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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1913)
FRIDAY, SEPT. 12, WEEKLY ROGl'E RIVER COURIER PAGE THRU The First National Bank Of Southern Oregon CAPITAL. SIRPLIS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS. $100,000 b.nkilgStr0,,g bnk' eqUlPled tohan,Ue:ranchj of commercial taTftir" Pa,d T"Ue De,H"iU- Y0UP afCUnt U WWX L. R. HALL, Pres,deot . G,LKEy J. C. CAMPBELL, Vice Pres. K HACKfc:TT, AM' Cashier. J. T. FRY, AtouB, Cashier. GRANTS PASS BANKING & TRUST CO. Capital. Surplus and Undivided Profits. - $61,500. SELLS DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN' DRAFTS DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. CONDUCTS A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. HUNTS SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES BUYS GOLD DUST OFFICERS AND D1HECTO.HS. Claus Schmidt, President. Mjirwlmll Hooper, Cashier Jas. T. Tuffs. (ieo. R. Riddle. Geo. P. Jextcr, Vice President. L. A. Lanner, Ass't Cashier. O. S. Blanchard. Herbert Smith. Opportunity is not bothered with the sex question. It only asks, "Can you grasp and hold me?" With every pusdng week ttonie one or more of our customers ure able to Kt'N an Opportunity for In vestment made possible through their business connections with thlj bank. You should bank here. JOSEPHINE COUNTY BANK T. It. CORNELL, President SAM H. BIKER, (ashler J. L. CALVERT, Vice Pres. GEO. R. DICKINSON, Asst Cashier. SAN FRANCISCO PLANS GHAND CANON AS BIG CELEBRATION, j MASONIC TEMPLE San Francisco, Calif., Sept. 8. A big celebration in San Francisco on September 2H, when the intervening wall in the Panama canal will be de stroyed and the waters from the Pa cific and Atlantic meet was arranged for here today when the Chamber of Commerce announced its plans. The beginning of the local demonstration will be timed to coincide with the removal of the dike in the big ditch. Secretary of the Navy Daniels has been asked to have as many warships in the harbor as possible. Prominent speakers will tell of what the canal means to San Francisco and Califor nia and special lessons will be given in the schools on what the opening of the canal will mean to the present generation and to posterity. ' Phoenix, Ariz., Sept. S. Starting i today and continuing tomorrow, Arl- zona Lodge, Xo. -, A. F. and A. M., j will use the Grand Canon of Arizona ' a3 a Masonic Temple in which will be conferred Masonic degrees on can Ididates of this jurisdiction. The Ap prentice decree was enacted at the bottom of the (anon at the foot of Bright Angel trail; the Fellowcraft ton the plateau half way up the trail; land the .Master Mason's degree at, ; Point Hopi. on the rim of the canon. TROPICAL EXPOSURE AFFECTS ( ANAL ENGINEER'S MIND. Baltimore, Sept. S. Apprehension is felt here today for Colonel David D. Halliard, a Panama canal engineer who suddenly left the Phillips' clin ic here, where he was under treat ment for mental disorders, brought on by tropical exposure in the canal zone. It was sId at the clinic that the colonel's nervous system was badly deranged, and that his condi tion had not improved. VISIT OF MEXICAN HAS NO SIGNIFICANCE. Washington. Sept. s. It was learned t the white house today that the forthcoming visit to this country of Manuel Zaniacona, former Mexi ( an ambassador here, will have no po litical significance. Ho will arrive this week. The reason for his trip is not known here. PRINCE OF -MONACO TO HUNT WITH BUFFALO BILL. VOLUNTEERS CLEAR HERRI OP HOT SPRIVGS EIRE. Hot Springs Ark.. Sept. v- -Volunteers to clear the s'ff,"N blocked by th debris "f ':-' fire, were called for tod iv. f.rb.uln a special inceMng of the ritv cnun. i'. summoned to consider the ;t" ';''! Relief funds. contribute 1 ''" ,,v er rkatisas i'ies. "ere vro-v There have been no d:"r !' ? Denver, Sept. V- Put out of busi ness as a showman, "Buffalo Bill" Cody will