Illinois Valley News, Thursday, Septem lier 2, 1937 called you friends: for all things that I heard from THANKS A MILLION CLASSIFIED ADS my Father I have made known unto you." To all my friends in the Illinois The Apostle John, who records for our learning Valley—words cannot ov"ress i SPEND A LITTLE, BUY A LOT An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest feeling for the wonderful support valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts these gracious words of the Master of us all. in his in Cave City. Prices and terms you have given me during the life and work more nearly than any other exempli to suit. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Queen contest, and 1 want to fies the ideals which I cherish in my heart as I found thank ELWOOD HUSSEY Valley Publishing Company. everyone and express mj Licensed Broker The Friendly Mission. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at sincere appreciation for the honoi Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 187» • Beneath the title of the Mission I trust always to you have conferred on me in the FOR SALE — Mining location blanks, both quartz and placer find this phrase which I have been led to use as de selection of Queen. ................... Editor M C ATHEY and trespass notices at the Edda Burke Busines* Manager scriptive of one of its manifold ministries: “A Shelter L. E. ATHEY Illinois Valley News office. We, the princesses to her Grace, in the Siskiyous.” T Queen Edda the F’irst, wish to ex The widely read and experienced men among the press our sincere appreciation for PREST-O-LITE Batteries 14.00 SUBSCRIPTION PRICES Christian thinkers would expect to find the word all the loyal support given us and up. W holesale and retail. In Josephine County $1 SO Campbell's Super Service, next One Year .75 usages of some of the most devoted of the many be- during the Queen contest, We all Six Months to Courthouse. Granta Pass, hail Queen Edda with a loving SO retreat. That is a word of deep significance in the Three Month* Oregon. —16tf heart and wish her reign a very Outside of Josephine County lievers in Christ Jesus. I One Year $2 00 happy and successful one. FOK SALE 20 acres on laves I choose rather the word shelter: for the word Dora St. John highway, 4 rni house, hot, cold The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising Eleanor Aiken copy which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application shelter conveys t omy mind all they have in the world water, furnished or unfurnish Nelle Hayden retreat—with this added suggestion of home: ed. Good well, electric pump, 9 electricity. 12 acres under cul —at home in the enriching fellowship of HAPPY CAMP ROAD tivation. Also 2 room cabin. kindred souls wherein hurt hearts mav be \ REDWOOD EMPIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS Unit. Mrs. E. B. Pearsall. 17-ltc MEETING MONDAY healed and troubled spirits find peace. —at home with those upon whom the baf LIST your property you want to A letter from Steve S. Gree sell with Elwood Hussey, the fling experiences of life have beaten hard of Happy Camp, California, in Illinois Valley Real Estate and yet who have come through with forms us that it will be impo: Broker. Cave City. sib'c for the delegation ioni n spirits undaunted and with faith undim from Happy Camn to 1 FUR SALE med. Rev. William A. Brown, D. D., for a joint meeting of Grants Work mare. See M. B. Harper —at home with those who having seen the Pass, Cave City and !!■’• on the old Hart ranch. Mile and Founding Pastor Vision are going straight forward in the to discuss the feasibility i a half up the Caves Highway. Sometime Missionary to the Pampangans, and Some face of d;re discouragements, surrender development, to be held here Sat urday, and they ask that all con TENTS,, Tarps, Canvas Goods time Pastor of Churches in America, the Phil ing only to Him Whom to know is life, life Harness and strap work. cerned attend a meeting Monday. everlasting. ippine Islands, and Argentina, S. A. NOBBY TOP SHOP—406 So. September 6th, instead of Sa tu r- —at home with like purposed people who 6th St., Grants Pass, Ore. day, September 4th. are seeking to attain the motto of the Mis —2tp All interested, and we should In tne course of the kindly years it has been my sion: “That I may know Him.” all be interested, take due notice FOUND—Two keys in Cave City and govern yourself accordingly. * ecstatic joy as a Minister of the Gospel of Christ to (Continued Next Week) theater Owner can have same --------- o--------- administer the Holy Communion to representatives by calling at New- office a«?d Alexander George of the five races, and to have as members of my () paying for this adv. churches men and women who came from more than Passes Away Visit the Communitv Craft forty nations. As Missionary Superintendent of the shop on Redwood