Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current, August 05, 1937, Image 1

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Illinois Valley News
Volume I
Cave Junction, Oregon, Thursday, August 5, 1937
Number 13
Grange Holds
County Meet
At Merlin
Last Saturday, Josephine Coun­
ty Pomona Grange meet at Mer
lin, Oregon with about GO in at­
from the different
Granges in the county, consider­
ing the time of year, it was an
exceptional attendance. All but
two Granges of the county were
A fine dinner was served at
7:30 which was greatly enjoyed.
The session began at 8:30 with
F. L. Sawyer, master, opening the
meeting. George Wertz, chair,
man of the agricultural commit­
tee, gave a very interesting talk
on the dairying and cream situa­
He attended the dairy
meeting at Crescent City held re­
cently and gave a report of that
Mrs. Effie Smith, also a mem­
ber of the agicultural committee
gave an interesting talk on beau­
tifying the farm home grounds,
and showed how this increases the
value of farm property.
O. K. Beals, county agent gave
a very interesting talk on the dif­
ferent grass seeds that are grown
in Oregon and the percentage of
the seed that was produced by the
nation, showing that Oregon was
one of the leading states in the
production of grass seed.
An excellent program was pre­
sented by Mrs. Helm, lecturer,
consisting of instrumental and vo­
cal numbers followed with an
acrobatic exhibition by two little
girls that was worth anyones time
going many miles to see. The chil­
dren stopped the show and were
given a tremendous hand.
The program was concluded by
an extemporaneous talk by W. A.
Johnso., state . cr.ator from Jose­
phine county. He picked at ran
dom several members of the Po­
mona Grange and told many ex­
ceedingly funny stories about
rthem to the delight of all.
The next meeting of the Po
mona Grange will be October 30,
at Shan Creek Grange hall.
Coming Attractions at
Cave City Theater
If you like thrills ami plenty
of them be sure and see the “Jun­
gle Princess” coming to the Cave
City theater Friday, August 6.
See things you never saw be
Thrills you've never had.
See a herd of apes attack and dis-
troy a native village.
See a man
eating tiger attack an unarmed
In fact you will see so
many thrills that you will never
forget the "Jungle Princess ’’
For Saturday and Sunday,
August 7 and 8 “Seventh Heav­
en” will be the attraction. The
honor» in “Seventh Heaven,” and
there are plenty of them, are di­
vided primarily between the tre­
mendously moving picturization
of this, the tenderest romance of
our time, and the fact that in it
emerge* fully an actress destined
to be known as the greatest star
on the screen—Simone Simon co­
starred with James Stewart.
■ One of the screen's gn at» st
emotional stories with a powerful
conclusion to the tenderest love
story of our time.
------------- o--------------
Irrigating Ditches to
Be Examined bv Warden
It is reported that a checkup
is te be made of the irrigating
ditches in the Illinois valley. It
will be made by the game warden,
as the rivers in this section have
been stocked with 225,000 trout
in the last two weeks and some of
the ditches have been reported as
being without screens.
There's one old tinier less in
the lulls this week. The passing
of Paul Brandley in the hospital
in Grants Pass last week sad­
dened all of us.
Many hard winters Paul has
put in on his claims on the Alt-
house and the winters there,
when the wind blows and the snow
plies high are enough to try the
soul of even the stoutest hearted
We extend our sympathy to the
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnson
have spent the past Week visit­
ing relatives in Toledo, Oregon.
Who Will Be
Jubilee Queen ?
