Illinois Valley News, Thursday, November I, 1937 Page Two Illinois Valley News ------------------------------------ ---------------------- 7-------- —7--------- -- -------- -------- 7----------------------- -7-------- 7— I CHURCHES An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding district*. CHURCH SERVICES Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 1 1, 1937, at the Post Office at Sunday school 10 a. i m Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 (Leonard Beard, Supt.) i Editor Preaching each Sunday, 11 a. m. M C ATHEY Loval Defenders, Vivian Pul Bucine»» Manager I.. E ATHEY len, acting president . 7 p. ni. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES Pleaching and a good old fash Ln Josephine County ioned sing begins 8 p. in. $i so One Year Prayer meeting in church .75 Six Months Wednesday night ......... 8 p. , m 50 Three Months Outside of Josephine County “No books but the Bible ant' ■ $2 00 no creed but Christ.” One Year ED WRIGHT, Pastor. The Illinois Valley N«W| H -<-rve tl,<- i iuht to reject any adverti.-inv copy which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application Last Sunday was another good lay in the Master’s service in the Brid; • view Community church. I REDWOOD EMPIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS Uni/. Sunday school was well attended and all present enjoyed the morn ing worship. Dr. \\ illiam A. Brown, founde of “The Friendly Mission” of O'Brien, came to visit in with u.; ind as the pastor was almost sick, Cave City’s first church is fast nearing comnle his visit was timely. In his swee’ tion. and Rev. Gray is working over time to see that Christian manner he accepted the the structure is completed while the good weather invitation to occupy the pulpit ami gave us a very pleasing and inter holds out. esting discourse. Come again We should be proud of our first church in more Brother Brown. ways than one. While it is true that it is our very first The Loyal Defenders service a house of worship, it is non-denominntional and all can 7 o’clock was well attended ant the juniors outnumbered the go to this house to worship. THE FIRST CHURCH When Rev. (¡ray holds his first service in the new edifice, citizens of the vallev should fill the house to ca pacity and give this splendid work the stimulus it de serves. The boys and girls of the vallev can stand : little Sunday school and the older ones can stand a little more religion of their own choosing. Not that we haven’t the best citizenry in the country, we have We challenge anv section of the state to show us a bet ter valley populated with a God-Fearing nirss that goes about their business without police protection for we have practically none. But regardless of all this, every resident could stand to hear more words of wisdom about the Christ who died to save us from ourselves. God speed you and your co-workers in vour work Rev. (¡ray, ami may your church, OUR FIRST CHURCH, in Cave City, prosper with the salvation of souls. •o OCR FIRE DEPARTMENT Often it takes a cruel blow to stir us to activities, but (¡od forbid that it should have taken two lives to make us realize that action is necessary to prepare against such emergencies as we witnessed in the valley this week. Cave City has a volunteer fire department. A good department, and the boys are doing the best they know how, but we desire to call to their atten tion that we COULD do more with added effort, and if we were of the opinion that it was absolutely necessary, qùicker action could be had. We have a truck, hose, pumper and have order ed a siren as a fire alarm Everything is ready to be put together except a tank that will hold 250 or 300 gallons of water. NOW is the time to get these need ed things and NOW is the time to complete the truck so it can go into service to stop such calamities as we had this week. It is not our intention to criticize, Heaven forbid On the contrary we compliment the boys on the work so far achieved. We merely would like to call to theii attention, though we know it is not necessary, that immediate action for completion of our truck is nec essary, and sometimes making these thoughts public stirs us to quicker action. Let’s have action, boys, and let’s have it quickei than sooner. ”...... tl 3 Good for the Home Dora Taggart Brown 1-1' “Tomorrow will be a better day ’Tl ere is more to life than in- if we begin this morning to im cr< ising its speed.’ prove it.” “ all bitterness, and wrath, A Toledo friend wrote these and anger, and clamor, and railing be put away from you, with all lines and pinned them to a beau malice; and be ye kind one to tiful bouquet which he placed at ’mother, tender hearted, forgiving the office door of Mr. Marion foremost ich other, even as Gad also in Lawrence, America’s Sunday school leader in the other ■ hr: t forgave you.”