FRIDAY, SEPT. 12, 1013. I'AGL TWO WEEKLY KOGIE RIVER COl'RIEK John Summers (peat Sunday in Ashland. A. L. Bate went to Ashland Mon day on business. R. L. Coe made a business trip to Asbland Monday. Harry Lewis ot Galice was in the city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shadburn left Monday for Oakland, Cal. Mrs. V. T. Coburn of Glendale is visiting in the city. Mrs. M. A. Baldwin and daughter, Miss Baldwin, of Glendale are visit ing Mrs. Hattie Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Coburn spent Bunday with the former's parents at Clendalo. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. White arrived kere Sunday, coming from Weed, Cal., by automobile. Miss Jessie Maa'ln made a trip to Medford Monday. Mrs. Carl Marks of Eugene is vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodklnson. Miss Maude Dulibon left Sunday lor Centralla, Wash., to visit for a few weeks. Mrs. T. McCurdy, who has been pending some tlmo with her sister, Mrs. Wagner, has returned to ber borne at Portland. Miss Iewls of New York City, who bas been teaching at the University of Oregon during the past year, is pending the week with her cousin, Mr. II. P. Tracy. Mrs. C. C. Daugherty, who has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. O. H. Bernard, has left for her home at Dallas, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pettlnger and on, who have spent the past yoar in Los Angelcfi. have returned to ("Iran's Pass, arriving Monday. PROFESSIONAL CARDS M. C. FINDLEY, M. D Practice limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT Glasses fitted and furnished. Office hours 9 to 12, 2 to , and by appointment. Phones 62 and 166. OHANTS VASTS. ORKGOV V. L. DIMMICK, D. M. D. DENTIST Coiner 6th oud 0 Sts Ptioue C03-J Crown, Bridge Work and Fillings of All Kinds, a Specialty. Ofllce Hours, 9 to 12 a. in.: 1 to 5 p. m. All Work Positively Guaranteed. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. E. 0. MACEY, D. M. D. DENTIST Successor to Dixon Bros., Dentists. First-claBs Work. 109H South Slxih, Grants Pass, Ore. H. D. NORTON, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Practlie In all State ai.d Federal Courts. Ofllce, Opera House Block. C .11. Clements V. A. CleimnU CLEMENTS & CLEMENTS Attorneys arid Counselors at Law. Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Offices Scliallhnrn Hninilnur. J. D. WURTZBAUGH Attorney am Conns, lor at Law Notary Ptil. he in Ofllee. Ollke lu Howard Block. Phone 66-J GRANTS PASS OKEGON. D.L.JOHNSTON ASSAY KR North Stairway, GRANTS PASS, OREGON. Rooms ( and 7. Opera House Block. il.II.BINNS i:i.tnl.: !r! 19 Years. f7 E St., opposite Colonial Hotel GK NTS PASS. OUEGON. HERBERT SMITH, CMTl'D STATES LAM i COMMISSIONER Notary Public G K ANTS PASS, OUKGON. DR. W. W. ILLSLEY OSTEOPATHIC PH Ml I . Ofll e - Rooms -01 and :'. V.bort lUdg . Grants Pai, Ore. llcuirs-9-11 : :-5. Ed. Daily of Kwby was in the city this week. Mrs. J. H. Ablf went to Roseburg Tuesday on business. Frank South returned Sunday from a two week's bunting trip in the Williams country. C. H. Baldwin returned to Med ford Tuesday after spending a week or more on bis place near the city. Glen Provoit and Elery Stone of Provolt left Tuesday morning for Pend! ton to attend the Round-Up. Mrs. Anna Doak and family of Williams left Tuesday for Klamath Falls to reside. Mr. Doak will go to Klamath soon. Mrs. Richard Sauer and four chil dren of Brook, Alberta, arrived Sun- jday to spend the winter with Mrs. ISfllir.r'a fmranta t r nnrt tr P Cm IefTeriion. Mrs. W. A. Leonard and daughter, Mies YVllla, who have spent a few days with Mrs. Leonard's brother, E. E. Dunbar, left Tuesday for their home at Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Warren of Salmon Arm, II. C, who have spent several weeks with Mr. Warren's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Warren, left for their h,ome Monday night. Maggie Dunuire of Wonder went to Glendale Tuesday to visit a slater. Miss Marion Rlchey, who has been ill In the city for the past two weeks, left Monday