Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current, September 09, 1937, Image 1

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    ey News
Volume I
Number 18
Cave Junction. Oregon, Thursday, September 9, 1937
The First Payoff
Price 5 Cents
Dr. Derwent
Union High
Assayer For
School Opens
Happy Camp Jubilee Made
History For
Road Drive
Smelting Co
Next Monday
Under Way
Illinois Valley
One of the first acts of the
The Union High School at
History was made in the Illinois
Metals Recovery
& Kerby opens for the years wc’L
valley at the Miners' Jubilee. So
Smelting company, owners of the on Monday September 13. In or­
pledged Sunday afternoon at stated papers up and down the
smelter in Cave City, was to em­ der that registration of student;,
Cave Junction by an informal as­ coast and so stated those who at­
ploy the best assayer available. may be completed in the fore­
sociation which met to discuss tended the First Annual Miners’
They wanted a local man, if pos­ noon, Fred W. Jones, principal,
road improvement.
sible, one the miners knew, and would like to have all students
It really started Wednesday
Happy Camp, Illinois valley
they were exceedingly fortunate arrive at the high school between
at the Cave City t' eater
Crescent City and Grants Pass
in securing the services of Dr.
and 10 o'clock a. m. Book lists
announcement was made
sent delegate* and representatives
Ernest Derwent, of Grants Pass will also be distributed at that
of the election of ti e queen and
as the assayer for the smelter.
time. After noon the faculty
her princesses. The house was
tricts were representde.
With 34 assays last Tuesday will meet to complete some de­
and the election seemed
Surprising figures were pre­
Dr. Derwent started his work un­ tails of the class program. Classes
to be a popular one by the ap­
sented showing the present road
der handicaps, being outdoors will meet according to schedule
carries more traffic than some plause given the girls.
where the drafts of air sometimes I on Tuesday.
Then there was a lull until Sat­
of the main east- and west roads
played havic with his work, nev­
Several recently adopted text
urday night when the queen was
of Oregon on which millions of
ertheless, he succeeded in making books will be used this year.
I dollars have been spent. One of crowned by Art Drews, president
all his assays, and two of them These new books are on sale at
of the Jubilee corporation. The
lie Siskiyou hithway department
tallied exactly with two assays of Wilson's store at Kerby. Mr.
in turn crowned three Prin­
reported a traffic count of 125
the same mineral sent to Portland Jones states that many used
and knighted several others
cars for 1C hours
demonstrating the fact that he books will be needed and hopes
of the court. The affair was very
Glenn Mitchell, Siskiyou forest
was making accurate assays, even tie students will bring their owr
colorful and was aided by Capt.
opened the meeting by
under difficulties. This will be i boows to school Monday so that
j John White ami four of his men
describing the forest service work
remedied in the immediate future, arrangements for sale or ex
' from the company of guardsmen
or. the road, and the purpose of
as the smelter will have a per­ change can be made.
I at Grants Pass id full dress uni-
building it. He suggested proper
A number of improvements
manent home soon.
1 form. Master McLean as a Cave­
to take by the differtnt
Dr. Derwent is well known to have been made at the high
man carried the crown over to the
communities in order to get the
all the local miners who have chool plant during the past
I queen throne. It was a bright
great respect for his ability. He month. The west eml of the gym
I spot in the coronation.
objective, an all year highway.
is much more than an assayer—A roof was rebuilt to prevent the
After the ceremony those gath­
Mr. Ilustes of Happy Camp
metalurgist and analytical chem­ leaking of rain water onto the
ered proceeded to enjoy them­
gave an outline of their tonnage,
ist with all the degrees known to halls ami floors. Floors have been
selves tripping the light fantastic
and their need to get a short way
mineralology and its allied scien­ thoroughly cleaned and varnished.
to good music.
ces, Dr. Derwent is well qualified The tinting of the walls and ceil­ R. C. Merrill of the Precious Metals Recovery & Smelting company to market. They are about equal
Sunday was ushered in with
for any position of trust in his ings greatly improves both the is handing L. E. Bidache of Cave City, the first check issued by the [ distance from Yreka or Horn­ the elimination in the gold pann­
company for his gold “button” after his concentrates had been through brook and Grants Pass.
There is
appearance and lighting effects
ing contest which was decided
the smelter.
only 20 miles of finished highway
He was educated in England of the rooms. The new Home
Monday morning at Kerby when
down the Klamath river from
and is a member of the American Economics department is located
; Bill George was declared winner
Hornbrook that is modernized to
Institute of Mining and Metallur­ in the room north of the office
and Bill Moker second. Sunday
Grants Pass, total of 77 miles,
gical Engineers, registered in where cabinets, kitchen work
afternoon the Rodeo held the
there is more pavement and a low­
New York. There are only 28 tables, electric stoves, hot ar.d
crowd until late afternoon.
er freight rate for their ore ship­
members of the Institute in Ore­ cold water, sewing machines and
The concession street known as
ments to a smelter at Tacoma.
gon and Dr. Derwent is the only tables, and other articles of equip­
“Sailors Diggins” was filled with
G. H. Grover suggested form
Oregon member Who is a metal­ ment have been installed. Lab­
Having been in the valley less and nail to make other people
people most of the time and there
an organization, whichc was
oratory science equipment was than one day, the smelter boys see eye to eye with us, that we
urgist and chemist.
was a group of miners continually
With a back ground that would moved into the north east room ' spent little time in getting things have the richest valley in the accomplished. Present members milling around the smelter, one
of the organization are Happy
put most of the mining engineers where it will be housed in a r.ew percolating.