—St. Paul. days: “It is better to buy a cheap bou In a letter from a dear friend, quet greatly experienced and highly To give to your friend on this prized in her community for her o< d deed-, and now 83 years of very day: Than a bushel of roses white age, she enclosed this poem: “Ar.d 1 shall always try to be and red sincere; To lay on his coffin when he is To search for truth and find it dead.” where I can. On Making Orange Marmalade I shall be charitable, knowing well Slice 6 oranges and 3 lemons The good that lies within my very thin. To every pint of mix fellow • man. ture add 1 ‘2 pints of water. Boil I would 1 be cheerful; ami I hour; and let it stand over would be brave night. In the morning to every Beneath whatever load, .or chas pint of mixture add 1 ’2 pints of tening rod— sugar. Boil until done. This will A: d oh, these two things I shall make about 2 quarts. (This is my try to keep: sister Vertna’s recipe.) FLO LEEDY BEAUTICIAN Josephine County Pomona (¡range Meets members were present on Wed- nesday, Nov. 10, all auxiliary members and elgible members are invited to attend. A pot luck din- ner Mill be served. The \uxiliary is si owing for the hospital and anyone having featb- ers or ticking to make pillows, ph bi ing them with you. These pillows arc to be used in the Rose- burg hospital. The Sewing club . Ill' will be from 1(1 a. 111. to 5 p, m. Xll table service will be furnish Tl ed. be- Josephine County Pomona Grange met at the Shan ('reek Grange hall, Saturday evening, Oct. 30, with a good attendance, About 70 sat down to a very fine supper at 7:30, the Grange s session opened at 8:80. G rge Wertz. chairman of the agricultural com mittee. spoke on agricultural con ditions. Effie Smith gave n talk on beautifying the home grounds and winter gardening Senator W. A. Johl man of the I.egislat tee, discussed nome < pertaining to the dai Mr* Helm, lecturer, xery inst lieti ve and program. The next meeting of the Ponto- na Grange will be held at the Fruitdale Grace, hall on New 5 mu - da). It «ill be an ai> day affair. >v. Ed. Wri It and Mrs. I rown were married last evening, Nov. 1. at S < ic brides home in the w ite >1 distiict. Rev. ( »ray pa toi ie Cave Junction Con nuni th, and a persona 1 f» irideeroom officia Grants Pass, Ore. Pioneer-) lintkote Products Buy From — I ! When in Grants Pass Eat at the CLUB CAFE 6th and “G” Streets LOTA PEARC E BEAUTICIAN Phone 67-R 517 “G” Street Grants Pass, Oregon GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY Pickup in Cave City and Kerby Monday and Thursday Deer Creek Grange Give Fine I’artv FRENCH LAUNDRY SOMETHING NEW AND DELICIOUS Jordan’» Fre»hly Frozen SIBERRIAN CREAM rai Mr W ri c (IH the fr< “Lor e tento.’ have I AND DRY CLEANERS Of Grants Pass Family Laundry Service —Dry Cleaning Unsurpassed. Collect and Deliver Wed. and Sat. The Grange at Deer Creek gave one of the finest “Box Socials” the evening of Oct. 23 that the valley has ever seen. Dancing, games, baskets and boxes loaded with good things to eat with everyone having a good time. » 111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111i11111111111111 I i Qj THE BARBER Bart McCue CAVE CITY, ORE Remember to mail that BOX OF CANDY Early to Dad or Mother, Wife or Sweetheart HORNING’S SHACK ‘ Grants Pass : Q ............. i H ............. 5 f*! iiiii«iiiiiiiiiuait ii mi milii tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiinQ i i HULL & HULL FUNERAL HOME ii 11111, i, p] iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimnim Ambulance «ervice dav or nite 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 SELLING OUT Our Entire Stock Everything goes—Every Slashed Price will build that additional room, re-roof or modernize the old house $2.00 “Arrow” Shirt» $1.65 $5.85 Pendleton Wool Shirt» $4.35 $2 50 Pigikin Glove» $1.95 $5.85 O. D. Wool Shirt» $4.35 Genuine Army Officer Serge $3.95 Trench Coats $3.35 Boys Leatherette Jackets $1.95 Sheeplined sizes, 5 to 8 only NOTHING DOWN See Us for Details COPELAND LUMBER YARDS Grants Pass Oregon Sale Price» on all Suit», Coats Pants, Etc. HEATH’S MEN’S STORE WARDROBE CLEANERS Grants Pass, Oregon THE OLDEST AND BEST Since 1911 Wood Free pick up by Grant, Pa»» Laundry SALE MACK'S SEED AND FEED STORE Field Seed, SI 50 a Tier Idaho and Mountain Grown Grimm, Co»»ack. Ladak and Common Alfalfa in Cave City $2.00 Split for Stove Grey Winter Oat», Common Vetch ♦ I enugreek, the Greatest Known Cover Crop Sperry s Dairy and Poultry Feed» 514 So. 6th St. Phone 301-R J. C. YOUNG e ine tonni min- 6 I 1 The sawmill at O'Brien former ly operated by H. .1. Woodbury and C. G. Slack will open next f the week under new management. an V*’ Mr. Davis of San Francisco, will be the new manager and Mr. Pruitt will be the sales manager. Mi ■S lit' it* The new company will furnish nor «almo, both rotigh a: d tintshed lumb, -i iting their J •Woodbury and Slack w II con They t tinue with the shingle mill, turn Woi l;hav»t VM ing out sugar pine shingles Mr. and Mrs The hidi< of the 1.1 on Aux Charlie Carter has as guests for a .