Courier llinois Valley News I * /olume I A LIVE WIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE ILLINOIS VALLEY AND SURROUNDING DISTRICTS Cave Junction, Oregon, Thursday, January 13, 1938 No. 36 Price 5 Cents T Mahoney Makes Hit With Talk "* • > k News Items From Kerby High School The scored season River, scores Kerby basket ball teams their first victory of the : when they played at Rogue Friday, January 7. The were: Historical Inforsiation Necessary Mining And Fishermen End Battle Has-Wusers Want to Play Basket Ball William McLean, postmaster of Kerby is responsible for creating a considerable amount of enthus iasm for the middle aged men of Kerby and Cave Junction in re gard to both towns picking teams and play each other at basket ball. The suggestion met with imme diate response and Mr. McLean will act as captain of the Kerby boys while M. C. Athey took the responsibility of the Cave Junc- tionites. The first game will be played Tuesday evening, February 1st at the Kerby high school gym and it is expected that the hall will be packed to see the poor, old has- wussers get in each others way trying to throw a basket. Per haps there may be a surprise now and then, as someone MIGHT hit the hole and throw a basket and if and when it happens, the one who makes this supreme effort will be just as much surprised as the audience, at least that’s what this reporter think*. This should be the beginning of much athletic activity in the valley as there are possibilities of con siderable action along this line. It is just possible that several teams of volley ball might be formed and equipment purchased and regular games played. This js a sport that all can enjoy. Any way the forthcoming basket ball games are causing cnosiderable in terest and it is hoped to get some thing started that will help the whole valley, both the youngsters and the oldsters. --------------o Hussey Retains Registration Last Monday evening, in the FIRST TEAM— Curry county recently dismissed Editor Illinois Valley News, A fair sized attendance greeted Cave City theater, Willis Mahoney Rogue River 18—Kerby 31 its legal action to enjoin 16 Rogue Cave Junction, Oregon, the illinois Valley Chamber of former mayor of Klamath Falls SECOND TEAM— river miners from sluicing opera Dear Sir: Commerce at their meeting last and at the last election candidate Rogue River 16—Kerby 18 As reported in your last week's tions that they had charged a few Tuesday. President Drews called for the United States senate on edition, the Illinois Valley Cham month ago in circuit court with the meeting to order and Secre Again Saturday night the first ber of Commerce and the U. S. destroying famed steelhead fish the democratic ticket, spoke be tary Collman read the minutes of fore a good crowd, considering team fought Prospect’s boys to a Forest Sercive have agreed to full ing resources of the streana the last meeting, which were or tie until ivell into the last quarter cooperation in a project of gath the foggy weather. Judge James T. Brand of dered corrected for next meeting. when Prospect scored the decisive ering early history of the valley Marshfield filed the dismissal. The most important business at Dr. W. A. Moser, chairman of basket making the final score 16 .■nd the erection of appropriate The action was files! a few hand was the problem of disposing the county central committee of to 14 in Prospect's favor. The monuments or signs to mark the months ago by District Attorney of the non-resident registration the democratic party, opened the second team did not fare quite so spots of historical interest for fu G. J. Williams and J. B. Beding- bureau, which has been hanging meeting and introduced Represen well. field, special counsel seeking to ture generations. fire for several weeks. Two of tative W. 11. Miller of Josephine The next home game will be on It is my belief, as well as that enjoin miners from interfering fers were read by the secretary, county, who introduced the speak Friday, January 14 with Jackson of the Chamber committee ap with fishing resources of the fam W. Wasmond of the Orange & er of the evening. ville. Tuesday the 18th, Crescent pointed to work on this project es! steelhead fishing stream. The Black auto camp and Mrs. Ethel In his remarks, Mr. Miller spoke City boys will play here. that the readers of your paper suit’s formation followed a num Pickett. Dr. Brown read a pro feelingly of Willis Mahoney and On Monday, January 10th, the have many records or actually ber of conferences between Bed- posal from Elwood Hu*sey. said the country needed leaders, Girls’ league held its regular known of much information that ingfield and associates and the Dr. Brown suggested that the and in Mahoney the state had a meeting. The girls were enter will be of aid in this project. I Oregon state game commission vote be made by writing the name leader whom they could be proud Governor’s Action Cited of the party one wished to vote of. Mr. Miller, who is no strang tained by a display of some of Therefore I am submitting to your the things made