Illinois Valley News, Thursday, February 17, 1938 Page Four Locals B 0 » 0 'B » '0 B » 0 B 0 0 s 9 0 b B EXTRA VALUE FOR YOUR FOOD DIMES AND DOLLARS 0 0 We Reserve Right to Limit Quantities—Prices Good Friday, Saturday and Monday » B 0 0 » 0 B Milk a 0 Coffee 3-29 0 20' I. G. A. or Morning, case B Blue G, per pound 0 » B 0 Raisins » Soap B Thompson Seedless, I lb. pkg. 23' 0 23' LIFE BUOY, 1 bars for 0 a B 0 0 Rinso a Noodles B 0 21' 19' Porter’s Frillets, 1 pound pkg. 0 Large Package B V 0 0 B y B Ovaltine Shortening 57' 0 3 pound can 0 K Large can. each 59' B B 0 0 R MANKIND DOG 3 Cans for B 2 ('ans for 0 0 SILVALXSKA FANCY PINK SALMON— B CLABBER GIRL BAKING POWDER— 2 Pound can for 4 • B No. 1*8 Tall Cans. 2 lor 29c 0 STANDBY HONEY— 0 ROYAL (’Ll B SPINACH— Pure Strained. 5 pound pail 47c B B No. 2' »'». 2 Cans for _ 29c GRAPE NUTS— 0 35c 2 Packages for 0 ME( O SLICED BEETS— B 23c B No. 2’s. 2 Cans for 0 0 C. h. B. TOM ATO .JUICE— B PRODUCE 19c B 3 Can* for 0 Grapefruit 0 HALEYS BEEF BROTH— B Texas Pink. 5 f 25c B 3 Csinx for 0 Potatoes 0 BISQI ICK KLAMATH, U. S. No. 2 25 pounds for I9c B 31c B 33 ounce nackairp 0 Oranges Bob Rout Appointed 0 SUNSHINE SODA CRACKERS— Medium Sized, 2 Dozen for 25c B Chevrolet Agenci For 29c The Illinois Valley B 2 Pound Box for 0 Rhubarb Per Pound 0 5c B POST TOASTIES— B 0 Bananas 2OC Firm 3 Packages for and Ripe, per pound Sc B 0 B MIRACLE WHIP SANDWICH SPREAD— 37c WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF CROWN MILLED 0 FEEDS Per Quart 0 B B 0 0 BASKET BALL FRIDAY FEB. 18 KERBY vs. GOLD HILL B B 0 0 B Schumacher ’ s Cash Grocery B 0 ’Cave Junction, Oregon 0 B This Week’s Grocery Mrs N. B. Rexford has been ill at home for the past week. M. E. Hughes was in Portland on business the first of the week. A A E. P. Preble returned from Portland where he has been for the past few weeks. A. A. Johnson was a buiness visitor in Grants Pass the first of the week. Mrs. F. C. Stiwalt of O’Brien was transacting business in Grants Pass last Monday. Miss Lucy Whitehead is con fined to her home with a severe cold. Tom Yarem of Grants Pass spent a few days in Cave Junct ion the first of the week. —o—— Tigertown road has become ini- passable with snow and ice. Traf fic on the road will not be open ed for some time. —o— O. E. Jones, manager of the Cave City theater, was transact ing business in Eugene the first of the week. He returned home Wednesday. Lieutenant Charles Lee Allen, Jr., and family made a short visit last week with his uncle, George I.. Allen. Lieut. Allen has been < rdered to Camp Lewis, Washing ton where he is to report tor duty. —o— Anyone desiring to play volley ball may do so next Monday night, February 21, at the Kerby high school gym. It is hoped to form a league of business men to play regular games. —o— Shube Robinson took out a fish ing license last month realising that the streams in the county would be flowing with plenty of fresh water. He’s praying for the season to open now. " "O Lew Hammer, the popular mer chant of Selma, underwent a ma jor operation Wednesday morning at the hospital in Giants Pass. Dr. C. J. Mosier was his physician. His friends are eagerly waiting news of his condition. —o— Announcement has been re ceived of the marriage of lien Harpold and Miss Winnogene Ce cilia Penney on Monday, Febru ary 14th, at St. Mark’s Episcopal church, Medford Mr. and Mrs. after Harpold will farm, March 1st at O'Brien. --- 0--- The road down the Illinois river from Selma is still closed with a slide about seven miles from Selma, Lew Hammer's truck makes deliveries by transfering merchandise over the slide to an other truck which goes on down the river No definite informa tion was available when the road would be opened. ■ ---------- o--------------- 3" '111 i ,.E Pi' 1 A. LADIES AUXILIARY WILL HOLD CARD PARTY The Ladies Auxiliary will their monthly card party Th day, February 24th in the Ai iary meeting room back of Legion hall in Cave City. There will be cake and co served. A charge of 25 cents person will be made and nil invited to attend. ' o- — — Last Wednesday, Bob Rout was appointed by the Chevrolet divis ion of General Motors cropora lion, as the authorized sales and •ervice for Chevrolet cars and trucks for the entire Illinois Val ley. Mr Rout will carry a supply of I ill Chevrolet parts and will make iberal trade-ins for all used cars. Recognising the importance of having an agency in the valley, he Chevrolet people were glad to ippoint Mr. Rout for their agent. He has one of the very best gar- >ges in the valley and is well .nown to all residents. His ap pointment as agent for the Chev rolet cars and trucks is hailed as i step for tho advancement of .ms ection. o The 400-foot spire to the sun of tan Eranciscii’s World’s Fair will be lighted with intense white on the outside, a rose red within. A M-