night for Portland. A. H. Cornell went to Ashland to day on business. , Dorothy Chausse, who has been speiidjng the summer with her grandparents, Mr. and .Mrs. G. W. Colvig, left Tuesday for her home at Portland. .Mrs. Kohn and daughter of Like view, who have been visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Short, for the past week, went to Roseburg Tuesday to visit. Wheeler Osborn, the Grants Pass pitcher with Pendleton, in the Western Trl-State Baseball league, returned here today. .1. II. Ilariiion of Los Gatos, Cal., who has been visit im; relatives in the Willamette valley, stopped off her- a few days to visit the Walter '' : 'rii and C. V. llailev families, leaving for home Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Fry, of Salem, arrived In the city Tuesday, expect ing to make Grunts Pass their home. Mr. Fry Is the district manager of the Royal Highlanders. A. C. Epperly and C. F. Foss of Placer' were In the city Monday on business connected with the Colum bia Mines property, In which they are both Interested. Mr. Epperly has taken n leaso on the mine and will operate the Columbia during the coming season, and Mr. Fobs will be a farmer for n year at least. Injured H lien Bicycle Collide O. W. Thomas Is laid up at his home at S05 N. 10th as the result of a Saturday night bicycle collision with another rider on A street. Thomas was thrown to the ground and severely bruised In one hip, though the doctor thinks the bones wer not broken. Buys Stiiiolmiigh Chicken Hunch J. K. Hair, who has been associat ed with J. D. Stinebaugh in the con duct of the Stinebaugh chicken ranch west of town, has purchased the personal interests of the latter, and will hereafter conduct the es tablishment. K. S. Veatch has been engaged to manage the chicken in dustry, and will remove to the prop erty, Mr. Stinebaugh to remove Into the city. Councilman llvortoii R"igis W. E. llvtrton, councilman from tho 4th ward of the city, has filed his resignation of the office with tho city auditor, the resignation to take t flVi't "at oin o " If will come tip for action at the next session of the cour.i I! Mr. Kverton states that he iisi.'tiw lnvaiise he does not approve tho lotion of his colleagues In meth ods employed in tho railroad mat ters. Jci' liiiie Pioneer Mead 't'he body of tleoruo liriges, aged .iboiit -a'. was brought to Giants Pass Saturday morning from S.iieiu ,md u ;h taken to Kerby for M.'inicut (leon;o Hriggs was a pio-iier, cousin-: to Josephine county :u 1 v 0 will; his parents and five brothers and sisters, by way of the Isthmus and Crescent City. The i'i v 'en', up a donation c laim near Ki t be , where George, who dl,( not marry, lived until two months be fore bis death when he was taken to a hospital at Salem. whir be died. He leaves a sister, Mrs. Libby Thompson, the only Hurvivo- of the six children David Prises, anoth er brother, d'el only a fw month ago. COMMISSIOXEIW AUTHORIZE KOAD IMPROVEMENT. The county commissioners have au thorized the improvement of stretch es in the county roads that needed repair before the winter weather sets in, and work upon it will commence at once under direction of Road Su pervisor BrinkerhoCt. The directors of the Good Roads astoc iation waited upon the commissioners Wednesday, calling attention to numerous places that could be made much better with little expense, aud these are included In the road to be improved, the es timated cost of all the work being 1 1:000. The Improvement will con sist in the gravelling and hard sur facing of stretches that have already been graded. These dirt roads are excellent during tho summer, but with the rains of winter would be come soft and difficult for auto trav el, and the object of the association was to make the road good enough that through travelers who desire to take the Crescent City-Eureka route need not hesitate because of the char acter of the highway. A stretch of road on Slate creek will be the big gebt piece of improvement undertak en, the estimate of cost for gravelling that being $.",500. The road between