Ill inois Valley News A LIVE WIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE ILLINOIS VALLEY AND SURROUNDING DISTRICTS Volume I Number 19 Chamber Of Cine .lunction. Oregon, Thursday, Sfptemhyr ±x. 19.17 Plenty of Glory for All To Share In Price 5 Cents A Burned-Out Bearing Constitution Old Timer Commerce Day To Be Brings Home Clean-Up Is Growing Obseived True Facts Astounds By Phil Snort Smelter O. I. Day, of Iowa, made up his In the last issue of the News I mind that he would stray from we were so excited over the great | the plains of ice and snow to success of the Jubilee and the en­ I where the mighty Rogue doth ormous benefit to the district of | flow, and e’er much time had the smelter, that we neglected to '•ome to pass he landed slap-dab menticn the cast of the pageant. in Grants Pass, and having ducats We hope we have the complete i by the score, he viewed the coun­ The Illinois Valley Chamber of list, for we want to give credit to By William A. Brown Editor Illinois Valley News, The second clean-up of the try o’er and o’er; he ate our fruit, Commerce held one of the finest all those fine people who so gen­ On September 17, 1787, the Cave Junction, Oregon. drank in our seines and prospect­ smelter brought results little meetings of the year last Tues­ erously gave of their time and Constitution was signed, William Deat Sir: ed on sow-belly and beans. dreamed of. even by the most san­ day noon. There were 35 present talents to help make the success Ewart Gladstone for many years It seems inconceivable that He guine admirer of the marvelous found more wealth than he and the business discussed and we had. If the list is not com- guided the destinies of the British certain men in California and could use then started in the land little machine that has awakened considered was from the building plete, we will consider it a favor Empire with rare ability and Oregon are trying to have laws tr busy: Crater lake was fine but the entire southern part of the of the new road from Happy to be told of any omission, Fol- ranked royally among the out­ enacted to hamper or prevent th«1 not just right, the Oregon caves state to th«1 realization that this Camp, California to Cave City, lowing is the cast: standing diplomats of the world. revival of the mining industry. were out of sight; our vegetables section is still one of th«1 greatest to the mining situation and the He declared the American Con­ Indian Love Call, Sonia The discovery of gold in Cali­ grew large and fine, our fruit was i mining centers of the country. new smelter brought into the val- nell, of Portland, accompanies! by­ stitution to be the greatest doc­ fornia advanced the progress of great on tree r.nd vine, but why Running a ton of concentrates lev by th«1 Precious Metals Re- Mrs. Charles Babcock on the ument penned by human hands. this country one hundred years didn't we make wine like the win« from the Esterly mine, that had covery & Smelting Co. The considerate judgment of sooner than it otherwise would piano. In the first scene Chief of the Rhine instead of existing [ already been run through sluice Art Drews was in the chair as Joseph of the Rogues was playeil i mankind for more than a century have been, gold mining was the on common moonshine? Our boxes twice before, and the thot warmly presiding officer and by William Armstrong, other bore out this high praise of the i chief factor in its development. summers were too long and oi.r paramount that no values were thanked all the citizens for the chiefs were Frank Mellow, Ortis distinguished Englishman, and All of th«1 western slope might winters too short, and the sun left. What an awakening to the splendid work done in support of i Seats, William Armstrong, Jr., without an exception from the I have been called a trackless wild­ shone too brightly for out-of- possibilities of the smelter given the Miners’ Jubilee. Hi* said, I George Lillis, and Harold Hill founding days of the Republic erness when Daniel Webster said, door sport; our winters were too the populace when they recovered “each and every citizen of the danced the scalp dance. and the adoption of the Constitu­ i “What do we want with the wild wet, our summers too dry, some more than five pounds of bullion valley helped put the Jubilee over The sailors were played by Roy- tion every forward movement and wooly west?” But about the lands were too low and the rest of rare metals that will run into and next year it will be bigger Wells, D. W. Burn, Jim Payne, among the peoples of the earth time that Webster uttered those too high; our women were too hundreds of dollars, This from anil better.” Ken Wells, Freely Sawyer and and every newly forming nation memorable words, or perhaps a beautiful and men vice versa, our concentrates that were pushed He introduced J. E. Simmons of j | Frank Mellow-. followed the lead of America. little after, Marshall in 1848 dis­ lawyers too mean and the poli­ aside as worthless, yes even used the Quarantine1 station who re- j Every nation in the western covered a few particles of gold in Scene three players were, Ken ticians worse, and to top the cli- to pave streets and