Page Two Illinois Valley News An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Illinois Valley News, Thursday, September 9, 1937 time Pastor of Churches in America, the Phil ippine Islands, and Argentina, S. A. 1^1 Gold can be made with sand You've got to have the sand. Í o Subscribe for the News (Continued from last week) BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS By the Pattor The Friendly Mission is such a Shelter in the Sis- Sunday School in Kerby 2:30 p. m. SCHOOL kiyous.. .....11 a. m. Preaching Service DRESSES If you should come now to Illinois Va)1'”’ Oregon 1 Sunday School 10 a. in. Editor looking for the Friendly Mission what would you Loyal Defenders ........ ...... 7 p- m. M C ATHEY Bu«ine>* Manager see? L. E. ATHEY Dainty Things for Claude Pucket, Pres. The Friendly Mission is what you would see. ...... 8 p- m. Preaching Service SUBSCRIPTION PRICES The patriarch Isaac had two sons: Esau and Ja ible BABY Prayer Meeting and B In Josephine County ...... 8 p- m. $1 50 cob. The latter sometimes bears the name Israel. In Study, Wednesday One Year Prices are Right .75 Six Months Leonard Beard, Leader speaking of the signal event in the lives of these two 50 Three Months sons, an event which illustrates their characters and Sunday, September 5 was Com Outside of Josephine County $2 00 determine their careers, a teacher once said “Esau One Year Alma's Dress Shop munion Sunday, as is our regular The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising saw what ‘he saw’: Israel saw what ‘is real’.” custom on the first Sunday of Opal Varner copy which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application If you should come now to Illinois Valley, Oregon I each month. The sermon theme looking for The Friendly Mission what would you was, “The all seeing eye,” and Cave City, Oregon was delivered in the Power of the see? Holy Spirit and proved to be a That would depend altogether upon what you spiritual feast for an appreciative ♦ REDWOOD EMPIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS Unit] audience. bring with you. CAVE CITY’S If you should come, would you bring a Seeing Had a good attendance at the POPULAR CAFE 7 o’clock Defenders service with Eye and a Discerning Spirit? 15 in the seniors and only 10 in If you should come with an unseeing eye and with the junior class. HOME COOKED MEALS out a truly discerning spirit, if you should thus come We were agreebly surprised at Well, it’s over, and we are all very hapnv and glad to Illinois Valley, Oregon looking for the Friendly [ the opening of the 8 o’clock ser vice to see Rev. Gray and a del about the whole affair. Glad that it is over, and Had Mission you would see nothing. Cold Plate Lunches egation from the Cave Junction for the results obtained. The First Annual Miners’ and Sandwiches But if the “eyes of your understandimr” are il Community church. Sisters White Jubilee of the Illinois Valley was a huge, grand suc lumined in the way the Apostle Paul has in mind and and Gray sang a beautiful special Ice Cream and Soft Drink« cess in every particular, with one exception—finan vou came you might see what is really here: A Vis number with harp accompany- cially. The rain storm Saturday killed all ideas that ion!—a vision, and that is everything. ment and Brother Gray preached ♦ us a wonderful sermon, thus com- we had about the financial success of the Jubilee, for At LaCumbre in the foothills of the Andes high nleting a great day in His service. it drove all the concessions out of the vallev. and left above the citv of Cordoba in that lovely land of the extend to you a hearty invita us high and dry with few exceptions on "Sailors Dig Argentines, during a medative moment on an early We tion to come again. gins.” morning in January, 1929, I had an enrapturing The sermon theme for Sunday, However, the committee can hold up their heads experience of the grace of God. I was nondering September 12 will likely be,, “The GEORGE L. MARTIN, Prop. with just pride at the success of the Jubilee and smile over one of the many inspiriting words of the Apos Trinity,” in the morning and in evening we will give you the at their loss, for the advertising the vallev received tle Paul when suddenly with the word there came a the Bible answer to the question. through the Jubilee could not be bought for thous brightening light much like a vision. In the lumin “Did God create the dveil?” ands of dollars, and we won’t lose more than a hun ousness of that revealing moment I seemed to see a Come on over and worship with dred after the books are balanced. This small loss new meaning in this word of Paul’s, a meaning es us. Lew Hammer’s ED WRIGHT. Pastor, will be met and the Jubilee will pay out 100 per cent pecially intended for our tormented distracted age The Little Church with the and ask no one to hold the sack. The committee in I believe now with an unshakeable confidence Store big welcome. sists that this be done, and next year our credit stand that this word of Paul’s is the Word of God for this ing will be above reproach and our task of putting on world of ours: NON-DENOMINAT1ONAL Complete Line of our Second Annual Miners’ Jubilee will be that much —this world of ours, building its towers of Babel up Cave City on the desert sands, the wind driven shifting sands, easier. General Merchandise Sunday School and church ser-1 trends of an unthinking public opinion. The Jubilee committee, and the Illinois Valley vices at Legion hall, Cave City Staple and Fancy News wants to chip in its say so to, desires to thank, —this world of ours lost in sin and shame because every Sunday. GROCERIES so largely its educators, its publicists, its preach Sunday School at 9:45 a, m. wholeheartedly, all the good folks who pitched in and ers are mooning in a midnight of starless dark Church services at 11 a. m. helped. The Jubilee could not have been the success Selma. Oregon ness, a realm of their own making: and walking Rev. George L. Gray of Grants it was without this fine spirit displayed by the whole tremblingly full of fearful forebodings, walking in Pass, pastor. Everyone invited. valley. Congratulations to you all for this splendid --------------o-------------- the