Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current, January 06, 1938, Image 1

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Illinois Valley News
Volume I
No. 35
Cave Junction, Oregon, Thursday, January 6, >93S
Price 5 Cents
F. L. Sawyer
Jackson Day Banquet
In Giants Pass Sat.
Wells Again
Again Master
To Head
The following program has
been released for the Jackson Day
For Pomona banquet which will be held in Dairymen
News Items From
Kerby High School
Mahoney To
Speak Here
Monday Nite
The Kerby high school pupils
j returned to school Monday after
10 days of an enjoyable vacation
ready to begin work. There are
only three weeks left of this se­
mester, and everyone wishes to
make the most of his time.
The contest for the selection of
a name for the annual ended
Wednesday evening, December
22. On Thursday the seniors met
and, from the names submitted,
selected the one they thought best
—Trail Blazer. Wanda Burch,
the contestant whose title was
chosen, will be awarded a free an-
The boys' basketball team lost
the last game of 1937 with Grants
Pass high, December 22nd. It will
play Rogue River at Rogue River
Friday, January 7, in a conference
game. The following evening it
will meet Prospect at Kerby. This,
however, will be a non-conference
Principal F. W. Jones and
Coach Dan Jones were delegates
to the State Teachers' associa-
tion’s annual convention at Port-
land during the holidays, Princi-
pal Jones attended the convention
as a delegate from the Josephine
Teachers’ ' association,
while Coach Jones represented the
Illinois Valley association. Both
report a most interesting and in­
structive session
On January 5, 1938, a group
of young people met at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. F W. Jones near
Kerby to discuss organizing a
Christian Endeavor society. All
present favored the organization
which will be completed when
members of the County Union
can meet with the local group. The
intended organization will meet
in the Cave Junction community
church when the building is com­
pleted. At present the young peo­
ple will meet at the homes of those
interested, The coming Sunday
evening at 7:30 another meeting
will be held at the Jones home,
Kenneth Smith of Grants Pass
from the Crater Lake union wdi
meet with the group at this time.
------------- o ■ —----
Grants Pass Saturday, January
8, 1938 at 7:30 p. m. in the Del1
F. L. Sawyer of the Illinois Vai- | Rogue hotel. Ticket- are 60 cents
George Wells of th»- Illinois
Willis Mahoney, the former
per plate. Please make reservation Valley was re-elected president of
ley Grange was re-elected master
"Fighting Mayor of Klamath
at the Del Rogue hotel as soon as the Illinois and Deer Creek Dairy
Falls,” will be in Cave City next
of the Pomona Grange for another ' possible.
association in the first annual Monday night to address the cit­
two-year term in the annual New
Illinois Valley democrats should meeting Monday at the
Illinois izens of the valley on issues of the
Year’s Day meeting at the Fruit­ see to it that a good representa­
Valley Grange hall which was at- day. He will speak at 8:00 p. m.
dale Grange hall, Saturday morn­ tion attends. It is not a political
tended by approximately 27 per- in the Câve City theater and the
ing, afternoon and evening.
meeting and no funds will be so­ sons interested.
admission is free to all.
Besides election of officers and licited.
Other officers elected were,
Mr. Mahoney needs no introduc­
social affairs, approximately 130
Following is the program:
vice-president, I). E. Weston, of tion to most of the people in
“Jackson the Man, from Birth Selma; secretary,
County Agent Southern Oregon, as he is well
Grange turned their attention to to 1796; His Election to Con­
O. K. Beals.
known in the state. He was a can-
Josephine | gress," Hon. Howard Barrett.
These officers and Dean War­
I Musical number, R. J. Wright.
county rural life.
ren of Selma, R. C. Patrick of
Other officers chosen are, Over­
“Jackson, the President and Ex­ Kerby and C. R. Sauer of Kerby,
Victor Boehl,
Redwood President, from 1882 to death;
who were elected directors, com­
Grange; lecturer, Gertrude Helm, Hon. O. S. Blanchard.
prise the board of directors.
Grave Creek Grange; steward, Ed
Musical numbet, R. J. Wright.
Winter feeding and possibilities
Hughes, Shan Creek Grange; as­
------------------- o-------------------
of dairy herd improvement associ­
sistant steward,Guy Carnes, Fruit­
ations were discussed in the meet­
dale Grange; chaplin, Mrs. W. A. Coming Events at the
ing which extended from 10 a. m.
Johnson, Rogue
River Valley Cave City Theater
until 3 a. m.
