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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1913)
i r FRIDAY. DECEMBER 3, 1013. NOTICE OF CONTEST 07552-Con'st 3417 Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore gon, October 31, 1913. To Joseph Edward Moore of Takll ma, Oregon, contestee: You are hereby notified that Wil liam James Allen, who gives Takllma, Oregon, as his post office address, did on October 31, 1913, file in this office his duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation of jour Homestead, Entry No. 07552, Serial No. 07552, made September 22, 1911, for E'i of SW14 of Section 3, Township 4 IS., 8 W., Willam ette Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he alleges that said Joseph Edward Moore left said land during the month of August, 1912, and has not been on the land since. The only Improvements are 2 acres partly cleared and a sui.iJl chicken house. You are, therefore, further notified that the said allegations will be taken by this office as having been confess ed by you, and your said entry will be cancelled thereunder without fur ther right to be heard therein, either before this office or on appeal, if you fail to file In this office within twenty days after the fourth publication of this notice, as Bhown below, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting and responding to these al legations of contest, or if you fall within that time to file in this office due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the said con testant either In person or by regis tered mail. If this service Is made by the delivery of a copy of your answer to the contestant in person, proof of such service must be either the said contestant's written ack nowledgment of his receipt of the copy, showing the date of Its receipt, or the affidavit of the person by whom the delivery was made stating when and where the copy was deliv ered; if made by registered mall, proof of such service must consist of the affidavit of the person by whom the copy was mailed stating when and the post office to which it was mailed, and this affidavit must be accompanied by the postmaster's receipt for the letter. You should state In your answer the name of the post office to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. . B. F. JONES, Register. Date of first publication November 14. 1913. Date of second publication Novem ber 21, 1913". Date of third publication November 15. 1913. Date of fourth publication Decem ber 5, 1913. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, September 25th. 1913. Notice is hereby given that "Asa C. Holcomb, whose post-office ad dress is Grants Pass, Oregon, did, on the 5th day of March, 1913, file in this office Sworn Statement and Ap plication, No. 08634, to purchase the NEV4 SVy4l and NWVi SE4, Sec tion 18. Township 35 S.. Range 5 West, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised $200.00, the timber estimated 220,000 board feet at $0.75 per M, and the land $20.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his application and sworn statement on the 1 2th day of December, 1913, before Herbert Smith, United States Commissioner, at Grants Pass. Oregon. Anv nprsnn fa at . llliArtv to tirotest this purchase before entry, or Inl-! estate be assigned anil distributed to ordn:,nre duly adopted by the Com tiate a contest at any time before Bll('h i'sons as are by law and the,mon Council thereof. -It is hereby patent issues, bv filing a corrobor-1 ated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat tho entry. B. F. JONES, Register NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is Hereby Given, that the lltKlersinp,! Kvp.Mitnr nf the Kstate ,, iuuw of Marv J P-irker dece-ised his filed I petitioner should not be granted. i taxable property within said city suf b L Final Account of ufe SS is-' 11 is fl,rtl,"r rdeW(l tnat notk'e 0 fluent to pay the interest and nrin t ration of sild "state i.i the Q nty i ''''' '"'"'" ot 8aid "i,lt,on .nd.HPal of this bond as the same shall Cc u t o Joseohhie County State o!,t'lini1- 1,0 ive t0 a" I,('rsons in'! "-rome due; and that the total In- Oregon, and that the hearing of said! Court account has been set by .said o Sa u?dav Z 7th d iv of De- Zi tena. m.. t the County Court Koon. in the for ceinber at Court House at Grants Pass .Oregon,. and all persons Interested are hereby ; notified to file