ey News Illinois A LIVE WIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE ILLINOIS VALLEY AND SURROUNDING DISTRK TS Volume I Cave Junction. Oregon, Thursday, June 24, 1937 Number 7 Geologist Birthday Surprise Party For Harry Smith Sat. Looks Over A very pleasant birthday sur­ prise party was held last Satur day night when a party of friends popped in on Harry Smith, who was innocently celebrating his birthday. Mrs. A. A. Johnson and Harry's wife were the spon­ sors of the party which proved o be an evening of great enjoy­ ment, Bridge and pinochle were the i diversions. High score in bridge was won by Mrs. C. C. Babcock; second by Mrs. Harold Hill. A. A. Johnson captured the men's prize score. Those attending were, Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. John Bunch, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Patrich, Mrs. George Thrasher, Mrs. Mattie Seifert, Mrs. C. C. Babcock. Honor guest of the evening was Mrs. Elizabeth Bow­ man of Los Angeles, mother of Mrs. Harold Hill. Refreshments were served and the evening vot­ ed perfect. ------------- o District Claire P. Holdredge, nationally known consulting geologist and mining engineer, accompanied by J. E. Allen, geologist with the Rustless Steel corporation of Bal­ timore, Maryland, were in Cave City last S' iturday looking over the valley. While here they stopped in the News office and we were able to get an interview that, more than ever, convinces us that this sec­ tion has a great future. Mr. Allen gave us the informa­ tion that the chrome ore which h.’s company has centra ted with from E. It. Brown, will be leaded at Wilderville, ir = tead of going into Grants Pass. ConstruX; :a of a large platform a: 1 bins at Wildervi'le are being built to ta'e care of the loading of the or«. If the present weather breaks ar 1 the sun shines. Mr. Brown says the chrome will be moving three or four days after the sun shines, which will give the truck a chance to get to the mine. The men at the mine were laid off for a few days until the weather breaks, but will all go back to work just as soon as conditions permit. Mr. Holdredge is quite familiar with this section of the country and is very anxious to see more of it since so much activity in the mining industry is taking form here. He will be back in Grants I’a .- about June 28th and if there is anyone who wants their property examined and an analysis made he will be available at that time. This will save considerable money to miners who want this w ork done for they will not have to pay trav­ eling expenses back and forth. While he is ir. Grants Pass he will give the miners the benefit of this expense. If anyone wants his ser­ vices call or write the Illinois Val­ ley News and we will get in touch with him when l.e arrives at Grants Pass. This is an opportun­ ity to have your property exam­ ined and you can lank on what Mr. Huldredg. tills y u, a:. 1 yea will know definitely if y i have a i rej ect w„rt of d-evelep- ment or not. This information is doubly val­ uable at this time, as in a'l prob­ ability there will be installed a custom mill in the valley which will enable miners to truck ore to the mill and make a profit on the ore, which is not possible if shipment has to be made to other points. Get in touch with us if you want to talk to Mr. Hol­ dredge. Both Mr. Allen and Mr. Hol­ dredge are quite enthusiastic over the future development of the mining interests of the valley and speak very highly of its mineral deposits. MARIE WHITE CELEBRATES HER SEVENTH BIRTHDAY A happy event of Wednesday afternoon was the birthday party of little Marie White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd White of Cave City, celebrating her sev­ enth anniversaiy. A lovely birthday cake was the center of attraction and was later se.«ed with ice cream to the youngsters who enjoyed the hap­ py occasion. The following ch dren were present: Altha White, Marie White. Caroline Hayden, Sarah Hayden. Sunny Watts, Virginia Currier, Sharon Currier, Paul Sherier. Otis Hussey. Clement Arnold and Am, l.ee Sherin. The following mothers were guests, Mrs. Luther Sherier, Mrs. Watts, Mrs. O’Reilley and Mrs. Gray. --------------o-------------- Ben Spaulding and W. M. Fen­ ner of Wonder were in Cave City the firat of the week on business. UPPER DEER CREEK NEWS Th« D. C. D. (Deer Creek Do­ ers) Di-i«o:..