Illinois Valley News, Thursday, December 16, 1937 Notary Publics in Cave City AMY HUSSEY M. ( . ATHEY BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH SERVICES Sunday school ................ 10 a. m. (Leonard Beard, Supt.) Preaching each Sunday, 11a. m. Loyal Defenders, Vivian Pul­ len, acting president .. . 7 p. m. Preaching and a good old fash­ ioned sing begins ........ 8 p. m. Prayer meeting in church Wednesday night ........ 8 p. m. “No books but the Bible and no creed but Christ.” ED WRIGHT, Pastor. “The little church with the big welcome." DR. A. N. COLLMAN Naturopathic Physician CAVE CITY, OREGON DR. H. W. HERMANN Optometrist Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted Telephone 258-J 519 H St. Grants Pass, Oregon 502 N 4th St. FOR SATI RDAY AND MONDAY THE BARBER Bart McCue CITY, ORE AND DRY CLEANERS Of Grants Pass Family Laundry Service —Dry Cleaning Unsurpassed. Collect and Deliver Wed. and Sat. BEAUTICIAN 517 “G” Street Phone 67-R Grants Pass, Oregon GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY Pickup in Cave City and Kerby Monday and Thursday SIBERRIAN ( REAM Jordan's Siberrian Shop 632 S. 6th St., Grants Pas». j V »AH.I SMFtl U-rt-nJQ.ti I I i I I I I i j “For answers to your traffic questions, address Earl Snell, Sec­ retary of State, Salem. Oregon." But for Real Eats Secretary of State, Earl Snell, has prepared a series of questions and answers concerning automo­ biles and automobile drivers which are very interesting. This fea­ ture will appear weekly in the News and Mr. Snell requests that you send in to him your questions and they will be answered in these columns. Come To The Cave City Coffee Shop Famous for Home Cooking VIC'S HOME MADE PIES GOODY - GOODY - GOODY What I> the Minimum Equipment Required for Mv Vehicle? Under New Management Truck Calls Tuesday Cleaning and Pressing Toy Town Ladies and Girls Haircutting FLO LEEDY = a Pre-Inventory = ■É I I s BETTENDORF'S PET SHOP Ornamental and Pets Birds ONE i Used Flamo or City (¡as Spratt's Dog Food—Bird Seeds and Supplies Masonic Bldjf ELECTROLUX N. 6th St. I I ! $3.39 45c AN EVERY DAY SPECIAL WITH US ASK FOR OUR NEW 1938 CALENDAR—IT'S A BEAUTY Harry Messenger TAKILMA, OREGON o $1.49 I I 50c to 95c I Suspenders in gift boxes ...................... 50c Lovely Linen Kerchiefs 3 in a box ........................ 95c Sport Handkerchiefs 3 in a box 49c Xmas Dinner Insist On Rollins Hosiery wrapped ready for the tree Brake Linings, U. S. TIRES AND TUBES, including Truck sizes — BATTERIES and Cables — Coils, Condensers, Points, Cutouts, Generator and Starting parts — Wires, Cables, Clips, Spark Plugs, etc. — Axles, Drive Shafts — Connecting Rods, Rings, Gears and Pinions — Cap Screws ,Nuts and Washers Gaskets of all kinds ( ROSS - PANNED BREAD IIIHIIIIIHIHIOIIIOHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIHHHIHIIIIHtlllHIIHIIOlimilllllllllHHIIHHN : Also Cakes, Pies, and Cookies At your Dealers in the Illinois Valley à IHtWIWWillHIIIIHIHHIWHHHHHUUOIIIIMOHIIIIIIUMOlUllltHllllinHIHIIIIIIHItHIIHIHOIIHUIIIUIIOIIHilHHMOIIIiHHWNiHHHUIHiHiHIIHttlHHHHtlHIIOm ’ Music for T Most Complete Stock of Auto Repair Parts for YOUR QUICK SERVICE Terms New and Finer I ‘iHmUIIIHIlllUHIlHIIHIIttHlUHWIHIIIHOIIIIWWtHIIIHUHMHiMHIfHilllMtHtIMIUIIIHIIIIIIIHIHiOliHMNHIHIiHHIMinNIWIHIHINOHNMIMtfMnMHHIItHN« *99-00 Keibel’s ! Wr will wrap all packages for Chriitmai mailing FREE 0 l * j FOR YOUR Rollins Satin Slips, lace I $1.98 trim and tailored ....... Rollins Pure Silk Crepe Slips Lovely Silk Gowns for only ....... ............ Rollins Knit Gowns from $1.29 to $1.98 Bath Room Sets at only ............................... 98c Linen Luncheon Sets priced from 75c to $1.98 Handkerchiefs 3 in a box 25c to 55c Ties, lovely hand Valued at $110.00 Yours for For Your CHRISTMAS ‘ SHOPPING 45c (ANDY — ('ARI)S — NOVELTIES i Lew Hammer’s Men’s Pure Silk Sox 2 pair for Christmas Presents KEITH’S MARKET Prophylactic Military Sets $1.25 to $3.50 = tailored 8 More Days To Meet SANTA ( LAUS at 39c If we do not carry your article in stock, we will gladly get it I Gifts for Her— Dress Shirts in gift boxes $1.00 to $1.95 - Canaries, ! Gifts for Him— Williams Shaving Sets in suede covered box Special Whistling Aluminum Tea Kettle A perfect utility Martin Hardware Turkeys— Ducks— Geese— Chickens— I I Anything you need is atj jyour disposal and ready! ¡for immediate delivery.I ¡Just phone 1 See What "Santa” Has At Alma’s 0...........................................................0 