Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1937)
urier A LIVE WIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE ILLINOIS VALLEY AND SURROUNDING DISTRICTS Volume 1 ▼ Cave Junction. Oregon, Thursday, October 11, 1937 Number 23 Mining and Fishing Men f In Agreement I CHAMBER MEETING IS NOT SO HOT Reduction New Troop of Tax Club No. CCC Boys In 1 Formed Caves Camp Price 5 Cents Legion Firemen’s Ball Saturday Nite Railroad Meet Still In One of the season’s most Last Tuesday the regular meet ing of the Illinois Valley Cham I prominent social events will be ber of Commerce held its regular the Legion Firemen’s ball in the weekly luncheon, but the business American Legion hall, Cave City, Saturday, October 16th. men and farmers forgot to attend only nine of the faithful were out Great preparations have been ¡and there were not enough for a made for a great dance, and ex- A satisfactory agreement be quorum, so they enjoyed a fine Last Wednesday a new troop of j pectations are for a great crowd. Tax Reduction Club No. 1, Cave Oregon and California groups tween the mining and fishing in chicken dinner, Mrs. Hussey pre Junction, Oregon, is the official ti CCC boys arrived at the Oregon The American Legion dances are appeared before Examiner R. R. terests on the lower Rogue river pared and had a few reports of tle of the newly organized move Caves camp on Grayback creek the best in the county, and large Molster of the Interstate Com- was reached at a conference held committees and then adjourned. and are now settled in for the crowds attend from all parts of merce Commission today in com- The committee on school bus ment for bringing the Breese Tax winter. the county, but the Firemen’s ball petition for permission to con- at Gold Beach yesterday. Gover Reduction Plan to the attention of nor Charles IL Martin announced transportation reported some pro The boys had a long trip to is going to be a feature that will struct a railroad from Josephine gress with further meetings to be the nation. A committee on or get here, coming from the attract many who do not attend county in Oregon to the Pacific upon his return here today. ganization was authorized at a Others who attended the con held. ocean. states of Georgia. Alabama, Flor regularly. Whether you dance or whether A committee joined together mass meeting held in the Cave ida, Louisiana and Mississippi. ference included members of the Grants Pass, the Crescent City, Junction theater Monday night. state fish and game commissions and organized the first Tax Re They came directly from Rox- you don't, buy a ticket to this Calif., harbor district and the Cali duction club in the United States, and the state mining board. The following are the officers: bury, Virginia, and it took them dance and give the Legion a big fornia & Oregon Coast railroad boost, for they are doing a won united forces in seeking a rail "Our agreement will insure in and a temporatry set of officers five days to make the trip. M. C. Athey, president. derful work and this particular route from Grants Pass to Cres creased fishing possibilities and appointed. There will be a per First Lieutenant Robert D. Sax- O. E. Jones, Vice President. more mining,’ Governor Martin manent meeting called very soon Robert Rout, secretary and trea- on and First Lieutenant Joseph W. dance is for a wonderful cause, cent City. The opposition came said. Details of the conference at which time the club will be pro Scobey arc in command. This This. is a duty and a privilege y* from the Gold Coast railroad, a and the basis of settlement were perly formed and start to do things surer. troop is composed of southern owe the Legion and the commun- corporation already possessuig I. The officers are to select the boys and they are a fine set of ity. not divulged by the governor. Gov for this wonderful plan given to C. C. approval for a road from members of two committee«, one boys and the whole valley will be o ernor Martin said a statement us by O. V. Breese. Leland, north of Grants Pass to Mr. Breese will be a guest on membership and another on glad to welcome them. fort Orford in Curry county. would he forthcoming when the j speaker at the Grange meeting j ways and means for furthering the "We are ready ot proceed with negotiations were completed. Lieut. Saxon admits that he Sons and Daughters of the building of the Gold Coast Thirty-two persons attended the Thursday, October 21st, at which plan for tax reduction. has a grand bunch of boys that he Oregon Pioneers .Meet Dr. William A. Brown had been is proud of, and from the looks of Road," said Gilbert E. Gable of conference, including the officials time he will tell the Grangers all selected to preside at the Monday these young gentlemen the whole Last Thursday Mr. and M rs. Port Orford. about this new tax reduction idea the governor said. He assured the examiner his Governor Martin and other that is taking the