Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 26, 1913, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, lot.
, ! - '
i I
( 'I
arrival In the city.
Miss Mary Oakes returned home
from college Saturday.
George Denbelgh of Marahttold was
an arrival In town Friday.
C. D. Welter was an arrival from
ine aoum oaiuraay morning
V. D. Coad of Holland has been
In town transacting bubiuess.
Mis Inez Sheldon la spending the
holidays at Orland, California.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Carrol of Rogue
River were In town shopping Friday.!
Mr. and Mrs. Mike O'Leary Left for
the south Saturday for a abort va
u. u. jewei, ana urani owayze
made a business trip to Glendale Sat-!
y i e a. n
Editor Drower of the Rogue River
Argus and wife were In town Satur-
Mra. H. II. Wardrlp left Saturday,
for Ashland, where she will apend,
the holidaya.
B. Mayor, the florist, has gone to,
Portland for a short business and
pleasure tr!p.
Mrs. Mary Gelwltz and children
were In from Jerome Prairie Satur
day shopping.
Miss Helen Scbell left Saturday for
Chico, where she will spend the holi
days with her uncle.
Mrs. A. M. Platworthy of Merlin,
who has been in town visiting with
Mrs. Georgo Lewis, left Saturday for
her home.
Practice limited to
Glasses fitted and furnished.
Office hours 9 to 12, 2 to , and by
appointment. Phones 62 and 166.
Corner 6th and G Sts
Phone 303-J
Crown, Drldge Work and Fillings
of All Kinds, a Specialty.
Oflce Hours,
to 12 a. m.; 1 to 5 p. m.
All Work Positively Guaranteed.
E. G. MACEY, D. M. D.
Successor to Dlxoa Bros., Dentists.
First-class Work.
109 South Blzlh, Grants Pass, Ore.
Practice In all State and Federal
Courts. Office, Opera House Block.
O .II. tlcuicnta V. A. Clements
Attorneys and Couaaelors at Law.
Practice In all State and Federal
Offices Schallhorn Building.
North Stairway,
Rooms 6 and 7, Opera House Block.
Assay eh
Established 19 Years.
E St., opposite Colonial Ilotol.
Notary Public
Office Rooms 201 and 2, Albert
Hldg., Grants Pass, Ore.
Hours 9-12; 1-5.
Calls answered at all hours. Fhotn)
Chas. T. Sweeney
J. E. Shearen
M. D. M. D.
Internal Medicine Surgeon
and Obatotrlrs
Office Hours: 2 to 5 p. m.
Howard Bulldlns, Grants F, Ore.
I II. D. Payne of Harbor aniied in
'town recently.
Rer. Hamilton, formerly of the
local Episcopal church, vaa In from
Med ford Sunday.
( Frank Seivert was a recent arrival
frQm Harbor. Oregon.
j Jes8a Mash departed for LeDanen.
0rg0D Saturday evenlng
Mr H B A1?erBOn WD0 ba Deea
BerlouB,y , ,3 reporlC(, out of
Milton Reynolds, railroad super
visor of tha Merlin district, was a re-
ent ?lsltor ,Q town
Everett Harpham, assistant rang
er In the local forestry office, has
gone to RoBeburg and Seattle for a
two week. vacttl0B
Deputy Supervisor D. I). Reynolds
of the forestry department has come
in rroul Wald0( whfcre Le ha8 DeeD
i,,KI,rtinir hA imvrnmpnt nururr.
MlbS Augusta Parker, daughter of
George Parker of tbl place returned
home satunjay for the holidays. Miss
Parker has been teaching In the
Klaniath Fala BCh0ols.
Herman Wallace, formerly of
Grants Pass, is down from Gresham
for a vjBlt ne wllI ieave ghortly for
uw fwu uv,ro ha win vi!t with
his sister.
Superintendent McDuff of the Sis
kiyou national forest reports that
heavy snowfall has put a atop to
planting in the Patrick creek district.
