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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1913)
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1613. LI KLY HOG IE riVLK COURIER PAGE KIGIIT. COUNTY COt HT PIUKELDIXGS 5.84 2.40 (1(IIht, I IMS, Term ' Court met Wednesday, October 1, 1913, pursuant to law, there being present Hon. Stepiieu Jewell, count; Indue; C. L. Harlow, toiiiniiiiioner; E. L. Coburn. clerk; and Will C. Smith, sheriff, whereupon the follow ing proceeding were had, to-wlt: M. Simons was allowed 18 per month a an allowance. Tint of Wolf Creek was accepted. Statement of E. !.. Coburn, county clerk, In the ma'ter of the Issuance ef county warrants for scalp bounties during the month of September, 1813, examined and approved. In the mailer of the payment of bills, the following accounts were Miidited and allowed and the rierK ordered to issue warrants in pay ment of the same. W, W. Hull, registering voters I 1.14 J. F. Hiith. hh me 9.18 Johonhine Hotel, meals for Jurors 7-70 Joseph Moss, rent for Sept 25.00 Horace C. Hall, inspection Gallie bridge 20.00 Walter Hulbert, auto hire 10.00 I'nlon Tea Co., mdse. for Co. home 3.20 J. D. Corbet t, nurse county honiw 30.00 E. D. Shook, auto hire for roads 14. 00 U. A. Savage, work lu assess or's office 60.00 H. 8. Woodcock, lumber for bridge 109.44 Lee Sill, stock inspector 64.00 Grants Psbs Hakery, bread for county home 6 6 Christy and DeArinoud, feed for county home 31. CO Golden Rule Store, indue, for county home 8.05 Grants Pass Feed Co., feed for county home 19.20 Cold Storage Co., ice for county home 1.60 J. M. John, reentering voters National Drug Store, mdse for county home Kltterman and Johnson, lum ber for roads 21.12 J. W. Dunbar, same 19.18 Nels llendrlrkson, pigs for county home 12.00 W, C. Edwards, labor at coun ty borne E. F. Storey, mdse. for roads Clans Schmidt, mdse. for Co. home 44.00 S. It. llaldwin, same 10.80 Laurel Grove Dairy, same 2.70 James Holmnn, Justice, State vs. Long Waller Moore, witness, Jus tice court C. K. McLune, same II. F. Farlow, same L. E. Farlow, same Fred Mclntyre, same D, W. II en in, same J. C. Handle, constable, State vs. Iiong James Holmnn, Justice, State vs. Harrison 10.75 A. A. Ingalls, Juror, justice court C. F. Garber, same 1.00 H. D. Tteed. same 1.00 A. J, Klocker, same 1.00 J. H. Wllllnms, same 1.00 B. F. Kenyon. same 1.00 H. V. Anderson, witness, Jus tice court 1.00 Chns. Hnxle, same.'. 2.15 Fred Robertson, same 1.40 ft. A. Doan, same 1.00 Emmett Conger, same 1.75 H. Wise, same 1.80 Hob Johnson, same 1.40 H. n. OIhph, same 1.80 J. C. Jlandle, constable, State vs. Harrison 18.80 J. J. Ilongland, mdse, for roads 8.05 J. F. Durke. fruit Inspector.... 86,00 Miss l'almer, allowunce for September 10.00 John Mltchull, same 10.00 Jane Ferry, same 10.00 Mrs. A. E. I Unman, same 8.00 Mrs. Johnson, same 10.00 Mrs. Loiimer, same 10.00 James Itoyce, snmo 8.00 Hoys' and Girls' Aid Society, same 10.00 R. A. Jordan, witness, circuit court ' 4.20 L. Speaker, mdse. for pauper ' 7.40 R. JJ. Cole, repairing court house Ula I'rudhomme, md6 for clerk's office G. W. Farlow, allowance for September Siiii h-Thouia Lbr. Co., lum ber for road I'. r. I'rortor, printing Fanny LI Horchert, register nig voters Fanny B. Borcbert, work la sheriff s office C. II. Demaray, supplies for ottlces J. E. i'eterson, extra help treasurer's office Temple .Meat Market, meat for county home Rogue Hiver Courier, printing Joseph Martelleltl, supplies for coun:y home F. I. Strieker, expeuse board of health Will C. Smith, board of pri soners Will C. Smith, oilier expense.. D. A. FlugeraTd, building for fair G. Karner, paper for fair K. J. iiestul, veterinary ser vices