Committee Decides to Put On Popular Contest To
Select Queen and Two Princesses Who
Will Rule Throne of Jubilee
Price 5 Gents
By the powers in me vested I
hereby proclaim that an emerg­
ency exists within the boundaries
of Cave City. That this emerg­
ency shall exist from August 1 to
September 6 inclusive;
That during this time, due to
this emergency it shall be unlaw­
ful for any male person who is
capable of growing a beard or
any decoration upon his face that
can be classed as a beard, to ap
pear upon the public domain or
in any public building or place
of business in Cave City without
a beard or proper decoration,
’’.’HEREAS, the absence of this
manly growth is a reflection upon
the mr.nhood of this city and a
continuance of the practice of ap­
pearing shaved will demoralGe
the youth and hard working men
of this locality; I haxe instituted
■i court from which there can be
no appeal. As judge of thia court
I have appointed Hon. Roy Wells,
a 1 lan tof well known integrity
and honesty of purpose; Chief Ed
Teterson as special officer and
marshal and Dr. A. N. Collman
as special prosecutor.
It will be the duty of these
august gentlemen to arrest and
bring to trial and justice t*’ose
who appear in our midst who
should be so bold or otherwise
commit this heinous offense, and
I also call upon the citizens at
large to lend their moral support
to this court and its officers in the
serious discharge of their painful
Court will convene on special
call of the undersigned.
Some lucky young ladies are votes, anil the honor of being
going to be very happy the first queen for this first annual Min­
of September, for at that time the ers' Jubilee is going to be an in­
Miners' Jubilee committee will cident she will never forget.
have all the votes counted and the
The contest is open NOW and
three girls who have the largest will close at 6 o’clock, Septem­
number of votes will be queen ber 1st. The opening ceremony
Mrs. Mary Harrielson of Van­ and princesses of the Jubilee.
for the queen and her princesses
couver, Washington, is a guest of
There is only one way the will be the Queen’s Ball, given
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McEiwee this queen and princesses can be elect­ by the American Legion, Satur­
ed. You all must buy your goods day, September 4th, where she
from the stores in the Illinois val­ will be crowned and a grand
Cecil Owens is the proud pos­ ley, the list of merchants carry­ evening of festivities. This will
sessor of a new Ford V8. Also ing the votes is published on an­ be the biggest dance ever given
Chas. Johnson has a new Plym­ other page of this issue and will in the valley and the opening of
outh. That’s five new cars for be brought up to date every week. the Miners’ Jubilee.
Takilma lately. Looks like pros­ Every cash purchase of 25 cents
The queen and her princesses
perity is around here somewhere. entitles the purchaser to 250 will be honored several times dur­
votes, and they can vote for any­ ing the Jubilee and will have an
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Messinger one they wish. The stores all honor seat with Governor Mar­
and family spent Sunday at Peb­ over the valley will have the coup­ tin at the pageant on the opening
ble Beach.
ons and all you have to do is to night, with several other prom­
collect the coupons and write the inent citizens of the state who
Ella Sinclair of Portland, is now name of your favorite candidate will be in attendance at the open­
the owner of “The Blanket on it and deposit the coupon in ing night of the pageant. She
Ledge” and is building a new the ballot box where you make and her princesses will also be in­
cabin on the property.
your purchase and keep it up, troduced in Grants Pass and Med­
that is all there is to it, except ford before the Jubilee opens,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hammond that one should make all their and these lucky girls will have a
and daughter of Michigan are purchases from merchants in the grand time and be royally enter­
newcomers to these parts. They valley and ask everyone else to tained before and during and
just lately sold their property in do the same.
after the Miners’ Jubilee.
Michigan and the lure of gold
The rules of the contest are
Enter your favorite at once and
brought them out west. They are very simple, and there is nothing get started the first week of the
at present with Chas. Gilmore on complicated about it at all. When campaign which is going to be a
Greens creek.
you make a purchase ask for the short one. It is open now and Rendezvous Opens
queen coupons, write in the name will end the first of September, With Large Crowd
John Gilmore made a trip into and deposit the coupon in the bal­ only four short weeks to win.
the mountains last week to visit lot box.
The big opening dance at the
Any merchant who wants the
bis brother Chas. Gilmore.