their objection there to, if any there be, on or before said date. Said notice is published in tho Rogue River Courier, a weekly news paper of general circulation, publish ed at Grants Pass. Oregon, by order of Stephen Jewell, County Judge, 1 maae tne -otn uay 01 ovemuei, 1913. H. N. PARKER, Executor of Estate of Mary J. Parker, dereused. NOTICE FOR PUJLICATIOX Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, overuoer uin, ut-o. Notice is hereby given that John November 20th. 1913 ? Thomas TirpprlinE. of Huso, Oregon, I v who, on May 25th, 190S, made ! Homestead Entry Serial No. 04534, for EM of SWV4. XW SWU. Sec- , tion 26, Township 34 S.. Range 6 West Williamette Meridian, has filed i notice of intention to make Five- I Year Proof, to establish claim to the J land above described, before Herbert ? Smith. United States Commissioner Grants Pass, Oregon, on the 9th day of January. 1914. Claimant names' as witnesses: George McCormick, of Hugo, Oregon; C. D. Sexton, of Hugo, Oregon; George Baer. of Hugo. Oregon; Oliver Ward, of Hugo. Oregon. B. F. JONES, Register. -3L .U.UUA3 I In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of , Josephine Maggie E. Short and ) Charles E. Short, Plaintiffs.) r ?S- ) Rogue River Irrigation and) lower Company, an Ore-) son Corporation; W. B.) Sherman, Christopher) Omann, E. E. Lee Steiner.) J. G. Riggs, a. N. Parsons,) fcam Baker, F. . Berby,) G. A. Knoblauch, F. A ) Herce and Charlotte) Pierce, his wife, G. C ) Farmer, and C. E. Farmer,) Defendants. Tr.G'i- Knoblaucn. G. C. Farmer. C r r,. j : , "'T Omann fm,r i t u -n"ier whl.-h said bonds shall bear date of dXdan 8 Ve naBe November 1. 1913, and carry interest In tho nlrn f th o. . at the rate o( 8ix l'er centum per an- TouVnd P t heStat of Oregon, num. payable semi-annually on the nlS , ; y0"Jarebereby8uni- first dn" of ay and November of ?n.r tVL req'nr1c? to appear and each year, such interest to be evt ! A coml,la,nt fled against; deuced by coupons to be attached to you m the above entitled court and I said bonds, both principal and inter cause, on or before ten days from the est to be payable in gold coin of the l ull t serv.,ce "Pn beliS served , United States of the present standard witnln Josephine County. Oregon, or ! of weight and fineness, at the Fiscal u served within any other county Agency of the State of Oregon in the ui., 6 of Oreson. then City of New York. State of New within twenty days from the date of York; which said bonds shall mature service thereof, or if served by pub- and be payable on the first day of lication then on or before the expira- November, 1933. with the right re tlon of six weeks from the date of served to said city of redeeming all first publication thereof; which date or any of said bonds on Novembe 1, of first publication Is Friday, October 11928. or on any interest payment 31st, 1913. and the last date of pub lication is Friday, December 12th, 1913, and you are herebv nntlflorf that if you fail to appear and answer the complaint within the time afore- published in at least one dally news said the plaintiffs will apply to the I paper published In the City of New court for the relief prayed for in the I York. complaint, viz.: Section 2. Thnt said bonds shall For a decree requiring the defend- ants to set forth the nature of their several claims. If anv. ana that all adverse claims of the defendants or anr of them be determined by a de- cree of this court: That bv said decree i It bo declared and adjudged that the I defendants and each of them have no Interest or estate In or to the lands, and premises described in the com-! plaint or any part thereof, and that! the title of plaintiffs thereto be de-1 elded good and valid; and that the 1 defendants and each of them be for- ever enjoined and barred from assert-! ing any claim whatever in and to said i land and premises adverse to the! s'r in V?'1 ',M D rlJl ?, V om?,a,nt b? !n a" tXl t SI elle1 n,(1 ""nulled and 1 or the further relief as prayed for In sa d'complalnt 4u This summons Is published by the order of the Honorable F. M. Calkins. junge or me c ircuit i ourt or tne State of Oregon for the First Judicial District, made and dated Ortnhe.r J 14th. 1913. requiring publication mereoi in me nogue uiver courier, a weekly newspaper published !n!01 1,iay ana ovemoer in eacn year, josepnine County, Oregon, for a period of six consecutive and succes sive