highway, op 1 George, 63, one of International Sunday School Association—an organ Joseph'ne County was admitted January 22, 1856. the Aexander posite Waldo Camp, O’Brien, old pioneers of Illinois Valley ization of laymen whose territory covered the conti The County contains 1637 square miles: 1,047,680 and widely known throughout this Oregon. Gifts priced for imme diate sale, pending selection of nent of North America \ was mv inestimable pri- acres. section, died at his home near viiege to work in close co operation with men and Tne assessed valuation in 1931 was $8,163,044.55. Kerby Wednesday morning at 11 new location. women of all the variant religious faiths. Out of this The Illinois Valley is the richest portion of the o'clock. He was born December 15, 1874, in Camden County, Mo. Grants Pass, and that Tuesday quite evtonded experience, enrapturing and wonder County. Mr. George is survived by his ful. has grown the comm: nding idea of the Friendly The mineral wealth of the Illinois Valley is beyond widow, Frances George; one son. being his day off he had gone motoring with his wife and her computation. Mission. Johnny, and a daughter ,Allexine, mother, and in the course of There is a copper mine in the Illinois Valley which all of Kerby; two sisters, Mrs. their touring about the Valley The word “Mission” is used in its historic sense We speak of the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus assays 65 per cent pure copper: another with inex Lucy M. Bragdon of Portland, and they had come to Waldo and had Mrs. Agnes E. Marimon of Seattle turned aside to view what to them Christ. His compelling words are treasured for us haustible supplies that assays 50 per cent. Wash., and two brothers, W. I>. appeared to be a historic struct There is a mountain of marble within the bound George in the Gospel of Matthew: of Kerby and B. E. George ure. Like everybody else when of Medford. “All authority hath been given unto me in heaven aries of Josephine county. heard from the Man with the Next to mining the principal resource in the Il The body was brought to the L. they and on earth. Go ye therefore, and make disciples Inquiring Mind about the Miners’ B. Hall funeral parlors where ar- Jubilee and the wonder for Waldo of all the nations, baptiz'ng them into the name of linois Valley is timber: and among the more profit langements will be made for that is growing out of it they the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: able growths you will find red fir, sugar nine, pitch burial. became enthusiastic and are com- pine, cedar, black and white oak. --------------- o--------- teaching .hem to observe all things whatsoever I ing to the Jubilee. The mother The Illinois Valley is near enough to the sea to commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even All Coming to the lives in Medford. have the benefit of the tempering winds and the fal unto the end cf the world." ling rains—and far enough away to lx? entirely fog Miners’ Jubilee Rr-Roof NOW! In obedience to this Great Commission men and less. Thi« fact with the presence of the nines makes Pioneer Seeing a man in the diggins women from the days of the founding of the Christ it a most desirable climate for all. Composition Shinties about the old Waldo store Tues- Repair Work Our Specialty ian Church in the era of the Apostles have gone forth The population of the Illinois Valley is about day afternoon the Man with the ROGUE RIVER ROOP CO to carry the good news of the redeeming grace of 4.500 souls. 612 H St. Phone 220J Inquiring Mind learned that the Grants Pass, Ore. God io ill peoples: and here and there over the wide, stranger was a business man from wide work! they have founded Missions. It is in that (3 Just finished with the berry can unique eense that we make use of the truly signifi- Cave City Stores ning, they are now canning beans, Go On ( ash Basis -cant ard illuminating word Mission. GREETINGS, OLD TIMERS— tomatoes p e a c h <j s , apricots, But what shall be the distinctive and distinguish prunes and plums and the output Many of the merchants of Cave WE LL BE THAR—WHISKERS N ALL ing word by which this Mission shall be known? will reach 10,000 cans this year. City have arrived at the conclu -------------- o -------------- After much earnest searching the word Friendly sion that the residents of the Illi BUT— nois Valley are entitled to all the Schools Starting has been chosen. There’s No Whiskers on our Merchandise — advantages of price and quality Monday, September 6 There are two most pleasant streams of crystal and service of their merchandise, September 6th will see Everything Points to like thinking that have come to us out of the aging as those living in the cities, an< all Monday, the grade schools in the Illinois Christian centuries—streams which have their rise have, accordingly, gone on the valley starting after