Illinois Valley News, Thursday, July 8, 1937 Page Four Mrs. Harold Hill and Mrs. James Seyferth were joint host­ esses to their bridge club last week. A dainty dessert luncheon was served. Mrs. Hill's mother, Mrs. Bouncan of Los Angeles, was a guest. High scores were made by Mrs. John Smith and Mrs. Har­ ry Smith. Cave City Theater COMING Friday, July 9— “SUICIDE SQUAD’ Tonight is Cash Night Someone MUSI' 'Ain. might be you. Saturday, July 10 • to •» Mr and Mrs. I. B. Hearing of O’Brien leave Saturday for the Pass where they will vacation for a short time. W. H. Woodbury and his son Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Gooding Mr. and Mrs. J. Brink of Mur­ spent last Bert, made a hurried business phy Creek visited at the home of and Louise Cotton trip to Grants Pass last week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hogdon last Thursday at the coast. week. They were accompanied by a brother and sister from Eugene. Locals John Valeri of Holland was in Dr. and Mrs. Robert McCune and son, made a hurried business G rants Pass Friday on a busines, trip to San Francisco, leaving trip. Cave City last Friday afternoon, i Miss Ethel Copley of Williams, returning the first of the week. Oregon, is now employed at the Hollanl notel. if Kerby, spent the Fourth up ear Happy Camp. They report Charles Reynolds was in Cave I traffic Ms t!„t d-«4 v**jr City last Tuesday morning under­ going treatment by Dr. Brooks. ■K Ed Wilber, living on tk« ».'d M..- h.hai. ir Gahr.u of ( •as as her guest for a short va Kerby road, is visiting his da ph- cation, Lucy and I’atsy Hutchin­ ter and family in John Day. —o — son of Medford. Last Thursday It ifreurge James returned • hi,« afternoon they ma■!<• a trip to the wot k At Gold Hill, Tuesday, (kegon Caves. 6th. • A wild fire in the Payne school a*. A. Woodcock of Bly, ngt. district near the French home was gon, was home visiting hi« ftollk« reported by Bessie Watts the first of the week. Quick action was over the holidays. taken by the crew at the ranger W. and Mirs. H. J. Woodbury station who responded immediate­ ly and controlled the fire in short of O’Brien spent several (La'i, s x,: order. Damage was very Cr«osaeM City last week. • ? NOBODYS i HAL ROACH’S Full-Length Laugh-and- Music Show! KELLY M-G-M SHORTS RO^ERTI Lynn« OVERMAN Robert ARMSTRONG Roeina Lawrence Don Alvarado Jimmie Grier'a Orchestra and The Rhythm Rascals The Avalon Boys An M G M KKLKANK - Sunday, July 11 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guthrie re­ turned to their home in Burlin­ game, California last week, after a two weeks visit in the valler with friends. They were accom­ Ki-c-t Bad-den ami Otto A-dyir panied by Mrs. John Connell ami spent th«- 5th fksh-iiH* at Gene Guthrie of San Francisco. lake. Mrs. Frank Guthrie was formerly Mrs. Maude E. Masters. Mrs. Mag-gie Clark o»f Mi-dfurd was visiting relatives a-ol frier ls> W. I.. Mears, maintenance elec in Holland last week trician of the Morrison Knutson --- 0—— Construction company of Yaki­ Grover Will cut hi-« fir * tay ma, Washington, made a hurried crop last week and repacK-J trip home over the holidays. Mr. average yield. and Mrs. Marrs own the old Geo Thrasher ranch and while Mr. Mrs. J. W. Eggers a«*d littfe Maris is away Mrs. Marrs and hei daughter of Takilma, was in Caw# mother, Mrs. Vina Leigh take City last Friday. —o— care of the ranch. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Johns.«*! i«f * Takilma, had 4th of July ditilfcoc with Martha Trefethen. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Watts 1- ft for Crescent City to spend a week vacationing on the coast. New Shipment of NOW... and imagine fun and thrills I HABLOW lAWOIt Attractive SPORT SUITS And DRESSES ROBERT I I I I SPANISH CASTLE Chicken Special Over the Ith 11. J. Woodbury of preparing to complete ing in Cave City. —o— Elwood Hussey and sons, wood K. and Otis H. amended air circus in Medford July 2, — o— ( arl Y. Tengyald of was a business visitor City Monday last. —o— Mrs. Lizzie Holland oi ¡41 ¡MÍ*** view, spent the Fourth V i aitili,« her sister at th" fisi !«.t -IwuFjr w- •Applegate. --- ft — M-». and Nr ■ .*■«• *-« .