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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1913)
I FRIDAY, OCTOBEKLiflia WEEKLY ROCI E RIVER COIR1EK Sew Hat FAGi; fTtfi Ar arriving eTy week at ,h M'MMOXS URAYE GHOSTS T D 11 . PERSONAL AXD LOCAL 4 R. L. Coe is at Portland oa a busi Bees trip. Mr. and MrB. Geo. H. Carner re turned Wednesday from their eastern trip. jtrg. Sarah Coon arrived Thursday morning from Portland to visit her (on, Leslie Coon. F. Gloeckner returned Thurs day from Roseburg and will be in the city during the sessions of the boys' conference. Mrs. Leo. Martin returned Thurs day to her home at San Francisco, after spending a montfc with ner par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith. Clayton Ryckman on Thursday went to Etna Mills, Cal., accompany jug his mother, who was on her way to that place accompanying the re mains of her uncle. Mrs. John Swinden left Thurs for Los Angeles to spend the winter with a daughter. She was accom panied by Mrs. C. S. Swinden, who will spend a few weeks in Los An geles. Lester Compton, who has been spending a few days with Rev. Doug las, left Thursday for his home at Albany. Mr. Compton has been look ing over the Kogue River valley with a view to locating. Harry Hull returned home Thurs day morning. He left here about two months ago for Corvallis, and after a short stay there went by boat to Los Angeles. He also visited at Long Beach and took In the Portola fes tival at San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wooley and two children left Wednesday morn ing for San Francisco, after spending the past seven months at the Red Cub mine down Rogue river near Agness. Mr. and Mrs. Randle J. Hood left Wednesday for their home at Los Angeles, after spending several weeks In Grants Pass and vicinity. Mrs. C. M. Mock and Mr. and Mrs. John Mock left Tuesday night for Silverton, expecting to spend the win ter, and possibly longer. K. K. Robinson left Wednesday for Eucene to spend the winter. Mrs. Robinson went to Eugene some time a?o. Constable McCormack of Merlin STAra 9 A. Prirpa it aid all npw ' -""cuve goods. " Bicycle U Found Ray Williams lost m y, , "'day night .Vt lcycIe Sat" The cit, n,,.,M irade 'or it. - 1. funcang ramily drove to Myrtle Creek Monday and expect to return Sunday. nacer and Grave teachers. Inez Williams and Isabella Duncan, attended teachers Institute this week. Miss Williams returned home Wednesday evening, but Miss Dun can went on to Myrtle Creek, where and traced the '""jne expects to visit friends, return- Attending Curtis Convention- i g for San Francisco to attend the invention of Pacific coast ge,t, 0 the Curtis Publishing Company Mr Bas er was for a year or two a epri not now n their employ. They however, desired him .itJ.: -tion the benefit of h, BU,,ce; ana h ! take part In the general debates. THOS. LKIT1I TO VISIT HIS OLD HOME Thomas Leith left Thursday nieht on a trip to his old home in the Ork ney Islands, in the north of Scotland Mr. Leith will visit his two sisters, aged 80 and. 78, whom he has not seen for 41 years, both of whom are in failing health. He had planned leaving here some weeks ago, but was detained on account of being drawn as a Juror in the federal court. Mr. Leith goes over the Canadian Pacific to Montreal, and there takes passage on the Manitoba, sailing up the St. Lawrence and thence to Liver pool. He will probably remain on the islands during the winter and may possibly remain away even longer, depending upon the condition of his sisters' health. ing home Sunday with Mrs. Duncan Mrs. E. Light spent Wednesday In Grants Pass. J- P. Duncan has sold the Grave Creek ranch to a dentist of Oregon City and expects to leave in the spring. We will be sorry to lose Mr. Duncan, who Is a valuable neighbor. John Devall and family motored to Placer Tuesday evening. We are sorry to report the illness of Dr. Williams at this writing. Mrs. A. Sutherland, of Chicago, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Anderson, left for her home Tuesday. George W. Speaker of Placer is spending a few days in Grants Pass. Election day will soon be here. Have you studied the questions care fully? That's what the men, who always know how to vote, ask the ladies, who are not supposed to know. Report has It that T. J. Mackln has leased his ranch for five years and that the new people are on the ground. We are always glad to wel come new neighbors to our commun ity. The new library for the Sunday school has been received and every one pronounces it most excellent. We have a lot to be thankful for In the weather line when we think of those easterners who are now receiv ing more than their share of rain, snow, etc., while we are having fine warm sunshiny days. KERRY MISS MITCHELL IS HKIDK George F. McLoughlin of Roseburg I and Miss Marian Mitchell of this city 'were married Thursday afternoon at ! 