-trat:<»n club will meet at the horn«' of Mrs. Abbie Tolin of Crooks cri * k, July Sth at 10 a. in. Mrs. I.auru Hogue and Mrs. Mildred Norman will give an in- terestir.g deinon'trntion of can­ ning and jelly making for the ladies anil a good attendance is Mrs. Barr and Mrs. expected. McClure will serve home made ice cream, sherbert ar.d cake. Mrs. Tolin was elected secretary of the club at their meeting last moth. 11. M. Hensley is going up on Kerby peak as soon as weather conditions permit to take charge of the lookout station. T. R. itow ami family kave moved ©nti» th« Fritz Krause ho misti a 1. K. O. Denti n fri rn the Hawai­ ian Islands an 1 his l.r< 'her C. D. Denton of San Francisco are vis­ iting for a short tv o at the home of their sister, Mrs. C. L. Miller of Dryden. B. O. Denton is re­ tiring from the navy in a short t::: e ai-d will n ake his home with his Miter. Union Sunday school services will be held every Sunday after­ noon at the Central school at Dry den at 2:30 p. m. Mr. Randall of Medford is organizer of the Sun­ day school Fred Van Buskirk recently sold his place to C. E. Pollock of Port­ land. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Winn and family of Kansas are with him for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Buttram are building a new barn on their farm and expect to have it finished in a short time. o— Coming Attractions at Cave City Theater For Friday, Saturday and Sun­ day, O. E. Jones, manager of the Cave City theater has booked three splendid pictures as well as the usual serial and news reels. Friday night, “Holy Terror,” with Jane Withers and Anthony Martin is the big attraction, with the last chapter of “Clipper Is­ land.” Saturday night, “The Last of Mrs. Cheyney," with Joan Craw­ ford and Robert Montgomery will be the stars in this intriguing comedy. Its a hit. Don't miss it. Sunday evening a comedy of love and music in romantic “Wai­ kiki” brings Bing Crosby and Martha Raye in “Waikiki Wed­ ding.” The story deals with the romance of a contest winner, who wins a trip to Waikiki with a pineapple recipe. The climax comes when reality clashes with fantasy and Bing has to produce a Waikiki which doesn’t exist. Be­ ing a resourceful press agent, he ' produces it. Support the Fire Department. Price 5 Cents TAKILMA NEWS OF OF REAL INTEREST Corner With Interesting Snort Mr. and Mrs. David Dodge of San Francisco are visiting rela­ tives in Takilma while guests at the Harry Messenger home. Front here they will go to Seattle to visit Mrs. Dodges' parents. Volunteer Fire Dept. Formed w While canvassing the valley for subscriptions to the Illinois Val­ ley News, a representative came to a neat little building on the Redwood highway vith a sign saying, “ Community i Craft Gift Shop,” just south of O’Brien. A very wholesome, clean looking place that really invites entrance. Two very charming ladies are the owners of this gift shop, stuck away up in the highlands of the Redwood highway, yet they have a surprisingly fine patronage that is indeed growing, and one does not wonder at this after a visit to this charming n'"he so far re­ moved from city centers where one would expect to find such a place. Miss Ruby C. Hosford and Miss Winnogene C. Penney, are the charming ladies who greet you at the door, either one will make you feel at home the minute you step into the front door. And what a variety of knick- knacks, relics and delightful gifts await your inspection. Here are just a few items that are pleasing­ ly presented for inspection. Hand woven bags to suit your fancy and beautiful pillow tops, also mats and art lengths, all hand woven and expertly done at that. Colonial rugs and mats; novelty c wls who look wise; potted ferns from the deep woods and darling- tonias or “bug eaters” from the swamps; stationery with real moss from the woods carpet and lichens from the rain soaked trees. Then there are kitchen and garden no­ tions, redwood burls and other redwood novelties; dainty, de­ lightful aprons for the housewife or maid, and ties for men that were