return to plainsman days here Sept 1", when be will start with I'rince Albert of Monaco on a hunt in the Kork-es of NY wiiii i ii g Cody's i barge is the reigning prime of Mon i u and nwner of Monte Carlo. WOMAN STRICKEN" INSANE DURING CHURCH SERVICE. San Francisco, Sept. 8. Little hope U entertained here today for the immediate recovery of Mrs. Rosa lind Goulding. who was suddenly ber eft of her senses as she sat in the choir of the Howard street Metho dist church here last night. The pastor, Rev. Dr. Carlos, had just concluded a prayer when Mrs. Goulding arose and began to disrobe before the startled congregation. Ushers rushed to the choir loft and finally quieted the woman. A mo ment later Mrs. Goulding again jumped to her feet and threw her wedding ring at the pastor. She was then removed to the hospital for observation. FRANCIS BURTON' HARRISON' EN ROUTE TO PHILIPPINES. San Francisco, Sept. 8. Francis Burton Harrison, newly appointed governor-general of the Philippines, bis wife and their four children ar rived here today from New York on their way to Manila. They will sail Wednesday on the steamer Man churia. Though admitting that he had partly planned his administrative policy, Harrison refused to discuss it. "I have a general idea of Philip pine conditions," he said, "but can not say what I intend to do until I arrive on the ground and study the situation." MILLIONAIRE IHXBV NOT TO APPEAR AT TRIAL. Los Angeles, Sept. S. Sensation seekers are doomed to disappoint ment in the trial of George H. Bixby, multi-millionaire of Long Reach, who is charged with contributing to the delinquency of minor girls, according to reports here today. It is said that Ilixby will not appear personally In court except to Identify witnesses. The offense with which he is charged Is a misdemeanor, and under the law his presence in court Is not demanded. PEooiil ssiVES PLAN' FOR 101 I CAMPAIGN. Detroit, .Mich., Sept. S. Progres sive party leaders from all over Mich igan gathered today on Hols Blanc island in the Detroit river to lay plans for a vigorous 1 1 1 4 state cam paign. While the party chieftains 1. 1 Ike, politics and ways and means, the rank and file of Detroit and Wayne county Hull .Moose rs headed for the famous river park for the an nual outing. The entertainment part of the program today was In the hands of the Wayne County Progressive club. Victor Murdock and Albert J. lieveridge were on the program for the only political speeches of the day. FRANK MOHAN TO FIGHT JACK JOHNSON IN PARIS. New York, Sept. N. Heartened by his recent knockout of Al Palzer, Frank Moran of Pittsburg is to try for bigger game, and w ill tackle Jack Johnson In Paris next December. Dan McKettrick. Moran's manager, com pleted arrangements for the bout to day when Leon Zeis, for Johnson, formally accepted terms. The exact date has not yet been fixed. ONE KILLED WHEN I.OGGING TRAINS COLLIDE. Aberdeen. Wash., Sept. S. I it a col lision of logging trains on the Coats Fordney lagging railway today, Sid ney Chinn. 110. was killed, and Frank Dyers, 3.1, had a foot cut off and also suffered Internal injuries, which may prove fatal. The men were riding on the platform of one of the engines. TRAVELER TOLD TO SEE GRANT'S PASS FIRST Herman J. Siedeman, ot Helena, Moutana, arrived in the city on No. 13 Tuesday morning, though his stop here was not ot his own voll tiou, the Southern Pacific conductor having iusisted that he "see Grants Pass first" regardless of the fact that his ticket read through to Gold urn mil. Mr. Siedeman had purchased his ticket it Albany tor Gold Hill, and Via aora that h a w. .t lIKanv ' to take No. 13. This train Is not sc heduled to stop at Gold Hill, and when the stop was made at Grants Pass the conductor told the traveler that he would have to get off. Siede man objected, and told the train men that he would have to be put off If he left the train, before arriving at the