« diary held their regular meeting the Stallcup place on Mrs D <’. Jag) Wednesday, Novembi r 3, in their river, just south of Mrs. Jagger is new meeting room and about ten tion. and Mrs. Davis. CAVE CITY, OREGON WILSON COMPANY Kerby, Oregon Physician Jordan's Siberrian Shop 632 S. 6th St., Grants Pass. Cave Citv. Oiesfon Lt’ 1,1. i • X it i nt* Naturopathic fire, take the fire to the water.” A section of hose from the Ranger station was added to that of the fire truck and the fire ex tinguished. -o FOR y of the Mill At O’Brien Now Under New Management DR. A. N. COLLMAN Rogue River R*»of Co. MARTINS HARDWARE th Notary Publics in Cave City AMY HUSSEY M. C. ATHEY A steadfast faith: a childlike trust in God.” 'The way to increase happiness ;o pass it on.” Next Sunday is “Communiot Sunday.’ All Christians are wel .•ome to come and worship witl us. We do i.of practice “Cle.-i "ommunion” but welcome all, cm Barn Destroyed By Scripture “Let : Fire at Kerby .ihasizing the Scripture, .Man Examine Himself. Himself ” Specia nusic and the pastor’s theme will he “Tile Holy Spirit," Tuesday afternoon, a barn own 'd by Clyde Runyon of Kerby, was -------------- o--------- axed by fire. It was used as NON-DENOMI NATION AL i chicken house. Cave City The fire started during the gym >e'iod at the Kerby high school, Sunday School and church ser though some of the boys said they vices at Legion hall, Cave City would rather have had it happen every Sunday. luring the history or English Sunday School at 9:45 a. nt. ■lass, some of the boys were in Church services at 11 a. m. ■yin attire, but ran over and open Rev. George Gray of Grant: ed the door letting the chickens Pass, pastor. Everyone invited. out. Some secured buckets of water, while others rftn for the Community Church fire truck. The truck was out and on the way before they reached Going Up Fast it. Mr. Johnson drove his truck to Many interested people in the valley will be glad to learn that the Ranger station and Loyd Hays made it to the scene of the fire the Community church", being I built in Cave City, is fa nearing in two minute- flat, it is reported. completion, and if a little more la The barn, however, was a com t the fire had such a ic r could lie donated, the building plete loss, as would be completed in short or start that 1 the barn could not be saved. der. The hose of Hi Miller’s file George II. Gray , pastor of the •liurch and Ortis Seat are now truck was not long enough to working full time on tile building reach the opposite side of the and will stay with the job until it barn, so one of the State highway is completed, but they do need trucks was driven to that side and Ralph Phillips fastened a chain to help. Any good ha nenter who can spi that part of the barn and the driv will find their sei er pulled the burning barn to Some more material is also needed vhere the stream of water could ind if anyone has something tliat be played upon it. As the driver of the truck said: i ill help m."ke the church more ■omfoitable or cozy, get in touch "If you can t get the water to the vith .Mr. Gray and help this splen- lid work along. Weather conditions at the pres C AVE JUNCTION •nt writing are good, and i BEAUTY SALON •nongh hel| is available, the : riic 'tire will b< ready for services in : All Tv Des of Beau week or so. The first in Cave City tv Wnrlc Perman ent« 50 - S3.50 The citizen y should get behind and $5 OO this edifice and see that it is gi en all the Open Evenings MARRIED Mrs. Rose Croy formerly of Cave Junction, is a guest of Mrs. L. C. Hussey for a short time. Mrs. Croy makes her home with a daugh. ter in Medford. : : T Illinois Valley Motor Co : 4 BOB ROUT, Proprietor Regardless of What Others sell Corn Beef for. I WiH Sdl Less. CAVE JUNCTION. OREGON Have your car put in shape for the winter months Zerone Anti-Freeze. $1.20 per gal. All sizes of Hose Connections The correct type and size battery for all cars Complete Automotive Service TEXACO GAS AND OILS Marfak Lubrication We will civ n and prepare your cooling system FREE with each filling of Anti-freeze. V : Î KEITH’S Meat Market i i : Holland, Oregon i : ! : É 4