Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current, November 04, 1937, Image 1

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    Illinois Valley News
Volume 1
Number 26
Visit To
Price 5 Cents
Cave Junction,. Oregon. Thursday, November I, 19 ’7
Tea Given At Kerby
In Honor Of
Departing Friend
Kerby Garage Fire
Takes Two Lives
Monday Morning
News Items From
Kerby High School
Survey of
Power Line
To O'Brien
The honor roll for the first
six-weeks has several names on it,
but we hope to see a great many
Honoring Mrs. W. A. Currie,
more added to the present list as
who is leaving for her home in Las
time goes on. The first six weeks
Vegas, Nev., Mrs. Hurley Wilson
is athcr hard on the students, be­
entertained with a tea at her love­
F. L. Brewer of the California-
By M. C. Athey
cause they must settle down to Oregon Power company, who at­
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Werelius, of
their regular routines after a sum­ tended the Illinois Valley Chamber
Barely Escaped With Life By
the smelter, picked up M. C. day afternoon. Mrs. Currie has
mer of vacation and they find stu of Commerce last Tuesday, made
.In in prig Out Window
Athey recently and they made a made many friends during
is very hard to do—concen­ the members of the club a defin­
friendly visit to E. P. Preble’s
almost impossible. How ite promise to tell the members
mine at the head of Althouse
ever, most of the students are at their next meeting to be held
The tea was arranged as a sur­
One of the most terrible fins| faming garage and saved the camp ready for work now and the honor
prise and w.'S truly that as a ride,
Tuesday, November 9th. whether
We had heard
the history of the valley occur- buildings from certain destruc- roll should be larger next time as
which she thought was to catch
the company would build the line
about this mine and the home
well as the list of those who de­ to O'Brien or not.
the stage ended among a group of ed last Monday morning at 2:15, Sion.
Mr. Preble had built up in the
Phone lines to the Kerby area.
serve honorable mention.
friends, met for the tea in her when L. S. (Hi) Miller’s garage
Mr. Brewer asked the people
mountains, but one cannot visual­
’ inx across the roof of the service
Honor Roll
honor. Her pleasure and surprise
the valley to be a little patient,
ize, just by being told, what there
ground, taking the lives of Eldon stutuan and these were burned in Grace Thrasher, average 1.20.
were very evident.
stating that building light and
is up there.
two, tolls to Sheriff Don Barnes Barbara Hensley, average 1.25.
A short program brought enter­ (Mickey) McCallister and Charles
power lines took considerable stu­
in Grmits Pass being placed from
As we went up the trail nearing
Charlotte Bandden, average 1.50. dy and the expenditure of some
tainment for the first part of the
the mine we came across a small afternoon consisting ot a song by asleep in the r residence which the highway, north, Barnes called Faye Tycer, average 1.50.
four or five thousand dollars. He
spot where the pack animals are Norman and Howard Wilson and caught fire from undetermined oroner VirgU Hull. A forest service William Hensley, average 1.50.
said there were several places
pumper engine and hose were
kept and a splendid garden came
Vera St. John, average 1.50.
Carmen Carey; a vocal number by causes, presumbaby from a cigar-
where the same projects were being
brought to tin scene by I’. R. Fat­
into view with corn, potatoes, Grace Thrasher and Dorothy Gib­ ette.
In order to be on the honor roll contemplated and they all would
pumpkins, and a variety of small
Mr. Miller was in the back room tig and A. D. Kwd and another one must have a grade of one in figure up to 40 or 50 thousand
son, Mary Jane Carey at the piano;
truck garden vegetables were still a piano medley of popular songs of the residence and was awaken­ stream from the ditch was played
at least two subjects and must not dollars, and this expenditure
^un the vines or had just been
by Mary Jane Carey; a piano solo ed chocking from smoke and bare­ on the fire from the vther side
have a grade of two in more than necessarily had to be studied from
One car, that of Martin Ram­
gathered for the winter use and
two subjects. Those whose names every angle and could not be done
by Claudia Buck; an original poem ly escaped with his life by jump­
it was surprising indeed, to see composed by Mr. and Mrs. Wilson ing out of a window. McCallister sey, was burned in the garuge and ippear on the list of honorable
in a hurry.
this garden high up in the mouii-
stores of oil went up in flameshut
in honor of Mrs. Currie was read was occt-pying an adjoining room
mention have no grade below a
He stated that the survey crew
by Mrs. Wilson, after which some on the gi 'ound floor and Peterson while the entire building was de­ two in any subject.
was now working on the Holland-
M Mr. and Mrs. Werelius were
Honorable Mention
group singing was attempted to was either with him or was up stroyed t he front part was cooled
Oregon Caves line, which the gov­
just as enthusiastic as I was, and the enjoyment of everyone pres­ stairs in a room which he usually with the dream» I’f water so the
CLe.ster Martin, Faye McLain, ernment had ordered built, and
all agreed that if the place was ent.