Waldo and Kerby will also be Im proved, as will three-fourths of a mile of the Holland road. These are the only bad places on the Josephine county end of the Crescent City road, an, with their improvement the road will be in perfect condition. Other road work authorized by the commissioners Include a piece on the Williams valley road and three fourths of a mile on the Oalice road below Merlin. Mr. Brlnkerhoff will start work without delay, and will have all tho gravelling done before the fall rains. PEHXOLL IS RELEASED BV OAKLAND TEAM. Oakland, Cal., Sept. tl. The Oak laud Club of the Paejlle Coast league today handed Pitcher "Hub" Pernoll and Outfielder Schrlin their iimxin ditional releases. Peiiioll's finish came yesterday when the Portland Heavers made si runs off his deliv ery in the ninth Inning, and Si h rim failed to show the form exported 0f him. ilmer shank is acoiitted by .11 ry. (From Mondays Daily.) A jury in the circuit court today has held that Elmer Shank was not guilty of the charge of obtuining property under false pietenses, upon which he was recently indicted by the grand jury in this county. Tho complaint against Shank al leged that he hud taken a wagon from Bird Sissou, of the "Dollar" ranch, the value of which, $25 was to be applied ou a noto given him by Sissou, but which note it was alleged that Shan! bad sold and had failed to give Sibson due credit for the value of the wagon. The jury was out but a abort time when it returned the verdict of acquittal. This afternoon Harry llanta charged with having attempted to as sault Elizabeth Galbraitu at the hit ter's homestead near Kerby, is on trial before a jury. After hearing the evidence in the case the judge instructed the jury to lincl a verdict of uciiuittal for Mr. Shank, and the verdict was return ed without the jury leaving the jury box. in i i:i;i:sii(; mi;i:hn; of LUMPS' U XI I.I I!Y. if the first uu'c'l iiiu of the aui!- iary held Saturday those to follow d, no member aiiseut from a sin: new president, Mrs is a criterion ! iin the cotniim an attord to be :le session. ''lie I'otiUui, i'l- auuurated, and ti message" contained pics soicw sp dent- endi.l ie.itures w hh li appealed to t he Mesdames Sabin and 1 lobar' l:a, pt otram iu i har.'.c, responses t, can iieing vacation remmisc Mrs. McKi'dion read a beaut;:' position of the ' HeaM of the 'IPCS. ;! c-Wo- man Movement," ;; mp a! :i uip Ih-I's. i Mrs. ITio't, and ' and de;i.;t.'f ni' s b-et ;i: i ' e, .c 1 M s 1'. i.rl o aih ; c.'ive. tll.o. were el; and both tr'ciousi i ponded to e! i Ol'c Hotb tho assembly ro m ami t'.. toa room at the Comir.cTlal club were chartvlil, de.-orated for the occasion, asteis in whPe p".-; 'c ;ir, pink helnj 1nv!h'.v use.t Mc.!:tn . s T,. and Abert Coe. T! A v. mer nrtd N V t esses, dls'.ei'sed 1 wsfers Voir 1 ... which a:"o:i'4 etb. the Tie: p ectin- : OW T 'T' .1 .1: ,nd h, fW , d a c'r ' v CP, el CITY BILLS PAID. At the regular meeting of the city council on Thursday evening the finance committee reported favor ably on the following claims against the city and on motion seconded and carried said report was adopted and warrants ordered drawn on the treasurer for the several amounts: Bert Kluyon, police Dept 2.50 F. O. Wilcox, street Dept 8.00 W. W. Wilcox, street Dept.... 65. Ou Luke Lilly, street Dept 65.00 S. A. Wyble, police Dept.... 77.50 Walter Moore, police Dept 52.50 W. S. Maxwell, Police Dept.... 70.00 Mrs. L. L. Perkins, janitor.... 15.00 S. S. Patton, street cleaning.. 65.00 Cramer Bros., supplies 5.5 u F. B. Olding, gasoline 3.00 Rogue River Hdw. Co., sup plies G. M. Caldwell, repairs 7.35 7.85 J. F. Campbell, labor L8.40 P. P. Proctor, printing 2.25 West. Pnlon Tel. Co., tele grams 3.40 Oregon Gas & Elec. Co., Gas 3.90 G. B. Bristow, advances 2.15 Grants Pass Fire Dept., alarms , 36.25 Henry Croissant, labor 17." Henry Moore, teaming 6.00 Cramer Bros., supplies 1(1.110 Oliver Messinger, labor 23.25 J. H. Laybourn, labor 16.S-" Grants Pass Hdw. Co., sup plies 1.45 I Grants Pass Lbr. Co., sup- idles 2.50 J. J. Perry, team hire 1 2.50 Cramer Bros., supplies 10.15 Cal. Oregon Tower Co., lights and power 39:1. 