Illinois Valley News, Thursday, October 21, 1937 Page Two Illinois Valley News An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding dist-icts. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS By the Pastor Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Sunday School in Kerby 2:30 p. m. Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 Preaching Service ...11 a. m. Sunday School ........... . 10 a. m. Editor Loyal Defenders ........... .. .7 p. m. M C ATHEY Business Manager L. E. ATHEY Claude Pucket, Pres. Preaching Service ......... .8 p. m. Prayer Meeting and Bible SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County Study, Wednesday ......... ... 8 p. m. $1 SO .75 50 One Year Six Months Three Months Les Henry, Clam Rauer and are now assured they will be com fortable in the future. It is report j Ralph Huber left the first of the ed that while out hunting recently, week for Sucker Creek to bring Mr. Jones was unable to get his back some stock that has been out pigeon, but did get a butterfly. 1 this summer. — o— Mr. and Mrs. K. Lindgren have recently bought the Kumfy Kamp dining room. They left a few days ago for California, where they will spend part of the winter. They ex pect to return in the early spring, i In the meantime, Mrs. Chloe But ler will have charge of the dining I room. 0 — When in Grants Pass Eat at the CLUB CAFE DR. A. N. COLLMAN 6th and “G” Streets CAVE CITY, OREGON ( AVE JUNCTION BEAUTY SALON LOTA PEARCE Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newlands NON-DENOMI NATIONAL recently sold their new residence Cave City Outside of Josephine County $2 00 on Cave Ave. to Mrs. Minnie Cas One Year Sunday School and church ser- son. Mrs. Casson rented the house The Illinois Valley News reserve- the right to reject any advertising copy which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application vices at Legion hall, Cave City to Mr. and Mrs. Ford who have moved into the residence. Mr. and every Sunday. Mrs. Newlands plan to build an Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. other home in the immediate fu Church services at 11 a. m. Rev. George L. Gray of Grants ture. REDWOOD I MPI KI NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS Pass, pastor. Everyone invited. --------------o—---------- COOPERATION WINS The 80th anniversary of the ded ication of the Newman Memorial Methodist Episcopal church will be observed Sunday in Grants Pass. Bishop Titus Lowe of Portland, will preach at the evening service. On Wednesday of next week there will be popular services attended by representative pastors and dis trict superintendents from the Oregon Annual Conference. In the commemorative banquet on Wed nesday night the chief speaker will be President Bruce Baxter of Willamette university. The Illinois Valley will be represented at the banquet by Dr. William A. Brown. Two county courts got together last week when the county court of .Josephine county and Curry coun ty met to see what could be done with the in junction brought by Curry county to stop miners from muddy ing up the Rogue river. The meeting was friendly and cordial, and neither side wanted to do anything that would in jure the other. It was the kind of a meeting one could expect from friendly neighbors who were in terested in each others welfare, and the consequences will be that withdrawal of the injunction of the Curry county court against the miners of -Josephine county. Southern Oregon has great possibilities. Her re Don’t forget the big Legion sources are enormous, and nothing should be done to dance Hallowe’en night, Oct. 30 —o--- in jure the industry of any part of the section. The Bill Martindale has gone to folks in Curry county do a thriving business with Gold Beach, where he has accept fishermen. The miners of .Josephine county do a thriv ed a position with Clay Ramsey. — o— ing business mining. Both have their rights. When these two get together in a friendly way, their dif W. B. Grant of New York, visit ferences can be settled to the entire satisfaction of all. ed Cave City, Tuesday on some mining interests. And that was exactly what was done. —o— Another stamp of approval for the mentality of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wells of Southern Oregon citizens. Cooperation always wins. Kerby, were business visitors in -----------------o----------------- Grants Pass, last week. MAKING FRIENDS fic. Last winter anil spring pud- dies of water nearly covered the highway and lakes settled on both sides of the street for