by members of paper a list of questions we would After the game commission and for on paper. This was done with er in this section, made more the home economics department. like to have answered by your members of the state mining the following result: Elwood Hus friends at the meeting and was After the entertainment refresh readers. Also there is some deta board met with Governor Charles sey 8; Mrs. Pickett 3. indeed well received. ments were served and enjoyed. listed which is submitted for the H. Martin in November, Governor Before the vote was taken, Mrs. Me. Mahoney in opening his re As the staff in charge of the approval of your readers. If it Martin asked attorneys to with Pickett said that she really be marks, stated that he was mighty annual were elected last week, the is wrong we wish to know about draw the action so other means lieved Mr. Hussey should have the grateful for the confidence the members of it are beginning to it or have records to show it to be could be taken to adjust the dis registration bureau. Dr. Brown people of this county had for him, launch their program. They plan wrong. pute. spoke in favor of Mr. Hussey as as they proved by their vote at to start preliminary operations at The governor and game com Sincerelly yours, did Mr. McLean and Mr. Miller. the last general election, stating once. mission agreed to establish a fish M. M. -Nelson, All agreed that Mr. Hussey had that Josephine county gave him A contest, sponsored by the District Forest Ranger. hatchery on the Rogue and to worked hard to keep the registra the largest majority of any coun Curtis Publishing company, is I work out a plan so “there will be tion bureau going and was en ty in the state, population consid WHO CAN ANSWER? now being carried on in the school. titled to keep it. ered, except his own county Klam Following are questions to be I plenty of fishing and plenty of Everyone is busy trying to get all Mr. McLean suggested that a ath, and he expressed his pleasure answered on Early History of the ' mining.’’ the subscriptions they can. The It was this promise that contract be*entered into with Mr. and deep appreciation for this Illinois Valley and vicinity: contest ends Wednesday, January Hussey and the president said at confidence. 1— The first mining of gold in prompted dismissal of the action 19th. a meeting of the board of direct Mr. Mahoney paid Mr. Miller a Oregon was done in Canyon and before it ever came to trial. The A regular meeting of the Stu decree was signed December 30, ors this would be done. splendid compliment and said the Josephine creek early in 1851. dent Body was held on Wednes but filed January 5th for record Coming Events At the The canvas for the population state needed more men like him in a—Is the date correct? day of this week. After a brief of Cave Junction within the city the legislature. He also paid the b—Where on these creeks was ing with the Curry county clerk. Cave City Theater business discussion. Coach Jones --------------o------------- limits was completed by Ken Car- Athey Brothers a fine tribute, be the mining done? gave a short talk on the unsports ing a long time friend of both the c—Who did it? At the Cave City theater Satur son and it shows 117 residents in NEW OFFICERS HOLD manship of booing, which has ac Athey’s. and Sunday, January 15 and the city limits. 2— The Illinois river and valley companied some of our games. He FIRST GRANGE MEET day Blake Miller made a motion He let it be known that he and 16 comes "Double or Nothing,” were named for early miners from asked the students to refrain en all of Klamath county were in with Bing Crosby and Mary Car that a committee be appointed to the state of Illinois. tirely from booing an opposing The Illinois Valley Grange met tensely interested in the proposed lisle. “Double or Nothing, ’, the work for a permanent water works a—Who were these early min team. Entertainment was afford Thursday, Jan. 6, with a good at railroad to Crescent City, and said merriest, most tuneful comedy of and the motion carried. ers? ed by songs from Maxene Patrick tendance. This was the new of this or any other season with Bing Speaking on the name of the that he introduced a resolution, b — Are there any relatives of and Marvin Prentice. ficers first meeting and they con city. Dr. Brown called attention when he was Mayor of Klamath at his crooning best and Mary at these early miners in the val We take this opportunity to ducted it in an excellent manner. her loveliest. It contains -even to the fact that the confusion be Falls, endorsing the proposed ley at present? thank the people of the commun Roy Wells, new agricultural ■ new hit tunes and a musical sur- tween Cave City and Cave Junc road. He said that with this road c—Where did they settle? ity for the support they have given committee chairman, gave an in | prise. in operation, the tremendous tim It is a comedy romance tion was causing no end of trouble 3— Frenchtown was an early our basket ball squad, and we hope teresting account of his recent I you will remember for long