for fair Geo. Lewis, labor stock dept., county fair H. J. liacher, signs for county fair J. M. Tetherow, mdse. for fair Grunts Pass Hdwe. Co., same G. II. Blnns, distributing fair bills Kogue River Courier, printing for county fair Jewell Hdwe. Co., mdse for county fair J. F. Galbralth, printing for fair Grants l'ass Hardware Co., mdse. for roads Grnnts l'ass Iron Works, game C. L. Harlow, same Ilogue River Water Co., ser vice for September Walter Hulbert. auto hire for roads Mrs,. Carl Gentner, same I-rank Johnston, same II. F. Hanks, meals for jurors Minnie L. Tuffs, grade exams. Cal.-Ore. Power Co., light and power for September Geo. Gebers, work on roads ... M. Waggoner, same John Johnson, same X. C. Hoynton, same John Fritz, same John Wlltrout, same M. A. Steward, same C. Hill, same J, W. Steward, same Fred Gilliam, same Wm. Steward, same Win. Light, same I'. J. Rush, same I. R. Rush, sanif 10. A. Ruthbone, same (). E. Harper, same Joe Russell, same M. M. Alnsworth, same F. L. Klncald. same Fred Hrockley, same J. T. Cook, same 1.00 H. Meek, same. 8.00 2.20 6.75 2.00 2.00 3.00 8.00 2.00 2.00 7.85 $ 1 2S4.60 .Vj 8 00 h 5.2o M 45.00 I" w l HI 117.35 I , - ;l A Wf " I m m I him ' ' I J 3.50 I' 1 ' r;"" 165.55 r, 11.05 12.00 lohn Meek, same Dan Osborn, same W. Osborn, same I). L. Roberts, same Sam Eggers, same J. L. Eggers, same Frank Stlwalt, same ('has. Reynolds, same W. Woodbury, same Ilert Woodbury, same Joe Sowell, same J. II. Kenl, same D. McClay. same Roy McCalllster, same W. II. Jordan, same G. II. Grlffln, same Paul E. Klrker. same II. Sutton, same C. T. Davidson, same Fills Davidson, same Lou Eades. same Frank Lawler, same J. M. Mc.Meeken, same Frank Allred, same Claude- Koyte. same II. T. Keyte, same Rid Drown, same Mack Fades, same Jas. Wilson, same J. Murphy, same Philip Hojns, same W. A. Mlckleson, same Andrew Johnson, same 10.70 90.40 10. 14.29 2.00 71.50 7.00 9.10 6.00 17.08 59. 0G 17.85 27.30 16.80 10.50 7.35 25.50 2.10 37.80 16.25 10.50 10.94 4.20 5.25 13.00 36.60 12,60 12.60 12.60 8.40 8.40 10.50 10.50 C.30 4.20 4.20 35.17 33.60 Ore. Cement rtewer Pipe & T Co., mdse for roads 80.40 'Jack Carter, same J. N. Johnston, stamps, tele- i II. E. Gale, same phone 6.95 Thurston Cnlp, same.. E. Frnnkuni. tending ferry ... 40.00 II. A. Woodford, same Pacific Tel. and Tel. Co., ser- Thos. Qutnn, same vice for September 28.40 D. C. Mclntyre, same t Xf. W. Tucker, wood for paup. 3.00 T. H. Elliott, same ... Arthur Conklln, office rent for Carl F.lllott, same September 8.00 O. Rimer, same Ida Cronk. care of pauper 12.00 Dan Wlltrout. same A. L. Edgerton. wood for sur- Robert Curtis, same veyor 10.75 .Tno. D. Kerr, same.. M. A. Emerson, freight for E. TV Kerr, same.... roads 1.85 i IT. McClung. same Crnmer Pros, mdse for court house 65 J. O. K. McCann, swue.. Anton Vara, same 2 4 14 ft i 4 8 7 14.70 32. UU 4.00 2.35 1.05 4.70 1.05 69.10 60. ou 65.55 5.3j 59.10 67.60 16.80 2.10 2.10 2.10 33.60 21.00 3.15 81.60 22.05 17.90 16.80 9.15 56.65 20.80 14.70 1ft. 50 36.20 S8.60 91.85 25.20 34.65 12.60 7.35 OVERCOATS Yes, Sir, we're riiht here to show you the hest looking, the best tailored, the most durable and the most stvlish garment at this moderate price that your monev ever boudit. $15 SUITS AND OVERCOATS ARE OUR EOBBY1 All the new Suit Models, all the Correct Over coat styles, tailored excellently from splendid fabrics. The best suits at this price you ever saw. TEST US ON OUR $15 SUITS OR OVERCOAT VALUES Us h Get the hhbit DAnlArc flnfh nrt in of Trading at If Men Wear It We Have It C i VOTE FOR YOUR CHOICE FOR CANDIDATES FOR THE CITY ELECTION FOR MAYOR. VOW TREASVKER FOR COUNCILMAN, FIR8T WARD FOR COUNCILMAN, SIXX)NO WARD VOW COUNCILMAN, THIRD