point to which he had been sold a ticket. The trainmen set Sledman's baggage off here, and the owner followed, and now he threat ens to bring the wrath of the law against the great corporation, and ay that he will bring suit for dam ages and foi being ejected from a train before reaching his destina tion. Siedeman left for Gold Hill on the afternoon train, but he said that be had enjoyed his stay In Grants Pass even if It had l)Pn an enforced one, and that he was coming back. sffitl "Cosy Comfort" Window jYT jvy I'8 chock-full of brand new ideas Vl I for a warm bed on a chilly night, ill ill If There's a tempting display of jtj-j M PLOTTING TO KIDNAP THAW FROM CANADA. Maish Cotton Down Comforts that are unquestionably the greatest values you ever saw in the Comfort line. They're actually twice as warm and twice as thick as any cotton comfort of equal weight. That's because they're filled with sanitary, pure-white, finely-curled cotton, woven into a single layer of the comfort's depth, instead of being filled with lifeless cotton as most ordinary comforts are. MA ISi I COMFORTS last longer and wear best; will stand years of service, and harbor no odor or germs. In Muisilk, Maisaline, and Maisatecn in many hand some patterns and shades in the standard si-ci. A. M. McFarland INVESTIGATE STARCH MAKING IN OREGON. Montreal, Sept. 8. A plot to kid nap Harry K. Thaw and hide him in the northern Vermont woods until he could be smuggled from the country was revealed here today by persons who discussed the plan openly wlfh the newspaper reporters. Two hun dred lumbermen, It was stated, actu ally assembled last Friday at Norton Mills, Vt., where it was expected Thaw would be put across the bor der, iu readiness to kidnap him from the authorities. Coaticook, Quebec, Sept. 8. W. T. Jerome arrived here today from Mon treal. He will be tried this afternoon by Judge Mulveen of Sherbrooke on a charge of gambling. Harry K. Thaw, the fugitive from Matteawan, is still here. Feeling here Is decidedly against Jerome but Coaticook officials ridicule reports that the attorney Is likely to be at tacked. Jerome last night asked the crown prosecutor to try him today instead of Sept. 11, the date originally set for the trial. Hundreds of farmers have come to town for the trial and the courtroom was packed long before the hour set for the case to be called. Jerome expects to be speedily dis charged. A guard of constables met Jerome at the station and escorted him to tho hotel. S. W. Jacobs, who will act as Jer inie's counsel, accompanied hint from Montreal. The attorney represent ing Mil ford Aldridge. the man who preferred the charge against Jerome is quoted as saying that tho act ( barged against Jerome Is not an of fense under the laws of Canada. NEW VORK FACES "SCHOOL SHORTAGE." "RIG TIM" Sl'LLIVAN, DEMENTED, II AS ESCAPED. New York, Sept. 9. Grave appre hension is felt here today for tho safety of "Illg Tim" Sullivan, who eluded guards ut the home of his brother Pntrlck, a week ago and dis appeared. Sullivan had only $1 In his pocket and It Is feared he will not be found alive. He suffered a physi cal and mental breakdown several months ago and despite a trip abroad and the work of specialists, his condi tion remained unchanged. Caught n Had Cold. "Last winter my son caught a very bad cold and the way he roughed was something dreadful," writes Mrs. Sarah E. Duncan, of Tipton, Iowa. "We thought sure he was going Into consumption. We bought Just one bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy and that one bottle stopped his cough and cured his cold complete ly." For sale by all dealers. KESl ME PRELIMINARY HEARING OF WILLAJID. Los Angeles, Sept. ! . With Coun ty Autopsy Surgeon Malsch on tha witness stand, the preliminary bear lug ot Jess Wlllard and eleven oth ers charged with second degree mur der In connection with the death of "Dull" Young following a boxing match, was