Tho department has been planting
sugar and yellow pine.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chastaln were
In town from Dryden, In the Deer
Creek valley, the latter part of the
week, attending to Christmas shop
ping. Engineer J. V. Hale, who has been
spending the past few days In Port
land, returned to Grants Pass Sun
day. Mrs. Jack Allison !s In a serious
condition resulting from an attack
of heart trouble.
E. 0. Blankenshlp of Chelan,
Washington, has finished his work
here in connection with the forestry
department and has returned to Che
lan. Mr. BlankoDehlp has been en
gaged for some time past In the clas
sification of agricultural lands In the
Siskiyou national forest.
R. A. Shaw and wife, formerly o
this place, came In from Dunsmulr
Saturday to spend the holidays with
Mrs. Sliaw's father, Mr. Morey.
Miss Gertrude Parker arrived home
Saturday morning from Monmouth
where Bhe has been attending normal.
H. II. Wardrlp, teacher of manual
training at the high school, went to
Salem on No. 14 to attend the Teach
ers' Convention there.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ilobgood,
formerly of this place, made a short
visit with friends here 'the Tatter
part of tho week.
Attorney and Mrs. Colvig depart
ed for Sail Francisco Saturday morn
ing. They will be gone for about two
weeks, visiting with their daughter
Mrs. Bertram Stone.
James II. MorrlBon passed through
Grants Pass on No. 16 Thursday even
ing on his way to Portland, where he
will spend his vocation with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Morrison. Mr
Morrison Is a brother of Mrs. Geor,
L. Morris.
Mrs. Everett Lewraan, who has
been on an extended visit to Sluslaw,
Oregon, has returned to her home
Miss Marie Tallin, who has been
tench ing the Jerome Prairie school,
has returned home to spend tho
Christmas vacation.
Mr. ond Mrs. John Tatrlck are now
located on their homestead near
Rogua river, having moved out the
first of the week. Mr. Patrick, being
a veteran of the civil war, can prove
up on the homestead In one year.
K. J. Khoerry returned Saturday
from RoBeburg and left later In the
day for his home at Waldo.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Wolverton were
in tho city from Rock Point Saturday
nttendinc to Christmas shopplnc.
E. K. Basley of Ashland and Durtied!'.catlonal .hltory of Oregon
owner of the Oxford Hotel building. !the VaXg topTofT st'.mulat.n'g
was lu town the latter part of tho series of lectures. The week will be
week looking after business Interests crowded with discussions and demon
hore strations in everything that makes
, , , i"ul luo euare oi tne rarmer and
j Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dunger, am' ( home-maker.
j son-in-law and family returned Mon
OREGON. day from Uritish Columbia. They
wore former residents of this place,
niul nl0VeJ ,0 Abbottsford. li. C, but
vvll! asaiu lllal I11" ,nolr home.
iSam Matthews was In from Roguo
h;iv..r Moiulav on a luisSln.-ss trio.
E. It. Jeffers and daughter, Miss ranee of courses will be offered in
Marian, were- in from Murphy the General Agriculture. Horticulture,
latter part of last week. , Animal Husbandry, Dairying. Foul-
Matthew Klddlo returned Sunday ' l K''1' Mechanic Arts, Domea
, ., . . . . tlc 'icnce and Art. Commerce, For
morning from Portland, where ho has esitrv, nnd Music. Numerous lectures
been attending Roed College. 'and discussions on Farmers' Co-
Tho Aken brothers were in town operation, at home and abroad, will
Mon.lav from their ulace In' the New
Hope lis rut.
Louis Huff, formerly a resident in
tlu Kerby vicinity, was an arrival
Monday from Rosoburg and has gone
to Kerby, where he will spend the
holidavs visiting with relatives and
Mrs. G. A. Kellogg of Weed was a
visitor here recently. ,
Mrs. M. J. McAdam, mother of
W. 0. McAdam of this place, will
spend the holidays visiting here.
D. Coulter of Hilt, California, who
formerly held a homestead at Kerby,
has returned to visit with friends for
a few days.
A. C. McVey, of the Kerby cream
ery, has been spending the first of
the week In town.