Grange; secretary, Mildred Nor­
George Wells and Dean Warren
The man who taught Will Rog­
man, Deer Creek Grange; gate
were chosen delegates from the
keeper, C. H. Brooks, Deer Creek
association for the state dairy­
Grange; Pomona, Vera Boehl, also gave Jane Withers her les­
man’s association meeting to be
Redwood Grange; Ceres, Victoria sons in the art for her role in
held in Coquille January 21 and
Flora, Josephine Powers, Rogue will appear at the Cave City thea­
The Illinois Valley Grange mem­
River Valley Grange; lady assist­ ter next Saturday and Sunday,
bers served lunch. Paid-up mem­
ant steward, Florence Carnes,
Miller, who is one of America’s bership jn the association, which
Fruitdale Grange; executive com­
was organized last July, was re-
mittee, W. A. Johnson, Rogue best-known rodeo performers and
ported at 17. This represents a
River Valley Grange; R. McElli-
considerable increase..
gott, Redwood Grange and Ed
------- o
Rogers at the time the latter was
Norman, Deer Civek Grange.
Newly elected officers were in­ preparing to make his debut in
didate for United States senator
stalled in a ceremony Saturday ] the Follies.
Walter Siegfried an old friend at the last election, and startled
For next Wednesday, January
night. Besides Mr. Sawyer, other
of the Athey brothers, surprised the entire state when he came
officers elected for second terms 12, comes “Topper,” featuring them last Thursday by dropping in within 4000 votes of beating Sen­
were Gertrude Helm as overseer, Constance Bennett and
for a visit at the Illinois Valley ator McNary, who was considered
Mildred Norman as secretary, and Grant and an excellent support- News office.
one of the strongest senators in
R. McElligott as executive com­ i ing cast.
The three used to work together the nation for re-election. It was
Wednesday is also Amateur
in years gone by and many in­ a very close margin, and the result
In a morning business session, Night and everyone should enjoy stances that occurred were re­ was not definitely known for a
which began at 10:30, the Pomona this program given by local talent. called. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Athey long time after the polls closed.
------------------- o-------------------
Grange voted in favor of a state­
and Ted motored to Grants Pass In fact it took until the next day
ment declaring that “this is not
to finish the visit with Mr. Sieg­ before it was fairly sure that Sen­
Change Made At
the time" to recognize the forest
ator McNary had won. This was a
fried and his wife.
service. This vote was taken to Cave City Garage
Mr. Siegfried is now traveling great tribute to Mr. Mahoney, as
express the Grange’s approval of
an advertising firm and has it was generally believed no one
Last Monday, Ken Carson took
keeping the forest service organ­
of the territory west of lhe could even come close to McNary.
ization within the department of over tjie servicing of cars at the Mississippi river. He expects to
With Senator Steiwer out of the
agriculture, from which it has Cave City Garage in place of Hal return in a few weeks and spend race for re-election this year and
been prqposed, in a bill before Taylor, who went to California several days in the valley.
congress, to move it into the de- for the winter.
strength, he is the most likely AGRICULTURAL
------------------- o
Ken is well known in the valley
partment of interior.
candidate for the next United MEETING VOTED
Another resolution passed by
Perennial Prospector
States senator for Oregon.
•he Pomona Grange frowned on years and for several summers has Comes Back Home
Speaking for the Townsend
senate bill No. 69, termed the been employed at the Redwood
plan from the very first, Willis
Last Wednesday the Josephine
“70-car train bill” and all other] Forest : ^tion. He will have com-
It feels mighty good to be home. Mahoney has gained their confi­ County Agricultural Economic
legislation that would “increase I plete charge of servicing of cars And a fellow is pretty lucky to dence and will pull 90 per cent of
Conference was held in the county
including greasing, battery and
freight rates.”
get here with his skin on, let me the democratic Townsend vote at
• Approximately 130 persons par-1
tell you. They just about steal the primaries, which is almost a court house at Grants Pass and a
--------- o---------
took of the noonday lunch which
| the eyes out of a fellow’s head certainty of his nomination, re­ large crowd of interested persons
was served under the direction of Three-Stamp Mill Soon
| in the cities these days. I know, gardless of the fact that the Port­ attended. Among the Illinois Val­
Mrs. Anna Stinebaugh, assisted by Ready at Young Mine
because as I was coming home land democrats are doing every­ ley citizens who were there were,
other members of the Grange. The
through Eugene I decided to stop thing they know how to do to keep
Clarence Sawyer, A. A. Johnson,
evening meal was served to a
W. E. Young has just complet­ and talk a while with a prospec­ him out.
somewhat smaller number.
