Gateway to The Oregon Caves inois Valley News A LIVE WIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE ILLINOIS VALLEY AND SURROUNDING DI STRU TS Volume I No. 41 Gave Junction. Oregon, Thursday, February 17, 1938 Phil Snort Sensibly First in War First in Peace Soliloquizes Dear Ed: As the day is filled with falling snow, and as I do not feel prone to wading around in “The Beauti­ ful,'* I deemed it advisable to take up a theme, much taken up with some of my neighbors, like­ wise your readers; that theme is obstreperousness and obtrusive­ ness. These are not just the words commonly used but I feel that they are more kindly sound­ ing than the shorter and uglier words. Not for a minute do I feel myself capable of doing the subject justice, yet I may, in my way, let fall a few words that may produce good results among those of us who characterize and criti­ cise our friends, or others with whom we came in contact. In order to elucidate my meaning it may be well for me to recite a story: Over half a century ago—53 years, to be exact—a little boy came to life, on the old stage road, near the confluence of Wood creek and the Illinois river. This little fellow grew up know­ ing no schools but the O’Brien school and the school of nature. At the former school he was more adept at play than study; in the school of nature he learned much, in fact, he graduated in the art of fishing and hunting; he knew his woods, mountains and streams; he dragged many a fish from the streams and many a deer, or smal­ ler game, from the hills; he was a crack fisherman and a crack shot. He was 19 years of- age when 1 first met him in the spring of 1904. In November of the same year, I witnessed him catching 60 trout in as many minutes. He gave me 12 of these fish to take home and the smallest of them was 11 inches in length and the larg­ est was 17 inches. There may be some who will disbelieve this, but it is nevertheless true. Johnny would “take the shirt off his back” and give to those he liked and he liked most everybody. Among his environments was mining and mines. His father gained most of his livelihood from (Continued on Page Three) r-i.................. »3 | COMING EVENTS (D.............. lii Every Tuesday noon — Illinois Valley Chamber of Commerce meets. Friday, February 18-—Basketball at Kerby high school. Kerby vs. Gold Hill, 7:30 p. m. Saturday, February 19—Ameri­ can Legion Overall and Apron dance, Legion hall. Tuesday, February 22—Wa-hfhg- ton's Birthday. February 22—Silver Tea and Exhibit of old books. Benefit of Kerby Library. Tuesday, February 22 — Kerby Granddads vs. Cave City Pops basketball game. Thursday, February 24 — Ladies Auxiliary card party in Auxil­ iary meeting room. Friday, March 4 — Joint school board meeting at Kerby of both grade and high schools. Bus transportation to be discussed. Tuesday, March 8 — Cave City Womefl's club will meet at the home of Mrs. Schumacher, at 2 p. m. Thursday. March 17 — St. Pat-, rick’s Day. Friday, April 1—All Fool’s Day. Sunday, April 17—Easter Sunday Library At New Mail Kerby Has Schedule Had Struggle Discussed Contributed A rousing meeting of the Illin­ ois Valley Chamber of Commerce was held last Tuesday noon. When the meeting was called to order by President Drews, after a fine dinner served by Mrs. Pick­ ett and Mrs. Jackson, he said the Chamber postponed passing on the emblem last week and the matter should be settled now. No new designs were presented for con­ sideration, and Elwood Hussey moved the one proposed, a miner’s pick and shovel crossed with a gold pan in between, be made the official emblem, as this was a simple design that wood carvers could use on the wood signs that the Forest Service will erect all over the valley. The mo­ tion carried unanimously. A W. Bernd, of Wisconsin, was introduced and said that he wanted to come to this part of the state and was looking for maps and information from the North­ ern Pacific railroad. They hand­ ed him a folder put out by the Redwood Empire association showing the entire Redwood sec­ tion, and it was just what he want­ ed as it showed where Cave Junc­ tion was, and he was very well pleased with the service the rail­ road hail given as to the section he wanted to visit. Mr. Hussey said after Mr. Bernd had completed his talk, that it showed the power and value of the Redwood Empire association and the work it was accomplish­ ing in advertising the entire sec­ tion. H. A. Kesinger was introduced. Mr. Kesinger is here from Seat­ tle and is a contractor and build­ er and will contract for buildings and residences and will also have a furniture manufacturing plant that will manufacture unfinished furniture for retail sale. The power situation came in for considerable discussion with­ out any definite action being taken. Eugene Brown asked Mr. Miller what proceedure he would have to follow to get light and power to his ranch, and Mr. Miller gave him all the information avail­ able. The secretary was instructed to write to the California Railroad commission for information con­ cerning the extension of tele­ phone, power and railroad lines into the state. Nat Woolley was present and (Continued on Page Three) President Drews asked him for o information concerning the new rural free delivery that has been News Items Fiom mapped out and planned for the valley. Kerby High School Nat said Postmaster McLean was present and could give a more intelligent answer than he could. Mr. McLean explained in detail Last Friday night our basket­ ball teams lost at Phoenix, The what the new route was and an­ swered many questions put to scores were him. He was asked for a state­ FIRST TEAM — ment setting out in detail all in­ Phoenix 31 — Kerby 28 formation possible on the new, SECOND TEAM suggested mail route. He com­ Phoenix 18—Kerby 7* plied and here it is: Our team is now second place "A proposed rural route exten­ in the conference. However, only sion has been submitted to the by winning the game with Gold post office department. If the Hill next Friday will it be able to change is approved the route will retain that place. The Gold Hill be as follows: Starting at Kerby game here, Friday, will be the last go to Cave Junction, thence to regular game of the season. the Oregon Caves Junction with On Monday of this week the Bridgeview, follow the present “big sisters” of the Girls' League route to Holland and thence to had a Valentine party for their Oregon Caves highway, thence to “Little Sisters." As entertain­ Bridgeview Junction, retrace to ment, the proper color to be worn Harding corner, then to Takilma, individually was demonstrated. thence to O'Brien, thence along Valentines were exchanged, and the Redwood highway to Cave refreshments of sandwiches, cook­ Junction and end at Kerby. ies, and chocolate were served in "The extension would bring the home economics room. rural route service to patrons be­ Wednesday, Mr John C. Ker­ tween Harding corner and Takil­ rick, representing Earl Snell, Sec­ ma, at present there is no service retary of State, visited the school on this stretch of road. The star and gave a short and interesting I service between Takilma and talk on traffic safety. He also O'Brien and O’Brien and Cave showed some interesting moving Junction would be superceded by pictures on the subject. raral service. Operations far the school an­ steviae has been likened nual are beginning in earnest. All ta a past affiefe aa w4eeRi as the subscriptions for the annual must raral pifroiPis ewt^-d to regis- be placed before the 21st of this (('ontlnft<-