12:30 p. m. at the residence of th was in Grants Pass the fore part of, christian minister, Rev. I. H. Teel the week, having recently returned I officiating. Mr. McLon-rhlln is an from a trip to the Coos Bay country. employe of the Southern Pacific Rail Mr. McCormack says the railroad j way Company, and Miss Mitchell i work Is progressing rapidly and he0ne of the popular young ladies of and the citizens of that section be-j this city. The happy couple left at lleve the road is headed for the Rogue; 2:40 for a trip in California, river. The bed is standard gauge, ' V . . ! 1 J 1. 1 M i-J I jiFi"- raiia, hiiu wen uanaaieu. ifiifra'Y nivvrn mir -. rrTi Will be served earli Saturday and Sunday at the American restaurant. the Good Eats, opposite j city band stand, Orants Pass. Trices Harvey Buys Glendalo Hardware Lloyd Harvey has purchased the Andy Colvin hardware stock at Glen- dale and the business will hereafter 1 fnrmPrlv he Itnnwn aa tha TTnrvev Hardware.! Mr. Harvey has already taken over other meals as reasonable Clean the business and Mrs. Harvey and!'"" - " 'nn.fortab e b-ds for .0 little Alice went to Glendale Wednes-;-""' cents. Mrs. H. M. Parhnm , Prnn b-1 ,1-t I day morning. Mrs. Harvey was ac-,tr"!'- companled by her sister, Miss Frieda McColm. Dr. Dixon is erecting a Cne new residence in Kerby. The Melsner ranch has been sold j to a Portland party. ; Mr. Hill, wife and two daughters are enjoying camp life In the Illinois valley. The people of the Illinois valley congratulate the people of Grants iass upon their action In voting the railroad bonds. Graveling: the newly made roads will be finished tomorrow. Roads will b In fine condition for winter travel. The death of Mrs. Mary Warren on October 15 took from the Illinois valley one of Its oldest pioneers. Mrs. Warren had been a resident of Southern Oregon since 1871, and of Kerby since 1876. She came from Ireland 61 years ago, landing In New Orleans. Mrs. Warren leaves a son, W. F. Warren, of Kerby, and Mary rtrndy, Grants Pass, John Brady, Idaho, and Mrs. Kathrln Desfdnger, Kerb'', relatives. Grants pass druggist - HAS VALUABLE AGENCY Back From Crater Lake The National Drug Co. has the In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the Couuty of Josephine... Maggie E. Short and ) Charle E. Short, Plaintiffs. ) vs. ) Rogue River Irrigation audi Power Company, an Ore-) son Corporation; V. U.) Sherman. Christopher) Oiuann, R. E. Lee Steiner,) J. C. Riggs. A. N. Parsons.) Sam Baker. F. N. Berby.) il. A. Knoblauch. F. A.) Piene and Charlotte) Pierce, his wife, C. C.) Farmer, anj C. E. Fanner.) Defendants. ) To G. A. Knoblauch. O. C. Farmer, C. E. Farmer, and Christopher Oniann, four of the above named defendants: lu the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby sum moned nrd reouirci' to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause, on or before ten days from the date of service, upon being served muuin josepnme county, uregon, or If served within any other county within the State of Oregon, then within twenty dajs from the date of service thereof, or If served by pub lication then on or before the expira tion of six weeks from the date of first publication thereof; which date of first publication Is Friday, October 31st, 1913. and the last date of pub lication Is Friday, December 12th, 1913, and you are hereby notified that if yen fail to appear and answer the complaint within the time afore said the plaintiffs will apply to the nourt for the relief prayed for in the complaint, viz.: For a decree requiring the defend ants to set forth the nnture of their several claims, if any. and that all adverse claims of the defendants or anr rtf them be determined by a de cree of this court; That by said decree It 'nn Inplared and adjudged that the defendants nnd each of them have no Interest or estate In or to the lands, and premises described In the com-j plaint or any part thereof, and that the title of plaintiffs thereto be de-1 elded good nnd valid; and that the defendants nnd each of them be for-1 ever enjoined and bnrred from