WARD FOR COUNCILMAN, FOURTH WARD . Mall or leT this ballot at Courier oflk. Win. George, same F. Alastln, same Ike l.owdcu, same V. Davis, same K. (5. Kerr, same C. .Mahou, same Thos. Pollard, same J. 1). KHrr, same I. II. Ilogue, same V. K. Ilosue, same If. W. Parks, same W. D. George, same W. II. Wimer, same A. J. Fulk, same Geo. Hritton, same Geo. McCalllster, same George Thrasher, same Hay IlrlgKB, same Geo. S. Duncan, same Charles Hart, same Kd Hurke, same W. II. Pattlllo, same A. Ginle-r, same Geo. W. Lewis, same A. A. Porter, same Isaac Hod., sanie J. M. Tntricott, same 3. V. Smiih, same Uo'iert Duiilap, same It. A. Dean, same I. W. lles'on. same j. J. Perdue, same...' C. I). Anient, witness, circuit court Roland Dean, same Geo. Huvelin, same Samuel Stlnebatigh, same Tyrrel earner, same Kdwln Hohzeln, same lohn Green, same E. AlcLane, same I. C. Smith, same W. A. N'ewell, same Clarence messenger, same W. llanta, same II. Hanta, same W. M. Williams, same Mrs. W. M. Williams, same.... John Moore, same Mrs. May Danta, same Mrs. E. A. Hunter, same Agnes N'all, same Dolly Nail, same Mrs. llanseth, same Jack Hades, same L. F. Scott, same Elizabeth Galhraith, same ... O. W. Walton, same Mrs. Levi Scott, same Miss Jensen, same L. I.. PerMnH. same II. E. Christy, same Uird Slsson, same Earl Slsson, same E. Erlckson, same Cruris Elsman, same James Ilogue, same Grant Caughey, same Mrs. Caughey, same Elmer Hanscam, same Earl McCalllster, same Glen Howard, same Pert Lewis, same A. J. Klocker, same W. R. Whipple, same H. C. Dobzeln, mdse. for pauper Mrs. W. T. Perry, widow' pension Winnie "Russell, same Cclla Slagle. same Lnella Tryer, same Allena lone Walker, same C. L. Barlow, cash for paup. Grants Pass Lbr. Co., lumber for roads ,etc Leonard & Jennings, black smith for roads Rogue River Courier, print. Rogue River Hdwe. Co., mdso for roads, etc Minnie Ireland, registering voters E. J. 1.1ml. com. per diem ... C. L. Harlow, same W. W. Emu, registering voters Goo. Tycer, same Walter I'lxou, same Davis Ay era, same Frank Hart, same Glen Howard, same Jim Howard, same Phil Dessingcr, same Wm. Gllmoro. same Tom Floyd, s:mc Jim Criley, same It. M. Ynrbroui:h. same W. D. Hunt, same Ed Huike, same .' Geo. S. Duncui, s.uiu Thos. J. Pil.ikerhoff. road master W. C. Dears, work on roads 26, 18. 21, 13. ) 16. 2. 143. 72. 58. 87, 99. 58. 33. 33. 70. 48. 48. 3. 2. 12. 12. 12. 3. G. 12 3. 12. 12 4. 3. 1. 1 6 . 6 7 7 5 5 7 6 n a 5 6 n r. 28 1 1 1 10 1 ; 1 1 1 , 4 t 4 ; 4 I 4 I 4 ) 1 1 20 90 00 05 10 SO 40 62 GO 30 73 75 55 67 t0 88 90 20 15 62 00 00 00 00 00 no 00 00 00 00 00 .50 .50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 00 00 50 50 50 50 50 .50 00 .00 40 .30 20 .20 .50 .20 .70 ..10 .50 I .50 I 20 ; 50; 50 .50 40 40 .50 50 50 .50 .50 2.2? 35 17 10 10 20 7 00 .50 .00 .00 00 .00 408.23 2 326, 77.9S 13 32, 24 1. 3 3. 15. 15. 6. 6. 4 6. 16. 14. 47. 49. 24 63. 100. Thos. J. lirlnkernoff, expense road master 3.25 M. H. Waggoner, same 25.00 X. O. Hoynton, same 11.25 Robert Marsh, same 8.00 Con Fenner, same 63.00 Ed Chastain, same 26.00 Will Fenner, same 27.00 Martin Eddy, same 1.40 Smith Thomas Lumber Co., lumber for bridge 161.13 Maud Byrd, widow's pension 17.50 May Dooth, same 10.00 Annie Chamberlain, same 10.00 Adellna Close, same 10.00 Ellen Colwell, same 10.00 Annie Coffey, same 10.00 Julia Erlckson, same 5.00 Inez Mabel Ferguson, same ... 