weeks and the mailing of a copy of the summons together with eerti- flci mnv nf PAmntnint with nnofairo thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the defendants at their Inst known, address, as by law required. nat f nnMtnottnn fWnW 31st, 1913. dnte of last publication December 1 2th. 1913. DURHAM Ik RICHARD, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Josephine County. In the Matter of the Estate of F. W. Van Dyke, Deceased, in Probate. Notice is hereby given that Edward: S. an Dyke, administrator with the. amhorltv of and ln fun compliance will annexed of the estate ot K W.w,th the !UVg of tne State of Oregon Van Dyke, lias rendered and present-1 flnd thp rnarter of Bald cllVi and )n ed lor settlement, and tiled in this particular Chapter 2S3 of the Laws said court the final account of his said) of 0r(lgon 0f 1913, and Article X. of administration, together with a leti-tne cnnr,Pr 0f Bni,j City adopted by tion for a final and allowance of the.v,0 f ,v. nllniifiP,i vntora of said ! same and that the residue of said' ldM "1H u,1,u tBUl "tul U1 LUC uu cefsed entitled to the same. All persons interested in said es- tate are therefore hereby ordered to Appear at the Court House in Grants I Pss. Josephine county, Oregon. oii uie - 1 in ui ueu'iuuei , .1. u. 1 at 10 o'cloc k a. 111., to show cause, if .1 . ,,V,,. ,!, n.n.-n.. t .ho e w' " lI,c I""''-' "t i - ' Z - a c01'" o this 01t!er 1,1 t,lu Koyuo Hlver Weekly Courier, a newspaper of f-- lt!tt Vr 7 iC' nJn 1 'i L. :a"VL - . " . ' , snrcessne weeks prior to the said day OI nedrillfe. EDWARD S. VAN DYKE, Administrator with the will annex- ed of the Estate of F, W. Van Dyke, deceased. yjni-fociv AND PIXDELL ARE NOMINATED Washington. Dee. 2. The nomina tions of Brand Whitlock of Toledo, Ohio, to be minister to Belgium, andth Henry M. Pindell of Peoria, III., to be ambassador to Russia, were sent . eotQ fvta nftprnoon to the senate this afternoon This is the second time Pindell's nomination has been sent to the senate, the extra session of congress having failed to confirm his appoint ment. Other nominations Included those of George Fred Williams of Massa chusetts to be minister to Greece and LIonteneero, and Gratton Little to be receiver of public money at Eureka, Onl E. D. Thompson of Rogue River t pent Sunday In the city. WEEKLY BOGI E DIVER ORDINANCE No. ODD An ordinance authorizing the Is suance of 1200,000, municipal bonds of the City of Grants Pass. O reeon. for the purpose of paying the cost oi a railroad to be built by the City of Grants Pass within and with out its boundaries, for the bene fit and use of its Inhabitants and for ! profit, providing for the levy of spe cial taxes for the payment of the I principal and Interest of said bonds. I The City of Grants Pass ordains as follows: j Section 1. That there be issued I the negotiable coupon bonds of said .ij i uiouia i asa ill iuj ngxregaid amount of $.'0o,000, consisting of two nundred bonds of $1,000 each, ' uumuereu 1 io .vv, ootn inclusive. date thereafter, provided thirty days before the date of such redemption notice thereof shall have been filed at the said nlace of navment and be signed by the Mayor of said city and countersigned by the Auditor and Police Judge thereof, and the corporate seal shall be thereto at tached; and the said Interest coupons shall be signed bv the said officers. whose signatures upon such coupons may be fac-similes of the originals; said bonds and coupons shall be In substantially the following form: T.VITr,n oT,Trc. Avrmr lMTED STATES OF AMERICA J1-000-00 No State of Oregon. County of Josephine, City of Grants Pass Municipal Bond, Know All Men By These Presents, that the City of Grants Pass, in the County of Josephine, and State of 0reg0( ls JuBtfy ,ndebted and fop value recelved nereby proinl8eg to pay to the bearer on the first day oi x0Vember, 1933. the principal sum 0f One Thousand Dollars ! with interest theieon at the rate of 8lx ,,cr cantum Per annum, pay- n,u i ""j upon the presentation and surrender of the annexed Interest coupons as they severally become due. Both principal and interest of this bond i are payable in gold coin of the United States of the present standard weight and fineness at the Hscal .KT Vv S,"teL of 0J? ia, the City of New ork. and State of j Xew Y,ot'tJor vonm, pay",ll,t hereof, both principal and interest as the same become due, the full faith, credit and resources of said city are hereby irrevocably pledged. This bond is one of an issue of two hundred bonds of like date, tenor and amount, aggregating $200,000, and is Issued for the purpose of pro viding for the payment of the cost of improvements constructed for the benefit and use of the inhabitants of ,h ..,., iMr on1 fnl. ri,.nfw nn.ior tho ftv nn October 23. 