assert ing any clnlm whatever In and to said ! land and premises ndverse to the platntllfp and that the said agreement "v f"rth In said complaint lie In all r-Mpee's cnrcelled nnd annulled and ; for the further relief ns prayed for' In said complaint. This sunininn8 Is published hv the order of the Honorable F. M. Calkins, Jndno of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the First Judicial District, made nnd dated October Hth. 1!)13, rerpilrlnir publication thereof In the "Rocne River Courier," j n weekly newspaper published In; Josephine County. Orenon, for a period of six consecutive and succes sive weeks nnd the mnlllnpr of a copy of the summons together with certi fied copy of complaint, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the defendants at their last known address, as by law required. Dnfe of first publication October 31st. 1913. date of Inst publication December 12th, 1!)13. PVRJfAM & RICHARD, 1 Attorneys for Plaintiffs. IT'S GOING TO RAIN Whether on the farm, in town, or in the mine, the time has come when vou've jrot to begin to think of We't Weather Clothes. We'll show this year a fine line of these goods, and Ave want you to keep us in mind when you buy, as we'll save vou mo new THESE COATS SHED EVERYTHING BUT TEARS ! ! Don't make any difference how wet it gets, the Cravenette, Rub ber, or Slicker Coats we sell you will make good. The only place where teare will enter into this transaction are thoso shed by tho men who went some place else and didn't get the right quality. Our goods "make good," or wo do. "We handle men's Slicker Coats, Waterproof Pants, Hats,, Leggings, etc. Slicker Coats from $1.50 to $5. "Calhoun" prices and qualityThat simply means the Best for the least money. Geo. S. Calhoun Good Clothes for Men and Boys .v XOTICK OF SHFIUFF'S SAI.K XF.W HOPE Mr. and Mrs. Wynant spent Sun- Niel Allen and Geery Mccracken I Grants Pass agency . day with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wynant returned Wednesday from a trip to i a9 Adler-I-ka. the remedy, Mrs. Seyfert was In town Tuesday. Crater lake, having made the round hj'h bpt!,me famous by curing ap- Chester York and Miss Florence trip with team In less than a week. ! pen(1icitis. This simple remedy has i g at ,,The Mea They say that the snow which Wr ttith Mr and Mrs. c. c. Wy. In the Cascades a week a,o has J fVsTOXE DOSE re-nant. dlfappeared except on the norti ieve3 sour stomach, gas on the stom- Sleigh was a Grant3 Pass visit- H-i.e8, Dm mat we wwr . aim 'yTIpY. .pMon 0f 0r last week- has about ceased for the ?en?on. TnlM. . fX?" were at the lake Saturday and Sn- Adler-1-ka ismnj. day. The roads between Grant? Pass! pankg f Co,ir,er ofrIce nuu me iaKO are exceneui and ; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dutcher i family spent Saturday in town. j John McAllister r.nd Charley MM- I son went to ?e!ma on a hunting trip. ! Mr. and Mrs. Warner and daugh ter, Mabel, went to town Tuesday. j Mr. and Mrs.' Dert York were in j New Hope Sunday. I Mrs. H. 3. Wynant and caughter, Florence, went to town Wednesday afternoon. There arc None Better. Je Guar antee every "GARLAND" we sell to give Perfect Satisfaction. GARLAND RANGES . GARLAND COOK STOVES $9oto S27.SO CRAMER BROS. Odd FellowsBloct : t... v,trr 3 a rinM rue xeoi; w"" - WOLF CRKF.K ITEMS 1 1 Albert Tebbs, who spent two years at Wolf Creek, returning to Williams j port, Pa., at the solMtation of his father, fell from a tree there while ; picking apples, sustaining a com I pound fracture of tho verttbra. from , which injuries he died after two I weeks of lntenso Buffering. He leaves a wife and two children, the younger of whom was born here. Mr. Tebbs ' v.n a brother-in-law of Rev. W. G. . Smith. PoMiiiau'er Hull has meed into the Pinkerton 1 o;iRe, which has been unoccupied sine) its owner went to ; Minneapolis about a year ago. i Good crops of both dent and flint corn are being harvested here, and i the excellence of our corn fattened i pork Is gratifying to both producer and consumer. Office s'atinnerv at the C urier. In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for Josephine Conntv. Frank O. Zelirler. PlnlntirT.l vs. ) M. X. Peterson, it lias Martini Peterson. Defendant. 1 flv virtue n' nn execution, .1ndfT tnen' order, iitdemetit and order of sale issued out of the above entitled Court in the above entitled cause to me ilrord and dated ?fith, day of October". 1013. upon n judgment ren dered nnd entered In said Court on the T4th day of October. 