25.00 Xancy Glewltz, same 25.00 Mary Holland, same 24.00 Lincoln Savage, travel, exp. 50.V0 Lincoln Savage, exp. Institute 180.00 Savage Bros., lbr. for roads 19.00 fi. Swayze, plumbing at Co. home 10.85 Cramer Bros., powder, etc., for roads 17.10 O. M. Caldwell, plow handle for roads 2.50 D. S Cook, blacksmith for roads 10.60 E. L. Coburn, envelopes, frt., etc 103.43 Wimer Bros., mdse. for roads 4.25 David Vinyard. juror, circuit court 6.20 W. U. Hurst, same 17.20 Otto J. Knips, same 18.00 Harry Smith, same 15.00 G. G. Wentherwax, same 15.90 W. I. Sweetland. same 18.00 G. A. Savage, same 18.00 E. S. Veatch, same 18.00 T. F. Stlewig, same 17.60 James Oswald, same 15.00 Peter Plrzer, same 1 6.54 E. M. Light, same 19.60 W. R. Xipper, same 15.00 E. II. Lister, same 15.00 F. V. Stevenson, same 19.20 Geo. W. Meek, same 13.40 Wesley Jones, same 15.00 D. F. Newnham, same 19.20 II. W. Hudson, same 20.30 Frank E. Thompson, same.... 21.20 H. A. Woodford, same 4.20 T. J. Everton. same 4.00 J. II. Robinson, same 3.80 Walter Harmon, same 15.00 Cr. W. Wlnetrout, same 15.00 R. H. Gilfillan. refund of tax 2.50 J. C. Rnndle. Juror, circuit (Oiirt fi 00 .1. A. Prentiss, same 3.00 H. X. Parker, same 3.00 S. E. Isham, same fi.00 J. A. Hubbard, same 9."0 Geo. W. Kearns. same 12.00 E. T. McKlnstry. same 3.00 W. F. Hogne, witness, circuit court 1.50 Edith Hogne. same Chas. Hoene, same 1.50 Mrs. McCormlek, same 4.40 John Wise, same 4 40 Wiley McCormlek, same 4.40 A. T. Martin, same 4.40 Geo. Baer, same 4.40 Mrs. llaer, same 4.40 W. C. Henry, same 4.40 C. L. Dllllon, same 4.40 W. M. Richards, same 4.40 Thomas Ahern, same 4.40 Mrs. McKr. same 4.40 Mrs. Dllllon, same 4.40 Mrs. Broeg, same 4.40 Mr. Droeg. same 4.40 Glen Martin, same 3.00 John nialock, GArne 4.40 Francis Oshorn, same 4.40 H. W. Ritchie, same 4.40 Grant Orme, same 1.50 O. S. Drown, same 1.50 Marve Jordan, same 1.50 Mabel Darnellle, same 1.50 L. O. Parsons, same 4.40 Marve Jordan. Juror, grand Jury 6.00 A J. Klockpr. same fi.00 W. R. Whipple, same 6.00 C. E. WoolfolV. same fi.00 Xirhodemni Snow, same (5.00 W. 11. PoKok. same 7.40 II F. Ynnnf, sarn 6.00 M Simmon, .allowance for Sep'oniher snd August 12.00 Anni Cr.fTco. widow's pension 7.50 lr F M. Bonner, same 17.50 H II Allyn. Insurance prem ium 3400 W. C. Hlld"brandt. work on roads 75.40 i W. D. Hlldebrandt, Bame 30.45 E. li. Kerr, same 17.85 Verna McColm, same H-55 F. V. Humphrey, same 6.30 A. M. Ruttencutter, same 37.80 J. C. K. McCann, same 17.85 Dal Reynolds, same '. 15.75 II. C. Davis, same 4.20 Mary A. Triplett, witness, circuit court DIXIE RANCH ITEMS The grading and filling on the county road between the Red hill and the Thomas hill was completed last Veek, leaving the road in fine con dition. Rev. W. D. Vater and wife of Grants Pass were visitors at Dixie l ranch last Wednesday. I A picnic party consisting of the Misses Bertha and Minnie Spessard, j Anna May Thomas, Viola Birr and I Messrs. Lester Spessard and George ! Hood enjoyed themselves at a dinner j on Rogue river at Dixie last Sunday. Mr. Ingles of Grants Pass spent Wednesday afternoon at Dixie. Activity still runs riot on Dixie ranch. Last week a crew of ten men was busy baling a part of the first cutting of alfalfa. Teams are now engaged hauling it on short orders. The witches hold forth at Dixie school house seven miles west of Grants Pass on Saturday evening at 7:30. Quite a number of attractive ladles have consented to be present and Rive demonstrations In witch craft, a combination of the old and the new. They should be seen to ba appreciated. Another feature of the evening will be the box supper, the proceeds to be used to purchase a new school library. This will be worth all It costs and then soue. You are invited. John St. Clair, who has been visit ing his aunt, Mrs. H. E. Cooper, for the past month, returned last Wed nesday to Fresno, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jones of Mer lin spent Sunday on Dixie ranch, vis iting the family of Foreman H. E. Cooper. A foul and dastardly