Hastily setting up world and with the smelter now
of the principal attractions of the
to shame, as well as being an ex­ cabinet being constructed there. their equipment under a torpol- going full blast and a competant ( amp, Illinois Valley, Crescent Jubilee.
pert metalurgist and chemist, it Typing will be conducted in the ion they announced, just 10 hours assayer assaying our ores, by the City and Grants Pass.
At this date your reporter
J. R. Harvey was elected secre­
is no wonder that the smelter peo north west room where it is like after their arrival, that they were love of Harry we can prove it.
would like to state that the smel­
pie feel that they have the best ly a number of new typewriters ready to do business. And, evi­
We have been informed by the temporary local chairmen are ter erected by the Precious Met­
man they could obtain to help and tables will be added. A new dently, business they did. Be­
management of the smelter that Glen Ireland, Crescent City; Mr. als Recovery & Smelting com­
them solve some of the problems 1 filing cabinet and other office cause, their Manager, R. C. Mer
they are looking for concentrates Hahn, Happy Camp; and Elwood pany of Seattle, Washington, has
they may be called upon to equipment has been provided for rill, at least if we are to believe
awakened the miners to the great
that have not been cleaned by the Hussey, Cave Junction.
the office Some new books will photographs and our own eyes, use of lye and quick silver, as it
possibilities in the valley and that
Petitions will go to the forest
Being an apprentice under Dr. be added to the library during unlimbered his right arm and
is not only a costly method for service districts and highway com­ was the express purpose of the
John E. Stead, F. I. C., F. R. S„ the year. Plans are being made scratched out a check payable to
the miner to employ, but that in missions of both states setting Jubilee, so those who worked so
D. Mat., for four years is enough to put the field east of the gym L. E. Bidache.
order to smelt their concentrates forth the need of improved high­ hard to put it on can pat them­
recommendation for any mining | into condition for outdoor ath­
If you think the above is a rec­ to the best advantage it is neces­
selves on the back for the suc­
ways. County courts, granges,
man. Add to this a graduate of letics.
ord for speed, well heres one that sary to have a proportional
cess of the undertaking.
It is
Shefield Tech., of England; grad­
After studying the school sit­ tops that: according to reports amount of gold and silver to the and all organizations of the dis reported that every bit of plaser
jtiicts will be asked to lend their
uate of chemistry in Guild's In­ uation in this locality for the past from the smelter, they had hard­
platinum content,' otherwise a support, and it is hoped by next ground is being looked over again
stitute of Technology, London, six weeks Principal Jones says ly got themselves squared around
satisfactory recovery is impossi­ year these two large trade areas with a view of re-working.
just about caps the climax for that he believes the high school of when out of the hills comes Ark
Sunday evening the pageant
will be joined by an all year road.
knowledge that this district is in District No. U-l is destined to ex­ Kelley with a bag of concentrates
was given for the first time and
Their charge for smelting is
-------------- 0-------------
possession of.
Dr Derwent has pand with other rapidly develop­ that assayed $24,222.00 per ton.
while there were several long
j the lowest in the country—just
so much faith in this district that ing factors in the community and A young fortune.
waits between scenes, not one of
i 20 per cent, with no sampling
he has spent the last 20 years here that the people of the Illinois val­
It is hard to tell who was the
the actors could be blamed for
and knows all of Southern Oregon ley could support a high school more surprised, whether it was charge or assay charge tacked on
they worked like seasoned vet
and its mineral formations. He which would provide educational Mr. Roth, the superintendent, , to take the dollars out of the
erans of the stage and each and
This will give
is not only an authority on prec­ advantages for their children Dr. Derwent the assayer, or Mr miners pockets.
every one score«! a personal suc­
there is no sary of the adoption of the con
ious metals, but knows chrome, ' equal to what is offered in the Kelley the miner. It is doubtful
earthly reason why we all should
iron and other base metals. In best high school in Oregon.
if either of the three thought
The pageant started off with
The president has issued a
a contest in England where there
the singing of the "Indian Love
Besides the principal, the other such values were kicking around
I fact your humble scribe has more
were several hundred students high school faculty members are the neighborhood.
izen* of the Republic to unite in Call,” from Rose Marie, delight­
participating. Dr. Derwent won Miss June Dahlgren, Mrs. IL Wil
It has always been our conten­ than once cast a glance at “them i. patriotic observance of this his­ fully sung by Sonia Bunnell of
third place in the manufacture of
tion, and we have fought tooth | thar hills.”