southern part of night meeting, and upon taking valley is going to take to them like Warren, accompanied by M rs. Martin attended The Sons and company had “no particular prob members of the party conducted the state by storm. All members the chair he expressed the appre ducks do to water. an investigation of the river up of the Grange interested in tax re ciation we feel toward Mr. Jones Unloading all their equipment at Daughters of Southern Oregon lems” in financing the road. The duction will hear a great plan that for his generous use of his thea Grants Pass, Wednesday, was a Pioneers meeting held at Ashland. delay, he said, was the result of as far as Agness. At the last legislative session a is workable, if they will attend ter for public gatherings. busy day and the boys did not have This organization meets once a uncertainty of federal aid in de The meeting was called Monday much time to look around, but year to celebrate in memory of veloping the Port Orford harbor bill was introduced which would this meeting. night to complete the plans for or from some of the talk heard on those early pioneers that came to as an outlet. have curbed mining operations on o ganizing Tax Reduction Club No. the side lines, they are going to Oregon before 1859. There are the lower Rogue. Sportsmen alleg He asserted that New York ed the refuse from the mines had Kerby Union High School 1 and also to hear Mr. O. V. like their new camp. There are very few of those sturdy pioneers capital was available with a bond Breese report upon the progress of now’ 106 boys with two lieuten left so the sons, daughters, issue taking care of 60 per cent killed the fish in the stream, but Teachers Hohl Very the movement thus far. There is ants, but more are expected to grandsons and grand daughters of the cost and the remainder this was denied by the mining op Enjoyable Meeting such increasing demand for infor arrive soon. There will also be a meet and carry on. erators.—Oregonian. coming from private sources. mation regarding the movement doctor at the camp soon. They had election of officers, a In offering what he called a so The teachers of the Kerby Un that rallies are being scheduled in good program, a wonderful ban lution for a right-of-way dispute, ------------- o ion High school were hosts at a many places. A speaking cam quet and all enjoyed a jolly good Gable suggested building the Forest Rangers “get-to-gether” meeting at the paign must be started immediate “Slim" Greases the Pole time. Professor Vineing of Ash- joute down the Rogue river gorge Going to School Kerby high school on Tuesday ly. The plan as proposed by Mr. land Normal is the retiring pres- with a spur going south to Cres evening, October 12th with the Breese is so simple and so work And Then (’limbs It ident. Evean Peams of Medford, cent City at Gold Beach and teachers of the Southern Josephine able that men in every walk in was elected president for the en one going north to Port Orford. Three forest rangers from the Illinois .Valley News: county as guests. life are favorable to it. Opposi suing year; Alice Hanley of Jack Neil R. Allen, Fred R. Brown Siskiyou National forest are leav- Gentlemen: F. W. Jones, high school prin- tion had been expected from the sonville, vice president and Miss and W. T. Miller are appearing for ing soon for the Ranger Training I notice that the fact that way cipal of Kerby, was in charge of holders of municipal bonds. The Hanley, also of Jacksonville, was Grants Pass, Brown, Allen and camp at Carson, Washington, up here on Josephine creek some the program. contrary is quite true, patriotic re-elected secretary-treasurer. J. L. Shields represented Crescent where they will join 27 other rang times use black sand for pepper The evening was begun by a bond holders favor the plan. Their next place of meeting will City, and IL F. Norton of Oak ers for a month of intensive train and platinum for salt when we are ‘sing’ in charge of Mrs. Blanche As Mr. Breese explained Mon be Jacksonville, Oregon. land, Calif., is counsel for the ing in major forest service activi a little short on seasonings, is out Whiteman of Kerby with Miss day night there is a clear saving All pioneers and sons and California & Oregon coast road. ties. The training camp is held at last. Mary Bonham at the piano. F. W. I of from 20 to 35 per cent of I daughters of Oregon pioneers are Testimony will continue through yearly to give rangers and assist It has been a sort of secret Jones then gave a talk on the taxes without curtailing a single ’ welcome. Thursday. ant rangerss training in the proper I with us for some little time, but o o handling of the numerous services meaning and importance of the city activity or dismissing any now that it is out I think that you Oregon State Teachers' associa ( employees. The plan calls for the * the forest rangers are now called I might as well know a few more No Cow—No Bull But Coming