Illinois Valley News, Thursday, November 25, 1937 Water System I Fight Is on For Membership Drive merce guarantee sufficient num ber of pupils up to 25, to make At the last meeting of the Illi the operation of the bus possible. nois Valley Chamber of Commerce, This motion prevailed, and Mr. Dr. William A. Brown made a mo Brown said that he and Mrs. tion to hold a membership drive, Brown would guarantee to pro the motion was carried and Chair vide funds for one pupil, if a suf- man Drews appointed Ken Carson ficient number did not take ad - as chairman of the drive. Ken has vantage of the opportunity, He chosen his captains and lieutenants did this to insure the operation and has divided the entire member of the school bus, and his remarks ship into two groups, the reds and were appreciated by the mem blues, and the losing side will pro bers, but it is evident this will not vide a luncheon for the winners. be necessary as there are a suf The following list tells each ficient number of children who member which side they are on, will take advantage of this kind and they had better get to work of transportation for school. securing members. This is going to » There are at present about $90 be a great campaign, and the availble for school bus transpor- luncheon after it will be greatly tation, this together with $5 a enjoyed. Here is the list. month from the emergency fund, BLUE RED and the 10c per pupil would make Wm. McLean, Dr. William A. the operation of the bus possible, Brown, captain, captain. and in the near future we expect Loleta Jasperson.Patricia Jackson, to see the bus in operation. O. E. JonM, R. Balzke, lieu A motion was made to have lieutenants, tenants, every member notified by mail Elwood Hussey Bert Watkins, that at the next meeting, Tuesday. A. Theuerkauf, Art Drews, November 30th, the principal mat Mrs. Paul Fattig,Dr. E. E. Brooks, ter of business will be the definite George Rowley, Floyd Fagnant, settlement of the registration bur Thos. Smith, Bart McCue, eau, and it is imperative that eve Lee Sowell, Bob Rout, ry member attend this meeting as Clara Magill, L. A. Stone, this is the last day the registra D. J. Hancock, Delbert Gates, tion bureau is to be under the E. O. Lawson, R. W. Renfro, the present operation, unless A. N. Collman, Mrs. Balzke, Chamber members desire that this M. D. Elliott, L. E. Athey, arrangement continue. However, M. C. Athey, Alma Martin, it is of such importance that eve- W. R. McQuay, Paul Fattig, ry Chamber member should at- Wm. Wasmond, Fred Galeno tend the meeting and have this Hy Miller, Ethel Pickett matter finally decided. Forbes Slayton, Forrest Dunham Mr. Hussey introduced R. Zim- A. L. Laws, Werner Huber merman, who is here representing ('. S. Baker. Roy Dundas. Jack Heaster. Mr. Heaster is well ------------ —a-------------- known in the valley, and is will High School ing to build and operate a water (Continued from Pace One! system for Cave City and Kerby if a sufficient revenue can be Lean, Delia Winn and Ken Robin had to make the system profitable. son. In the poster contest for adver Mr. Zimmerman was not able to give the members much informa tising, Barbara Hensley won first tion, but a committee was appoint prize, second prize went to Rob ed to go into the matter in a bus ert Roth and third was given to iness like way and ascertain if William Hensley. ------------- o-------------- such a system could be provided and give the cities good, wholesome drinking water, and at the same time provide adequate fire protec tion. The committee together with the board of directors of the Chamber will meet with Mr. Zim merman Friday night and try to find a way where the water sys tem could be built to the satisfac tion of all concerned. At the same time, Ken Carson was authorized to enumerate every citizen of Cave City that a proper census of the city could be had. He is to complete this work as soon as possible. C. F. Pruess, attorney of Grants » Pass, was a guest at the meeting