Illinois Valley News, Thursday, August 26, 1937 Page Two I ews ey Illinois An independent new paper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 ... Editor Businas» Manager M C ATHEY I.. E. ATHEY SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County $1 50 .75 50 One Year Six Months Three Month« Outside of Josephine County $2 00 One Year The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising copy which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application 4$$ C redwood empire NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERSZ^D THE NEWS MAKES GOOD please give them now. If you see somethin'1, wrong, Surprise Party Given don't wait until after the show is over and then say, Popular Kerby Miss “I told you so.” Sunday evening Miss Edda The valley as a whole is entering into the spirit Burke entertained a host of Miss f the Jubilee in a wholehearted manner that would Margaret Schearar’s friends who make any committee happy, and your present one is gathered in the dining room of the tickled pink” with the response and cooperation ex­ Odd Fellows hall and gave her a ended from every corner of it. If the Jubilee isn’t a lovely "going away” party. dining room was lovely in ; access it won’t be for the lack of good will from the its The decorations of tri-colored or­ local residents, for they are giving it in abundance. chid and subdued lights with glad­ One last request—Keep up the good work always. iolus placed about the room mak BELIEVE that our show is going to be a success then ing in all a beautiful setting for delightful supper that friend; work as hard as you can to make it so, and it CAN’T the had prepared for the party. fail. Thought works wonders, and if we think suc-> Following the supper lovely cess and act accordingly it works. We repeat: IT hankies and other useful gifts con­ WORKS! If you don’t believe it, try it and get the cealed in a basket tied with tulle were give to Miss Schearer with biggest surprise of your life if you are a skeptic. CHURCHES -------------- o—------------ NON-DENOMINATION AL Cave City Sunday School and church ser- vices at Legion hall, Cave City every Sunday. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Sunday School in Kerby 2:30 p. m. Church services at 11 a. m. Preaching Service ........ 11 a. m. Rev. George L. Gray of Grants ^Sunday School .................... 10 a. m. Pass, pastor. Everyone invited. Loyal Defenders............... 7 P- m. ------------- o-------------- Claude Pucket, Pres. BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS By the Pastor O BABES IN THE WOODS Anyone who tries to do something for the good of his eomniunity and has the nerve to stand up and say it can be done, is going to be criticised because he or they didn’t do this or that or the other thing. It has always been so and w ill continue to be so. The committee elected to put on the Miners’ Jub­ ilee took over a job they knew little about, all ama­ teurs in the business, babes in the woods, as it were, but they had the fortitude to go ahead regardless and do the best the\ know how. Of course they are go­ ing to make mistakes, mayb some serious ones, but they are going to l»e mistakes of the head, not of the heart, and a charitable, constructive public i going to overlook these mistake- and help them correct the miscues next year. We live to learn and learn to live, so in the final fail. Thought works wonders, and if we think suc­ cess and forget the criticisms. However, the men at the head of the Jubilee will always welcome construc­ tive thoughts and expect to have them offered. But Contributed by Ed Wright, Author Unknown My heart was g*11ed with bitter wrong Revengful feeling fired my blood ; I brooded hate with passion strong While round my couch black de­ mons stood. Kind Morpheus wooed my eyes in vain, My burning brain conceived a plan, REVENGE, I cried in bitter strain But conscience whispered, “be a man.” Forgive, a gentle spirit said 1 yielded to my nobler part. Uprose and to my face I hied. Forgave him freely from my heart D. McCallister of Henleyville, California, have been visiting their mother, Mrs. Henry Mc- They returned to therr ('lure, homes Sunday evening. Subscribe for the Illinois Valley News. Its worth the price. 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 FOR SALE Fat Mallard Ducks and Rhode Island Reds ELWOOD HUSSEY SOMETHING NEW AND DELICIOUS Jordan’s Freshly Frozen SIBERRIAN ( REAM Jordan's Siberrian Shop 632 S. 6th St., Grants Pass. R. McCUNE, M. I). Physician and Surgeon CAVE CITY, ORE. DR. A. N. COLLMAN Naturopathic Physician CAVE CITY, OREGON ( AVE JUNCTION DRUG STORE Prescriptions a Specialty Stationery - Magazines GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY □ THE BARBER Bart McCue CITY, ORE CAVE : S ■EJ WARDROBE CLEANERS THE OLDEST AND BEST Since 1911 Free pick up by Grants Pass Laundry DRIVE UP TO Camp U-Rest and let Ma cook you a GROUND STEAK SANDWICH Let Pa SERVE YOU AT THE BAR While Cotto SERVICES YOUR CAR CAVE CITY’S POPULAR CAFE HOME COOKED MEALS Cold Plate Lunches and Sandwiches I ♦ Owl Cafe GEORGE L. MARTIN, Prop. BIG DANCE DON’T MISS IT, AT THE Lew Hammer’s State Line Rendezvous Store SATURDAY NITE, AUG. 28. 