Illinois Valley News A LIVE WIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE ILLINOIS VALLEY INI) SURROUNDING DISTRICTS ---- —------------------------------- Volume I f Cave Junction. Oregon. Thursday, December 30. 1937 No. 34 Price 5 Cents T w”" £-A r : y » -V • ■ * * ■* I 1 I 1 ■r s' iMr L ' £ té ! *• • /• fSH la.* J ■ iz .-¿W •:3 1 1 A NEW YEAR AHEAD! Saturday night the old year will be past—Just water over the dam, so to speak, and we can look forward to the New Year and what we can make of it. There is no denying, we can make of our lives what we desire. We will get out of life just what we put in. and no more. Making our own destiny is not an easy task, hut it is a grand one, and worth the effort, so we are going to tell our readers that we visualize for them a most prosperous and happy New Year, those of us who live in Southern Oregon, especially if we will help our­ selves get it. v How can we help ourselves? How can we make the New Year bright and prosperous? Not so easy, UNLESS we have a sincere desire and a genuine f BELIEF that we ('AN help ourselves, and then start out to do it. still believ­ ing that our efforts will be* a success. In plain, ordinary language we mean this. Whatever you are doing, do the best von can, and be happy in doing it. even if it is cutting wood for wife or mother to get supper. We never know what avenues are going to be opened up for us, avenues of success. These avenues appear much quicker for those who are doing the best they can with the job they have. Just for arguments sake, suppose you have a menial task that is not all one • would desire. You may hate the job, and show it. Your very thought of dislike w ill be very apparent to all. You will not be doing your best, consequent­ ly no one offers a better job. for they see you as you really are. On the other hand, suppose you do not care much for Masons And Eastern Star Installation Last Monday afternoon, St. John's Day, Belt Lodge No. IK, A. F. & A. M., and Western Star Chapter, O. E. S., held a joint in­ stallation at the Masonic temple in Kerby. A very appetizing dinner was served at 1 p. m. and immediately afterwards the installation took place. Past Master Geo. Thrasher called the meeting to order and then gave the gavel to F. L. Saw­ yer who presided. The Chapter was first on the program and Mrs. E. B. Pearsall acted as installing officer. Mrs. H. M. Hayden acted as installing marshal and presented the fol­ lowing duly elected officers for the ensuing year: Maud Hogue, worthy matron; Kenneth Wells, worthy patron; Lola Peterson, associate matron; Lucius Robinson, associate patron; Sue Martin, conductress; Clara Hammer, associate conductress; Blanch Robinson, secy., Rachel ^ThraSlIer, treas., Bessie Watts, or­ ganist; Cora Barnes, Ada; Mary Hayden, Esther; Mrs. Walton, Electa: Frank Floyd, sentry; Jes­ sie Leonard, warder. Two addi- ional stars are to be installed at he next meeting, Jennie Tuttle and Patsy Knox. F. L. Sawyer then acted as in­ stalling officer for the Blue lodge with John Valen acting as install­ ing marshal. He presented the following elected officers for the ensuing term: George W. Martin, worshipful master; A. N. Collman, senior warden; Kenneth Wells, junior warden; F. L. Sawyer, treasurer; (Continued on Page Four) A'?' t* HR 'a win? a */* A ""A, > sixar" I V x •r. >•/> tea z. NJ ¿«7; 'ty .« ' FY i 1'1. F "»• v * *'• ni. ” * .5È* p < ‘ I * SBKST a VC r ♦ .j/i’ ! ’■•f 2' ’ Wl » -J » I -1 III tfJfF Coming Attractions At Cave City Theater Lovely Eleanore Whitney and handsome young Johnny Downs, America’s favorite young romance team, have gone dramatic! In their new comedy romance, “Blonde Trouble,” which comes to the Cave City theater, Friday, December 31, gives this young couple an excellent opportunity to demonstrate their ability. For the first time the couple will not dance, and both expressed themselves as being perfectly sat­ isfied with the arrangement, since their roles permit them to do an even greater amount of love-mak­ ing than they have heretofore en­ joyed. On Saturday and Sunday, “The Singing Marine,'’ with Dick Pow­ ell as the star will be the attrac­ tion. X- In the picture Powell is a Ma­ rine, and he can sing. So his com­ rades get up a purse to send him to New York to have a try at "Major Rowes" amateur hour. At the same time on her own, Dick’s sweetheart essays to enter her voice into the competition. She doesn't get by. But Dick be­ comes a tremendous success, and there's a story fit for a king’s ransom. — o - (’(’(’ Boys Entertained On Christmas Eve The CCC boys were entertained on Christmas eve by a group from Cave City and the program was well received by the boys, even joining in singing several songs. Those taking part were, Jean­ ette Martin, in dance numbers with Miss Helen Floyd at the pia­ no. Mrs. C. C. Babcock and Frank Schiska gave a piano and mandolin selection anast year. Legislative committee members H. M. Hayden and Bessie Watts both gave short reports on legis­ lative topics and the labor situa­ tion in relation to the farmers welfare. H. M. Hayden was presented with a gold watch charm, bearing th«* emblem of the Grange, as a reward for his faithful services in conducting the old time dances sponsored by the Grange. Clarence Sawyer, retiring mas­ ter, gave a farewell talk, in which he thanked all of the officers and members for their cooperation which helped to make the year a success for the Illinois Valley Grange. A fine literary program was conducted by Lecturer Addie Mar­ tin; H. M. Hayden rind Pearl Re- delf. After the meeting a chicken noodle supper was served by the (Continued on Page Two)