Illinois Valley News, Thursday, January 20, 1938 Page Four Locals This Week's Grocer Mrs. Warren Tuttle of Selma has been confined to bed the past week with bronchitis. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Hearing of O'Brien were transacting business in Grants Pass last Monday. b Mrs. Monroe North and daught­ er Sarah of the Stallcup place have been ill the past week with severe colds. —o— T. Naucke of Kerby is confined in the county hospital and last reports were that he is getting along nicely. Archie Roberts of Takilma was struck by a falling tree recently. It is reported he is slowly recover­ ing from the injury. i A We Reserve Right to Limit Quantities—Prices Good Friday, Saturday and Monday Miss I.ois Dix of the Rocky Dale School is recovering from a back injury received in an auto acci­ dent before the holidays. Del Rogue, No. 1 can, 3 cans for Klamath Boquet, 19 lb. sack F. W. Cooper plans to attend the Seventh Day Adventist con­ vention that will be held in Grants Pass next Saturday. ■ | qc E George Lillis will leave next Sunday for Waterloo, Iowa, where he will visit relatives and plans to make his future home there. Born—To Mr. and Mr» A. Y. Arnold a baby boy, January 18th, at 3:15 p. m. at the Grants Pass hospital. Mother and baby do­ ing fine. Tomato Juice Flour : Milk I. G. A. or Morning, I tall cans I. 29e Soap Beauty, L G. A.. 5 bars for 17« Fl Bruce Robinson drove L. E. Bidache to Fortuna, California on Wednesday to visit his son Victor and wife and incidently to meet his new grand daughter Sonja Adele Bidache. Jack McCracken and J. A. Buckles of Selma returned from a business trip to Salem where they had undergone examinations before the State Industrial Acci­ dent Commission. —o— Mr. IL C. Johnson with his son Carroll and daughter Mona of Portland spent the week end with Dr. und Mrs. A. N. Collman of Cave City, Mr. Johnson is the father of Mrs. Cullman. —o— Mrs. A. L. Mallery was a Cave Junction visitor last week and also to spend a short time with her husband A. L. Mallery who is supervisor in the CCC camp. Mrs. Mallery edits the Oakland Tri­ bune at Oakland, Oregon. —o— Miss Nola Welch, demonstra­ tion agent for Josephine county will meet the Illinois Valley Ladies on Wednesday, January 26th at the home of Mrs. Harry Smith P<>t luncheon will be served. Every home maker is ex- peeled to attend. Roy Wilson lost his auto by fire lust Tuesday ofternoon. He was out in the woods working when he happened to return a- round ami saw the top of his ear on fire Before he could reach the car the entire body was ablaze and nothing was left except the metal work, Mr. Wilson thinks the fre was started by a short circuit of the light in the roof of of the car. Claude Tucker and Johnny Dietcher towed Ins car back to hi* home. —o— II. T Burgman of the Ray Col­ bert farm on the Waldo road was n visitor at the News office last Tuesday. Mr. was born on that place in 1 ss » For the past 20 years he ha lived in Klamath county but i- back here to stay indefinitely. Mr. Burgman used to be extra driver of the stage line to Crescent City. He drove from Waldo to Mary- adams Hi« father mined on the Althouse in 1880 before selling I ia claim to a Chinaman Mr. Burgman also mined on the Alt- louse around 1900. --- O--- M. C. Athey made a special trip > Crescent City last Tue d is , to eet a group of newspaper men i their way home from Califor- ia nt a luncheon given in their onor by the Crescent City Cham er of Commerce. When he ar ved he found the news men had •sse ear I ’ that morning, stopping only I >ng enough to give then regrets r.t not being able to stop for the >.'hedule