The only requisite of any en­ coupons should get in touch with State Line Rendezvous on the
try or contestant is—she must the Illinois Valley News at once. Redwood highway, operated by
C. IL Elliott and M. D. Elliott live in the Illinois valley and must
There is a time limit on coming in. John Carl and I). Hamilton, was
if i he Frog Pond mine made a be 16 years old or over. These
No merchant will be permitted to a huge success last Saturday,
short trip to California last week. are all the requirements the com­
enter after August 14th, as it judging by the large crowd that
— o—
mittee asks. There should be 20 would not be fair to those who attended.
The Perennial Prospector. or more candidates n ths popu­
The hall was decorated on all
have entered at the start to let
lar queen contest from all over others come in at the finish, so sides with leafy vine, maple and
the valley. The list of entrants better make up your mind to en ferns placed as if growing there
will be published next week, and ter the fun right now. The com­ and intermingled among them
their standing in the contest every mittee is trying to contact all the were gorgeous colored blooms of
long stemmed gladiolas.
An eastern editor, with some week until the end.
merchants in the valley, but may
The orchestra pit was a mass of
poetic flights, has offered $50
The highest number of votes not be able to see all this week, so
and other requisites, that
he received by any candidate will en­ if you are not seen, please drop forest green, with hanging fir
would give to anyone, and pay it title her to be elected queen, the a postal saying you desire to en­ bows filling the air with a delic­
down kerplunkth, if at any time next two highest will be her prin­ ter the contest and some commit­ ious aroma. Large, brightly col­
they could find a word to rime cesses, so get your neighbors to teeman will call on you. We be­ ored Japanese lunterns of bril
with month.
make their purchases in the valley lieve the contest will bring added liant hues hung from above and
As I am in need of fifty bores from merchants who have the business into your stores, for all swayed in rhythm as the strains
to grease the wheels of life, I coupons and ask your friends to the valley people will be interest­ of music pealed forth, while beau­
tifully gowned women, like gor­
wonder if I’d better join in this do the same
ed in the queen contest.
geous butterflies, glided about
literary strife? You see that I
The committee wants every
To the citizens of the valley we over the dance floor on the arm
have ability to pull a riming
merchant in the valley to partic­ ask your cooperation in helping of an equally happy escort.
stunth and it may be that I shall
ipate in this contest for they be­ make the Jubilee a success. Please
Perky caps, horns, whistles and
find a word to rime with month.
lieve it will bring them much ad­
do all your shopping in the valley sei pentines were given to each
If one should do his very best
ded business on account of it.
and to the muse.« si'ig, it wouldn't
with our local merchants and ask guest and at 12 o’clock a giant
The only way a girl can win is to
sized tray
heaped with candy
be hard to find a word to rime
Lave her friends buy merchandise for the coupons and fight to elect kisses were distributed to every­
with anything: yet I’ve gone over
there is r.o other way she ca:i get your favorite queen.
In the lunch room there
nil the words I know un to th"
demand for refresh­
eighty-oneth, and so far I have
failed to find a word to rime with
Some of the guests motored to
Rendezvous from Klamath
Runth, gunth, south and donth
Medford, Grants Pass and
in a pinch might be used, altho I
Ou last Wednesday afternoon.
Great News — The Rainbow
with the home town folks made
must admit it would be language
Miss Goldie Cater and Lee Sow­
a jolly good crowd.
much abused—Pshaw' I'm very mine on Sucker creek
ell, surprised their many friends
busy m ak ing hay for every other operations Wednesday and will and relatives in the vulley by mo­
trnth, ami therefore haven’t time soon put 12 or 15 men to work. toring to Grants Pass a”d get MrCASI.AND’S ENTERTAIN
to find a word to rime with As soon as arrangements can be ting married. Judge Madison per­
completed and places found for
Mr. and Mrs. V. G. McCasland
Run <«r has it that arrange
the workmen, they will be em­
hosts to a number of their
irents are being made for a suit­
able charivari party for the hap friends last Saturday when a
American Ix^ion
James I. Moore, Jr . manager of py young couple Friday night at sumptuous
the mine, states that the work
Elects New Officers
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom served. Those enjoying the Mc-
will now proceed just as fast as
Mrs. Hervey and Lee Casland's hospitality were, Mr.
