advertising copy which It deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application ("REDWOOD EMPIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS unit] pass senate joint resolution No. 13, submitting to the voters at the next general election in November the question of more adequate compensation for the members of the legislature. The present limitation was placed in the Consti­ tution of the state when the cost of living was on a much lower scale, and the maximum now permitted of three dollars per day for forty days falls far short of the bare cost of necessities for a member. Hence, unless the legislator has independent means, he must depend upon gifts or loans from selfish interests for his actual living costs toward the end of the session, which usually runs about fifty to sixty days. The proposed amendment increases the amount to the moderate sum of eight dollars per day for a max­ imum of fifty days, and you are earnestly urged to give this measure your valuable support in the in­ terest of better legislation and of good government, says the Amerilan Legion committee. They expect to make an active campaign for it, and to urge all other organizations in the state to do likewise. The first special musical num­ ber was given by two beautiful, young gospel singers, the Cooper sisters. Their number was well rendered and well received, Al­ though they are only four and five years of age, they are very pleasant to hear and to see. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Kesinger, after which she sang a solo number entitled, “What Will It Be To See Jesus?” which was edifying and encouraging to all. The gospel message was delivered SMELTER POSSIBILITIES by Elder Cooper and consisted of beautiful Bible pictures accom­ panied by an explanatory lecture. John Neuess, L. E. Athey and Louis Bidache left early Wednes­ day morning for southern Califor­ nia for a few weeks vacation. Mr. Bidache will visit Mrs. Bidache and other relatives in Oakland, jihn and L. E. will spend most of their time in Los Angeles, Holly­ wood and San Francisco. When in Grants Pass Eat at the CLUB CAFE Theater < ¿SATURDAY and SUNDAY, (MARCH 12 - 13— I •HIGH, WIDE and I HANDSOME” i ' Starring Irene Dunne and I j Randolph Scott i ¡This picture to replace “Drift Fence” (WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16— SPECIAL I -------------- TWO FEATURES “SQUADRON OF HONOR” I I 6th and “G” Streets I (This picture sponsored by the • American Legion USED CARS Always Better Values All-Ways OTIS E. HACKETT Easy terms—Reasonable trades 627 S. 6th St., Grants Pass I “ALASKAN WILDS” I IA true travel Picture filmed I | in Alaska I • ALSO NEWS and CARTOON i ( ADDED FEATURES i AMOS BURG'S VETERINARIAN DR. A. N. COLLMAN Horses and Cattle mv Specialty DR. O. L. HOHLFELD Office Otis E. Hackett car lot Day phone 162—Night 571.. We are somewhat concerned over the develop­ ments of the Smelter company located at Cave .Junc­ BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH SERVICES tion and its future. We have heard all kinds of Grants Pass rumors anl remarks, but we have nothing definite The Bridgeview Community to show what is going to happen. ❖ church had a very interesting ser­ Î We have also heard rumors that the Smelter vice Sunday evening. The ser­ I NEW DAILY would not and could not work. We did not believe the mon topic was, "The Glories of I I latter rumors, but not being mining engineers we God,” preached by Brother Dick I I Fraley. I were not in a position to discredit such rumors. I The sermon topic for next Sun­ I I NOW, However, we have definite information from day morning will be “What has WOOD I i those who know—If they do not, no one does—for Christianity to Offer Us?” Even­ OAK, $2.00; FIR, PINE at I I they are the experts of the pacific northwest and as ing topic, “God’s Stop Signal.” Between Grants Pass $1.50 Per Tier at I good as any in the nation, so they MUST know what The Young People’s meeting, and all Illinois Valley I CAVE JUNCTION which was led by Miss Vivian Pul­ I I they are talking about. points D. M. Wright or len, planned a hike for next Sun­ I I. Lloyd Harper First, we have the absolute information from one day afternoon. The people that I Merchandise of all kind J of the leading mining men of the state, that the prin­ wish to participate are to bring I delivered at your door , ciple of the Smelter is correct. Whether it will be a their lunch and meet at the ■ Cave Junction Headquarters— i LAUNDRY ¿ILLINOIS commercial success or not, the future will have to de­ church. Plans are to leave as FRENCH VALLEY MOTOR, AND DRY CLEANERS church services are out. Every­ I CO. GARAGE cide, but there is no reason why it should not be if pro­ one invited. Come one, come all Of Grant* Pas* I Grants Pass Headquarters— Family Laundry Service —Dry per management is given the machine. Sunday school . 10 a. m. (ROGUE RIVER HARDWARE! Cleaning Unsurpassed. Collect Second, we have a report from one of the leading Preaching at 11 a. m. | COMPANY | and Deliver Wed. and Sat. mineral laboratories of the pacific northwest, Gut- Loyal Defenders meet 7 p. m. Preaching at 8 p. m. 0. berlet Laboratories of Seattle, who say: ................................................................. GJ “We hereby certify that we have assayed two sam­ NON-DENOM1NATIONAL ples of black sand taken during the run with a gold Cave City recovery machine, (referring to the machine that is Next Sunday, March 13, at 7:30 now in Cave .Junction). This run was made at 1044 p. tn., there will be an illustrated (>th avenue S., Seattle. The run was witnessed by lecture on Bolivia by Geo. H. Ek- ourselves and the samples taken under our supervis­ duhl, returned missionary from Bolivia. Come and hear about ion. There were no fluxes of any kind used during the people of Bolivia, their cus­ the run with the toms, their condition, their re- : Preceded by a follows: ligion and the gospel work car­ “Sand before going through machine, assayed, ried on among them. Every one is PROGRAM AT 8:15 invited to attend this lecture. ! gold 2.38 