Fay Kiser, who has been attending
Stanford University, returned Sun
day for the holidays.
Misses Louise Harvey and Vere
Murray returned Sunday from the
University of California, where they
have been attending school.
Hugh Herrick, who has been at
tending the University of California,
will be in town the latter part of the
week for the rest of the holiday
Thomas Wilson, of Manhattan, Ne
vada, who has been inspecting the
mining property he recently pur
chased on Sucker creek, has depart
ed for San Francisco.
Alvln Wheeler, who has been at
tending school at 0. A. C visited
friends In town the first of the week
and will go on to Ashland shortly.
Wm. Yeo, of the Williams Creek
valley, has gone to Salem for a -vlBlt
of several days duration.
Mrs. George E. Anderson and
daughter have gone to Oregon City
to spend the holidays.
Louis Loesch, . Applegate farmer,
was a Monday visitor in the city.
Rev. A. C. Howlett, mine host and
preacher of Eagle Point, was a Mon
day visitor in the city.
Phil Metschan, Jr., returned to
Portland Saturday,
Isaac Best returned Monday from
a visit of a few days at Portland.
W. A. Taylor has leased his Selma
ranch and left Sunday for Twin Falls,
Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Richards were
recent arrivals from Butte, Mont.,
expecting to spend some time In this
Miss Kathryn Motley of Aberdeen,
Washington, is visiting with her sis
ter, MIsb May Motley, during the holi
days. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Derbln and
son Frank, of Salem, passed through
town on their wny south yesterday,
and were met at the depot by Mr. and
Mrs. 0. L. Ragan.
Mr. Wing Buck from Maine
W. A. Wing of Waldo returned
Saturday from a five weeks' visit
with his aged mother in Maine. Mr.
Wing had not seen his mother for
thirty-five years.
McFnilands Return
Miss Alice McFarland, principal of
the high Bchool at Thurston, arrived
Sunday to spend the holidays with
her parents. Dan McFarland, a sen
ior at the U. of O., came down from
Eugene at the same time, and Miss
Wilna came up from San Jose, where
she Is attending state normal.
The National Drug Co. has the
Grants Tass agency for the simple
mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine,
etc., known as Adler-l-ka, the remedy
which became famous by curing ap
pendicitis. This simple remedy has
powerful action and drains such sur
prising amounts of old matter from
the body that JUST ONE DOSE re
lieves sour stomach, gas on the stom
ach and constipation almost IMME
DIATELY. The QUICK action of
Adler-l-ka Is astonishing.
Oregon Agricultural College
Farmers' WeeK
December 8 to 13, 1013
This will be a notable event In the
Winter Short Course
January 5 to 30, 1014
I Tho college haB spared no effort
, to mako this the most complete short
i course In its historv. a r wiria
b? a lading feature. Make this a
'No tuition. Accommodations reason-
i,i0. Ueduced rates on all railroads.
For further Information address
h. M. TENNANT. Registrar,
Corvallis, Oregon,
, ,
. ...u,, io uusinrsa iuuibsb uy cor
respondence Utnout tuition.
Mr. Germond Back from Hospital
Mr. Germond Back from noMuiai . , r . 1 r
W. A. Germond of the Illinois val
ley was In the city Monday on his re
turn from Portland, where he has
been for the past six weeks an In
mate of the Good Samaritan hospital.
Mr. Germond was severely injured by
being struck on the head by a falling
tree early In November, his scalp
being badly torn and the skull frac
tured, but he has now about fully re
covered his health and will return
to his home on the west fork of the
Program by Dixie School
The Dixie school began the holiday
festivities last Thursday evening by
giving one of the best and most en
tertaining programs that has ever
been given in the district. Quite a
large crowd was in attendance. The
program consisted of recitations,
readings and music. One of the
special numbers was a song by Mas
ter Gilbert Peterson, entitled "My
Dream," which was received with
much applause. Mrs. Watson of
Dixie assisted In the music.
New Year Football Game
A football game between a team
composed of ex-hish school players
of Grants Pass and an alumnae team
from Medford is being arranged for
New Year's day to be played here.