time. and told of parties coming to see ber products of his county could mining town in the valley. they will continue to do so. We I trip to San Francisco. Other mem find a much quicker route to the On Wednesday, January 19, the him looking for Cave City and also ask those who come to our [ a—Who can give the exact loca- bers of the committee also had in coast than they have now, and con attraction is Mr. and Mrs. Martin went through the place without ation? games not to .jeer the opposing1 sequently were deeply interested Johnson in “Borneo,” another of knowing they were near the city. b—Why was it called French teresting reports. teams or the referee. In the legislative committee re those great jungle picture with Presently finding themselves in in the ultimate success of the new town? --------------o-------------- port, Bessie Watts explained the startling pictures of wild animals. Calif., they missed the city en railroad. c—When was it established? He gave considerable thought And Wedne-day night brings tirely and failed to all on Dr. and 4— The last Indian battle took provisions of the wage and hour to mining and was sure that some place at Eight Dollar mountain, bill. F. L. Sawyer made a pro another one of those deligfthul Mrs. Brown, on account of the test against the law which prohib- Amateur nights. Come out and confusion of the name of the city. thing could be done to help the on the 25th day of March 1856. He suggested that a committee be millers with their activities. Cap a—Was this actually the last : its corporations to establish a sink- see a good show Wednesday. 1 ing fund for the purpose of mak ital and transportation were bad The management requests all appointed to work for a perman Indian battle? ing improvements. Asa Johnson, who would like to take part in one ent metropolitan area. The mo ly needed for the permanent im b—Is the date correct? provement of our mining industry. Could you use $1000 extra c—Where on Eight Dollar Harry Smith, and Edith Knox of these talent nights drop in and tion carried. Mr. McLean made a motion Then with cheap electric power cash? mountain did the fighting actually were appointed on the resolutions talk it over or write. committee for 1938. that a committee be appointed to to run the machinery for the An island of primitive ferocity, The 1939 Golden Gate Interna take place? A very interesting lecture pro work for a permanent school bus, mines, a railroad for shipments tional Exposition, to be held on legendary with the terror of wild d—Who was the leader for the gram was held. A paper entitled, men and Dyak pirates, the jungle both for the grade and high school and the industry would hum, he Treasure Island in San Francisco whites? “Education for Democracy” was land of head hunters and unex children. He also suggested that was sure. bay, is willing to pay $1000 to the e—Who led the Indians? read by Bessie W.itts. Lecturer, plored waterways that twist thru the citizens of Cave Junction in He paid much attention in his person who submits the best name f—What was the outcome? talk to irrigation, and suggested , for the big 40-acre amusement g-—How many persons fought Addie Martin read a short article impenetrable wilderness, a scene terest themselves in school prob explaining the origin of the name, of the greatest capture of Martin lems and attend the school board a remedy for the greater improve zone which will be a feature of in the battle? January. A. A. Johnson, who had Johnson's career. meetings and find out what was ment of the valley would be to the World's Fair of the west. h—How many were killed? going on. There will be a school charge of the entertainment part dam up some of the creeks and --------------o------------- Exposition officials want a Who were they? district election in a few months hold back the flood waters for ir name that is short, new, catchy 5—The following names used in of the program, presented a piano and the matter of a permanent rigation purposes in the summer and easy to remember. If it sug this vicinity probably have a very duet by Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. (’amp U-Rest Is Now Babcock. Henry Heffner, War Under New Management school bus should be taken up, or when needed. He spoke force gests the glamor of the pageant interesting back ground: ner Johnson, and Mrs. Babcock there might be a possibility of fully concerning the possibilities of the Pacific, so much the better. Althouse Creek Briggs Creek losing our high school if some kind furnished old time music for the Last Monday Ida E. Hickman of the valley in agriculture. Mr. The title must not be more than Limpy Creek Babyfoot Creek grand march and a short period of and Andrew R. Kuznik, of Mis of transportation was not effi Mahoney is agriculture minded, three words. Everyone but ex Sucker Creek Scotch Gulch dancing. The program was con soula, Montana, leased Camp U- ciently provided. and when and if he ever gets into position employes may compete. Mooney Mountain Dr. Brown expressed apprecia cluded with a song by Herb Watts. Rest from