Page Two Illinois Valley News, Thursday, February 3, 1938 ■ »••«((«a Illinois Valley News An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at th>- Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1^7‘J Editor Buiinets Manager M C ATHEY I.. E. ATHEY SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County One Year Si* Months Three Month« Outside of Josephine County One Year $1 50 .75 50 $2 00 The Illinois Valley News reserve- the right to reject any advertising copy which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application CÎÎEDWO0D EMPIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS un/f WON’T FIGHT , FACTS I.- Ir h F0* dmvim J ' BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH SERVICES Sunday school ..... 10 a. m. Loyal Defenders, Vivian Pul len, acting president .... 7 p. m. Prayer meeting in church Wednesday night 8 p. m. zz <4C äz : _---- : W, un ««»il : Ê......................................................................■ What Right« Do 1 Have if . Leading Animal* on the Highway? You may signal motorists com- I ing from th«- opposite direction to -top, and they must do so, giving NON-DENOM1 NATIONAL you a reasonable time to drive or Cave City lead your animals past. Motorists Sunday School and church ser- 1 must use caution in passing ani- vices at Legion hall, Cave City mals going in the same direction, every Sunday. and in any case must stop their Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. motors if necessary to prevent tightening the animals and caus- Church services at 11 a. m. » Rev. George L. Gray of Grants ng accident or injury. Pass, pastor. Everyone invited. Ii It Legal for Me to Hitchhike? No. In Oregon it is unlawful for you to stand in a roadway for ILLINOIS VALLEY SEVENTH th«- purpose of soliciting a ride from the driver of any private ve­ DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Sabbath School at 1 :45 p. m. hicle. Hitchhikers usually vio­ late the further provi-ion that every Saturday. Church service 3 p. nt., -ubject, pedestrians should walk on the "The Silent Soul Winner, ’ F. W. left side of the roadway. Cooper, Ehler, speaker. Prayer meeting announced each Josephine County Fair Sabbath at church service. To Be Held Sept. 1-2-3 An Associated Press dispatch in the Oregonian last Tuesday says that the executive committee of the National Council of Methodist Youth asserted they would not support the government in a far eastern war. “It will not be our war,” the committee said in a John Egger Killed letter to President Roosevelt. “We cannot fight in By Flying Deflector it.” John Lawrence Egger of Grants Shades of the departed Anthony. What price im­ Pass, well known in the Illinois petuous youth? Valley, died Saturday morning “We cannot fight in it.” while being taken to Crescent City Which reminds us of a wonderful -■ ory. Two hospital as the result of injuries Negroes wen* discussing the - . me . iin it ion One of received when the deflector of a giant blew up, whirled around them said he would not fight for Uncle Sam—they and struck him in the chest. couldn’t make him fight. The other Negro replied— The accident occurred eally No, they can’t make you fight, hut they can take you Saturday morning at Oro Grande when* the fighting am—: nd then you can use your mine, located 30 miles from Cres­ cent City on Hurdy Gurdy creek, own good judgment. -()- where Mr. Egger was employed as foreman by Mr. Wilkie, owner. If we could only sleep as soundly at night : lS Wi- Mr. Egger leaves his wife, Es­ sie, a son Sherman, and a daugh­ do when it is time to get up!—Walter Winchell ter, Phyllis, all of Grants Pass, a sister, Mrs. Catherine Sowelliofi Medford, and two brothers, Ed BUYING AT HOME mond in Nevada and Sammej' in Mail order Imuses are still doing a thriving bus- California. Funeral services iness from residents of the Illinois Valley. Of course Wednesday at 2 p. m. we have the right to trade with whom we wish, when Hall funeral home. we wish—and really, it isn’t anyone’s business where ------------- o------------- any of us trade, and we do not want our readers to PINOCHLE CARD PARJY get the idea we are meddling with their right to trade Mrs. Eva Hill and Verlie' Bab­ with anyone they see fit. cock entertained Cave Junction's But for the valley’s development, we merely want Pinochle club at the home of Mrs. to point out the advantages of trading with your val­ Hill. T 'uesday afternoon. Guests I ley merchants. Of cours * we know that our merch­ were Edna Hoskins, winning first ants do not carry a large stock, and have not the vari­ prize, Sophia Hunch, second ; Florence Fagnant, Udppia ety the mail order houses have. BUT, every merch- prize Hines, , Beth (’oilman, Ella &nt in the valley would be very glad to order the exact rick. Verlie Babcock .mil item you want, and you’d get it just as quick as. the Hill. Lunch was served at mail order house could supply you, an I your local which was enjoyed by all. ■ o-------------- merchant would stand behind the order and make good any discrepancy, which we know i a hard job Tests To Continue to convince mail order houses to do. On Bang’s Disease Developing the valley helps you in a bu-iness way. The mon* stores we have and the more trading done I)r. F. II. Thompson, govern­ veterinary inspector, will be- in the valley, the more our own pro; rt\ increases in " ment i»i testing Josephine county cat­ value. We can understand why fol' - tr de with mail tle