used for walks ported that they ar«1 very much Wells, Chuck Warren, M. C. | world is a Republic and the Em­ the mill race at Coloma. That max — here his patience was around the homes in the valley. interested in a power line down Athey, Jim Wells, Joe Hudron, pire from which America won find of the precious metal caused lost—he had to wait ’till Deceni- What a scratching there might yet to the state line. Orval Seats, Bud Mathews, Roy j her independence in the years a rush of hardy adventurers from ber to enjoy a good frost. All develop? Mr. Hussey reported that there Wells, Frank Mellow and Ted since has become the greatest de- ■ all parts of the world to the Pa­ this he wrote and mailed it so, to Th«1 management of the smelter were now a great many more who Athey. mocracy. cific coast. They came around Hi. O. Roe, of Ohio; then he will not give out much informa­ would use th«1 power if the COP We the people of America, owe Cape Horn in old sailing vessels, In the Oregon Caves scene 1 packed his grip and rode away, tion concerning the last clean-up. CO would build the line to the Chief Big Horn Bullock of Grants an undischargeable debt tr> the or they crossed the plains in cov­ back to Iowa went O. I. Day, and They do not know exactly what is California border. He also stated Pass took charge and introduced founding fathers who gave us our ered wagons drawn by oxen, and there people say, much to their in the metal and what it is worth, that if the electric company did the Cavemen Queen Helen Carl­ Constitution—the greatest gov­ they endured all manner of hard­ regret, that O. I. Day is knocking nevertheless, they know they have not build the line there were pri- son and Princess Kay Knox and ernmental boon ever granted to ships and overcame the greatest yet, protesting loud both night the bullion and they also know vate interests who would do so. the queen of the Miners' Jubilee, the sons of men. difficulties which nature had and day about every thing in that it is very valuable in rare A resolution indorsing the Edda Burke and her Princesses, And at this time it is most fit­ thrown in their way; and at metals, and that it came from the Iowa. power, project from its present Dora St. John, Elinor Aiken and ting that we in Illinois Valley length they reached the Pacific Esterly concentrate* When the o terminus to the stat«1 line was Nelle Hayden. He also intro- j unitedly observe the 150th anni- coast, where with the efforts of information conies from the mint unanimously adopted. duced the Indian Princess from ■ versary of so signal an achieve- their horny hands they caused Coming Attractions they will make the contents E. A. Breech said the Quaran­ Happy Camp, California, Elma | ment as the bringing into being this Golden region to go forward At Cave City Theater known. tine station would consume about Atterbury. He then called for of this immortal document. with a bound of progress un­ There is one certainty—The 3000 watts, He said there were 1 Desmund H. Stoval. of South It is especially becoming us in equaled in the world history. smelter has made good and it has scenes while Filming dramatic four other houses there who [ Pasadena, and the Cavemen pro­ Cave City to join most enthus­ The miners of Placer, Eldora­ hunters stood guard to ward off given new hope and life to this would take another 3000 watts ceeded to initiate him into the or­ iastically in this celebration on do, Nevada, and Sierra countries 'district, and business generally is and that all told there were poten- der. Other cavemen in the scene Friday night, September 17th, in together with the cornstock lode enthusiastic lions or hungry croc- on the climb. All the merchants odiles; renting the entire popula tial users who would consume were Moses, Ringuette George i the Cave City theater. It comes in Virginia City, Nevada, the lat­ in Cave City are busy and it be­ tion of native villages from their from 6000 to 7000 watts. ! at a most opportune moment in ter alone yielding nearly $500,- Thrasher, Shaw and Byrd. sultans, to serve as extras; direct­ gins to look like a real stampede J. W. Dudley of the Oregon In scene five the players were. 'the history of our rapidly devel­ 000,000 in gold and silver, caused ing a dozen different and often will soon be coming this way. As Miners’ Protective association Dr. A. N. Collman, Freely Saw­ oping community. In the success­ a flood of wealth to pour into the unfriendly tribes at once—these soon as the press releases the told of the fight the association yer, Ortis Seats, Fred C. Jones, ful launching of the Miners' Jub­ coffers and vaults of San Fran­ are some of the complications of , amount of bullion in this last was making for the miners of Ore M. C. Athey, Gordon Leonard, ilee and the hearty and willing cisco, which made that city one of filming talking pictures in Africa, clean-up, a startled world will be gon and said there was a very Jim Wells, Frank Mellow, Orval | cooperation which this received the greatest seaports in the world. as recited by W. S. Van Dyke, di­ looking our way. serious condition confronting the Seats, Ken Wells, Bud Mathews, from all local citizen^ as well as Many of those daring and rug­ rector of “Trader Horn.” —- - ------ o— I miners of the state and that if George Lillis, Roy Wells and Des the quickening of interest in our j ged men who were the first min Horn ” The revival of “ Trader they did not get together and Buyrne. own expanding enterprises we ers in California, came after­ again brings to the screen one of Legion and Auxiliary fight the injunction against 17 In scene six Joy Armstrong naturally find in this patriotic wards to Josephine county, Ore­ the finest pictures of wild animal Install New Officers mining companies of Southern played the part of Suzanne, Mrs. celebration an occasion to express gon where they made the old life and gives one more thrills Oregon there might arise a con­ G. A. Peterson played Sarah, the deep sense of gratitude which towns of Kerby, Waldo and than any of the pictures played Last Wednesday new officers dition where no miner would be Millie Trefethen Martha; Max- is common ^mong our people. Browntown, hum with their en- in some time and it is again tak of the Legion and Auxiliary were allowed to work his claim in the ene Patrick the minister’s sister; The committee of intereste«! ergy and activity, and they left installed. Amy Hussey first in­ ing the country by storm. near future. Lois Caine a guest; Fred C. Jones citizens who projected the Illin­ an ineffaceable mark behind stalled the officers of th«1 Auxil­ the “ Trader Horn ” comes to Mr. Dudley sighted that the the minister and Dr. A. N. Coll- ois Valley observance of this an them as their monument to pos­ Cave City theater two nights, Sat- iary. They were, Joy Badden, people of the valley have proved niversary found ready response terity, in the magnitude of the man Charley Sutton. urday and Sunday, September 18 president; Lucile Arnold, first they could organize and fight for to their plans which were worked tasks of hard labor which they farming Scene seven was a vice-president; Millie Trefethen, and 19. progress. He asked all who were scene and those taking part were, out in correspondence with the second vice-president; Emily Kel- performed, excavating in the For Friday, September 17, interested in mining to join a Clarence Sawyer, George Wells. national committees, these com- Opal creeks and gulches by hand un­ Manager Jones of the Cave City ! lert, secretary-treasurer; branch of the Oregon Miners Frank Mellow. Tom Tycer, Ed. mittees were authorized by the der the old primitive methods of theater has booked “John Meades Henry, sergeant at arms; Aunt Protective association and help Tycer, Mn Effie Smith and Mrs.- Congress and worked under the mining, where they accomplished Woman.” It brings to the thea­ Mary White, chaplain; Amy Hus- fight this menace to the mining May Sawyer. direction of the President. instances as ter the ever popular Edward Ar­ sey, historian. Mrs. Burch play- as much in many 1 industry in Oregon. There is no | The last scene was directed by O. E. Jones, manager of the was done with i improved, modern nold in a role similar to the ones ed the march. Mrs. Inez Webb reason why the fishermen and Addie Skeeters Martin and was a Cave City theater, kindly con- machinery. he played in "Diamond Jim,” the only member admitted by her miners could not get together and Christmas eve scene at Grandma s sented to the suggestion of the There those sturdy pioneers “Meet Nero Wolf,” and “Come own service record was present. settle the question to the advan­ home to practice singing and committee, and the first show on who have now passed away, re- i and Get it” It is a powerful ro­ Mrs. Lucik* Wymore was a visi­ tage of all concerned, he said. speaking for a program at th» Friday night will be followed im­ leased many millions of golden mance in which he is co-starred tor. W. B. Grant of the California- community Christmas tree at mediately with the program as Then District Commander Ed dollars from the gravel beds of with Francine Larrimore. Arnold Oregon Mining and Development Waldo Christmas night, 1883. arranged. Mr. Jones has also Josephine county, and laid the Gohrke of Grants Bass installed plays the role of John Meade, in­ corporation said this question af­ Those taking part in the scene planned to save a little time out foundation for the great common­ dustrialist, who tries to play with the new officers of the Legion. fected the entire district and that were Mrs. A. A. Johnson, as of the general program so that wealth of our country today, women’s hearts as he does with They were. Commander, Harold until it was settled we could not grandma; piano solo by Mrs. Ray- ample time will ffe given to the Some critics who are opposed high finance and learns, to his Hill; Vice-Commander, G. A. Pet­ expect any outside capital to in­ Kennedy, as Aunt Ellen; solo, observance of the 150th anniver­ to the mining industry are pre amazement, that it can’t be done. erson; Adjutant, C. Y. Arnold; vest here. He has just returned Silent Night, by Sonia Bunnell; sary. Finance Officer, Archie Ander- senting scare crows in the news- ------------------- o------------------- from New York and had $30,000 song, Oh Suzanna, Betty Ken­ The program will consist of the papers to frighten the farmers by CHAMBER MEETS TUESDAY son; Sergeant at Arms, Lee Hen- to invest for one company but he nedy; two guitars, Harold and singing of patriotic songs, and Visitors from Grants Pass telling the latter that the revival ry Illinois Valley Chamber of could not recommend that the in­ Farl James; chorus sung by Bet for the night the guest speaker were Commander Emil G ders, of the mining industry will work vestment be made until this ques­ | ty Kennedy; old fashioned waltz , will be the Rev. Vt illiam A. Commerce Will meet every Tues­ Vice Commander Bill Mauer and to the 1 utter ruin of the farmers, day for lunch and transact such tion of pollution was settled. danced by Flora James; reading I Brown, founding pastor of The that their lands will be overfiow- Sam Archibald. Art Keller was come before the A resolution was then intro- ! “Not Very Big,” Dorothy Thrash­ Friendly Mission. Dr. Brown’s the retiring commander. ' ed with tailings and debris, and business as may valle-' is duced and passed that the Cham- er; a neighbor girl of Grandmas, theme will be “The Constitution. members. The entire After the installation lune : i the fish killed, and that the cordially invited to attend these ber do all within its power to get Alice Smith; her twin brothers, Then and Now.” served by the Auxiliary an I vis- streams will be so polluted by the meetings, whether you are a mem­ a branch of the Oregon Miners Joseph and Jake, “The Singen itors were introduced. Mrs. Webb working of the mines as to elim- ber or not, and the membership Protective association organized Youngens'; song, “We are Hay­ gave a reading. Archie Ander­ inate all fishing and sport. Furniture Store committee asks all interested to in the Illinois valley. seeds,” Johnny Smith and Neil son was given a rising vo a of Now the writer has lived in become members of the Cham­ Renne Roth, of the smelter Freitas; baby, looking for Santa. Locates in Cave City thanks for the splendid wo •'{ he Oregon the greater part of his company, said the district was full | Ruthie Smith; reading by Aunt has done in conducting the dances. life, and he fails to see any great ber. A new enterprise locating in of precious metals far beyond Sue, “How Grandma Danced the --------------o After the speakir.y those pres­ amount of farming land of much their expectations and it was his Minuet,” Sue Martin; Colonial Cave City will open soon under GOODINGS LEAVING VALLEY ent enjoyed dancing until mid value in that state that has been belief that rare metals of great minuet danced by eight ladies in the management of 1 Mrs. Lucille Mr. and Mrs S. O. Gooding and night. Music was furnished by irundated and damaged by hy- value are stored in the district. Colonial costume, ladies—Ruth Wymore. The store • is located daughter, Louise, of Camp U-Rest players from the State Line Ren­ Neiher has the draulic mining, Russia is the greatest producer of Tompkins, Sofia Bunch, Mabel next door to the News office and was are leaving next Sunday and wish dezvous. Announcement killed in the riv- writer seen fish platinum at present, but there is Ramsey, Francis Smith; gentle- will be a new and second hand ers by tailings and debris from to thank their many friends and made of the regular dance next no reason why Josephine county men—Pearl Honck, Ella Patrick furniture store. patrons of the Illinois Valley for Saturday night. the hydraulic mines. Mrs. Wymore is offering a cash should not take the lead in the Lena Payne and Arta Freitas, their friendship and patronage -------------- o-------------- And there is no pollution of the next few years, if the miners will Mrs. A. A. Johnson was accorri- prize for the best name for the streams in the summer months during the past year. If by any Put out in th«- open air for the store and in this weeks issue of go to work on their claims, he ex­ panist for the dance« when the sportsmen do their fish­ chance Mr. Gooding has forgotten Miners’ Jubdee so that all could with I the News you will see her ad claimed. -------------- o—--------- ing. As the miners only operate to take care of any outstanding see the machine while demon- I further details as to what you Mr. Roth expects the mines of the mines during months when indebtedness, he is,very anxious strating its work, the smelter has Miss Eleanor Galeno, daughter I should do to win the prize. this district to produce over $6,- to have same presented and taken now been moved into the Wood- rivers are flooded and high. - o-------------- 000,000 in the next two years of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Galeno of There is no need of disagree­ care of immediately. The News bury building for the winter. af- with the aid of the smelter that O'Brien, left recently and is now L. E. Bidache and O. E. Jones ment between the miners ami regrets their departure from the ter which time, the company will attending St. Mary's Academy , made a business trip to Grants valley but wish them every suc­ build their own building on a site in Medford. i Pass last Wednesday. (Continued on Page Three) cess in their new location. (Continued on Pa