ounces. Value per ton $83.30 : Free will offering will be appre­ : “This shows a recovery of 98.3 per cent. ciated. SATURDAY, MARCH 12th Respectfu 1 ly submitted, The Young People’s Christian E. L. Gutberlet. Endeavor will meet at the Cave The above report makes it clear that the Smelter City church Sunday evening for a ILLINOIS VALLEY GRANGE gets the gold and while the report does not say so, if special program at 6:30 p. m. Myrtice Jones is in charge of the H there is any other precious minerals in the sand, it evening □ topic. Everyone is wel- will catch that also. Making the machine indeed a come. Sunday School and church ser­ valuable asset to any mine or miner. There are other machines that are making prog­ vices every Sunday in church. ress in saving the fine particles of gold which the Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Church services at 11 a. m. miner cannot save. In this particular section we be­ Everyone is cordially invited to COMMENCING MARCH 15th lieve there is just as much left as there was ever taken attend services at this church. out, but from now on it is going to be a scientific bus­ iness on a big scale that will again make history for ILLINOIS VALLEY SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH this great mining belt. Sabbath School at O'Brien at Holland General Store The Precious Metals Recovery & Smelting Cor­ 10:30 a. m. poration have the right process. It is now up to them Sabbath School at Cave Junc- Announces to make it a commercial success. tion at 1:45 p. m. SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH Chtych service at 3 p. m. -----------------o----------------- Prayer meeting announced each I Save Yoar Cash Tickets and Try the Sabbath at church service. TIMBER USES GRAB BAG Home Missionary program this I Sabbath. One of our good citizens of the valley who is giv­ Speaker, Senator W. H. John- j Come in and Let Me Explain ing the future development of this section serious son. thought, came into our office recently and gave us Everyone is welcome. a splendid idea that is worth investigating. ; V n •; ;■ " ;• -, r ■; ;■ q :• ’! r •; q ;• q ;• ■; :■ q n q .• ■; ;• -, :• TH qiX qix q n q It q H qIt q rzlt-.*1 *»*-«-*..*■ ■*.*■*»■*• 'A.*■ *-■*■ **-*■ *. "'»*■ ■-.* I*»*-;*»'-*»*- l*.* *.^'*»' •*-“ Recently scientists have found a way to use jack (¡RANCÍE ( ALENDAR pine for pulp purposes. This has long been found undesirable for pulp, but now that it can be used there Illinois Valley — First and third is a wonderful opportunity for someone to start mak­ Thursdays, S p. m. f Creek First and third Sat- ing pulp from the hitherto worthless jack pine and Deer unlays, 8:30 p. m. other scrub trees in this section. Redwood — Second and fourth A mill to manufacture pulp could easily be started Thursdays, 8 p. m. £ Second and fourth in the valley and there is enough material to last for Fruitdale $ years, and besides this can be planted and it is usable Saturdays, 8 p. m. £ L. E. (TED) ATHEY is a licensed broker First and third Thurs- in a very short space of time, five to eight years, and William« days, 8 p. m. and is non in a position to handle your real these trees will be marketable for pulp purposes. Rogue River Valley — First and £ estate sales. The Chamber of Commerce has many things it third Saturdays, 8 p. m. $ should take up, but this is still another piece of work Merlin First and third Fridays. People are looking towards the great Il­ 8 p. m. that should I h ‘ looked into. Grave Creek Second and fourth ........... o---------------- linois Valley and many are coming here to Wednesdays, 8 p. m. locate. List your property with Ted and LEGISLATORS SALARY Second and fourth Shan Creek Saturdays. 8 p. m. he will advertise it and do his best to get First and A very foolish law governs the salary of the Ore­ Mi»»ouri Flat quick results. gon legislators, three dollars a day for 10 days and Fridays, 8 p. m. -----------------o---------------- nothing for over time or a prolonged session, which Evangelistic Service is the rule rather than not, in Oregon. There is not a single person in the legislature who Held at (’('(’ Camp can pay his or her expenses on three dollars a day and Pastor Wright, with a group of get bv. They either have to make it up out of their gospel workers conducted a very own pocket or lobby for some interests who can af­ interesting service at Canip Ore­ Licensed Real Estate Broker gon Caves last Sunday myht. ford to pay something for their work. C*ve Junction, Oregon boys entered into the spirit The Oregon State Grange- C(M)|M>rating with the of The the occasion ansi took part in American Legion and the America* Fnleration of the song service which was led by Lalior, all asked the last session of vm legislature to I the pastor. • o o Truck Service Naturopathic Physician CAVE CITY, OREGON I)r. Fred W. Gould Dental Surgeon Tuffs Building Phone 4 Grants Pass I •à GJ. Dr. H. W. Hermann OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Telephone 258-J 519 “H" St. Grants Pass HULL & HULL FUNERAL HOME Ambulance service day or nite 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 (¡RANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY PIONEER COSTUME DANCE ■B 3' Pickup in Cave City and Kerby Monday and Thursday 0.................... *............................... [ PIONEER TAVERN [ Selma, Oregon BEER and WINES 1 Good Eats and Music i [7JlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIHHHHHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIlf«l DR. E. E. BROOKS DENTIST Office closed Wednesday and Sunday Cave Junction, Oregon SPECIAL CITY CLEANERS & LAUNDRY CO Under New Management Leave at ALMA'S Mr. & Mrs. P. A. Printz, Props. Harry R. Floyd 4 ( AVE CITY’S Popular ('ale ♦ HOME COOKED MEALS HOME MADE PIES TRY OUR 10c HAMBURGERS Real Estate i GJ.......................................................... î SPECIAL FOR SAT. ONLY 100 Aspirin Tablets 29c I CAVE CITY □ DRUG STORE .. □ MAKE THIS STORE YOUR SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS A. Supplies of All Kinds Ted Athey o o o Lew Hammer’s Selma. Oregon