Page Four Illinois Valley News, Thursday, August 26, 1937 Look out for pedestrians. Mrs. A. E. Rothrock of Denver, Colo., is visiting her brother, Don Motnsoa at the Morrison home. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Stone have •Mil returned to the valley after an extended trip in the east. Locals Joe Houck was reported ser­ Installation of officers of the Mrs. Margaret Moore made a iously ill at his home in Bridge­ American Legion Auxiliary will view following an accident while be held Wednesday, September trip to Granta Pass this week. working in the woods. Jack Haunce transacted busi- ness in Grants Pass on Tuesday. Mr. arid Mrs. Charlie Briggs of —o— Coquille, Oregon, were guests Concessions are for sale at the of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Schu­ Miners’ Jubilee. See Ed Peter- macher over the week end. son. i •» ,f : Ä 4 r.ji i KJ Keibel's When in Grants Pass Eat at the CLUB CAFE Irene’s Beauty Shoppe! Cave City, Oregon 0' 1.......................................................... 0 6th and “G” Streets PATRICK’S (REEK TAVERN ; I. V. Radio ¡SALES and SERVICE On the Redwood Highway 30 mile* S.W. of Cave City Phone ahead for hotel accommodations ! NOISE REDUCING | and Powerful Strength Signal I Install a New I RCA Magic Wave I Antenna I I A Creation of R C A ¡VICTOR PRICE $6.95 STANDARD Oil. PRODUCTS I I I (’. Y. ARNOLD CAVE CITY S' Ice Cream Get our prices on your Spring Cleaning SUITS, COATS, DRESSES RUGS. DRAPES Grover's HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED IT’S GOOD FOR HOT WEATHER SYMPTOMS CITY CLEANERS Phone 71 GRANTS : : TC 2 Deliveries to Cave City and Kerby Weekly i Nothing quite so good for pic­ nics and lunches. Its fine tex­ ture is admirably suited for your sandwiches I)r. McCune was in attendance. (>. E. Jones of the Cave City He is survived by his wife and theatre transacted business in children, five sons and five Grants Pass last Monday. daughters. Make appointment now and be sure. School girls here is your chance to get your permanent before school • tart* - < t — Perfection Bread SPECIAL PERMANENT for $2.00 B' ICE « 722 S. 6th St. PASS, ORE, Leave work at Alma’s Dress Shop in Cave City '0 0 SPECIAL SALE TEXACO MOTOR OIL- Valor Brand 2 Gallon Sealed Can FIRESTONE TIRES and TUBES Willard Batteries — General Repairs Í : 1 t INSIST ON Fred Bronillet of San Luis Obispo, Calif., is visiting his fa- the), W. A. Broullet in Cave City for a short time. Perfection Bread Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor and party of Tulelake, Calif., were visiters of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Martin last Sunday. —o—• Mrs. Ella Sinclair of Portland is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. B. Pearsall on Caves Highway until the 1st of September. —o— Mr. and Mrs. John Braucher of Hollywood, California, were visiting Ted Athey Wednesday. They drove front Cave City to Crater lake and back home by way of the Lava beds. — o— Mr. Rufus Riley Kenyon of Deer Creek Valley died last Fri­ day evening August 20. Intel ment was neld August 24 at 2 p. in. —o— Mrs. Jack Villair and Mrs. Geo. Thrasher hiked up Sucker creek from California Bar last week and visited Mrs. Thrasher’s father, ■ Jessie Barnett for a short while. LOTA PEARCE Mr. and Mrs. Archie E. Ander- on, Mr. and Mrs. George Thrash­ er and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Villair motored to Happy Camp last week. —o--- Mrs. Della McMillan, Mrs. Em- ma Kennedy, Mrs. Nella Gove and Mrs. Carrie Strong of Corval­ lis were guests reecently at the home of Mrs. Ora Smith. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Cochran have as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. H. E Wagner and son. Bill, of Santa Ana, Calif. Mrs. Wag­ ner is a niece of Mr. Cochran. J. N. Carroll anil A. T. Crosby of Lebanon, Oregon, arrived in the Valley last Friday and are looking over the mining activities of this section. —o— Mr-. George W. Martin and ..•.nr; iter, Jeanne, accompanied 1 y Sirs. Howard Bearss, were in Grants Pass on business the first >f the leek. —o— Sat. and Mon. Only AT YOUR DEALERS I WATERMELON— Per pound BEAUTICIAN S “G” Street Phone 67-R Grants Pass, Oregon FRENCH LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS Of Grants Pass Family Laundry Service —Dry Cleaning Unsurpassed. Collect and Deliver Wed. and Sat. MECO PEAS- No. 2’s, 2 cans for £ SANI-CLOR BLEACHER Quarts, 2 for 23c TOMATOES. Local— 3 pounds for lOc I I ! a Always the Best in CROWN PANCAKE ' 1.01 IC­ IO pound sack 49c FLY SPRAY. Bulk- Standard Oil produtt. quart 39c QUALITY The Best in Price Complete Hardware Whirlpool Wathing Gallon Bring your own container Machine. $1.39 Electrolux Kerosene Refrigerator* Ronue River Hardware Where Most People Trade □ BULK STOCK SPRAY— Standard Oil, gallon 75c FLY SPRAY— Standard Oil, pint can 32c St , Gi EEN VOTES Cave City Theater COMING Grocery SPECIAL Performance •- CAVE (ÏTY, OREGON ìi'i? ïfi ïô iu ûïùï Mmm üY rrfr ùïôEiffî 0 Wednesday, Sept. 1st Prices Right on Quality Merchandise Queen Show SPECIALS SATURDAY and MONDAY ONLY MEN’S PLAID WORK SHIRTS 89c RED HUNTING ( APS 39c FELT BASE ( ONGOLEUM RUGS- 24x36 inches. 2 for 15c NO. 2 GALVANIZED TUBS— Special of Sat. and Mon. KIDDIES LUN( 11 PAIL For School “Theodora (Joes Wild Buy your tickets from your Queen Candidate and come ee who is elected Queen A great show for Great Cause O. E Jones left the first of ti c ILLINOIS VALLEY ICE & COLD STORAGE CO. Phil Sawyer, Prop. Now Open for Business DELIVERING NOW Plant located on Sawyer ranch on Caves highway Friday, August 2 Illinois Valley Motor Co. BOH ROUT, Proprietor Rexford left Free Airplane Ride SATURDAY and SUNDAY Martin Hardware Co main indefinitely. Mr. Rexford is it son of Mr. an- his office and will re- bh U w for tl ■ winter. He wa away f< a while and could not procure a >’»'nti