Illinois Valley News, Thursday, March 20, 1937 Wilson's General Merchandise Store FULL LINE OF CHOICE MEATS Lunch and Fresh Nebergall Bacon, Lard and Sausages WILSON’S Special Blend COFFEE ~ . Popular price, per pound XlC Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wilson, Props Kerby, Oregon ....................................J Poppies For Lew Hammer's Poppy Day Store Arrive Complete Line of Poppies which will be worn General Merchandise here in memory of the World War dead on Poppy Day, Saturday, Staple and Fancy May 29, have been received by GROCERIES Glenn Morrison Unit of the Amer­ ican Legion Auxiliary from Rose­ Selma, Oregon burg where they have been made by disabled war veterans. The flowers are crepe paper replicas of the famous poppies of France and Flanders, that flourished and bloomed amid the war’s de^olatio". They are being arranged for city­ wide distribution on Poppy Day. i Ixxal Grain-Fed “Each flower has been made i PORK with pains and care by some dis­ ¡Chops......................... 25c I abled World War veteran,” Irene I Steaks 20c | Stallcup, poppy chairman of the Auxiliary, explained. “They are I Fat Hens, lb. 20c I made to represent as closely as | PLENTY OF 2-LB. FRIERsj possible the little red flowers that these men saw in the fields of France where so many of their comrades still lie. Their signifi­ cance comes from the sacrifices of those thousands of brave young Americans who died in the coun­ MEAT MARKET ' try’s service on the battle fields of France. Fresh and Cured Meats j “Making the poppies has pro­ Holland, Oregon I vided employment for many hun­ dreds of disabled men through the winter and spring months. The work not only has enabled them to hedp jupport themselves and families, but also has been val­ When in Grants Pass uable as occupational therapy. It has been conducted in veterans' I will be glad to have all of hospital- and in special poppy my old friends make by “G” Street Beauty Shop your head­ workrooms in every part of the country. quarters. “Disabled veterans receiving LOTA PEARCE little or no government compen­ sation are the only ones employed 517 “G” Street, I’hone 67-R in the poppy program. Prefer­ Grants Pass, Oregon ence is given to those with de­ pendent families. The work is a Godsend to these men who could not possibly find or perform other employment.” ■ o-------------- Keith’s WARDROBE CLEANERS & DYERS TRUE SHEEN­ MOTH PROOFING­ FUR STORAGE— Pickup by Grants Laundry Grants Pass GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY Pickup in Cave City and Kerby Monday and Thursday ! This Weeks Pictures At Cave City Theater among other feature-, there was a ball game between the married ladies and the young girls. It was nip and tuck for a time but the girls finally won with a BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY score of 14 to 9 in theie favor CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY, in spite of the fact that some of MAY 23, 1937 j the boys helped the losing side. All voted the picnic a success and especially the ball game. Sunday School ................. .10 a. m. — ■ 'O 1 . ** Preaching Service 11 a in. : Loyal Defenders 7 P- m. 5 Preaching Service 8 p. m. Bible Study Ded. night $ P- m. i Cottage Prayer Meeting 8 p III. Friday night ............... W L. Henry is improving but ! he is still confined to his home (At the home of Leonard Beard). i CHWHES Legion News I two mile» north of Kerby. Last Monday a flag was pre- sented to the Boy Scouts and they now have a good flag of their own. All members of the Legion are asked to help build up our own sponsored Boy Scout troop. It was decided against breaking the rule of not allowing other or­ ganizations to rent the Legion hall for dances as long as the Leg­ ion is giving them twice a month. The Chamber of Commerce want- ed the hall for a dance on June 5. The Ladies Auxiliary will hold an initiation at the next meeting Wednesday, June 2. The next dance will be the Pop­ py dance given by the Auxiliary and it is to be one of the finest ever given. All -.hould make it a point to be there. Special examinations on gen eral subjects were sponsored by the Legion and awards will be made to the boy or girl making the highest grade at the grade school graduating exercises next Monday evening. Schools taking part in the special examination were Kerby, Spence, Selma, Payne Holland, White, Waldo, and O’Brien. --------------o. C. E. Adair Gets Shock From Hot Electric Wire Monday C. E. Adair of Cave City received an electric shock and he is still confined to his bed. It >eems Mr. Adair was walking down a road when the wind blew a sapling across the electric wires of the California-Oregon Power Co., and it was reported that a wire hit Mr. .Adair across the back knocking him to the ground. He must have struck on a rock as he received a cut across his nose and lip as well as the elec­ trical shock. ------------- o, ... Del Rio Auto ('amp Making Improvements Wednesday, May 19th the Sei- ma school held a picnic and FOR SALE—Ranches, mines and timber. Also commercial trout farm. Business and residence lots in city. Box H, Cave City. ItSMItIMIIItliiM« I Extend a Hearty W elcome and My Very Best Wishes to a Worthy Enterprise THE ILLINOIS VALLEY NEW S The Athey Brothers are entitled to the support of the entire Illinois Valley Illinois Valley Motor Co. BOB ROUT, Proprietor Where Service is a Fact—Not a Promise TEXACO GASOLINE—OIL—MARFAK LUBRICATION TIRES—TUBES—ACCESSORIES and REPAIRS on any car LIST your sell with Illinois Broker. property you want to Elwood Hussey, the Valley Real Estate ; Cave City E. R. HEDBERG representing thq Granta Pass Steam Laundry and Wardrobe Dry Cleaners. Calls made Mondays and Thursdays FOR SALE—Work mare, reason able; 3 h. p. Fairbanks Morse gasoline engine and 2 in cen­ trifugal pump in good condi­ tion. Priced reasonable. M. B. Harper, on the old Hart ranch FOR SALE — Mining location blanks, both quartz and placer and trespass notices at the Illinois Valley News office. .... Announcing THE OPERATION OF OUR NEWLY EQUIPPED REFRIGERATOR DE­ LIVERY TRUCK, COVERING THE ENTIRE VALLEY .... : Monday - Wednesday - Friday Our Sunday School is growing nicely and the interest is good We have classes for all ages with competent teachers. Bring your chiiuien. : 3 1 The Sunday morning sermon : theme will be "Healing Waters,” Scripture Ezk. 47. This will be I □ of e-pecial interest to the Christ­ ians who are studying prophecy. Q I Better come out and hear our young people as they conduct the Defenders Service Sunday even­ ing at 7 o’clock. 