and Chairman Drews called on him for a few words. He said that he had always wanted to attend and was always looking forward to the time when he would have an opportunity to attend the Chamber of Commerce meeting, and he enjoyed being at this meet- ing and was decidedly impressed with the Chamber and its activi- ties. He said every time he goes through the city he sees improve ment, and he feels that Cave Junction citizens and the Cham ber are up and coming, aggressiv», and go getters. He said that we are closer to the objectives we are striving for than ever before, and complimented the Chamber on its activities. Speaking about the possibility of the water system. Mr. Pruess said he was not sure which was the quicker way to get the sys tem, whether by incorporating th city or not. He said there was benefits on both sides. Mr. Pruess has taken the mat ter up of incorporating the city many times and is willing and ready to help us in any way he can. Mr. Hussey spoke of his in terest in our city and the work he has already done to help us. Concerning the building site foi the Chamber, the committee war told to look for another location, as the one decided on had been I sold. The board will meet and look * for another site immediately. A. L. Laws, Ethel Pickett and Patricia Jackson were new mem bers taken in at the meeting. Next meeting will be held Tues < day noon. November 30th, and a full attendance is expected. -------------- o The American Legion Auxiliary will hold their regular meeting Wednesday, December 1st. Offi cers request all members to be present. FOR SALE — .Mining location blanks, both quartz and placer and trespa>s notices at the Illinois Valley News office. Kerby Grade Children Pul on Program cordion duet, Lloyd Morrison and Elwood Hussey. Indian Dance, First and scc- ond grade. Patty Gow, Craig Stallcup, Do- rothy Thrasher, Max Morrison, Howard Wilson. Richard Thom son, Earl Thomson, Bobby Gow and Harry Kellert. Lois Modern Thanksgiving, Richardson. Play, "Our Thanksgiving Day”. intermediate room, Billy Lind- ley, Rosemary Sache, Lewis Shoe- maker, Mary Lou Schroeder, Dan ny Farlien, Norman Wilson, Eth el Elroy, Roger Egger. The entire room sang, “Amer ica the Beautiful. Thanksgiving, Frank McLean. Song, “Come Ye Thankful Peo ple, Come", third grade, Zenna Slack, Dena Jones, Jack Sauer, Sharon Currier, Carol McAlister and Georgia Goldsby. Puritan Council, upper grade boys, Elwood Hussey, George Lillis, Lee Hassler, Bob White. Jack Sowell, Hob Roy McLean, Lloyd Morrison, Ellis Tycer. “My Jack o’Lantern, George Kellert. Dutch Couple Folk Dance, upper grade girls, Virginia Thrasher, Heide Sachse, Caroline Hayden, Janet Martin, Norma McCrady, Doris Jones. The Pilgrims came, Dean Tycer. Speak for Yourself, John, Janet Martin. Courtship of John Miles Stand ish, upper grade girls, Virginia Thrasher, Clarissa Welch, Betty lackey. Heide Sachse, Caroline Hayden, Janet Martin, Lois Rich ardson, Sarah North, Norma Mc Crady. Accordion and harmonica duet, “Cleniantine," Elwood Hussey and Lloyd Morrison. Indian Children, Francis Bad- den. Dressed Turkey, Sarah North. Home Sweet Home, Elwood Hussey and Lloyd Morrison. ------ SPECIALS Saturday and Monday Granite Stewer, With Lid o-------------- Galvanized Pail, 12 Quart The Garden club met last Fri day afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. L. Schumacher and as- sisting the hostess were Mrs. George I.. Martin, Mrs. De Etta Scott, Mrs. A. N. Collman and Mrs. Paul Hein. Mrs. J. Villiar presided as chairman of the pro gram. Plans were made for the Christmas meeting which is an an nual affair at the home of Mrs. Leo Martin at Bridgeview. Mrs. Raphael Leonard, Mrs. George I.. Martin, Mi's. A. A. Johnson sang a song and were accompnied bj Mrs. Charles C. Babcock at the piano. Mrs. Lucius Robinson gave a reading and explained the leg end of the creation of corn, as .old by Henry Longfellow in ‘Hiawatha." Mrs. Leo Martin and Mrs. Butler read poems. After the program, games were played and later refreshments were served. Coffee Maker, Aluminum, 8 cup Window Shades, Buff color. 