Portland, and from then until the
son and Dan Jones.
toric event.
iron and steel.
In obedience to the call of the final curtain after the minuette
R. C. Merrill and Rene Roth,
danced gracefully by the group
Bing Crosby a sparkling vehicle National committee appointed by
officials of the smelter, were Meeting of the Jubilee
( ominjf Attractions at
of ladies, not a soul left their
ir. which to go to town, and "o t<
very happy to know that Dr. Der­ Committee Friday
town he does, with some of the citizens in the Illinois valley are
went, after studying their equip­
was the big day. In
Catchiest songs you have ever arranging a patriotic program for
ment and making exhaustive as­
Notice is hereby given to all
the costume contest Mrs. E. J.
Manager Jones of the Cave
says of their tailings, accepted members of the Jubilee committee
City theater has booked two high
«he Cave City theater following Wilber won first prize with Mrs.
-------------- o ■-------
the position offered with enthus­ that a business meeting will be class shows for this week end and
Ide Wing second. For the best
the first show.
iasm. Dr. Derwent has a great held Friday evening, Septembei some of our finest stars will be
Through the courtesy of O. E. whiskers Jim Payne and Jack
deal of respect for the smelter, 10th at 8:30 in the Chamber of
Starting Friday evening,
the manager, patriotic Martin were adjudged a tie, the
for he has been unable to find the Commerce building.
There was a kid who never die’
September 10th, Spencer Tracy
be sung. Mrs. Fre«l ladies deciding the contest by
There will also be a miners
faintest color, under powerful
demonstrates his phenomenal abil a mean thing in his life. He never Galeno accompanying on the vio their applause. The costume con­
microscopic glasses, from the meeting at the same time. This
took toys from other boys or was
ity in “They Gave Him a Gun.”
I 1 in. The guest speaker is Rev. test was decided by the applause
tailings of the smelter. This is meeting is called for the purpose
the cause of sordid strife; The
from the men.
William A. Brown, D. D.
primafacie evidence that the sme ■ , of getting the business men in­
little bird’s nests were safe at
The parade was one of the high
ter is doing its work and doing it terested in an organization to
rest, on ground or in a tree, like
of the pageant and all of
Cowen, former soldier, who ex­
protect the miners interest.
little girls, with dangling curls, DAIRY GOAT ASSOCIATION
took part. Ancient
All business men who are in­ tressed his hatred of war in the he would always let them be. He’d
Dr. Derwent will be available
TO HOLD MEETING HERE vehicles, horse drawn, and old
to all the miners of the district as terested in helping develop the
never bat another brat or grab
autos which had to be toed were
The picture has Tracy, Gladys his cake or pie, things not his own
a metalurgist. assayer and chem­ mining industry of the valley,
The News was handed a letter in line. The jack and burro were
ist. His knowledge of this dis­ should attend the meeting. It
he'd let alone and str-»»<»h«w* from 0. V. Humrick resuesting in evidence as well as tht horse
trict is unsurpa-sed and his ser­ will precede the Jubilee meeting, principal roles. The story deals pass them by; he wouldn’t lie tet the farmers of the Illinois valley and miners with their packs walk­
vices to th* miners canno be and the business men can leave as with two men and a woman. Trac any guy to shield a thing he’d to send him the number of goats ing along as they did years ago,
measure i« m««9tory sums. He soon as it is over if they choose. , is a circus barker who enlists in done, or torture cats or tie brick­ they were raising
Mr. Humrick made the modern youth wonder if
Tone is a small­ bats to dogs to see them run.
is a price!**’3 asnet, and will be 1 but they are invited to remain the regulars.
is president of the Rogue River they would be as good when they
a mountain of rtrength in helping and hear the report of the Jubilee town clerk who finds ♦>'»..... '* ' ,
To manhood he grew, as boys Valley Dairy Goat association of reached middle age.
th.e army and up in the front lines. do, and maintained his boyish Josephine county.
develop the mineral resources of committee.
Monday afternoon Professor
------------- o--------------
A gun gives him courage. Gladys ways, he had no fights to guard
this section.
A meeting will be held in the Vining of Ashland gave a wonder­
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harker George is a Red Cross nurse.
-------------- o-------------
his rights throughout his life-long valley in the. near future at which ful inspiring address in the Cave
For Saturday, Sunday, Sept. days. Not an enemy, no, not one time the objects of the association City theater and after the ad­
Arlene Coats of Klamath Falls of Prineville, Oregon, are spend­
was a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. ing a few .days with Mrs. Harker's 11 and 12, ‘Pennies from Heaven' had he upon this mundane stool, will be fully explained.
dress, deligations from Happy
George Thrasher at Kerby during parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thrasher will be shown. This should pad this you may believe when you
------------- o
of Bridgeview.
the house to the limit. It gives percieve that he was born a fool.
the week end.
Support the Fire Department.
(Continued on P»«e Three)
Smelter Arrives