Mr. and Mrs. Paul New- a position where he can help the Here’s a description of the Rough and Ready After the meeting an excellent ■ lands, and took charge of this pop- tion for Mr. McLean’s remarks farmers, he has put himself on the amusement zone, to cost millions a—Why were these features so and for coming out and suggesting «upper was served. I ular camp at once. spot that this will be done, if it is of dollars to assemble, which will named? -------------- o------------- this motion for the schools. He Mrs. Hickman is an old res- humanly possible for him to do so. suggest ideas for your name. It b—From where did the name praised Mr. Law's unselfish work i taurant woman and intends to es Mr. Mahoney has been a staunch I should reflect fun, thrills, gaiety Play To Be Given originate? in offering to drive the present tablish one of the leading eating believer in the Townsend plan and color. c—If named after a person, At Grange Hall school bus so some kind of trans houses on the Redwood highway ever since it came to his notice, World - famous concessionaires who was he? Was he a prom portation could be provided. He in southern Oregon. anil he was the very first person in are planning the mo-t colorful Saturday night, January 15th, inent citizen? Has he any They will completely renovate I spoke in favor of the motion, the state to go on the radio in amusement zone of any World's relatives in the valley at pres I the Williams Creek Grange will which was carried and President favor of the plan, and has been fair in history. Music, pageants, ent? Who? present at the Illinois Valley j the kitchen and dining room and Drews made Dr. Brown chairman when finished will have an entire- working at jt ever since, and there cavalcades, girl shows, foreign vil This project to be complete and Grange hall at Bridgeview, a of the committee. is no letup now. He is stronger lages, scenic railways, double fer- accurate must have the full co three-act play entitled “Hoodoo | !y new look. M. C. Athey told the members for the plan than ever, and gave ris wheels and sky rides, will be operation of everyone in the val Coon Always in Trouble.” — ° that Mr. McLean had suggested considerable facts and figures to some of the features of the 40- ley who has any information or MORE BOOKS DONATED There are 12 actors in the cast show why the plan is feasible. acre fun zone. It will have all the knows where it can be found. and the advance notices say all are TO THE KERBY LIBRARY a basket ball game between the men of Kerby and Cave Junction With Mahoney in the senate, the glamor and romance of the South From time to time many more excellent in their respective parts. I and asked the chamber members Townsenders will have a staunch Seas, Latin-America, the Orient, more questions will be submitted The play lasts for two hours and More books have been donated supporter that the interests will I Far East and the lands of the and the answers as sent in by the there are enough laughs in it to to the Kerby Library. A number to get interested in the game. Sev eral expressed themselves as in not be able to stop. Southern Cross. It will be as truly readers printed. Please address last for weeks. Admission to the of fine girl's books, also some Summoning up his talk all to- j international as the exposition its- your answers either to the Red play is 25 cents and after the boy's books and those for smaller terested in this feature and would participate. The first game will gether, he stressed the railroad, self. wood Ranger Station, the Illinois -how the Illinois Valley Grange children. The library is open probably be played Tuesday, Feb irrigation, mining and cheap elec Tuesday and Friday afternoons. In another column of this pa Valley News, or the Illinois Valley will hold their old time dance. ruary 1st with two more games tricity and to restore prosperity per is a coupon. Fill in the blank Chamber of Commerce. ------------- o The play is given to raise funds and purchasing power for the mas lines and mail to the address given Mr and Mrs. Whiteman of Ker for which dates will have to be --------------o------------- for both Granges and all are in ses, the Townsend plan. by have recently purchased the announced later. It was thought and you may win a thousand dol vited to attend. Mrs. Fred H. Schroeder and Willis Mahoney made a decided lars for your time. The News is daughter Mary Lou and Mr. and George Darling home on Oregon that it would take three games to ■ ■ o------------- I see who was really the champs. hit with those who had heard him cooperating with the Golden Gate Mrs. J. I. Miller will leave Satur- Mr and Mrs. P. A. Printz will Caves highway, and will take pos- for the first, time, and the gossip! International Exposition in this day for Powers, Oregon, where see that the people of the valley ession of ‘.he property in the ear Mrs ..Jackson suggested that a contest. Mr. Schroeder has a position. i will get real service in the future. ly spring. (Continued on Psge Three) (Continued on Page Three) San Francisco Fair Offers $1000 Prize