36 inch Axes, Doublebit, Black Cutter Five Brothers Work Shirts 21x36 In. Felt Base Congoleum Rugs, 2 for Milk Pans, 6 Qt. 2 for -------------- o-------------- Saturday night, Nov. 20, an old time dance, which was sponsored by the Grange, was held. There was a large crowd, all having "the inie of their lives," so if you were not there you certainly missed a lot of fun. There was both mod ern and old time dancing so eve ryone was satisfied. or a bowl of Chili After the »how at HORNING’S SHACK Grants Pa»» thanksgiving Dinner CAVE CITY COFFEE SHOP CAVE JUNCTION BEAUTY SALON All Tvoei of Beau tv Work Perman ent. M 50 - $3.50 and «5 OO Fruit Cocktail or Chilled Tomato Juice Stuffed Celery Olives Consomme Pineapple Delight Salad Open Evenings Store Closed All Day Thanksgiving Martín Hardware Cave City, Oregon If we do not carry your article in stock, we will gladly get it Vic’s Home Made Pumpkin oi Hot Mince Pie Coffee, Tea or Milk Seventy Five Cents CAVE CITY THEATER 0 : : Most Complete Stock of Auto Repair Parts for YOUR QUICK SERVICE Brake Linings, U. S. TIRES AND TUBES, including Truck sizes — BATTERIES and Cables — Coils, Condensers, Points, Cutouts, Generator and Starting parts ---- Wires, Cables, Clips, Spark Plugs, etc. — Axles, Drive Shafts — Connecting Rods, Rings, Gears and Pinions — Cap Screws ,Nuts and Washers • Gaskets of all kinds FLO LEEDY Cave City BEAUTICIAN Garage Cr Machine Shop Roast Young Tom Turkey and Dressing Mashed Potatoes and Gravy Baked Buttered Squash Hot Rolls 89c 45c 39c a 0 e $1.69 $6.50 All Wool Long Fleece Jackets SANDWK HES at the 34c 34c 99c Garden Club Activities 0 Served from Noon to 10 p. Last Monday night the pupils of Kerby grade school gave a splen did program consisting of read ings, musical numbers and play lets. Everyone in the cast acquit ted themselves wi ., honor. The costume though home made were in keeping with the times and each member taking part should be congratulated for their good work. The principal, A. L. Laws and his staff of teachers had a big task directing the children and they deserve a word of praise for doing such a fine job. Those taking part in the pro- gram are as follows: America, all present. Thanksgiving Day, Byron Slack. Redwing, harmonica and ac- Bage Three A. J. DREWS, Prop CAVE CITY’S Popular Cafe COOKED HOME HOME You’ll MADE Like the ICE MF.ALS PIES ILLINOIS VALLEY ICE COLI) STORACE CO. Meals at the Phil Sawyer, Prop. Owl Cafe DELIVERY Friday, November 26 "North of the Rio Grande" A super western drama with William Boyd and George Hayes When in (¡rants Pass Lew Hammer’s Store 6th and “G” Streets "THIN ICE" Complete Line of CLASSIFIED ADS with Sonja Henie and Tyrone Power General Merchandise Staple and Fancy GROCERIES FOR SAI E Pigs, one brood sow, one boar, some weaners. P. N. McVeda, by Camp Muir. 29-ltp "Nothing Succeeds Like Success A Successful Looking Exterior s X Ï MAKES Business Neon Signs Make a Successful Ixwking Exterior Î CLUB CAFE Saturday and Sunday. November, 27 and 28 The picture all have been waiting for Selma, Oregon Hr Ï Eat at the Eugene Neon Sign Co. I ■JI..I,■ I , > » j J jj U wwww » FOR SALE Caterpillar '22 tract or, very reasonable, 011'4’ used about 100 hours. Gordon Leon ard, Kerby, Oregon. 29-1 tp SPEND A LITTLE, BUY A LOT in Cave City. Prices and terms to suit. ELWOOD HUSSEY Licensed Broker PREST O LITE Batteries $4.00 and up. Wholesale and retail. Cumpbell's Super Service, next to Courthouse, Grants Pass, Oregon. —16tf WANTED- 50 men to board at the Cave City Coffee Shop ILLINOIS VALLEY truck service Home cooked meals at attractive anywhere for hire, hauling of all rates. Vic’s home made pies, kinds. McQuay & Warren, Cave pies, goody-goody goody. 29-ltc 25-tfc J City, Oregon. 1 Full Course Thanksgiving Dinner Served All Day REDWOODS HOTEL Grants Pass, Oregon iCàïrtfi iï íí ïfi iti Sì .ft ifc iìiifì! áí .ìì; SI ííúííí Sïiûfiîi £