beautiful. And to your sur- pr’se, huckleberry jam. Hot-dig- gity dawg—huckleberry jam, and did it look good? There were simply too many interesting things to take notes on, but enough to completelj take the wind out of our sails, for one would never expect to see such a dainty, well managed gift shop sitting almost on top of the Siskiyous. Never­ theless, there it js and the ladie? will make you welcome and you will be glad that you did stop and look into this perfectly delightful gift shop. Stop in and get acquainted with these charming ladies. DEAR ED:—- D. E. Needham and Claude Davis of Eugene and G. E. Long- necker and son Ted of Redmond, Oregon, have been spending the past week in this vicinity where Mr. Needham is looking after his mining interests. Last Monday evening a few en­ terprising citizens gathered at the I have been in Oregon thirty- Cave City theater at the request three and a half years and I've of the Illinois Valley News and O. heard of June rains ever since E. Jones, manager of the theater I been here, but I'll be derned if to talk over the matter of form­ this haint the first year I ever see ing a volunteer fire department. one. Hanged if it haint rained At the request of Mr. Jones, 15 straight days and I jest don't Work is to start this week on know how many crooked ones. test drilling the ground around Charles Eckles, chief of the Oregon is the land of the unex Takilma to find out if it is dredg­ Brookings volunteer department, came over to Cave City and was pected even if ’tiz the healthiest ing property. the principal speaker of the even- country in the world to live in. Mebby this is the richest valley in June 23rd, Mrs. Charlotte ' ing, explaining in ¿retail what had the world—in some things—but (Grandma) Johnson, pioneer wo been accomplished by the people you gutter admit that we got a man of Takilma is celebrating her of Brookings and how they form­ lotter poor folks a livin' in it; B4th birthday. More sprightly ed their own department, which is too many, What we need most is than many women half her age, now considered one of the best fer people what has made their Mrs. Johnson says her youth is volwntow fire doporta: iwst'S on the pile of what it takes, and what due to the hard work she has coast. wants a fine climate to spend their done. An unusual recipe, L . t As Mr. Mckh s said, the prob- reclining years in, to come here. maybe there is something tv» it, lei » li re are not the same as they build fine homes, spend some of at that. Anyway, we wish y< 1 were in Brookings, and each city their coin among us and make the "Many Happy Returns,” Gran !• must meet its own situations in country better and richer and ma Johnson. a different manner, but the main everybody happier. Let us tel' thing was to get staited and grad­ the truth about this valley and Mrs. Ethel Pick» ”, of the Vi aide ually build up to what the citizens tell it well, I have been always Copper mine at Takilma, spent I elieve they reed for the future. called a booster for southern the week end in Klamath l ull«. A start was the essential thing at Oregon, but I have never lied the present time. about it. A lie reacts to our dis Can’t help w.u: dcrii-.g what R. W. Fuhrmeister, chairman of credit and holds the country back, 84th birt! 'a’y.' Mur*. srr*rtjrfitly the fire commissioners of Grants The truth is good enuff no longer lire would have to say Pass was also in atte*od auth­ mittee to start the department one side of trees and down tother. ority that the Rainbow mine on <>n its way. knocked down a couple telephone Sucker creek will reopen about ———o-------- Those in attendance from the poles, made a couple dozen hits July let. The Rai nbow hae all CHAMBER OF COMMERCE local district, were grateful for TO MEET TUESDAY NOON and runs and finally landed up­ equipment on hand and will em­ the interest shown by the visiting side-down back in Cave City. We ploy several men when they men from other sections, and for There will be a special meet - crawls out of that air car and Har- resume operations. their timely advice, assistance and ing of the Chamber of Com rv looks at me, proud and happy -------- —O----- S------------ a cooperation. merce Tuetdav, June 29 at