deed was com mitted a week and a half ago at the Dixie school house. The cause of this broad assertion was the Insulting of the United States flag by shooting the flag which graces the school house every day. This happened ! while school was In session, and the j perpetrator, not being satisfied with shooting at the pole and ball which adorns the top, took sereral Bhots at the flag. Among Crimea the mutilat ing of the United States flag is one of the most serious. The board of di rectors has taken It up and It now seems that the perpetrator will be apprehended shortly. All that is ne cessary at present Is the presence of the three hunters who were at that time only a short distance kom the place and can Identify the fellow. The people of this soctlon are greatly aroused over the matter and every means available will be taken to se cure conviction. NOTICE OF KSTHAY Notice is hereby given that one black and white spotted barrow hog, marked square crop off left ear, was taken up October 2, 1913, by il. M. Bartlett. Said hog will be offered for sale near the Bouth end of Rogue river bridge at 10 o'clock a. m. on .November 17, 1913, to satisfy the louts and damages, If the owner does not appear and claim property. J. C. RAXDLE, Constable. STRAYED There came to my place on Green's creek October 1, 1913, one black and white barrow hog, square crop off left 3-r. Owner can have same by Faying for advertising, posting no tices and other charges. H. M. BARTLETT. COUNTY, TREASURER'S CALL FOB ROAD LABOR WARRANTO All Josephine county road war rants (for labor), protested, up to and Including October 9, 1913, are hereby called In and payable at my office, and literest on the same wffl cease October 13, 1913. J. E. PETERSON, County Treasurer. SAYS CANADA ARRANGED REFUGK FOR GEN. DIAZ Vera Cruz., Oct. 29. The proprie tor of the German Hotel, where Dial was a guest before taking refuge In the United States consulate, summon ed before the local authorities ta give the details of his relations with the fugitive, swore that Americas Consul Canada made all the arrange ments for the general to live at the hotel on leaving the home of his brother-in-law, Rafael Alecolea. The hotel man added mournfully that Diaz and his two companloni left the hostelry 11,000 in debt for their entertainment there. Alecolea, it was learned only last night, hai been a fugitive since Sunday. He has been charged with flourishing a pis tol at one of the polling booths on election day, but was released latff on bond and took refuge with Gt- man Consul Gerz, who was still shel tering him today. It was believed he would be ut on board the kaiser'! cruiser Hertha and landed at som neutral port. REBELS SURROUXD MONTERREY Brownsville, Texas, Oct. 28. The rebels were concentrating about Mon terrey today, according to advices from the Mexican side of the border. Six hundred men under Generals Sanchez and Soyon were reported on their war from Matamoras to rein force the besiegers and the town's speedy fall was predicted. GRAND JURY F ROBES SLIN'GSBY BABY CAiS San Francisco, Oct. 28. Mrs. Kt tle Blaine, much wanted as a, witness before the grand Jurr in connectiom with the famous Slingsby baby ci was found at her home today by a subpoena server for District Attorney Fickert and promised to appear be fore the inquisitors this evening. Detectives had watched Mrs. Blaine's house all night, making re peated efforts to get In, but withoe the slightest response. By a terrific assault on the door they flntfr brought Mrs. Blaine, however, and at once arrested her for dlsregardlnl the grand Jury subpoena. On prom ising to appear, she was later released on her recognizance. Office stationery at the Courier.