Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1937)
Illinois Valley News, Thursday, August 12, 1937 two nephews. visiting their George Albert Pike of Copco Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Lewis were plant at Exiedilo, California, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Sargent and business visitors in Grants Pass Leroy Earl Pike of Copco plant at family were visitors at the home Gold Ray, Oregon. last week end. of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sargent, -------------- o-—---------- their parents. Thos. Gillighan is visiting for Author Visits Oregon a short time at the Chas. Reyn- A picnic party was held last Caves and Cave C ity olds home. Sunday near the home of Mr. and —o— Mrs. Bert Squire in honor of Dave Drummond with his wife Mrs. Arthur Williams was Robert Hart and familf of Mur and daughter, Helen, were visit spending a short time in O'Brien phy.. Mr. Squire and Mr. Hart ors at the Oregon Caves last last week from her school in Ash- • are cousins. Wednesday, August 11th. land. Mr. Drummond is recognized Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Erskine in broadcasting circles as one of Ralph Powers and his* mother visited for a short while with Mrs. the best scenario writers of the and Don Byersdorf were in for Mrs. Erskine’s mother, Mrs. Willis Broadcasting staff at National supplies from their mine near Garbe and her sister, Mrs. Warren Francisco and took a few San Monumental last week. » Tuttle. They were from Auburn, days vacation to visit the Caves —o— California, and were en route to call on Teil Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Cooke are and incidentally Crater lake. Athey of the News. out from the Bald Eagle mine and —o— It was Mr. Drummond who have leased the Hearing property Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Buell have originated the "Homicide Squad" at O'Brien for a few months. had as visitors from San Fran plays as given over KEX of cisco for a few days, Mrs. Clara Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rogers of Portland, and he was also the au Cuneo anil a friend, Mrs. Maude Ashland were week end guests of thor of “Covered Wagon Days" Rulfson. On their return home Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lawson, Mrs for over two years before going they were accompanied by Alfred Lawson and Mrs Rogers are sis- to San Francisco. Cuneo, who was spending his va Mr. and Mrs. Drrmmond and ters cation in the valley. Helen were enthusiastic over —o--- Mrs. Leora Williams and son their visit to the Caves and the Kenneth, of Los Angeles, who scenery surrounding Cave City. OLD TIME DANC E have been visiting with the Law He said that he would like noth sons at O'Brien for several days, ing better than a nice little cabin Saturday, August 11th left for their home last 1 Monday. on one of our streams where he ILLINOIS VALLEY could find peace and quiet in — o— Grange Hall which to write a couple of stories his wife Edward Gluver with and mother returned to their he has in mind. In such a city as BRIDGEVIEW home in Salt Lake the first of San Francisco there is too much GOOD MUSIC the week after visiting for sev- noise for one to concentrate on Refreshments at Midnight eral days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred plots or love interest. Rickert on the old Crescent City Ted Athey promised to keep his Admission 50c road near Whiskey creek. eye out for a suitable place for Dave and if a good place can be Mrs. Edwin N. Cooke has been found there is no doubt but what at “The Just Home Ranch" as the Drummonds will be spending CAVE JUNCTION companion to Mrs. Perley E. Lew