1013. in favor of Frank O. Zeluler. plaintiff, nnd aealnst M. X. Peterson, alias Martin Peterson, defendant, for the sum of $"n.nn. with Interest from and after the 1st day of May. 1912, In his first cnuse of action, and for the sum of $3.rin.00, topether with In terest from and after tho 1st day of September, 1912, nnd tho further sum of $29.00 os costs, with Inter est from and after date of ludenient, and tho rostq of nnd upon this writ, commanding nie to make s;tle of the following described real property, to-wlf- SK'l nnd X". of SW'i. nn, the SK", of PW'i'. of Section 30, Town Kblp 39. South. Range R, West Wil lamette Meridian, Josephine County. Ore iron. Xow therefore bv virtue of paid exe cution, ludumont order, and order of sale .nnd In compliance with tbp com mands of Raid writ. T will on tho 29th day of Xoveniher, 1913, at 2 p. m . at the Fast Front Poor of th" Court House, In Grants Pass, Orecron. pell nt public auction (subject to redemp tion), to the hlehepf bidder for cash In hand, all the rlcht. title and In terest which the within named defend ant bad on the dav of July, the date of the attachment herein, or since that date had in and to tho above described property or any part thereof, to patisfy pnld execution. Judgment order and decree, interest, cos's and accruing costs. WILT, C. SMITH. Sheriff .Tosepblno County, Oregon. Dated this 2!Hh dav of October,, 1913. Fir-t publication the 3 1 pt day of ,tober. 1913. Date of last publl'":1 Ion the 25th day of November, 1913. potency and other offuiihes. Mayor Uolph, District Attorney Fickert and many other olllclals are among those summoned to testify. The commissioners finished a sim ilar Investigation but a short time ngo, a majority reporting that White was honest and efficient, while Com missioner Kuhl voiced the minority opinion that, though honest, he was Inefficient. ii:ii ui:i .max tiih st.xk ix golf (1 amu WILL DIIOP CASK AtJAIXST MIIS. HAND Dublin, Oct. 30. That the case,1 against Mrs. Luclle Rand, daughter' of ex-Governor Gage of, California, I charged with kidnaping, will be drop-' ped November 29, when It Is sche-i duled to come up again in the King-! ston police court, was practically ad mitted today. Mrs. Rand was In terested in finding homes for the children of striking Dublin transport! workers and It was said that the charge against her developed from the fear, on certain persons part, that the plans she had made for two boys of 14 would Interfere with their re ligious training. Portland, Oct. 29. II. Chandler Fgan of Medford, former national champion, and Harry D. Davla of Portland, teaming against the noted llrltlsh professional golfers, Harry Vardon and Edward Ray, won the morning round four-up. They played 18 holes this morning and are playing the same number this afternoon. Kgan and Davla played In wonderful form and their work waa compliment ed by the Britishers, who declared It was the best they had seen on the coast. ask i;mpi.ovi:u to makk sum: siu: was dkaw ban 1'rnnclHco, Oct. 28. I a note to her employer asking that he see that she was "real dead" be fore her body was burled, Miss Nancy Anderson, aged 22 years, a talloress, committed sulcldo in her room here today by gas asphyxiation. Martin Johnslud, the woman's employer, could assign no reason for her act. 100 W!TF.S?hI:S AfiUXST SAV FRANCISCO C MIFF San Francisco, Oct. 29. Nearly 100 witnesses will appear for and against Chief of Police O. A. White at his hearing before the police com missioners, beginning tonight, on charges of dereliction of duty, lnrom- Harley Davidson Motorcycle Models and Prices F. O. B. Factory Model 10-A-5 h.p., Single Cylinder "5-35" protected belt transmission, price $200 Model 10-B-5 h.p., Single Cylinder "5-35'' chain transmission, prioe $210 Model 10-C-5 h.p., Single Cylinder "5-35" chain transmission, equipped with two-speed, price $215 Model 10-E-8 h. p., Twin Cylinder, chain transmis sion, price $250 Model 10-F-8 h. p., Twin Cylinder, chain transmis- . sion, equipped with two-speed, price $285 I Jarl ey-Davidson sidecar, compiY'to with all fit tings to attach to any Uarlev-Davidsoii machine, and enameled to correspond, price $85. All Jlarley-Davidson motorcycles are equipped with magneto, Ful-lloteing siat, free wheel control, luggage carrier and folding foot board. 28x3 inch tires, standard. A postal to Albert Kinney Cass acent for Josephine County, Grants Pass, Oregon, will bring you illustrated catalogue.