the summer PONTIAC Sixes and Eights in that majestic range of lofty and sacrificial living cash and carry basis. vacation. The high school at Kerby will Schumacher ’ s Cash Grocery, we know as the era of the Apostles: founders of the i AMERICA’S FINEST LOW PRICED CAR Christian Church and authors of the New Testament Illinois Valley Meat Company and not start until Monday, September the Martin Hardware Company 13, it was decided by the board of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. lave decided to give the people of directors at a recent meeting. = See our GENERAL MOTORS TRUCKS from These streams of thought find practical expres here the same advantages as they F’ollowing is a list of schooh G. ton pickups to “Big As You Want,” and all sion in our day in what is commonly called the evan can get any place in price of mer and teachers and chairman of the hoard as published in the Courier chandise, but to do this they ab- gelical and liturgical churches. These terms are not priced with the very lowest. had to do what those last Tuesday: mutually exclusive: for there are lovers of the ornate solutely Kerby Union High School— (tares in the cities do, go on a and the beautiful and fixed forms of worship and cash basis. F red W. J ones and Don Jones, I teaching among the evangelicals: and there are the We believe. if you will pardon teachers; Lucius Robinson, Chair- most truly evangelical found among the hosts of be our editorial opinion in this article man. Harold (’. Prestel Kerby grade school — Alva Grants Pass, Ore. lievers in the great liturgical communions. And in that the merchants are doing the people in th<* valley a favor in Lewis, F'reda Baumgartner and a- [•] both groups there are characters of outstanding mer going on a strictly cash basis, Mary Bonham, teachers; W G. it and achievement. The liturgical however have We cite a i case of our own. We McClean, chairman. 0 developed ways of recognizing and rewarding their owed a paper house in Portland Selina—Ruby Higinbotham, tea I i greatly achieving characters far superior to the ac several hundred dollars. They cher, E. T. Norman, chairman. came to us in a nice way and said Holland—Lora Byrne, teacher; cepted practices of the evangelicals. we had better pay cash from now Sid Jacques, chairman. So in seeking for a distinctively distinguishing on and gradually catch up on oui Takilma—Starr Bumby, teach Deeming it advisable for the ben word by which this Mission might be known, it was arrears. We did so and soon were er, J. G. Curnow, chairman. efit of the residents of the Valley, • out of the realm of the possible to take any name from out of debt and kept out, but we Dryden—Lois M. Sneake^ tea 1 The Illinois Valley Meat Company ■ among the many folks of the crowded Christian cen would still be charging it if the cher; H. M Hensley, chairman. will go on a cash basis on and after paper house had not been kind O'Brien — Julia Williams, tea turies who have done notably and won the approving enough September 1st. to show us the way out. cher; Mari«- Balzk«-, chairman. judgment of their fellows in the faith of Christ. --------------- o---------------- Waldo—Opal Bennett, teacher, We appreciate your fine coopera So the word friendly was chosen after deep heart Robinson Cannery Elsie I. Stout, chairman. tion and support and hope to merit searching. And alter all it is the finest word and Thriving Industry o-------------- : BELT LODGE NO 18 vour continued patronage. With <*most definitive of the purposes which are to be serv- One of-the new thriving indus A F. A A. M. the new system our prices will I m * e<| in the creation ol^the Mission. tries in the county is •'-«■ Robinso. materially reduced, as we will I m * The word Frierftlly really was suggested by the Cannery located in the Applegate Lodge will convene at 1 p. m. ■ in a better position to pay cash and use of the Master makes of the word “friends" in His Valley. S. E. Robinson anil son Friday, September 3, to atten<| : last conversation withOHis disciples on the night be Edwin are the owners and they the funeral wrvices of our de : buy for less. fore His redemptional death upon the cross. In those are making extensive improve parted Brother. Alexander intensely intimate and personal moments with His ments that will place the cannery- George. Services at the cemetery par with any in the country, at 2:00 p. m. most dearly loved and first chosen followers, Jesus on A a new building 22x60 with two G. W Thrasher, W. M said: floors is rapidly nearing comple- Cave City, Oregon “I no longer call you bondservants, for the bond tion and they are now employing Mis» Dorothy Gibson of Kerby visiting at Cottage Grove. servant knoweth not what his lord doeth, but I have eight to ten people regulary, is Illinois Valley News The Friendly Mission r : Prestel Motor Co To the Public Illinois Valley Meat Co