Attractions on to perform. Some of the sub tion, giving all an opportunity to national enactment of a measure of the things that we take advan Plenty Concent rates become members of the organiza similar to that which created the At Cave City Theater jects that will be covered are: tim tage of in order to get our work ber management, range manage tion. Singing and games occupied Federal Reserve Banking system, done and maby make a dime. Ma Don Morrison, who has been Marxmania at its gayest is ment, fire control, public relations. another hour after which Mrs. and the subsequent erection of a by it will help you along. checking up on concentrates from seen in “A Day at the Races,” Thelma Wilson of the Kerby high paralleling Federal bonding sys * personnel management, personnel Now it is a little hard to pack the various mines of the district which shows Friday night at the training, recreation and land man school, Home Economics depart- ■ tem. in all the conveniences of life up the past two weeks, stumbled onto Mr. Breese is a public spirited Cave City theater as the newest agement, finance and accounting, ment invited all to the Home Eco- | there. So we do as best we can to what may prove to be a boon or nomics room where an enjoyable j citizen who in addition to the laugh extravaganza of that trio of and engineering. make out. I have no alarm clock, a calamity to stockmen. He butch demands of his business life has uninhibited and inimitable laugh The rangers being sent by the lunch was prepared. as a matter of fact it is unneces ered a beef a few days ago and The room was attractive with devoted himself with painstaking makers, the Three Marx Brothers. Siskiyou Forest service are Rang sary to have one. I have a pet rat noticing a piece of bailing wire While the picture is titled "A er Merle I.owden of Gasquet an autumn motif of leaves, fruits, I effort to the solution of the vex- tlesnake that wakes me up every I protruding from the small stom Day at the Races” it might just Ranger station; Ranger Ed Mar flowers and blackboard decora I ing problems which confront the morning by crawling on the dish ach, decided to make further in as aptly hape been called “A Day shall of the Gold Beach Ranger tions. Autumn leaf place cards nation. He comes to this oppor pan and rattles which beats a vestigations. This small stomach in a Sanitarium,” for the plot station and Ranger M. M. Nelson, were placed for Alva Laws, Fre tunity out of a life time of sing- clock all hollow, it’s a fact. At has a capacity of about two quarts switches between the two locales da Baumgartner and Mary Bon ' ular successful service in the of the Redwood Ranger station. night I put the gold pan outside and when he opened it up he ob ham of Kerby grade school; Mrs. i commercial banking world. at breaknecks pace, and it would Mr. Paul Fattig will be in charge the door and Susy the pack rat served gravel and sand. Dumping Mary Walton and Ruby Higin- Cave Junction is under a great be difficult to say which is fun of the local ranger district during carries kindling wood and fills it the contents into a gold pan the botham of Selma; Mrs. Lola Pet debt of gratitude to Mr. Breese Ranger Nelson's absence. full to the top, then all I have | residue contained about one pint nier—the antics of the Marxes in erson of Spence; Mrs. Lorna j because he selected our Chamber to do in the morning is dump the j ; of concentrates, comprising black the sanitarium or their uproarious o— Byrne, O'Brien, and the hosts, F. of Commerce as the body before conduct at the race track. panfull in the stove and we are sand, gray ---- sand — and -uvl- pebbles, He W. Jones, Dan Jones, Miss June which he first presented his uni Saturday and Sunday, Stuart ASSOCIATION WILL off to a flying start for breakfast. j says according to the results that Dalhgren and Mrs. Thelma Wilson j que plan. That his confidence in Erwin with Betty Furness in "All RELEASE INTERESTING When it comes to getting up I some of the prospectors are get- of Kerby Union high school and us was not misplaced will be seen American Chump.’ LOCAL DATA SOON this new fangled Hemitite they yell ting on their concentrates, this Mrs. Blanche Whiteman, Mrs. in "he unanimity with which his The story gives Erwin an oppor so about, I have a Gray squrrel cow was worth about $200 for W. Jones and H. Wilson as special P'an was accepted and the eager tunity to revert to the yokel-boy that is the trick. I set a panfull of concentrates. He was somewhat To further publicize the attrac guests. ness with which we proceeded to makes-good type of role that first the stuff down in front of him non-committal on the subject, but tions of this and other Redwood It was decided to make the “get- organize a movement for sup and he sets up and weighs out the seemed of the opinion that it was boosted him to popularity. He has F mpire counties throughout the to gether" a regular monthly af