their summers in Josephine coun BEAUTY SALON is while P. Edwin Lewis was away ty along with other good writers. DEER ( REEK NEWS $3.50 Permanent for AND GOBS OF STOVES New and Used FLO LEEDY If vou are not satisfied in a reasonable length of time, come and get your money back beautician FURNITURE WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF Furniture in Southern Oregon Prices are RIGHT When in Grants Pass be sure to see our display SMELTER For a Moore/s Furniture i Next to Redwood« Hotel MORE FOR YOUR MONEY AT MOORE’S I i i CLASSIFIED ADS WANTED -Chicken frjers, 2 and 3 pounds. See K. Lindgren at Kumfy Kamp dining room, Cave Junction. —14-ltp WANTED—2« or 2'J model A or Chevy truck. See Bob Bout, Illinois Valley Garage, < ave City. WATER WELL DRILLING Drills 6 to 10 in. holes, 21 yrs. experience in drilling. E. D. Lamb, 11H5 N 9 St., Grants Pass, or phone 238 Y. —13-2tp I? B. HALL'S FUNERAL HOME Complete Funeral Car equip ment. Ambulance service day or night. 5th and “C” Sts., Grants Pass. SPEND A LITTLE. BUY A LOT in Cave City. Prices and terms to suit. ELWOOD HUSSEY Licensed Broker FOR SALE — Mining location blanks, both quartz and placer and trespass notices at the Illinois Valley News office. HOP PICKING will begin at the Hilton hop yards Grants Pass, * August 16th. 227 acres of fine hops. Good camp on Rogue River, commissary at cut prices write or phone for reservation to Hilton Hop Yards, Grants f 1 FOR SALE- 10 acres within 2 miles of Cave City. Good house, barn, etc. Good water. A bar gain for a quick sale. Write No. 5, Illinois Valley News, Cave Junction, Oreg. »». LIST y««r -ell with Illinois Broker To Our tirants Pass, Oregon We invite you to look ov our stock REASONABLE PRICES Opal Varner Cave City, Oregon Concentrates LUKES WOMEN’S Dresses— Slacks— Overalls— Hose- Underwear— Yardage— ■ Bring Your I "Oil Blend Solution" DO IT NOW! Dress Shop Attention! I All Kinds Of Furniture $2.50 1 [Alma's O BRIEN NEWS ITEMS ■....................................................................................... I C.irla get your permanents before school starts Pajíe Three proprty you wn t to Klwood Hussey, the Valley Real Estate Cave City Demonstration QUEEN VOTES HERE The following merchants are giving Queen Coupon Votes. When you make a purchase ask them for Queen Coupons. Write the name of your choice for Queen £ nd deposit the votes in the ballot box. ALMA’S DRESS SHOP ASSOCIATED SERVIC E STATION ( AMP U-REST C AMP U-REST BEAUTY PARLOR C AVE C ITY GARAGE & MAC HINE SHOP ( AVE CITY THEATER C AVE JUNC TION C AMP C AVE JUNCTION DRUG STORE FRANK FLOYD, BARBERSHOP, Kerby HOQUIAM SHELL SERVIC E STATION ILLINOIS VALLEY GROCERY ILLINOIS VALLEY MOTOR C O. ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS IRENE’S BEAUTY SHOPPE JACOBSON’S VARIETY STORE LEW HAMMER, Selma LOG CABIN RESTAURANT. Kerbv KUMFY KAMP, Redwood Highway MARTIN HARDWARE CO. MILLER’S GARAGE, Kvrby MINERS’ STORE, Kerby HARRY MESSENGER. Takilma ORANGE & BLACK C AMP OWL CAFE ED PETERSON SHELL SERVICE STATION RICHFIELD SERVICE STATION RITZ TAVERN, Kerbv SAC USE'S GARAGE, Kerbv SC HUMACHER’S GROCER) SPANISH C ASTLE WALDO C'AMP, Redwood Highway WILSON’S GENERAL STORE. Kerbv h E RUSTIC’ INN During the Miners' Jubilee Precious Metals Recovery and Smelting Company, Inc. OF SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, WILL HAVE THEIR SMEL TER GOING FULL BLAST AND THEY WANT ALL THE CONCENTRATES THE MINERS OF THIS SECTION CAN PRODUCE BETWEEN NOW AND SEI*TEMBER 4th. GET BUSY, ALL YOU MINERS AND MAKE YOURSELF A LOT OF MONEY, IF YOUR CONCENTRATES ARE WORTH ANYTHING. START PANNING NOW AND GET ALL YOU CAN. THE MORE YOU WORK THE MORE MONEY YOU WILL HAVE.