occupied, Both bodies were found gasoline tnnk, buried at the edge Ralph Messenger, Phyllis Jones, when the crew was through with
of the highway, did not ignite.
theirs they could live with the
After the musical program the together after the upstairs had
Myrtico Jone*, Delbert Hill. Wan- this job they would be put to work
Bodies of M« ('allli»ter and Peter­
greatest of ease in such beautiful guests were given pencils and pa- collapsed .and been destroyed. It
la Burch, Ray Bergmann, Henry on the extension of the line to
per on which to write a short note is presti tnav.' that Peterson was in son, .so burneW they were indis­ Mellow, Vivian Pullen, Bernice O'Brien. When asked when that
When the cabins came into view, for Mrs. Currie to read on her the room with McCallister who was tinguishable, were removed front Allen, Dorothy Hogue, Jeanne
would be, he stated within three or
friendly goats stood still while rather long journey. These were apparently lying on a couch. Both the ashes and started to Grants Villa! r.
four days.
they were petted, and if you gave bound in an attractive Hallowe’en bodies were burned beyond re- Puss by Coroner Hull about 9
Mr. Balzke stated that he either
them a chance they would nibble cover and given to the honor cognition.
o’clock Monday igorning.
Girls League met Wednesday had to know immediately whether
anything that was offered or they guest.
The flames, when Miller awoke, Mickey McCallist«»' is survived by afternoon and discussed various the company was going to build
thought they would like, which is-
Tea tables were arranged about were behind atnd above him he his mother, Mrs. Gv*>rge Spach of important items, among which was the line or not as he hud to prepare
most anything. Mr. Preble had the rooms, tapers were lighted and thought probably arignating in. Kerby; his father, George McCal the question of whether or not
for light and if the company was
just returned from the mine and bright colored berries and flow­ McCallister's . toot . u or in the room lister of Grants Pass-, two sisters, Kerby Girls League should join
not going to build he would have
was as much surprised to see vis- ers with a bit of Hallowe'en de­ overhead. He turned on a light on­ Mrs. Bessie Britton
the state league. The plan was to repair his present plant for
* ¡tors as the visitors were to see coration suggested the season. The ly to have it flicker out immed- View, Calif., and ’M ia - Wilda greatly favored and the girls are winter use, but he did not want
a truly remarkable home in the hostess assisted by high school i itely, and then crashed out a win­ Schmidt of Grants P uhb ; and a going to become members of the to go to this expense if the eop»-
mountains, miles from any place. girls, Grace Thrasher, Norma Ty- dow and crawled to safety back of «laughter, Carol Jean of Kerby-
larger organization if possible.
pany was going to build.
• with all the conveniences of a city cer.Mary Jane Carey,Dorothy Gib­ Jie building.
Funeral services for Chttfhr* P«*t"
The program opened with group
When asked deliberately when
dwelling and just as modern bath, son, and Claudia Buck served
Running to the front of the sta­ erson were held in Kerby, at 2 ji.m. singing led by Mrs. Whiteman, aft­ definite information could be had
tcili-t, hot and cold water, a lovely dainty refreshments to Mrs. Grace tion, yelling “fire”, be rolled out Tuesday, with interment in a he er which the following program on whether or not the company
fire place and a large living room Gudmanson, Mrs. Dolly Duncan, two automobiles, one of them his Kerby cemetery. He did not hate was presented :
would build the extension,
full of easy chairs and comforta­ Mrs. Chas. Buck, Mrs. Ed Burke, own, to get to an improvised fire any known surviving relative*.
Flag Salutation, group; reading Brewer said he could give this in-
ble lnnges. What a home.
Funeral rites for James E. Mc­ of the minutes, Grace Thrasher; formation at the next Chamber
Mrs. Clara MaGiU, Mrs. F. W. engine whic'h he had provided for
Before we ha l a chance to get Jones, Mrs. A. F. Lackey, Mrs. Al- Kerby use. His calls awakened Callister were held Wednesday, at taj. dance, Dorothy Thrasher, ac- meeting. This
satisfied all the
squared around, Mr. Preble said: vin Lackey, Mrs. Clay Ramsey, Rene Roth and Bill Carff, in cab­ th«> I- B. Hull Funeral Home with coHtpanied by Audrey Wilbur; tap members of the Chamber and
let’s take a look at the mine, and Mrs. Millie Trefethern, Mrs. Lu- ins in Miller's camp and the two Rev. H. 1 ’. Sconce, paator of th e danc*-.. Virginia Thrasher
and those who were fighting for the
xhat a mine! About a stones cius Robinson
Mrs. W. A.. drove the car to the irrigation First Bapti.%t church, officiating. Hiede Sachse, also accompanied extension, and the- subject was
Girow from the house we saw a Currie.