Mr. Mahoney is one of the George Wells and Jim Payne.
ed putting in a three-stamp mill tor friend of mine who lives there.
O. K. Beals, county agent, open­
Entertainment during the lec­ on his property back of Holland. And when we got to working over state’s great orators and always
ture hour included group singing] The mill was taken in on a truck some of those old pocket traces of has a constructive message for his ed the meeting and much valuable
led by Sara Wertz ( former coun­ to within a quarter of a mile of ours, the way we old prospectors listeners.. EverJ’ citizen in cor­ discussion was enjoyed and Chas.
ty home demonstration agent in the mine and skidded down hill to will do, the time plumb got away dially invited to attend this meet­
K Stricklin, state engineer, and
Josephine county and at present the property.
from us. About two hour1 later ing next Monday night in the Cave
J. Winters Smith, water utiliza­
employed in central Oregon; a re­
Later a concentrator table will when I went, I went out to get in City theater at 8:00 p. m.
tion specialist presented valuable
creational feature by Miss Nola be added and work on the mine my car, which I had left standing
Welch newly named county home is. expected to start in the near in front of his house, everything
Humrick Asks Chamber facts concerning the entire coun­
demonstration agent; a comedy future.
| in it had been ransacked. A $200
farce entitled, “The Miller," by
•o------- — -
fur coat had been stolen, my only To Get Busy on Goats
Classification of lands was dis­
the Fruitdale Grange members un­ W, A. BROUILLET INJURED good suit of clothes, also a com-
Get your shoulder to the wheel cussed as well as resources, water
der the direction of Mrs. I. T. Gal-
W. A. Brouillet, Jr., son of W. I | plete shaving outfit, razor, strop, boys, this cheese factory will mean
conservation, relations of water to
ligar, Fruitdale Grange.'
A. Brouillet of Cave City, was in
something worth while to your land, and general subjects pertain­
State Senator W. A. Johnsqp an accident recently, 14 miles out
Of course I reported it to the
»iMivered a speech on the "Womed of Crescent City. He was crowd- city police, but I expect thats the community und city, Will you ing to the general welfare of the
stand idly by, or will you help to
L.ncoln Loved,” a historical art^ ed
off the road on a grade and last of that.
advertise and bring this enter­ entire county was thoroughly gone
aiysis of the variot - Women who his truck turned and toppled 800
Right then and there I decided
prise to your city by spring? Let’s into
played a part in the life of Abra­ or 900 feet, completely demolish- I *hat home was the place for me.
places and get the 1000 head of
Clarence Sawyer is chairman of
ham Lincoln.
The Prren.inl Prospector.
ing it. His presence of mind in ,
goats and goat people.
(What the committee on agriculture in­
Gertrude Helm, lecturer of the jumping saved his life. The driv­
— ■ o
do you say?)
Pomona Grange, directed the hour er of the other car never stopped. MANY GUESTS ENJOY
vestigation, an important commit­
Rogue River Valley Dairy Goat
of entertainment.
of the conference and a great
With two broken ribs Mr. DINNER AT JIM'S PLACE
association is contemplating chang­
The next meeting of Pomona Rrouillet managed to climb up the
of valuable data is expected
Siskiyou Coffee shop, Hon- ing its name to a name suitable
Grange will be held on January bank and was Picked up and taken I The J^m"»
7lace^t"he' SiLkiyou
to the counties it serves, Jose­ from this group.
to the hospital at Crescent City. camp ., is becoming quite a mecca phine, Del Norte, Curry and Jack-
Those attending from the valley
His father was notified and he I for dinners on Sundays and holi­ son counties. Which will be con-
the conference most suc­
left immediately to bring his son days.
tributary to Caves Junction cheese
valuable information
home, where he is resting easy
New Year's found the following factory. At the next meeting to
that will be of
Tuesday night, Leslie Henry,
J guests enjoying a sumptuous rin- be held at Crescent City, Califor­
Jr., Jack Hayden, Elwood Squire,
ner at the camp: Mr. and Mrs. nia, and Grants Pass the second lasting benefit to the county.