1937 Comph tr Line of lx»t> of Good Eats—Plent) of Drink General Merchandise Staple and Fancv GROCERIES GLEN HAMILTON and his ORCHESTRA The big tears from thier fountain rose. He melted, vowed my friend to be, Thai ivclit I -ank in sweet repose And dreamed that Angels smiled on me FUNERAL HOME Ambulance service dav or nite many little clever and appropriate verses written on them. This fur­ nished much fun and laughter to the group. Miss Schearer's many friends re­ gret to see her leave for her home in Roseburg and our best wishes go with her in her new position. She has been the popluar clerk in the Wilson’s General Merchandise store for over a year and leaves only to accept a stenographic posi­ tion for which she is prepared We hope Margaret will always come back to Kerby whenever she can for she will be truly missed not on- ly by the young social circles but also by the many friends both old and young that she has made. The following guests were pre­ sent: Wm. J. McLean, Clem Sauer, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wilson, Dolly Dun­ can, Jack Willson, Mr. and Mrs James Hogue, Alice Hogue, Doro- thy Hogue, Milton Akerill, Nat Wolley, Maurice Sauer, Opal Henry, Mabel Wittrock, Millie Trefethen, Irene McCasland and daughter Vivian Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burke, Mabel Ramsey, Kid Peterson and his uncle, Geo. Pet­ erson, R. B. Phillips, Carl Mach- mers, Ethel Elroy, Margaret Hen­ ry, Jack Sauer, Dean Wells, Dor­ othy Gibson and Edda Burke. We published a story a short time ago stating that there would be a smelter all set up and running as a demonstration during the Miners’ Jubilee, We have published several ads asking the miners to Preaching Service ..........8 P- ni. DEER ( REEK NEWS bring in their concentrates for a demonstration and Prayer Meeting and Bible Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Elmore was .... 8 P- in. see for themselves what the smelter will do for you. Study, Wednesday m Grants Pass last week end. Leonard Beard Leader We thoroughly believed the men who are at the head of the smelter would keep their promise and told our There were only thirty six in Krause’s sawmill expected to : ttendance at the morning Service close oown this week. people so. —o— August 22 but it was a Now we are happy once again to tell the whole Sunday, Mrs. Anton Brovoid and son Spiritual feast for most of us. cockeyed world that the smelter WILL BE HERE The preacher had good liberty Lowell, were visiting in Murnhy up and running during the Jubilee. This in spite of nd freedom of speech and really l ist week end. all the unbelievers. Not that we want to crow. Not jut his best into the sermon, the A number of Deer Creek resi­ of which was “Obstacles.” at all. But we had supreme confidence in the men heme The junior Loyal Defenders, dents have gone to the hop yards who told us they would come, and with this confi­ under the guidance of their newly to pick hops. —o--- dence we published the fact, and we are mighty glad elected president, Miss Inex Tuc Mrs. Frank Sargent and Mrs. to say we told the truth and our confidence was not er of Selma, had a good nieet- Bob Frost were transacting bus­ ng from seven to eight o ’ clock, misplaced. challenged the Seniors to a iness in (¡rants Pass last Satur­ The News has a mission to perform, and they are and Scripture contest for Sunday ev- day. —o— doing it to the best of their knowledge, and that mis­ ning, August 29. Of course we sion is to demonstrate to the whole country that the accepted, and you may be sure Mr. and Mrs. B. Buckles and family spent last Sunday visiting o Illinois Valley is the “Richest Valley in the World,” i hat those present that evening at the homf of Mr. and Mrs. H. hear much and we will keep right on saying so until it comes to will Grange Meeting Last McClure. i short time. pass, for we believe it is. —o— Thursday Entertaining The Sunday night service was One way to demonstrate this was to get a com­ interesting and different, Our The Smith and Sawyer thresh­ mercial mill in the valley that will develop the won­ Evangelist Betty Schieferstein ing crew were in this vicinity Last Thursday evening State week. Crops were reported Deputy McClure addressed the Il­ derful mines we know exist in the hills, but without rave us a powerful sermon on last linois Valley grange on state labor he text "Where is thy Faith­ poor this