1013. and nn certified and recited mat all acts, 'conditions and things required to xist or dono Iireredent to and in the issliance of this bond by the ia,vs aril1 constitution of said state lave (UV happened and been per- fomipd; tnrtt provision nns neen niade for the lew and collection of .. . .. -11 il. a direct annual Tax ii.on ail ui 'I'"1"" s this bond, does not e"ce(l nnv ron-j titntlonal or statutory This bond may b, November 1. 192R. or limitation. i redeemed on i any interrFt I r;1vinent date thereafter, provided 1 l,.,.(, tln Ihnrant olinll hnvn bfipn fl,p(, at t,)p pad jlap(, of pnv. , t,,lbllsllP(i 1n at least one dallv newspaper published in the City of New York. In Witness Whereof, said City of Grants Pass has ransed this bond to be sienpd by Its Mayor and roun torsienrd by i's Auditor and Police Judge under its corporate seal, and thp intprept coupons horpfo attach ed to bp Finned with the far- simile! signatures of said ofTlrprs. all Rs of 'TSt dav of xovprnjier, l n 1 3 Mayor. Atidi'or and rollee Judge. ( Coupon.) ... On $30. 00 No.. The City of Grants Pass. Oregon, will pay to bearer at the Oreeon Fis cal Agency, New York City, the sum of Thirty Dollars, being the semi annual interest due that day on i's Municipal Bond, dated November 1, 1913, and numbered Mayor. Auditor and Police Judge. Section 3. That the said bonds, when executed as hereinabove pro vided, shall be delivered to the pur chasers thereof at not less than par and accrued Interest after either private sale or advertisement for COURIER bids as the Common Council shall hereafter direct. Section 4. That for the purpose of providing for the payment of the principal and interest of the said bonds promptly as the game shall be come due, there shall be and there hereby is levied upon all the taxable property within said City of Grants Pas a direct annual tax for each yeir while any of said bonds shall be outstanding sufficient to produce in said year the sum of $12,000 for the payment of such interest, as the same shall fall due. aud the sum of $6,667 for the creation and maintenance of a slnkiifg fund for the payment of said bonds at or before their matur ity. Such amounts shall be duly levied and extended for collection as other taxes and the said tax and the proceeds thereof are hereby irre vocably pledged to the payment of the principal and interest of the said bonds. Section 5. That the proceeds of said bonds shall be paid to the City Treasurer and be placed In a special fund and said proceeds shall be used solely for the purpose of paying the cost of building a railroad within and without the boundaries of the city, for the benefit and use of tha Inhabitants thereof and for profit. Section 6. That all resolutions, or dinances and orders ln conflict with the provisions hereof and ln par ticular any and all resolutions, ordin ances and orders heretofore passed providing for the issuance, ot bonds for railroad purposes be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 7. Whereas the voters of the city have adopted a charter provision empowering, directing aud authorizing the ilty to Issue and sell bonds of the city for the sum of $200,000 for building a rail road in nnd out of the city and the city has expended a large sum of money in building said railroad and it is necessary that the city secure more moneys for the continuation of said railroad, and to prevent great financial loss on the part of the city, It is hereby declared necessary for the peace and safety of the city that the said bonds be provided for and offered for salo at once, and there fore this ordinance Is excepted from the referendum and It is ordained that this ordinance take effect from and after its approval by the Mayor. Approved this 18th day of Nov ember, 1913. ROBERT O. SMITH. Attest: Mayor. ROHERT H. CREAGER. Auditor and Police Judge. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall returned Monday evening to their home at In dependence, Ore., after visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnson, of this city, and relatives at Waldo. PENDLETON DEFEATS COMMISSION GOVERNMENT Pendleton, Dec. 2. Commission form of government was defeated by 184 votes, according to a complete count today of the votes cast in yes terday's municipal election. VV. F. Matlock was re-elected mayor, and Lee Moorhoiise re-elected treasurer without opposition. ENGLISH CAPTAIN KILLED IN FALL FROM Ml'LAXE East Churchill, England, Dec. 2. Captain WiUlnian Lushlngtou of the Royal Flying Corps, was instantly killed here today by a fall from his biplane. NO 11ATTLESHIP 15LOCKADE OF VERA CRLZ IIARROR Washington, Dee. 2. Secretary of he Navy Daniels denied today that he contemplated a battleship block ade of Vera Crui. two .mi: i:.ti;n iiv woia i:s Karseth, Alberta, Dec. 2. l'urts of two skeletons, believed to te those of Alexander and Adolph Nonder stroni, were found on a lonely trail some distance from here today, to-M-'thf-r wi'h t'"'ir empty guns, knap sacks and shreds of their clothing. It was considered certain that they were killed and eaten by wolves while endeavoring to reach town from their farm after provisions. REAR-ADMIRAL CLARK DEAD Amherst, N. IL, Dec. 1. Paralysis caused th death here today of Rear Admiral John Clark, former medical director of the navy. He was 76 years old. MIMAVORKERS AT DENVER ARE INDH TED Denver, Dec. 2. Twenty-five leaders of the United Mineworkers of America today stand indicted by; a federal grand Jury at Pueblo In1 connection with the southern Color-; ado coal strike. International Presl-j dent White, Vice-President Hayes, and Treasurer Green were charged with maintaining a labor monopoly.' John Lawson, a member of the d Is-; trlrt board, and Adolph Germer, j Robert Ullch, A. R. McGarry, James Morgan. Charles Batley and Edgar. Wallac? were charged with conspir acy ln restraint of trade. All were expected to fnrnlsh bonds today. ' MAJOR GENERAL BARRY. i t, ) i : :;. y Major General Thomas II. Rnrry Is in cotninnn 1 of the eastern division of the United States army. Ills hend quurter are Ht Governors Island. New York. Ills ('(imniand Includes the de partment of the east, the department of the gulf mid the Panama caual uoiie. MEXICAN SI NATION. Mexico City, Dec. 2. Mexico City officialdom showed distinct signs of panic today at reports that the fed eral garrison of Chihuahua City had evacuated the town without awaiting the rebels' arrival and was scattering toward the border and to the west ward into the laauntalus, leaving his followers almost into the out skirts of the capital. That Villa would loee no time la pushing southward was accepted as a foregone conclusion, and with Pre sident Iluerta's troops here unpaid and ln a state ot semi-revolt, It was considered by no means certain that any more effective resistance would be made In Mexico City than In Chi huahua. News of the summary exe cution to which many of Villa's fed eral prisoners have, been doomed did nothing to cheer the perturbed of ficials here. The story of the collapse of resist ance at Chihuahua City wsb, ot courso not published in Mexico City, nnd the masses of tho native popula tion and the rank and fllo of the troops had not heard It, but the of ficial class, the well-to-do nnd the foreign residents were fully In formed. El Paso, Dec. 2. General Villa seemed to be taking his time today about occupying Chihuahua "city, now deserted, according to all ac counts, by its federal garrison, and it was the general Impression that he was ln communication with Gen eral Carrunza with a view to effect ing a concentration of all available rebel force b there preparatory to an advance on Mexico City. Resides tho federals at Chihuahua City, it was said, a largo part of tho civilian population hud also started overland for tho American border, In preference to remaining to starve In their own homes. Reports were current thnt the fed eral garrisons of Mazntlnn and Guny- mns were also about to evacuate j those towns, but they lacked confirm-1 atlon. j It was said that a military court would try Antonio Caballero of Cu-: llamn, under arrest by General Cnr-j rana's order nt Ilertuoslllo, charged! with plotting a federal uprising, ng'iinst the rebels In northern Mex- co. I The controversy between General Villa and German Consul Weber, at : Juarez, concerning General Castro,! who had command of the federal gar-' rlson there when Villa raptured tbej town, did not prove to be