for Bang's disease on Tues­ order houses who do not have an interest in the val­ day, the county agent’s office ley, but for the life of us. we can’t un dt nd why sui.l. lie will conclude the work begun by Dr. Stuart Dingwell, those who ow n pro] ert Ip incr the ' lue continuing all cows in th«1 of it by doing ALL of their trading at home. This ii county have until been tested. Giants a matter of self pre erv at on Pass Courier. —----- - ------ p. and I’ll scratch yours. Trading v th our home mer­ ■ Support the Fire Department. chants is exactly that. Suppose every resident oft! e valley did ALL their trading with merchants in the \ dlev? What would happen? The merchants would be glad to increase their stock of merchandi- t<> t; ' > care of the in­ creased volume of trade . nd <»< n we would Imve th. variety of mt ■ sides a lot of other Imines es would come in. \ND this would create not a few jol for men ; nd women who need them, and naturally he merchant would I m * glad to hire valley men . nd women Again tin* application of "You scratch my back, and 1’11 scratch yours" would apply. By putting forth an effort to build our own community by pat­ ronizing our ow n merch: nts would brim b ck to us added benefits that cold type could never recount We have quitt .* a diversified lot of stores in the II- linois Valiev and one can get most anvt in. om * needs, especially if one w ill ask our stores to do the ordering for us, if they do not carry the p triieular 'b em need­ (*d. The profit from die item would remai in in the valley to be distributed around, and one I- :i magnif- cent chance to have '•unit' of it come h ick home to roost. Send it to a mail order house and you ki- bye forever. If this article convinces only one residet valley that it is the wise thing to do to trade we will I m » grateful. It is only a .natter of e< the public to the benefits derived from t When we all see clearly what tlie-e benefit r. the mail order houses will starve to death, ; the Illinois Valley is concerned. --------------- —o------ .--------- Doctored traffic sign: Resume lethal speed Clarence Coon Comes Out For Sheriff I Clarence Coon of Grants Pass announces that he will be a candi­ date for the position of sheriff of Josephine county at the May pri­ maries on the democratic ticket ¿SATURDAY .nd SUNDAY, IFEBRUARY 5-6— He makes the following announce­ “Broadwav Melody ment: I If nominated and elected as of 1938” -heriff of Josephine county, 1 With Eleanor Powell and promise the people an efficient ad­ Robert Taylor ministration of the office, and that my deputies will be selected WEDNESDAY. FEB. 9— from the best available men rep­ resenting different sections of the /Married Before I county. Breakfast” Mr. Coon is well known in the I With Robert Young and valley and was a candidate last I Florence Rice election for sheriff. Many of his I friends are out working for him I Talent Night already, and he expects a record I vote this year. I -------------- o-------------- ALSO NEWS .nd CARTOON! T. H. Fredenburg from Upper ADDED FEATURES I Briggs Creek is spending a few days in Cave City during the rainy weather. Mr. Fredenburg owns the Bean Placer mine on Briggs DR. A. N. COLLMAN creek. I i I ------ 1 Naturopathic Physician o CAVE CITY, OREGON Weight of Milk, Water Milk is slightly heavier than wa­ 3............................................. The Josephine ounty fair will ter. Water weights 8.3 pounds per Dr. Fred W. Gould be held Thursday, Friday and Sat­ gallon and milk weighs 8.6 pounds Dental Surgeon urday, September 1, 2 and 3 this B •Fl Tuff« Building year, according to Fred Roper, Phone 4 manager-secretary of the fair, Grant« Pa«« who returned Sunday night after four days at Portland attending a meeting of th« Oregon Fairs as­ Dr. H. W. Hermann sociation. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 5th Make Your Correspondence STANDOUT! ★ Let us submit Letterhead Ideas! I ! Cave City Theater * AMERICAN LEGION HALI E> OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Telephone 258-J 519 “H” St. Grants Pass HULL & HULI FUNERAL HOME Ambulance service dav or nite 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 CAVE CITA GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY T’HE right kind of design 1 and careful choice of type Pickup in Cave City and Kerby Monday and Thursday face make your business ot professional stationery much more impressive. We are spe lalists in making up suitabl. etterheads, invoices, anC printed forms of all types Call on us to submit ideas t. tit your requirements. Just telephone—no obligation PIONEER TAVERN | Selma, Oregon BEER and WINES Good Eats and Music i DR. E. E. BROOKS DENTIST < t'k about this convenient con- tamer »e use for delivering letter headl Printed on Cation Bond. Current events brought Office closed Wednesday ami Sunday Cave Junction, Oregon to you by Electric Cur- rent." I bring you music nd drama too DDY KILOWATT. Cation Bone- M monimfndrd fut IrtterhcaJa end office forma Let tia show tou samples of the White and 12 color* for the Illinois Valley worth the price. Aim !s Bad says Notary Publics in Cave Citv AMY HUSSEY M. C. ATHEY CAVE CITY’S Popular Cafe ♦ HOME COOKED MEALS HOME MADE PIES TRY OUR 10c HAMBURGERS Owl Cafe Ma Whitehead Pop Martin DRUGS CHOCOLATE HEARTS FOR VALENTINES DAY CAVE CITY DRUG STORE MAKE THIS STORE YOUR SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS Supplies of All Kinds Lew Hammer's Selma, Oregon