The game will probably be put on
under the auspices of the Commercial
Club, the board of trustees regard
ing the proposition most favorably.
It Is probable that a previous con
test will be played at Medford dur
ing the holidays, Christmas being
the most likely date. A New Year's;
Day game has always proved a great
attraction in Grants Pass, and with
the Commercial Club taking up the
matter a record breaking crowd may
be expected.
At the regular meeting of the city
council Thursday, December 4, the
finance committee reported favorably
on the following claims against the
city and on motion seconded and car
ried said report was adopted and
warrants ordered drawn on the trea
surer for the several amounts:
Olding's Garage, supplies $ 15.25
S. J. Williams, S yards gravel 8.00
S. S. Patton, street cleaner.... 62.50
Grants Pass Lumber Co.,
supplies 12.04
Grants Pass Fire Dept.,
alarms 30.00
Noble T. Best, alarms 12.50
Scott Hamilton, labor, fire
dept '.
Ore. Gas Electric Co., gas...
Pao. Telephone Co., phone 2.70
G. P. Jester, advance express .75
Glass & Prudhomme Co.,
supplies 18.25
Leonard & Jennings, black
smithing 5.00
S. W. Reynolds, wood 5.00
Rogue River Courier, print. 59.20
W. H. Fallln, labor 18.00
Geo. H. Parker, labor 15.00
Mrs. H. L. Stonaker, labor 10.00
J. Gunning, special police 2.50
II. Nutt, special police 2.50
W. Ross, special police 2.50
J. P. Martin, special police.... 2.50
J. G. Hamilton, special police 2. Go
W. Wilcox, street dept 62.50
L. Lilly, street dept 64.50
E. Stutcnrotli, assistant 30.00
C. S. Morey, wood 9.00
G. P. Hwd. Co., supplies 6.00
Rogue River Hwd. Co. sup
plies 7.30
Chas. Burkhalter, feed 32.00
Jewell Hwd. Co., supplies
S. F. Sims, labor
Robert H. Creager, advances
Paul Gibson, labor
Cal.-Ore. Tower Co., water 212.86
Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights.... 399.43
C. IT. Demaray, supplies 4.45
Williams Bros., supplies 11.65
1st Ward Election Board 25.00
2nd Ward Election Board 25.00
3rd Ward Election Board 25.00
4th Ward Election Board 25.00
Passed on Deccm.ler O
II. V. Anderson, book $ 10.00
Mrs. L. L. Perkins, janitor.... 15.00
W. P. Quinlan, advances 62.55
Pnsswl on December 18
George Crawford, enrpfnter
work, library $ 44.00
Bert Kenyon, work with
steam roller 4.0 0 (
E. Stutcnroth, assistant audi- I
tor 42.50
Frank Fox was an arrival from
Galico Monday.
Pr. Fl ana can,
Physician and Surgeon.
J. E. TeteisoB, Pioneer Iw.irance
Rexall Remedies at Clemens, sells
lru ns
Alfred lecher, Registered Opto
metrist and Jeweler. In Dixon's old
stand. -Front St. Eyes tested free.
Zps Bathe
of a
Standard Oil
6 For
Bishop Scaddlng was a guest over
Sunday In this city and addressed the
St. Luke's Sunday school at 10 in
the morning, and celebrated the
Holy Communion and preached at
the morning service. In the after
noon he held a conference with the
vestry and church members, with a
view to finding out what the con
gregation was able and willing to
give towards the support of a resi
dent vicar.
His morning sermon was on the1
"Christian Ministry." The bishop j
also described the meeting of the
general convention of the Episcopal
Church which, has just closed its
session in New York; the meetings '
of the Woman's Auxiliary, and Its:
triennial offering for missions ofj
$300,000, of which the women ofi
Oregon had given $1,000; the mass,
meei'.ngs on Boclal service, and thej
legislative work of the Houbo of
Blshoi'3, and of the House of Cler
ical and Lay Deputies.