a test after 1 oil. Villa believil that Castro had tak- en refuse with Weber, asked General' Carrnnza for orders, and was In-. Rtrwted to ask Weber to surrender . mm. villa looked either for a re fusal or compliance, but to his sur prise the German's answer simply was thnt he wns mistaken that Cnsfro was not and had not been at 1L. 1 i - 1116 cuiiniiiiuw. "Nor do I know where he ls hid ing." he added. SAY RES WILL VISIT AMBASSADOR PAGE London, Dec. 1. That Francis B. Sayre and bis bride, formerly Miss Jessie Wilson, will come direct to London as guests of Ambassador Page at his hone In Grosvenor Square was tho announcement con tained ln today's London papers. It was not known how long the couple would remain here. IMCJK SKVK.V f ANCEft U7 IN WOMAN'S BREAST XU.WAYS BEGINS a S..U LUMP LIKE THIS and ALWAYS POISONS DEEP GLANDS W THE ARMPIT AND KILLS QUICKLY I VILL G!VE$100Q IF I FAIL TO CUREanj CANCER crTUMOR 1 1 w I ocrunc it foisons Bona orlleep biands K3 KNIFE or PAIN Do Pat Until Cured No S TUy of other wintlla. An Ulund pUnt mikintho rtir ABSDIUIE GUAR1N IEE Any TUMOR, LUMP oi Bor on urn tin, (aca or body long n l uuvr It NmrPimi until l.t Wo. 12i) PAGE BOOK rol (rtr; lruinotul uf W SI I'M TO HUM 8 ANY LUMP IN WOMAN'S BREAST I CANCER. W rvtuM thouund Dying, Cimt To Utl. S hv curtd 1U.UUU In io yra. Address DR. & MRS. DR. CHAMLEY& CO. A 436 VALENCIA ST, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL KINDLY MAIL this to some one with CANCER MIRE IUUEF8 4 Portland, Liec. 1. This city Is ln the throes of a clam famine. The suc culent chowder material was burled bo deeply by the high tides along the coast Saturday that Immediate ex cavation in large quantities Is im possible. Salem, Dec. 1. ratrlck 'Riley, aged 17, picked up a live wire on a dare. Three companions separated him from It. l'at's hands were badly burned. Snn Francisco. Doc. 1. William Fordau, shoemaker, left his shop In charge of a stranger for ton minutes. When he returned the stranger and Jewelry and shoes worth 1 100 were gone. Oakland, Cal., Dec. 1. Two high waymen held up five lru-ii near the Oiikland-Eineryvlllo line, but all they got wns $2.45. The fifth robbery net ted but two bits. "I'm going to quit this business," one of the robbers , told the fifth victim. "There ain't even a living ln it." Los Angeles, Dec. 1. L. C. Shay, aged 70, of Portland, rented a room here yesterday, left bis valuables and went for a stroll. He forgot the ad dress, and In spite of the efforts of the polloo has not been able to find tho place Long Bench, Cal., Dec. 1. Wrestl ing with a tough Bteak in a cafe, Claud Hartzell unthinkingly pro duced from a pocket a butcher knife he had stolen a week before He wept on his steak when the hand ot the law, guided by tho proprietor, fell on his shoulder. , ...... ' . Portland, Dec. 2. After firing a barber because several patrons com plained that he had used a naughty word, tho proprietor of the Y.M.C.A. barber shop, determined to prevent a recurrence of the trouble, hired a deaf mute. Portland, Dec. 2. Encountering John Dillon and Frank Long, whom ho suspectMl of being hold-ups, De tective Vaughn, at the point of a re volver, compelled them to lie down In the street with their hands ele vated, while a passerby summoned reinforcements from police head quarters. San Francisco, Dec. 2. neveled plate of heavy glass will bo substi tuted by tho St. Francis Hotel for linen In Its dining room. Society has decided that linen table rovers, Im maculate as tho fabric niny be, must go. Los Angelas, Dec. 2. After rent ing a room nt th Brownstonn Hotel, an unidentified thief took up tee carpet and carried It away. Ho le't a note explaining that tho furniture was too heavy to take too. Lob Angeles, Dec. 2. It looks like a hnrd winter for "hoes" ln Lob An geles. The police commission has authorized the appointment of 25 special officers to run gentlemen of tho road out of town. I low to RinkriMt the DoctoM A prominent New York physician says, "If It were not for the thin stockings and thin soled shoes worn by women the doctors would probably bo bankrupt." When you contract a cold do not w-alt for It to develop In to pneumonia but trenf It at once. Chamberlain's Cowrh Remedy Is In tended especially for concha nnd colds, and has won a wide reputation by Its cures of these diseases. It Is most effectual and Is pleasant and safe to take, For sale by all dealers.