3 : : Sunday nights sermon will be on the subject "Paid in Full,” an evangelistic message which will be full of encouragement to you. : 2 Illinois Valley Meat Co ( AVE CITY, OREGON Classified Ads These little ads are inexpensive, yet do a mar­ velous job in selling. If you have something you do not want, or if there is something that you do want, just insert a classified adv and see how quick it works. ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS Cave Junction, Oregon □ Q ( AVE JUNCTION BEAUTY SALON SPECIALIZING IN Shelton Permanent Waves In all our yearn in the ministry we ■ have never had such a write- up ■ in a news paper as was given us in the first issue of the Illin- ois i Valley News. We thank God for a newspaper that will special ize the good and wholesome in life in preference to the yellow and filthy in the news realm Athey Brothers, we thank you. Rev Ed. Wright, Pastor Bridgeview Com munity Church. Editors Note—Our thanks you, Bro Wright, for giving us the news and your wonderful co­ operation MARY ( HRISTY CAMP U REST CAMP FIRE INSURANCE Why take a chance? Protect your in­ terests with a Fire Insurance Policy and be secure in case of an accident L. E. Athey Resident Agent FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Rev. Haines preached at the 11 o'clock service using a-, his text the 31st verse of the 5th chapter of Judge-. Claude Puckett conducted the "Defenders of Christ” meeting at 7 p. m. Rev. Wright preached at 8 p m., I is text was taken from Luke 19:8 i nd “Faith” his theme. the diminutive pine beetle, arch destroyed oi pine forests in Ore gon and Washington, has made important progress in the past year, according to A. J. Jaenicke in charge of regional insect con- tro) work for the U. 8. forest ser vice. ' Man’s efforts have been effectively abetted by nature in providing severe winter- and im proved moisture conditions in the past two year-,, Jaenicke said Credit for progress he attributes to cooperation of timberland own era and administrative agencies with the advice of the U. S. Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. Showing the serious ness of the previous situation, the forester stated that in the five years previous to 1936, the west ern pine beetle had destroyed 15 times as much pine timber as forest fires and approximately as much timber as all pine sawmill-, cut in Oregon and Washington. CCC tree troopers under forest service direction in the past yeai have halted beetle inroad-, on more than 180,000 acres of pri vately owned and national forest timbar lands. Featuring Only High Grade FRESH AND CURED MEATS 5* per line We now have some nice black - boards in the Bridgeview Com- munity church to use in Bible study, thanks to Mr. Martin of the Cave Junction Hardware store who furnished the plywood and Harry Floyd of the Holland Gen eral Merchandise store who fur­ nished the liquid slating We ap­ preciate the spirit of cooperation which we find here The pastor says “Thank you in the Name of Christ and the Church.” Cave City, Oregon Del Rio Auto Camp, one of the popular camping places on the Redwoods highway, situated on the Illinois river at Cave Junction, has just finished six new tourist cabins J. B. Paine, owner of the camp has made many new im provements to his place and is modernizing all his cabins. The new ones just finished are modern NON DENOMINATIONAL in every detail. Cave City R. H. Hallock is the manager Sunday School and church ser of the camp ground and also the service station at the entrance to vices at Legion hall, Cave City, every Sunday. Sunday School at the camp. 9:45 a. m. Church services at --------------o-------------- 11:00 a. m. Rev. George I.. Gray CLASSIFIED ADS of Grants Pass, pastor. Every WOOD FOR SALE Otto Adair one invited. o- FOR RENT—One room cabin 500 yards above Lind home, 12 Pine Beetle Inroads miles out on Oregon Caves | Now Being Checked highway, partly furnished, $10 per month. Inquire Lind home. Man’s counter attack against Michael Whalen and lovely Jean Muir in “White Fang” are featured on Friday nights pro­ gram at the Cave City theater with a well supported cast of players Don’t forget this night is also "i.ish Night." Saturday evening James Oliver Curwood's story, “Wild Cat Trooper,” and Sunday and Mon­ day evenings the hilarious com edy, starring Joan Crawford and Clark Gable, “Love on the Run.” FOR SALE In addition selected shorts and 10 ACRES —2 acres cleared,, news reel. Two shows are given good house, barn, etc. Watei each evening, first begins at 7 for irrigating Within 2 miles p nt. sharp; second one at 9 p. m. of Cave City $350 down, bal ------------- o-------------- ance like rent. Write No. 5. Selma School Hehl Illinois Valley News, Cave City Picnic Last W ednesday Page Three REDDY KILOWATT I Do you wont your tasks mode lighter And the day ond night made brighter? Do you want delicious dishes And an elf who'll grant your wishes ? If you'll let him work for you That's what Reddy Kilowatt will do ! . REDDy KILOWATT Your Elac'ricol Sorvaa» : The California Oregon Power Company