Illinois Valley News. Thursday, July 15, 1937 Page Two RUINATION CHURCHES Illinois Valley News By PAUL R t . ! Definitely settled; a name chosen and dates set. the Miners’ Jubilee has started out to be one of the outstanding miners reunion and fun fest ever held in the west. It has for its purpose, perpetuating the history of early mining days and the committee in charge ask that all old timers to give them as much of the early history as they know concerning mining activities. To make your information of more value, please write all the* information you have and give it to one of the committee or send it to the Illinois Val­ ley News, Cave .Junction, Oregon, and it will reach the proper place. The ncurporators of the Miners’ Jubilee, ph n to make it an annual affair ; nd gradually growing each year until it becomes one of the outstanding events in early history of Oregon’s mining industry. A worth while endeavor and one that should be liber­ ally supported by (‘very resident of the section. A civic enterprise that will help develop the valley and in years to come, the promoters hope will give the valley additional publicity and help in more ways than one to bring new industries into the valley that will give a greater pay roll and better conditions for all concerned. Let’s all begin to boost the Miners’ Jubilee, Cave Junction, September 1, 5 and (» — »------- -- - ()--------------- THE ROD AND (¡UN CLUB One of the valleys live organizations i s the Kerby Rod and Gun chib, a worthy group of men who are striving to make the valley a game paradise. In a recent meeting they passed a resolution asking the State Game Commission to close Bolan lake to fish­ ermen for two years, thus giving the trout a chance to grow. One of the sail features of this ereat lake at present, is the fact that the lake is restocked with fish and then they do not have a chance to get very large until they are caught, thus the fish do not have the chance they should have, We would also be in favor of closing Tennan lake every other year with Bolan lake, thus giving one lake a chance to let the fish develop and propagate. We are heartily in favor of closing Bolan lake for a while, but we also believe it should be in coopera­ tion with Tennan lake, leaving one of them open while the other is closed. Keep up the good work, gentlemen, Your Rod and Gun club should In* liberally support1 nook and coiner of the valley. — ■ - ■ (I.... — OREGON C \\ li< i’ll VI I \ I 1'ioneerin. : ; Pm«! pioneer'' r< ap ’hi- hmr< : demand aii'tl tl. '. a 1 .v (!•.•■■• to who corrw in and toe work x-U wady done. This has always 1 en so to piom >rs. However, some pioneers stick it out ami reap the rewards that are .justly theirs. In this case, we hope to find those builders of thed>regon Caves Chateau. They have dreamed a dre. m, and with steadfast be­ lief in themselves and the future, they have built, de­ veloped, pioneered one of the grandest resorts in all the western country, the Oregon Caves Chateau. Just a handful of dreamers of (¡rants Pass visu­ alized this Chateau, and under the efficient manage­ ment of George Sabin with his charming wife as hos­ tess, this Chateau has become one leading institution of its kind in the United States. These pioneers, these builders, these dreamers will reap their own harvest, ami we believe it will lie a just and profitable one. SOMETHING NEW AND DELICIOUS Jordan’» Frethly Fro* n E. Pollock is busy getting out piling on upper Deer creek. SIBERRIAN CREAM Jordan’s Siberrian Shop 632 S. 6th St., Grants Pass. Mrs. Mary Buckles is in Jose- A place where he could rest in m. phine General hospital for a few peace m. Away from any town lays. in. For the hustling city life — o— m. Had sorta got him down. Mis. Edna Garedicke of Seattle is visiting at the home of her brother, Dale Tuttle. ni. Thru the forest he did wander R. McCUNE, M. I). Physician and Surgeon CAVE with roses a:.t sw. • t peas 1 . .' unday and both the morning a: ■:r evening services ww* wel! att e Sunday morning sermon theme will probably be “Revive Us Again," and in the evening, speaking on the word, “Lost.“ Naturopathic Phy»ician 'AVE CITY, OREGON ■ cf the i ( AVE JUNCTION DRUG STORE Pre»cription» a Specialty Stationery . Magazines E. Sv, inni y of Dryden Jill'S. i i r lue re­ cently. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dingles of near Klamath Faile were also guests of the Met'lure —o— A very large crowd of D. C. IPs met at the home of Mrs. Abbie Tolin last week. A picnic lunch was spread in the lovely g