> 1 George Lillis, accompanied by WESTERN MINER RECEIVED Ed Simmons and Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday night of each month, has
•**«««•**•»«•««•»<«**1« it it mil ••••• mt iiiiimiu m ««MtaTJ
The News office has just re­ Neely Gradner of the quarantine been chosen and the second Friday
>?outmaster Dr. A. N. Collman
a id Assistant Scout Master, Ralph ceived a copy of the Western station; Miss Doris Hayden of night at Crescent City at the com­
Huber, of Troop 28, Cave Junc­ Miner, official organ of the West­ Grants Pass; Mr. and Mrs. Paul munity hall at 8 p. m.
tion. attended the Boy ScoutSCourt ern Miner's association, volume I, Hein; Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Coll­
To those who are interested in
4 Honor at the court house in numberl, a monthly publication of man; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rout; Ken goats, government bulletin 220 is
Illinois Valley Grange, Thurs­
Grants Pass, where Jack Hayden eight pages in tabloid size. This Carson ; Frank Schiska and Ear) obtainable free through County day, January 6th.
and Leslie Henry received their paper should be of interest to Judkins, Cave City; Mr. and M-rs Agent O. K Beals.
Deer Creek Grange, Saturday, i
those engaged in the mining indus­ Mrs. Clark Nutting and Mr. and
second class Scout badge*.
A penny postcard addressed to
Cave Junction, expects to have try and much credit is due its ed­ Mrs. McKenna of Idlewood and Agricultural College, at Albuquer­ January 8th.
a troop the community will be itor, J. R Elder in compiling this Grace Jarvis and Forrest Dunham que, New Mexico, bulletin 229.
All Grange members cordially ,
splendid edition.
proud of in the near future.
invited to these meetings.
...... o
of Siskiyou camp.
New Officers
Elected For
I. V. Chamber
At the annual meeting and elec­
tion of officers of the Illinois Val­
ley Chamber of Commerce the of­
ficers for the ensuing year were
elected and a fine report by Sec­
retary Hussey for the last year
and an extensive program for the
coming year.
At the beginning of the meeting
a motion was made to suspend the
rules and proceed to the election
of officers which was done. The
ballots were
Chairman Drews asked for any
nominations from the floor, stat­
ing that the ballot was presented
by the nominating committee and
anyone could nominate from the
There being no further
nominations, a motion carried to
close them and proceed to ballot.
A. A. Johnson said his name
was placed on the ballot and he
wished to make it plain that if he
was elected, the chamber would be
run strictly on a business basis,
that the by-laws would have to be
lived up to the very letter. If
you don't want that kind of an ad­
ministration, do not vote for me.
Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Jackson and
Miss Jasperson were appointed
tellers for the election.
When all had voted, Chairman
Drews declared the ballot closed
and told the tellers to count the
While the ballots were being
counted, M. M. Nelson, ranger of
the Redwood Ranger station was
called on and gave the Chamber
some great ideas.. He said that
the station was preparing some
attractive signs to be placed on
spots of historical value to the val­
ley. The signs would all be at­
tractive and carved out of wood
and would tell this is the spot
where some historical event took
place. He also stated that there
was no sign to let the traveling
public know they were entering
the Illinois Valley. He asked for
help from the Chamber in placing
the signs and for more data on
historical events that would be
likely spots for signs.
An emblem of distinction will
’be etched in wood on every sign,
giving added beauty to each one.
The emblem had not yet been
worked out, but an appropriate de­
sign is being studied. Mr Nelson
was given a rousing hand at the
conclusion of his talk and a mo­
tion carried to give the Ranger
Station every cooperation. Ken
Carson was made chairman of the
committee to work in cooperation
with the new board on the signs.
Secretary Hussey read many
objectives for the Chamber for the
coming year, and a busy program
is ahead of the organization. He
also told of many accomplishments
that the Chamber had carried to
completion during th»- past year.
He was given a great hand for his
splendid talk.
The tellers were ready by this
time and the following officers
were elected for the ensuing year.
Art Drews, president; Fred Gale-
no, vice-president; Dr. A. N. Col­
lman, secretary; C. Y. Arnold,
treasurer and the following *hrce
named as members of the hoard of
directors, M. C. Athey, Dr. E E.
Brooks and Forbes Slayton.
A rising vote of thanks was
given the officers of the past yiar
with a great reception, singling
out Elwood Hussey for hi. fine
work as secretary and Art Drews
for acting president.
A motion carried to po-tf one
all other business until the next
meeting as the lime was getting
late, Adjournment followed nnd
congratulation« vere in order for
the new officers.
Mr. and Mr*. R. F. Oakes, nee
Miss Harper, have returned to the
valley to make their future home.
They are at present with Mrs.
Oakes parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har­
per, on the Caves highway.
-------------- o
Look out for pedestrians.