resumed today. Attorney Rogors, for the defense, announced that after Dr. Malsch concludes hU testimony, witnesses will be intro duced to testify that the Wlllard Young contest was a boxing contest under tho strictest Interpretation of the state law. ANOTHER AVIATOR GONE. Merlin, Sept. 9. Aviator Ringer was Instantly killed at Johanncsthal Held today when his aeroplane drop ped from nn altitude of fiOO fent. New York, Sept. S. Mecauso of In adequate facilities New Y'ork City of ficials today were forced to order 100. (KM) pupils to attend "half time" classes. Figures today were based for the calculation that this year's en rollment In all five boroughs of Great er New York will exceed 600,000, the greatest in the history of the local public school system. FREE F1HLEE 4 BOTTLE MILK TESTER 30-Lb. MILK SCALES Free to the Best Milk Cows Tbo C. A. Wltietioiit Implement Co. will give n four bottlo milk toMr to (lie liiglieht scoring milk cow and JIO pound milk Hcales to the next highlit woiing cow in tbo milk cow con tcM at (be JoNcphlnn County fair. C. A. Winetrout Co. WHY WOMEN SI I I EH. Many Grunt Piinh Women are Learn ing the Cause, Portland. Sept. 8. To secure data on the potato industry in Oregon to use in a government bulletin on the possibilities for starch and glucose manufacture In the Pacific coast ountry. Charles O. Moore, special representative of the department of a -rlctilture, arrived in Portland to dav and begun his inquiries. He c per to lnnvo for Pan Fran'Mo to night, to return to Portland later an 1 pursue a mor detailed Investigation. I l l VAT Ut I N ION MEETS. There are now no starch or ?!u- u f.-irfnrleq on tMs enast. I'e-rc'i'. Mi' !).. ?ept. S. With del I ,.u:it, - present from all over the roun i t rv. the Irte! rit iniial I'nion of Ele- rj.! o ,,;. :.t bere in !av in 1 .i , ;r :inv ,1 ' otive!ttrt. Ii.s-'-mina-tinn nf propa-H!'!'i to Increase the , .v...t.rsi'.ip was b import .int inv- ,.r , i.-i-Hered today. Salem, Ohio, sUpt. s - Disappoint ed over his Inabllltv fo niarrv on ae. on,, ,.9 t.n.ilV, Ofin. r.n n.w.l j ' " 1 1 j i y I Mil ,,"! II . '.-"-II T (' , ,,-'- today bnf and killed Ida Lee, !r?H 1. and then killed himself. I Both w-pre pupil In th" hich school I here Women often suffer, not knowing tho cause. liackai he, headache, di.zlness, nervousness. Irremilar urinary passages weak ness, langotir- Eacli a torture of Itself. Together hint at weakened kid neys. Strike ;it the root ;et to the cause. N'o other remedy mure hi-hly en dorsed than Moan's Kidney Pills. lieioiii mended Ia thousands - Endorsed boine. Here's cunvliii ln.- te-i inioiiy Iroi i a (Irants I';iss citieii. Mrs. M. Sliattmk. :!i;i Wen' I St . (Irants Pas-. Ore., savs: "About a year a no khltiev trouble r.une on me. .My bar I- ;n bed arid tuy I blue? bothered ice ;i yood il'iil I was ad vised to t rv Moan's KMnev Pills and I took three boves 'I bey eured Hie. The trouble has never returned and I feel anfo In f a Id t: that the cure Is permanent" For sale tiv all de i'er I'r! ens Eos'er-Mllbnrn Co.. Ituffnlo. New York, sole a-'etitu fur the i'nlt ed State. Remember the name Moan's and take no other. FLYING MERKEL Motorcycles A. K. CASS Agent for Josephine County REGISTER Ell Holstein-Fricsian Bull SIR NAT I LA KORNHVKE A I,' ART A A fine straight Individual, well marked and combining the Mood of some of the very greatest producing families of the breed It would be difficult to improve upon his breeding and In dividuality. Twelvo of his fifteen nearest dams have official records aver aging '-'.'..Si pounds butter In seven days He has four slaters that averago 3t.'J2 lbs. butter for seven days, and one of these has a yearlv butter record of I. "90 lbs , on which she was awarded first prize by the Ilolsteln Frleslan association of Arnerb a. Hacked by siifli producMon he cannot fall to make a valuable sire. Stand at R. S. Muhlberg d, Murphy, Ore, Service I'le IloLnrt.