Wrapped for Mailing CANDY CANES HORNINGS SHACK Grant» Pan $1.95 Rubber Boots that are water repellant Come in and get your 1938 Calendar I I I I I I .................................. . .............................................. ....... BEAUTICIAN ¡Christmas Boxed Candy ¡ 1 (¡ENERAL MERCHANDISE Holland, Oregon GIFTS FOR YOUNG and OLD Open Evenings Christmas Dinner Harry R. Floyd Jacobson’s Variety 99c Part Wool Work Sox 2 pair for IS JUST AROUND THE (’ORNER So come up and look our Gift Suggestions over Gifts for all the family— MOTHER — FATHER — and the CHILDREN All Gifts Wrapped Ready for the Tree 6th and “G” Streets CAVE JUNCTION BEAUTY SALON 14 in. Revolving Serving Plate Special for Water Repellant Reindeer Blouse An exceedingly warm coat Christmas COME TO When in Grants Pass Eat at the CLUB CAFE 25C THANKSGIVING IS PAST, BUT Your headlights must be strong enough to render clearly visible a person standing in the road 200 feet ahead of your car, under nor- & LAUNDRY CO. * 9x13 in. Bread Pans, tin 2 for Simplex Electric Iron A beauty for ❖ How Strong Must My Head­ lights and Tail Light Be? CITY CLEANERS 10 Quart (Jal. Pail, wood handle— At only SPEND A LITTLE, BUY A LOT Your automobile must be equip­ ped with headlights, tail light, muffler, horn, rear view mirror, windshield swipe, foot brake and emergency brake, all in good working order. SOMETHING NEW AND DELICIOUS Jordan*! Frethly Frozen HEADQUARTERS FOR XMAS GIFTS CLASSIFIED ADS FRENCH LAUNDRY LOTA PEARCE ster with special Winfield head and carburator. Very fast $175. See Bob Rout, Illinois Valley Motor Co. Terms and trade in 32-ltc PLACER TESTING. Formation testing, water well drilling a in Cave City. Prices and terms Sabbath school, 1:45 p. m. specialty. Looking for prospec­ tive placer testing ground. Jack to suit. Church service 3 p. m. Wood, O’Brien, Oregon 3‘2-ltp Prayer meeting announced each ELWOOD HUSSEY Sabbath at church service. Licensed Broker FOR SALE—6 milk goats, also in­ cubator that holds 2700 eggs. PREST-O LITE Batteries $4.00 Either electric or coal oil. M. and up. Wholesale and retail. B. Rexford, Cave City. Inquire Campbell's Super Service, next News office. 32-ltp □ CAVE GUEST AT CHAMBER LUNCH FOR SALE—1930 model A. road­ ILLINOIS VALLEY SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Phone 334 EJ. SPECIALS WANTED Best farm priced right that can be bought for Sea.ickne.i as a “Remedy” $1500 or less, Mail full par- Taking a sea voyage and get­ ticulars to H. L., The News, ting seasick was considered a Cave Junction. 32-1 tp good treatment for nervous and mental disorders in the days of FOR SALE Sewing machine in the Romans. good order. Big bargain at $6.00. Inquire at the News of­ Miss Lolita Jasperson of the fice. 32-ltc Cave City Coffee shop made a bus­ iness trip to Grants Pass today. FOR SALE—Apples 25c a box. Potatoes 75c a -ack. English ~~O_ ■ Walnuts 15c a pound. Six miles Todd Slayton of Grants Pass out on Oregon Caves highway. was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Forbes Chria Wendt. 32-ltp Slayton, of the Cave City Drug FOR SALE—Placer mine two store, the first of the week. claims Inquire at the News of­ fice. Good cabin and equip­ ment. 32-tfc Sunday School and church ser- vices at Legion hall, Cave City <3 every Sunday. Sunday School at 9:45 a, m. Church services at 11 a. m. Rev. George L. Gray of Grants Pass, pastor. Everyone invited. Ambulance »ervice dav or nite mal conditions. Your tail light to Courthouse, Grants Pass, must give a red light plainly vis­ Or.gon. —16tf ible at least 500 feet to the rear. Your headlights also must not be FOR SALE — Mining location blanks, both quartz and placer focused so as to cause a glare in and trespass notices at the the eyes of approaching drivers. Illinois Valley News office. Mrs. Cleve Stevenson, director of the Josephine county relief of­ fice, will be a guest at the next Chamber of Commerce luncheon anil hopes to meet several of the ladies of the valley. NON-DENOMINAT1ONAL Cave City FUNERAL HOME Base Three ■ I Christmas INSTRUMENTS I String, Brass, Woodwind : New Pianos Console, Upright, Grand KIMBALL — GULBRANSEN : Selma, Oregon *■ Rogue River Hardware Co. Garage Ô* Machine Shop “Where Moil People Trade" A. J. DREWS, Prop 1 R. J. Wright Music Store I I ItlllMifHOlHllHHHiHHHfliiHlllliHOlHiiHliltHHitllilllllllllHlHHHilUllHlilHHilillillllfiiiiiiiiiiiMfiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiQ (¡rants Pass