a long time. This condition must not prevail this winter. It would take very lit tle work for the highway com mission to construct a drain on both sides of the street, if the work is done now. This matter should be brought to the attention of the highway commission im mediately as action is needed now. ■o A fine demonstration of neigh borly friendship was produced in Portland at the railroad meeting last week. Grants Pass, that friendly, neighborly city on the Rogu«- river, won the blue ribbon and without any competition took j the sweepstakes prize for being just what she is, the cleanest, friendly city in Oregon. When prominent people of all walks of life come to a meeting from San Francisco and other northern points of California; from al) over Southern Oregon, Oregon Traffic Deaths and pay their own expenses, just to testify before the Interstat«' Commerce commission in the in A Series of Weekly Articles on the Problem of Highway Safety terests of any city such a do By Earl Snell, Secretary of monstration is a sure sign that State. the city in question is well qual ified and worthy of all the inter “Slow Down at Sundown” is ail est the people took in her behalf, vice that can well be heeded by otherwise they would have stayed the careful driver. The nation's home. record of after dark driving is a Grants Pass has made of all the other Southern Oregon warning to all motor vehicle op cities and is the northern termin- erations. rhroughout the nation it is es us of the Redwood highway, and timated that about 21' per cent of all the cities on this famous high way lire exceedingly friendly to the travel is at night. Yet three Grants Pass, because the Oregon fifths of the fatal accidents occur city has put herself out of the way during the hours of darkness. As the density of traffic de to be neighborly and friendly t< ci ease-, speeds generally increase. all Grants Pa s is justly deserving One out of every forty-five day of the splendid support she rer. iv time injuries results in death, as ed at the above mentioned meet compared with one out of every ing, and if the request for 'he twenty eight injured in night traf fic accidents. privilege of building a railroad to Carefully compiled data from Crescent City is not granted, it seven states also shows that the will not be the fault of those live six hours of darkness before mid wires from all over the coa-t, who have spread the cards on the table, night account for a total of 52 pt cent of the fatal pedestrain face up. for the benefit of tin accidents. velopment of the last front i<> Again we are at the time of year Oregon and Northern Califon in when driving becomes the most who purposely to bat foi difficult . and the ordinary hazards most beloved in Ore'" of traffi ic will be increased by wet Grants Pass and slipptqy pavements, fog, and o «»th« j handicaps incidental to win drainai E NEEDED 1 ter dr riving. Night driving in par- r requires additional care The main highway thro notion in unfavorable weath Cave Junction belongs to the " w et pavement and glaring will ; headlii ght. constitute a deadly com- stat«1 highway system and have to b«' taken care of by the binati: pnrticularly at dusk, commission if anything is <1 one and al 'In -, elements must be to keep th«' city from b<• in>r 1 consul cred in motor vehicle oper- flooded this fa 11 and winter. ation for the next few months. Wherever it is necessary to | Givi e careful consideration to teet th«' high« av. th«' commis:nion all coi iditions under which you are builds culverts and lays tiling driving, and regulate the speed of •L’t’g tke hic'sway to dram watri your car accordingly. Help elimi- from the road. It is going to b« naTt’ Oregon's traffic deaths an important question with the -........ O...... .. city thia Vinter to see that some !• M. Cooper, of Selma, was thing is done along this line to transacting business in Cave City. keep the highway open for traf the first of the week. ; Lew Hammer, the popular mer- chant of Selma, was in Cave City, the first of the week. —0— J. Ray Kennedy of Bridgeview, was looking over building pros- pects in Cave City, the first of the week. TO INITIATE 517 “G” Street Phone 67-R Grants Pass, Oregon Pickup in Cave City and Kerby Monday and Thursday BEAUTICIAN □ Eh PATRICK’S (REEK TAVERN SOMETHING NEW AND DELICIOUS Jordan’s Freshly Frozen SIBERRIAN ( REAM On the Redwood Highway 30 miles S.W. of Cave City Jordan's Siberrian Shop 632 S. 6th St., Grants Pass. Let Us Serve Your NEXT PARTY DINNER FRENCH LAUNDRY Chicken or Steak