like, and sez, “How do vou like I At the end of the meeting Mr All 12:15 sham. Lunch 35c. SCHOOL DISTRICT MEETS the car, Phil? Don’t you thing Jones was unanimously elected members urged to attend. she’s gonto be all right? School District No. 4, Takilma, chief of the new organization and Mrs. Elsie Hussey has made ar­ “Yeah,” I sez, “All right is another meeting was called for rangements to use the store build­ right.” Harry goes back to Ta- j held its annual school d rectors next Monday, June 28 at which ing next to Irene’s Beauty Par- kilma, a town what wuz put on meeting last Mor..lay in the »choc’ time the si ate fire marshall and lors and will be in a position in the map on account Ed and Billie house. Ed. Woodcock a I Cecil several other prominent firemen Owen were elected directors. H. the future to serve meals and Bayse lives there. Some time I'm will ' e in attendance to help get J. Whiting was reappointed clerk. lunches to clubs. gonto go over there and git a good the new department properly or­ Mrs. Starr Bumby will again —— ------- o----- old square meal; yes sir-ee I ganized and on a working basis. teach at Tak'lma. ART DREWS HAS NEW PHIL SNORT. Don’t forget, if you are interest­ NEON SIGN FOR GARAGE ed, to be on hand Monday night, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mallery J ,ne 28 in the Cave City theater luist week Art Drews put up HERE FILLUP SNORTS: passed through Cave City last when it is expected a permanent Aye lofs you, Fill; ja, elskar o) a new Neon sign in front of his J|aH1 uo Uutuuaa Xwpunig organization will be formed and garage and machine shop that is dig! Aye tank you bane a hall of ( the Caves CCC camp. Mrs. Mal­ the Cave City Volunteer Fire De­ an asset to the whole community. a faller, but aye don’t tank dat lery had just returned from Port­ partment will be an actual organ­ It is a very large sign reading Ole McCarty bane so much. Aye land where she attended the ization. “Garage” in about 24-inch Neon don’t tank dat faller bane a Grand Lodge of the Order of | o Sweed atoll, but ays tank he bane Eastern Star. She is also editor letters. o-------------- a Yap or a Chink, and the rite of the Oakland, Oregon Tribune. IRENE S BEAUTY SHOP AD ALL MUSSED UP BY DEVIL way to spell his name is Oh-lee During the week she was in Port BLESSED EVENT Mah-car-tee, ef dat bane his land A. L. published the Tribune. There is one thing in a printing Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Delbert name. Aye tank dat Oh-lee bane Mr. Mallery is vocational instruc office that causes all kinds of H« tor at the Caves CCC camp. R. Rexford of Cave City on Fri a sheep in de wolf’s hair. trouble—The Devil. When any­ day evening, June 18 at fi:20 p. rote a lot ov baloney vot vas in de Ill-noise Valley Sneuse and red m . a girl, weighing 7 pounds and Mary Christy of the Cave City thing goes wrong, just blame the ’ bout like dis: Yap. yap, yap, Beauty Salon, Mrs.. George Clark, Devil and it gets by. It just so J 2 ounces. Mother and daughter reported doing fine. Dr. McCune blah, blah, blah, bluey, bdub, etc. Mrs. Tom Hervey and Lee Sowell happens that the editor himself Now Fill ef you lofs me you vill motored to Klamath Falls last was the Devil in this instance, was the attending physician. rite to dem Ill-noise Valley Sneuse Wednesday to visit “Punk” Sew­ when he mussed up Irene Hoff­ <>■------ - - fallers, vot prints the paper by ell who is confined in the Hills man’s Beauty Shop ad last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pomeroy Irene is putting a special on her Cave City, and ask dem to say to hospital in that city with a broken made a hurried trip to their ranch the first part of the week. fhey dat Oh-lee Mah-car-tee dat he can leg. Mr. Sowell is reported re- regular $3.75 oil permanent for covering nicely. The party re- $2.50 and it was all a mess when returned to Sausalito until the yust come to h—1. Aye bane a gude Sweede faller it appeared last week. This week turned home Thursday. weather improves when it is ex­ the ad is all right, we hope, we yust over from Schoning, ja. pected they will again come north PATSY McCABE. Support the Fire Department. hope, we hope. and remain for the summer. 1HI w w