ditch in the camp property, ran Burial was in Sloan cemetery near. by Audroy Wilbur; leading, “Sal­ finished for the day.
large tailings dur.p that was be­
the hose between the camp and Riverbanks farm.
ly in Our Alley,” Delia Winn; pia­
Blake Miller was called on for
ing leveled off and it looks like
no* solo, "Shanty in Old Shanty a report on the school bus ques
one could play tennis on it if a Mrs. Alma Martin
tion and he asked F. W. Jones,
Town,” Lucille Phillips.
net was put up, the water having
P. T. A. II>* Interesting
Birthday Party Given
Refreshment« were served by principal of Kerby high school, to
K (led it to such a nicety.
the tell the Chamber what could be
Meeting* at Kerby
[the committee in charge and
Two Popular Citizens
O i farther we came to a smali
meeting closed after the girls had done, as far as he knew.
Last Monday, Mrs. Alma Martin
ravine where th1 huge giants had
Mr. Jones said he did not desire
Last Tues Uy evening members sing several rounds.
again took charge of Alma s Dress
A wc'»k ago Weilnesday, a birth­
washed the rock and grave, down
-------------- o—-----------
to cast any reflections on anyone,
Shop in Cave City and will man­ day pai ty was given at th«- White- of the Parent Teachers association
to bed rock. The formations on
either in or out of the school, but
age the popular dress shop in head h'ttne just south of Cave and friends gathered in the I. O. I
tie »'lies of the canyon clearly
on coming to this district was sur­
the future.
Junction on the Redwood highway O. F. hall nt Kerby. There was a Coining Attractions fine qua>*i.z and from assays
prised there was not an adequate
Mrs. Cecil Varner, who has had for J. S. Whitehead and G. L. good program after which they At (’ave City Theater
Mr Preble has from the quartz,
bus line for the pupils to go and
the shop for the past few months Martin, Games k«T»t the guests hi- held the drawing for a quilt.
he can take it « ary the re«t of h s
come from school. He was asked
with her husband, left last Tues­ Ilarious until a late hour. Lunch
A fish pond took the interest
For Friday, Nov. 5th, Manager
life hi.J not worry, at least not
if a bus line could be arranged to
day for Pasadena, Calif., where was se rved and everyone enjoyed of the children. Coffee, cider
Jones of the Cav«- City Theatei
much, unless i, few million , might
carry both grade and high school
Mr Varner was called to big old the ev ?ning. Those present were: and doughnuts wore served irt the
worry one on what to do with it position.
has booked “Way Out
pupils, and it was his opinion that
dining room.
urr. r one gen it.
where Laurel and Hardy go wild such a proceedure could be arrang­
Mrs. Martin has ordered a
Mr. and Mrs, George L. Mar­
The room where the progra m and woolly in their first western
Up farther was one of the small large supply of pretty things for tin, Mr. and Mrs. PauJ Hein, Mr.
was given was decorated wit h —the Hal Roach-M-G-M f eat u re ed, and stated that it was being
giants set up for operations. He the ladies, including rmart looking land Mi's. A. N. Collma.n, Mr. and
done, or had been done in other
beautiful rugs and quilts, some length comedy.
pulled on a long wire and way up dresses for all occasions and pret­ ‘ Mrs. J. S. Whitehead, Mr. and
localities. Technicalities of book­
of which were over fifty years i I
It might be described as th< keeping of grade and high school
in the mountain this turned th«* ty underthings that will make I Mrs. Loyd Hays, Mrs. Irene ILiHis,
• ‘Daze of the Gay 90's' as the in-
water into the large pipe line. It handsome presents for the coming i Nellie Hayden, Hoffman,
would have to be separate, of
Leona Lillis,
The program in charge of Mrs. ir. litable antics and laughter get- course, but he could not see why
took the water about three min­ holidays. She has also put in an ( Henry, Irene
Martin, C. L. Schumacher was as follows:
tit g proclivities of the interna- both groups of children could not
utes to get down under full head, order for extra special Christmas
Irene Whitehead, Eddie
ial lean and fat duo are unreel­ use the same bus or whatever
and when it did come—Mister it merchandise, that will be on hand
Frank Schiska, Ben George, J’nul reading, Charlette Badden; skit
n I........
those thrilling and glamor-
would tear a man to pieces in no in plenty of time for the early
means of transportation was pro­
Ted by three girls, Mrs. E. Whiteman,
don Leonard, E Ibin Stuart,
ous i '»ion' ir days.
time and this was a small one. shoppers.
I Fattig, Ken ( larson and I
_ Saturday
and Sunday, Nov.