«M« a «rf Bridgi-v-ww, i«* K-l®«nta«h Falls uvw Nta i>- t«N«- Ronimw. FI I ■ i 4 • — e - lists at Th« n-gistration #f a'r... Chamber of Com.mii.e build­ ing ha« been in i-xim m' I 50 p’r ! h ,\ for «i-veial dav • Jess Barnett b» > itrng his daughter Mr« Herb l'yci r of Ker­ by. Mr. Barnett hasn’t bii-n down iron- bi« mint- since Faster —M-"« Mr. and Mr« Elwoi».'-. Hussey and M. C. Athey ma-iw » quick vi« to Ruciym ftto ni5 (A«» P'om«r*to -— Sto. to4 Mh*. Itart R- CsM i «, A : 1: ■' a. * :• 1 -: e o ' t'e Fi- .rtk v 1' 517 “G” Street Phone 67-R Grants Pass, Oregon ILLINOIS VALLEY ICE & COL!) STORAGE CO. Í 3 Mr. tas-d Hr*. ». ft. MwHia« aW .«.#»* Ikriwrd arf HtUfwsd, we» gw?«*« ¡to th« ton*» Mr. ata Mrs. O. K. J»*«* •»•*' th* Fwith. They rvtursrd V« 4to«to !•<•**• ’****- Phil Sawyer, Prop. , wo ¿r Î Mkr. < m M( »m M m « a«4*#i«*- «f Kb. a f tt*, CalifMtaku, <**»- md ¡X the hoenw nf Mi -* #trws*i -', Li^etKir.l Keu-vA, lay ; f Mr. an 1 Mrs. Ihomas Hervey «war th» holiday»-'. Mr.*. We-rn i- th» ferm.e-r La-ha > »woM a>n."l » t«v»i« <«f M m äsmmä . —»— Mrs* Cltwi-i WwMh >•# í>.-i««JM tabu* s*«i'ldenly ill Sur.- D*r. Bailey of «kuf »vi-Hto®. G kw -A. Fa« w, to handle, ea«y to maintain and throw« a powerful, continuou« dream 25 to 30 feet L. E. ATHEY RESIDENT AGENT Miss Floyd went on last week where she has been for front Reno to Glendale. California the last several months. GUARANTEED ..’’J ’■ ’J ♦ u4r = I I ftimMaM«» lhr»toto*ft ® <• * « y ¡«lodge ar. 1 Bub Becks who have been helping Mr. Fisht r g-i-d to. piling recently, expect t«> tot urn to Long Bea ' 'a' f ■ • ii-xnair f u«t»u««*. L. E. Athey Cave City, Oregon Frederic Permanent Waves $2.50 $4.00 $5 00 LOTA PEARCE I 1«. your kutuiwobile insured \re you protected against accidents? This i* an important matter lor the new state law s are y cry strict. Protect yourself against accidents. Talk today with Writing All Lines of Insurance Fire - Auto - Casualty - Bonds If you are having trouble with your feet, my appliances will quickly remedy the trouble. 611 “H” St., Grants Pass fix up t«m»is c. .nt it Kiib .'Sunday, July 11th, has beaw pone.l to Futaan, Ju'i ly IStft. to A*- .jail»«*- *Mlft M’l». mil I MR ' Hei r- ulViltl l-.-.l if young mi daughti r arrived here Monday evening from Long Beach.. Califo --ia t-" look «-ver □ «one property t‘hi y purcha-i I !!llllimiMlllllllllllllllllllllUrillll|l!lllllllllllllll|l4* last year. Thej ex«' • ' main fw -i month or *■ . - Ti d Webb came hon • for the Fourth of July vacation, He left o-n the *th for the Klamath Falls couMtry where he work«, lie took tta *K»fv tv.'.d ♦?«i« children with Mrs Webb I-.1 I beet I’ire insurance i- not a luxury .it is 0 tat- Mn» V. Woowu protection again ( Io«« In tire and ant —*-= one who inub a store or home should M-i, a- i Mr», ft. M. Mtn«/* fi - a few da-,-■ at tft* homo be fully protected again-t !<>" by fire. of Mr. mm I Mr*. W (My «end­ —»— left Friday ev«Mip« w-K4i t-he-lf tw > i k Naur and George Ricker, sons Marvin and GeraM. f«,lds peel- home in Medford. The boys have been here for a week or more. ’ ing th«- bark off of piling poles. —o— Mr and Mrs. Harry Floyd and Mrs Dollie Duncan of Kerby- their daughter. Miss Helen, went was a guest Sunday afternoon at to Bonanza, Oregon and met Mr the home of her sister, Mrs. J. E. Floyd's ‘ sister and husband, Mr. Hodgdon. and Mrs. R. A. Dean, and then —o— Mrs. Steve Bullock returned proceeded to Reno, Nevada for Insurance! EFFICIENT BEAUTY SERVICE SHOE ( RAFTS SHOP Mr* Hany F. ; Bridgeview, left fir Klamath. mar. of Alhambra, California, are FaWs t«<> s-pelld the !’i •<: ' « a,rd al>- M- mi MI W i «* Wo W til e Ho4< - mar. of the Shcrnmr. Auto camp. • ■ ® Harry and W. T. are brother a Ha', ph. and ar, 1 c. i- c . Bi. 1*1. Messergi r x ' cl ' mu | Walter Keith, h ft fi r Tan mu laki the 7th if July to to- Illinois Valley Motor Co MAKE YOUR FEET FEEL GLAD! ALL WORK Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Woodbury of O’Brien went to Arcata, Cali­ fornia last week to spend the 4th of July with James Woodbury and family. I I I Grra«<ö Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fraser and son John, and Mrs. Alice Mozley, re- turned to their home in Crescent City last Friday after visiting at the Holland hotel foi a week 1 a-- ( AVE CITY, OREGON »