Last Wednesday evening at men and machinery will permit. are brother and sister.
and Mrs Naz Smith of Roseburg,
the regular meeting of the Amer­
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Peterson, Mr.
■ ■ ■
ican Legion, the following offi­
ulations along with their many and Mrs. L. W. Henry, Mr. and
cers were elected: O
Rev. Ed. Wright made a busi­ friends to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mrs. Art Keliert, Mr. and Mrs.
Commander, II. C. Hill; Vice­ ness trip to Grants Pass Monday, Sowell.
Bill Martindale, Millie Trefethen,
Commander. G. A. Peterson; Ad­ August 2nd.
Elsie Schaffer, Mdton Ackre),
jutant, C. Y. Arnold; Financial
George Peterson, Maurice Sauer,
Officer, Archie Anderson; Chap-
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Spencer of
Eddy Martin, son of Mr. and and the hosts, Mr and Mrs. Mc-
laino W. E. Young; Sergeant at Medford returned to their home Mrs. George I.. Martin of the Owl Casland.
After the supper the
Arms, S. W Henry; Executive last Sunday after visiting several Cafe, arrived last Sunday from guests motored to the hig open­
Committee, Art Keliert and J. M. days at the Baldwin home on the Palo Alto, California, to spend ing dance at the State Line Ren­
Caves highway.
the summer with his parents.
Smelter Men
Looking Over
Good news, Illinois valley —
Great news!
We are going to
have a smelter.
The first of the week R. C.
Merrill ant W. F. Carff, of the
Precious Metals Recovery and
Smelting company, Inc., Seattle,
Washington, came to the valley
and were looking for a sight to
place the smelter that will leave
Seattle in the near future at least
this is the intention at the present
time. At any rate, the smel’er
will be here and tunning fcr the
Miners' Jubilee,
Enthusiastic to the Nth degree,
Mr. Merrill and Mr. Carff raved
about the possibilities for devel­
opment of the mining industry of
this district and they intend to
help the development.
Did you ever see a high type
mining man rave? They don’t do
it, neither did Messrs. Merrill and
Carff, that was just a matter of
speech coming from us, but they
were genuinely interested and
made no pretense of disguising
their enthusiasm towards this dis­
trict that has such wonderful un­
developed possibilities.
The smelter they are bringing
is a small one, 25 tons capacity,
but Mr. Merrill said that when
and if the demand became greater
than the present smelter can take
care of, another one will be ad­
ded, consequently the miners of
this district should be shaking
hands with themselves, for after
September 1st, they can bring ail
their concentrates to the smelter
and go home with their own gold
During the Jubilee, the smelter
will be in full operation and will
demonstrate and show all those in­
terested just what the mill will
and won't do. Mr. Merrill is a
very practical man and does not
intend to fool anyone. There are
certain well regulated procedures
for all kinds of mills and smelters
and different ores take different
treatments, but he thoroughly be­
lieves that his smelter will take
care of most of the ores in this
district, and he specially stresses
that the smelter will surprise the
most skeptical when it comes to
Mr Merrill invites all the placer
miners to bring some concern
trates to the mill when in oper­
ation during the Jubilee and
watch every move the mill makes
and see just what it will do with
your concentrates.
Bring in as
much as possible, a ton if you
have that much and you can op­
erate the mill yourself and watch
the treatment of the ore and take
the results of the operation out
yourself. He also would be glad
to have anyone who so desires to
have the tailings assayed, this to
see if the mill is losing anything
These gentlemen come highly
brains in the mining industry in
the north, and anyone doubtful
or skeptical can easily get the low
down if they desire. “The proof
of the pudding is in the eating ”
Bring your concentrates and see
for yourself.
------------- o--------------
Word has been received by the
Kerby Rod and Gun club that
Bolan lake will be definitely
closed to fishing on and after
August the 11th.
It was the suggestion of the
local club that the lake be closed
to allow the fish to grow, thus
making the lake more desirable
when opened again to fishing.