Kortes Jones and Grace Thrasb- I Foi
•' —
They have large ones for opera
Several questions were asked of
A fine line of men’s haberdash- Athey.
1 er; piano solo, Mrs. Cora Barnes; 6 a nd 7 the much discussed “Sara- Mr. Jones and he did the best he
tions, too, but none of them were
eries, sox, ties, dress shirts and Kerby Rod a nd Gun
reading Mrs. Sue Martin; skit, toga i, « booked.
set up for operation, or he would
could, in his position, to answer
B. V. D.'s is going to be added
Adelaide McCrady nnd Fay Tycer
This picture is released in re- them, and gave the members eon.
have shown us how to tear down
soon to her line of merchandise.
stories, Ted Athey and a piano so­ spons» fit » re qiie . s from thousands siderable construct've advice and
a mountain.
------------- o--------------
Last Thursday e ’ vening, the Ker- lo by Mrs Cora Barnes.
I who have written they are eager to a ¡stance on the bus question. He
Mr. Preble has a genius ar­
i see Miss Harlow’s last picture stressed the fact that bus trans-
rangement to keep a water sup­ Pollution Fight Is
The pn»do cent—-once th< y were portation helps to get pupils to
ply always on hand, but when the
Halted for a Time
assured th at the public urgently school on time, an important fea­
? cussed the aituatic n facing the Party (¡¡ven for
force gets too large, he conceived
wanted to
see "Saratoga”—
a gadget, we've forgot the name
ture for school regulations. He al­
An out-of-court settlement of month, the club ha
matter, though a so added that the average cost of
of the darn thing, but when the
the injunction suits against min­ al thousand fingerli ■gs in the lake
clever twist? in direction, to finish transporting pupils for a four or
Mater gets to a certain pressure a
Last Thursday evening,
M rs.
ing and mud pollution has been and unless a dam is constructed to
the picture and retain all of its five mile trip was approximate­
Up release- enough to reduce the
reached according to reports re­ hold them in the lak e, their efforts L B. Hearing of O’Brien, gave a high '•r’e-fiinment.
pressure, and this all works auto­
ly 11 cents per day, the average
surprise party for Mr*. P« ari
ceived here.
will be of no avail.
"J aratoga” is an exciting story cost being about 20 to 25 dollars
matically. The thing worked while
Redelf, a recent new comer in t he
Judge Allen Boice ordered with­
Volunteers offere 1 their ser- valley. It was an occasion cel
by the ai'thors of “San Francisco' per year per pupil.
we were watching the giant oper­
of the suit in circuit court vices to go to the
akv next Fri- brating Mrs. Redelf’a birthday ai id —Anita I joor and Robert Hopkins.
O. E. Jones gave the informa­
ate and all of a sudden a big wall
dam that will was a complete surprise.
You will find “Saratoga” one of tion, coming from tile county
of water came down the creek and when the governor s assurance that day and construct a
, outstanding school superintendent's office that
thought the dam brok«“ and pollution would cease and he prevent the fingerlii igs from mi-
Those present were: Mr. ai l(j [ the most important,
entertainments of the year.
there were 360 children attending
started for higher ground, when would foster necessary legislation giating to parts unkr own. The for Mrs. Fred Galeno, Mr. and Mr
ting with the
school in the valley.
he explained what was happening, to prevent a recurrence was deliv­ est service is coopery
Robert Balzke, Mr. and Mrs. A. J
expected to
soon the amount of water subsid­ ered by his secretary, W. I.. Goss club and the dam ii
A motion was made that two
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Meade (’■
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hunt were
e fish saved
be completed* and t)
ed to normal and everything was lin.
dinal, Mrs. Cook and sons, Giffoe d in Rogue River, recently and dur lady taxpayers be added to the
The governor also assured de­ by next Sunday.
“hunky - dory”
again, but
and James, Mrs. Alice Caine aa d J ing their visit were honor guests school bus committee, which was
just before
A turkey shoot
first, yours truly was thinking of velopment of a lower Rogue Riv-
daughter, Lois, Oscar King, Loa
at a birthday party given by their passed.
planned and
er recreational center and immed- Thanksgiving is being
hitting for the tall timber.
C. Y. Arnold gave a report on
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
>n this inter­ Mussigbrod, Elmer Massey, Mt
Mr and Mrs. Werelius were iat<> construction of a fish hatch­ further information <
wuter conservation question
made availa- tin Gipple and the hosts, M
just as much impressed as I was ery on Foster creek, 35 miles up esting event wiTI be
Wells, who could not at-
meeting, to and Mrs. I. B. Hearing.
ble at the club* next
and their emotions corresponded th«* stream, Moltzner said.
of Cave Junction, sisters, were
be held in the Ritz Ta
there for the occasion.
(Continued on Pag* Three»
Continued on Page Three)