yea>-. this mill it was almost a hopeless job, so the News it was well delivered and well re­ policies and the national grange went out after a mill. Now we not only have the mill, •eived. Sister Betty will soon be Lester Roberts of San Francis- outlook. Senator W. A. Johnson but a smelter, twice as good and more as a mill, for ainout :i an Evangelist, At the co is visiting his mother, M rs. A. explained the proposed stream po- in the lution bill which will be presented now the miner can not only save his gold, but some hi-. of the service an invitation Brovoid. Lester is a student of the U. S. at the next election. Herbert Watt; oni. was sung by a Ladies’ Quar- of the other precious metals besides. So we are hap­ . t from Cave Junction Coinmun- return to San described modern livestock theft py to say that we have made good with our inten­ ty Church and brought to close will sail for Hawaii. problems and request all owners —o— tions, and now it is iq to the miner to supply the ma­ •n eventful day in the Master's to register brands and to make u ■ Mr. and Mrs. A. of them for livestock as the best terial to keep the smelter running, and we know the) ■ervice. family left prevention of such depredations. Sunday, August 29 will respond with a right good will. California, F. I.. Sawyer gave an interestin'' Regular services at the usual Bring it in boys, and get a good fat “button” for iour with the Pastor preaching their future home. talk on the history of barley. — o— your efforts. If it's in the concentrates the smelter >oth morning and evening At Bessie Watts read a poem. Anoth­ will save it. If you are still doubtful, bring in ■leven thirty the theme will be The Sunday school at Central er interesting lecture program has been discontinued was given by Mrs. Addie Martin what you can for the Jubilee and see the results be­ 'God’s Nobility" as found in Acts district 17, 10 and 11. Special music is for a short time, as it was unable and numbers were given by Or fore your very eyes. Don’t take our word for it, see danned by the organist, Mrs. to keep up attendance during the val Seat, Ortis Seat and Mrs. for yourself. Martin. lames, ami the aim of the entire busy season. —o--- Bringing the smelter in is only a beginning. The ervice will be to inspire nominal o- - Rufus Kenyon died last Friday development of this section is going ahead by leaps 'hristians to become God's No­ night at his home above the Mes RODEO ENTRIES and bounds and the whole state and Northern Cali­ demen as taught in the text. the evening the theme will singer farm anil leaves a widow fornia is talking about the Illinois valley, and new >e In "The Mrs Kenyon New Government” and and 10 children. wishing to enter in comers are coming in every week and locating here. vho will be the Dictator? Good will make her home in any All of those the events at the Rodeo, Grants Pass with her two sons, It is going to be a hard job from now on to keep pace nusic and a good time for all. should make application at once with the wonderful development that is coming our Next Sunday Sept. 5 will be Hiram and Floyd. for the events they desire to en­ Sunday If you are ter. See Hugh Shepard or the way. We mean this seriously. With a smelter in the i 'ommunion Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Cook ar ­ Christian and are not enjoying secretary, M. C. Athey at the valley, it is going to keep everyone of us awake nights !he privilege of regular commun rived recently from Baker, Ore- News office. Complete informa­ wondering what hit us. on we suggest that you come out tion is now available for all en­ County Nurse Visits The lid is off. The smelter is coming. Develop­ i nd commune with us. tries. Get in the game and have ED WEIGH i. Pn Children in Valley a good time and help put on a ment we little dream of is on the way. Constructive "The Little Church with good show. thought cannot be downed when rightly placed, and the Big Welcome." Sarah Louise Riley, Co. nurse o- the Athey Brothers and the News will continue to made a visit to the valley last Mrs. Lew Waite and daughter fight until this great valley comes into i*s own, and Friday, August 20. There will be of Corning, California, and Mrs. a clinic for pre school age children FORGIVENESS the time is not far off. and those up to the third grade. The clinic will be held at the grade school in Kerby Friday, Sept. 3rd at 1:15 p. in. These interested please notify Mrs George Thrasher at Kerby or Mrs. C. I.. Schumacher at Cave City. gon and visited Mrs. Cook’s mother, Mrs. Mastin for a short time. Mr. Cook left later for Grass Valley, California, where he will engage in mining. Join a Jolly Good Croud CASH PRIZES will be riven to couplet dancing Don’t Mitt it at 12 o'clock midnight. Admission 75 cents — Ladies free Selma, Oregon 9 »