dark when they might be walking in the Light cooperation. It was you who made the Jubilee, not did they but believe: Visitors at the F. W. Jones the committee, and they are conscious of this fact 4 home in Kerby over the week end There are some among us who speak of ours as a and want the whole valley to know how much it is ap ! were I.eRoy Grafe and children, modern world. preciated. Louise, Herman and Willis; and Modern? Virginia Davis, all from Gates, The finest thing, in our opinion, the Jubilte ac Who calls our world modern? Oregon, where the Jones family I complished, which has taken a long time to do, was to No, indeed; ours is an ancient world, a resided before coming to Kerby. I SA LES and SERVICE | bring us all closer together—We met new friends; very Modern? The visitors made a trip through [ NOISE REDUCING [ ancient world. found old friends nearer and dearer—It cemented an Take it in the realm of religion, there is not a sin the Oregon Caves and attended entire valley into a unit of cooperation—If we didn't gle originative thought entertained among us. part of the Miners' Jubilee. Mr. |and Powerful Signal Strength’ I Grafe operates a broom handle do anything else, this finding true friends was worth And in the realm of immorals, there is not a single stock machine in connection with I Install a New I all the trials and tribulations endured. We're willing new thing under the sun. Every solitary cheapen one of the sawmills on the north ! R C A Magic Wave Í to do it all over again, right now, just to meet and as ing and lowering social practice of this present day Santiam hiver. They made the I Antenna sociate with the wonderful people we met. return trip by way of Crater lake i world is hoary with age. I I A Creation of R C A What a tower of strength this valley can be, mold I Yes, this is an ancient world, a verv ancient world and Bend. ed together in one bond of friendship. We can do in which little minded and faulty thinkers are moon ¡VICTOR PRICE $6.951 Subscribe for the News anything we think we can do, and we are beginning ing their befogged y.’?.y i I I C. Y. ARNOLD to learn this truth. I’or mark you, every fallacious suggestion in the ! I CAVE CITY O thinking of this present day is so old that its origin is DR. A. N. COLLMAN i Naturopathic Physician lost in antiquity. PAY DAYS NOW According to the Word of God a truly modern CAVE CITY, OREGON PATRICK’S We don’t know what the miners of the district world will be a world in which we all shall “walk in the light as He is in the light": a world in which we (REEK think of the Illinois Valley News, but we are indeed TAVERN proud of the part, the little part, we played in secur shall have fellowship one with another because "the LOTA PEARCE blood of Jesus Christ His Sen cleanseth us from all On the Redwood Highway ing the smelter for Illinois Valley. The miners can BEAUTICIAN 30 mile« S.W. of Cave City That is the Word of God; that is the Way out. for work now, anti get paid for their work, and they don’t Phone ahead for hotel 517 “G” Street Phone 67-R have to pay freight to San Francisco or Tacoma to sin.” accommodations it is the Way Up. Grants Pass, Oregon have their ore smeltered. It can be done right here ALL DAY DINING And this also IS the Word of God: SERVICE in Cave City, and you can get your gold "button" and " I hou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Lunche», Dinner», Cold go back and dig some more and get more "buttons." Rogue River Roof Co. Drink» Pay days are here, and now its up to the miners. heart and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and Grant« Pa»«, Ore. STANDARD OIL We know there is little doing at this time, but every with all thy strength.” Pioneer-Flintkote Products PRODUCTS "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." miner who wants to work and develop his property, — Buy from — The Tavern Invites You to a I pon no other basis than this can we survive at can begin to get ready to go to work when the time MARTINS HARDWARE FREE SWIM comes. Water will soon be available and then the all. Cave City, Ore. Ibis is the way of life, life more abundant, life In our Pool rock and dirt should begin to fly with renewed WILSON COMPANY everlasting: life for the individual, life for the fam- I*. O. Aildress, O'Brien, Ore. energy. Kerby. Oregon dy, life for the nation, life for all nations, life for all In the mean time, if it is humanily possible for any of the miners of the district to bring any quantity of the peoples in all the world. EJ' ? O' If with the eyes of your understanding illumined concentrates to the smelter, it should be done, as it YOUR MUST operate, and right now it is going to be a prob you should now come to Illinois Valley, Oregon, look ing for the Friendly Mission you might see a Temple: ( LEANER & DYER lem to find enough concentrates to keep it busy. Help a Temple to be A House of Prayer for All Nations; Get our price« on your yourself and everyone else by bringing in what you a I emple to be A Place of Fellowship for All Faiths. Spring Cleaning have or can secure. An assay will be made and you John Wesley once said, "1 desire a league offen SUITS, COATS. DRESSES will l>e paid right now, no waiting—Your check will sive and defensive with every soldier o r Jesus Christ." RUGS. DRAPES be ready as soon as the assay is completed. Pay days : The hardness of impenitent hearts prevented his HATS CLEANED Qr are here, boys. PAY DAYS. \ND I.LOCKED OOC achieving that most devoutly to be desired aim in -------------------- d -------------------- Christlike living. 2 Ltelirerie« to Cave City and Kerby Weekly A churchman once said to me, "The difference between your church and mine is this: In my church IT’S GOOD CITY CLEANERS we believe in the right of the private interpretation of i Phone FOR HOT 71 722 S. 6th St. Rev. William A. Brown. I). 1)., the Holy Scriptures." GRANTS PASS, ORE. WEATHER Founding Pastor Leave work at Alma’s Dress To which I instantly countered:» SYMPTOMS Shop in Cave City Sometime Missionary to the Pampangans, and Some« Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 Owl Cafe ! I. V. Radio ; Ice Cream Grover's The Friendly Mission '«Vnttnued y.exl Week) i