Dinners Regular Meals & Luncheons ON ! GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY FLO LEEDY —------- —o-------------- PASSES BEAUTICIAN Open Evenings Saturday evening, Oct. 23 Belt lodge No. 18 will meet in their hall at Kerby. There are two or three candidates for the E. A. De gree. A special matter of interest to all Master Masons will be dis cussed. GUS GALBRAITH Naturopathic Physician All Types of Beau tv Work Perman ent« «2 50 . $3.50 and «5 00 BELT LODGE NO. 18 A. F. & A. M Notary Publics in Cave City AMY HUSSEY M. C. ATHEY P. O. Address, O’Brien, Ore. Gus Galbraith resident of Ker- S'-.............................................. E by, passed away last Wednesday evening, from a heart attack. At El the last report funeral details were $3.28 Per Month not complete. The body was taken to Grants Pass. will Pay Out on a $100 Building and Modernization Loan Subscribe for the Illinois Valley News. Its worth the price. Why Rent ---- Have Your Own 0 AND DRY CLEANERS Of Grants Pass family Laundry Service —Dry Cleaning Unsurpassed. Collect and Deliver Wed. and Sat. □ » THE BARBER Bart McCue CAVE CITY, ORE I Il O M E Butchering See Us for Details Copeland Lumber Yard Grants Pass FUNERAL HOME Ambulance service dav or nite 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllitililllllllllllllllllllttl I will call at your ranch and butcher your beef FREE of DRIVE SLOW WARDROBE (LEANERS CHARGE for the hide. Now is the time to butcher your beef for winter THE OLDEST AND BEST Since 1911 KEITH’S Meat Market Free pick up by Grant» Pais Laundry and see the country DRIVE FAST and see the undertaker LET WELCH The Plumber Do Your Plumbing 801 N. 8th St. Grants Pass Holland, Oregon —o— Mrs. Ethel Banta of Kerby, made a hurried business trip to Crescent City, Wednesday, re turning the same day. —o— Illinois Valley Motor Co Mrs. Clyde Runyan returned home Tuesday from a two weeks visit with her children in Port- land and Camas, Washington. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Homer Phillip: hove to Grants Pass Tuesday and transacted business. Mr. Phillips is working at The News office. CAVE CITY’S POPULAR CATE r HOME COOKED MEALS Texaco Gas — Oil — Greases FIRESTONE TIRES ( old Plate Lunches and Sandwiches and TI DES Ice Cream and Soft Drinks WILLARD BATTERIES ♦ Dr. and Mrs. William A. Brown attended worship in the First Methodist Episcopal church Grants Pass Sunday morning. Repairs on all (’ars I I Owl Cafe —-o— Mrs. Flo Leedy of the Cave Junction Beauty Shoppe made a business trip to Giants Pass, first of the week. DANCE YOUR CLEANER & DYER Mr. and Mrs. Jean Brown Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stiwalt Mrs. Lloyd Lewis, were in Grants Pass, last Monday. At State Line Rendezvous Saturday Night, Oct. 23 Get our prices on your Spring Cleaning I.ew Webb is going around with n broad smile these days, repeat ing to himself. “An upright judge, a learned judge.” of the Original Lone Star Cow Boys —o— —o— E. P. Preble, prominent mining man of the valley, spent some time in Southern Oregon the last few days looking over some inter esting mining properties. MUSIC BY LUCKY AND SONNY THIS IS THEIR FAREWELL PERFORMANCE They Will Sing, Play and Yodel Request Numbers SUITS. COATS. DRESSES RUGS, DRAPES HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED Q£ OjC 2 Deliveries to Cave City and Kerby Weekly Dance Starts Promptly at 9:00 o'Clock COME EARLY----- DAN( E LATE Admission îôc ----- Ladies Free 25 Cent Ticket Free CITY ( LEANERS Phone 71 -722 S. 6th St. GRANTS PASS, ORE. Leave work at Alma's Dress Shop in Cave City • —o— Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Villair and Mr. and Mrs. George W. Thrasher left Tuesday morning for the head of Sucker Creek, with the idea in mind of bringing home a nice piece of deer meat. Irene’s Beauty Shoppe Open Evenings by Appointment —o Manager O. E. Jones of the Cave City theater has completed the installation of his new air con ditioning plant and the patrons Lew Hammer’s Store —o— Mrs. Ethel Banta of Banta Roost, Kerby was a visitor at The News office Wednesday Mrs. Banta packs supplies into the hills for the miners and does the job as well as most men. She did con- siderabl-' packing for the govern- o ment years ago. Phone NEW FALL PRICES Permanent Lavender Oil Permanent Duart, Hollywave, Eugene $2 00 $3.50 $5 00 Last Two Above Guaranteed Shampoo and Finder Wave Hot Oil Shampoo Fingerwave, Wet 35c. Dry Complete Line of General Merchandise Staple and Fancv GROCERIES Selma, Oregon Shampoo, Plain I