porting it. good from the bad, tossing the the source of some of the prospec played newspapermen in his re United States as well as abroad, fair and the next meeting will be A bill embodying Mr. Breese’s poor stuff away. cent pictures, but he prefers be tors high grade concentrates. the Redwood Empire association held early in November with an idea of tax reduction will be pre ing a boob. Claims it’s easier on Then for carrying boulders I ■ ■O' ...... soon will dispatch a special cam- other group of teachers as hos sented at the coming session of the arteries. have a Brown bear that bets any erman to obtain a brand new set tesses to be held at the Kerby high the national congress and various -------------- o—---------- ATTENTION! thing I’ve ever seen. He carries of master negatives. school. state legislatures will be asked to out the boulders as fast as I can GRANGE HOLDS VERY Smart, snappy shots, to the lat pass favoring resolutions. Already 'dig them loose from the bank. The Sons and Daughters of the INTERESTING MEETING est style and standard of photo such a resolution has been pre Good worker that fellow. Illinois valley will meet with Mrs. graphic technique will be taken BIRTHDAY SURPRISE pared for Oregon. Now I found that by sprinkling Addie Skeeters Martin "Bridge Last Thursday the grange held for subsequent "reproduction in GIVEN MR LEWIS Mr. Breese addresses the a little flour gold into the sour view,” next Saturday evening, one of their interesting meetings newspapers, magazines, folders Grange at their next meeting. dough the night before, you will October 16th. All those that are and several visitors present came and miscellaneous publications Friends and relatives surprised have a nice handful of nuggets interested and wish to become ■o- from the Deer Creek valley dis- b nroughout the world. Tho pic» James Lewis of Holland, last Mon the next morning, to go to town charter members please attend this trict. tures obtained also will be usel in day evening and to celebrate his LITTLE MISS CELEBRATES with. It is best to keep the dough meeting. Dues are only fifty Several prominent spoakers exhibits and displays and for stere birthday. HER HAPPY BIRTHDAY warm over night if you want to cents. were on the program to > discuss opl'can slide purposes. The evening was spent playing get a nief smooth well-finished agricultural topics. Photographs to be taken will cards and later a delicious fried Little Jean Iris Coffey, daugh nugget. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. War- At midnight a pot luck supper include reel rational and sports chicken supper was served to the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coffey, If you plan a prospecting trip, I d<gi, of Ocean Lake, Oregon, was served, and everyone attend 'subjects, as well as scenic, indus following guests: Messrs and celebrated her seventh birthday sugg'-st that you try out some of were guests of Mrs. Addie Skeet ing enjoyed a pleasant evening. trial ani agricultural views. Mesdames Will Trefethen; Martin ¡last Thursday, October 7, and is these methods. Perhaps they will ers Martin of Bridgeview, t»r o------------- According to the publicity de- Maurer. Spencer Mayes and son: now the proud owner of a now help you as they have others be- j the past week. Mrs. W;®-ren be partment of the Redwood Empire Joe Hudron; D. R McCurdy and Ward’s Hawthorne bicycle, which fore you. Always pass on a good fore her marriage, was Miss Hel Sheriff Ernest Lister has just association, requests for photo- daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Hoover; she is riding two miles to her tning. en Myers of Portland, and is a returned to his desk after being graphs, cuts, descriptive text and Mrs. Blanche Cousineau; Lee Lew school. Yours Truly: cousin of Mrs. Martin. This was on the sick list for several months. pictorial layouts ar^constantly in is. Bruce Snelson; Bud Cross; An- oMrs. Tresham of the Bridge S "SLIM.” Mr. and Mrs. Warren's first visit "Ernie” is looking fine and says creasing. These orders and re nice Dixon; Bill Tycer; Mrs. Q. A. 1 view store made her a lovely --------------o------------- to the Illinois valley and I they he feels great. His many friends quests are being received from ed W'oodcock; Misses Martelle Maur birthday cake, with candles and Ed Brigham, brother-in-law of were delighted with the cool. in the valley are congratulating itors. publishers, feature writers, er and Bertha Caid and the host all the fixings, and little Mis» Jean Harry Welch on the Caves high- sunny weather. They m >ade a trip him on his recovery and are in book authors and others engaged and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. James j was a very happy little girl on this way, is visiting in the valley for through tis5Oregon Caves, which deed glad to see him back on the Lewis. in publication work. , her special occasion. a few days. they thought very wonderful. job.