The afternoon meeting was of the
nature of a family gathering, at
whlah the bishop explained the pol
icy of the Episcopal Church in Ore-,
gon, and the plan of the Board of
Church Extension.
Bishop Scaddlng expressed his
great Interest In Grants Pass and St. j
Luke's church, appreciated the good
work done by Rev. Bartlett and Rev.j
W. B. Hamilton and the loyal laymen
and women.
The Rev. W. B. Hamilton is still
in charge as vicar and will continue'
to give one service a week and re-j
spond to all sick calls, funerals, etc.j
until a resident vicar Is appointed.
The bishop had recently offered thej
mission to two clergymen, but both:
had declined. The bishop and vestry,
have now under consideration the
names of two strong and well rec-!
ommended clergymen, one of whom, I
it is hoped, will accept at an early!
There was a good attendance of.
the members at this meeting, and
several made earnest speeches re
garding the present status of the
Episcopal Church, and the need of
a resident vicar.
Bishop Scaddlng will return to I
Grants Pass for Sunday, January 11,'
by which time it is hoped the local
problem will be met.
Move Mill to Murphy District
Mr. Everton, of the Everton saw
mill on lower Rogue River, was in
town Saturday. Mr. Everton has1
bought a tract of saw timber south
of Murphy and will move his mill
from its present location to the
Murphy district this winter. i
iiuuiiin existm lor
In Comfort
Your cold bathroom can be
warmed easily and quickly by meant
You'll wonder how you ever got
along without it.
Easy to move from room to room.
Easy to light and take care of. Can't
smoke. Doesn't smell. Will last a life
time. Finished in plain steel or
blue enameled drums.
Ask to see it at your dealers. , Jj
For Best Results p-p-
Use Pearl Oil LLZI
Dr. Clement
Associated With
Dr. Find ley
Dr. L.' O. Clement and family ar
rived yesterday from Portland to
make Grants Pass their home. Dr.
Clement, who is an eye, ear, nose
and throat specialist and who will
be associated with Dr. Flndley, Is a
graduate of the academic and me
dical departments of the University
of Minnesota, from which be received
the degrees of B. S. and M. D., and
has taken post-graduate work In eye,
ear, nose and throat in Boston and
New York. He also has Bpent a
year In the study of his specialty la
London and Vienna. Before taking
up the special work Dr. Clement was
in active general practice for eight
years. Since coming to Portland he
has been appointed Instructor in
eye, ear, nose and throat in the
medical department of the University
of Oregon and bas done much prac
tical work in the clinical department.
Dr. Findley, with his son Bayard,
will leave on Tuesday morning for
a vacation of ten days In Klamath
county. On Dr. Flndley's return
January 1st, he and Dr. Clement will
arrange office hours so that patients
will be seen on appointment fend
wating may be avoided. .
The Old School.
There aren't enough gentlemen of the
old school left to have n class reunion.
Military Substitutes.
Wealthy l.ei.uians my a little over
JflifX) to substitutes in order to avoid
military service.
India's Rice.
India grows m.spo.ixiO tons of rice
yearly nnd e:it l."i.70O.0O. All Europe
eats only 2."iH).0(Ki tons.
"The critics gave me n raw deal."
"How? I ild they roast you?"-San
Francisco Chronicle.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obliga
tions made by his firm.
Toledo. O.
Hall'8 Catarrh Cure Is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75
cents per bottle. Sold by all drug-
Take Hall's Family Fills for con
DO VUIK UK BUSINESS UIKKCT Hlth the larjrsl hou- In the Horiu
ucainil exclusively in ANtKllAH KAW tlKS .
Get "More Money" for your FUItS
ii reliable-responslble-safe Fur House with an unblf mish! rep
' more tliarmauarterofacetmirv." 8 Ions sue
ewtul reporrl of sending Fur Shipper pmmpt-SATISFACToK
N1) PROFITABLE returns. Write for "tot hubrrt btpprt.
he only reliable, accurate market report and price list published
Write lor It-NOW-W'. FHKE
Ij'glgnUPK.K I , InC. Dcr)t, 1 1 CHICAGO. U.S A.I