4:1 Williams Garage, bicycle 55.50 V. P. Counts & Son, feed 79.65 Rogue Riv. Water Co., water 1.09 Golden Rule Store, supplies... 1.00 Rogue Riv. Water Co., vater227.7?; follow ! raids o los angeles i.t nl Loh AngeliM, Sept. S. Forty-five men are in jail here today waiting to answer gambling charges, following a I series of poli e raids on half a dozen i "clubs" late Saturday and early Sun day. Almost as many were released on bail of $5on each following their arrest. I Steady st l earns of women and chil dren, many bearing flowers and ba's , kets of lunch, nave the jail the gen eral appearance of a picnic ground. They were bringing Sunday dinners to unavoidably-detained husbands and fathers. PLAN FOR TIIIRH TRIAL OF DR. RVDE. Kansas City, Sept. 6. Action on a motion to bring Dr. B. C. Hyde to trial for a third time for the alleged murder of Colonel Thomas Swope, a millionaire philanthropist here, was, I postponed today to January 15. I Hyde's two former trials resulted in j 'disagreements. J j Philadelphia, Sept. 'J. Amid cut- HEARTBBEAKER IN JAIL , -11b and other rest-disturbing howls. IS WRITING MELODRAMA, i the annual convention of the Concat- ! .enated Order of Hoo I loos, an associ- Portlaud, Sept. s. To while away iation of foresters, newspaper men. ;the time, E. C. Vou Klein, the de- ' lumbermen and railroad men, open bouair heart wrecker, held in the ed their annual session here today, county jail charged with marrying ! The meetings will continue three Ethel Newconib polybamotisly aud days. There were representatives s'taliiig her diamonds, is today writ- from all over the country. Addresses iug the outlines of a melodrama of welcome were delivered by Mayor VMiidi will deal with his own exper- Hlaiikenburg and Edward S. West of li ne t i siic e his arrest iu Chicago the local chapter. Only members of Ap:l ii, and the cast of characters chapters In the eastern Pennsylvania v. iin hide e,ry one with w hom he district took part in today's sessions has eiune in contact during that tune, and either tomorrow or Thursday lie title wj'l bo "Food for Retlec- ' delegates will be named to go to the t' national convention at St. Louis Inter The Ht-st so-iie is laid in the Con-'Hiis month. The official emblem of ? hotel. I'hicauo. and the meet- Hie order is n black cut The iaiti . , ':!; Et!..I Neuoomb which cul- at ion fee is JO. Oft and annual dues initialed in his arrest as her long lost nrt' cents. The membership is hu d anj and purlolner of her dia- limited to "O.'inn. is ,es' ribed. Von K e n was tried once en the Pianlioea OnicKly Cured. ''c;-, ,: s'...,'.tu- l:ss Xewcon.h-s "i w;,s taken with diarrhoea and ,!;" .'ury disagreed. 'Mr. York?, the mere hant here, per- isuaded me to try a bottle of Cham- I'lil MIH'M'S DAI t.HTEl: M I I PS IX LITER BERTH. W mdsor. Vt.. Sept. S. Admira ' oii lor tiie chivairy of American I ' 11 ,s :l'e P. iii 'l.i'U i:'. ' .t'le d 'e h, ! , Ni A Vo! ;iM.y tempered today la M'.ss Kleai.or WLfoll, ihe 1'iesidciit. wlio re t'.oin a week end visit ". i s. Geiirge Howe of ea reserved a berth In -t- r day ielt found only I s w i ' e c i f- -tl.'.ltv I be train con 1 ic- - s ed :,',' ;hn 1 . ,t !1 "s t " i c ha in o w it h M is :: 4 v on-' and all tefused. The s d.r,;-: .-. v n climbed '' s : id.!.,- ; I'd !, ; t ;, ,..t;ht t pir Jgfjj Botttm tyction; Solid Brttck; Hammtrltu; Saft FXv?;.t'2lVM V HATS the use of a repeating gun that I W throws win. fell ington Bottom Ejection Pump Gun the only gun its kind on the market, and used by thousands gunners all over the country. Solid Breech, Hammerless. Perfectly Balanced. WtA Three Inbuilt Safety Devices accidental dis charge impossible. Simple Take-Down a quar ter turn of the barrel, without tools. Find ihe aealer who ii latin llie lead in arm and ammunition. H iKcin'im in Rrmina-ion'LMC tha Ce'to i hooting combination, and nioal advanced thing nown to In hootinf liaieiniqr. P.cmin(too Arms-l'nion Metullic Cartridge Co. l Broadway 9 New York wu . mi FIFTY-RECOXD AXXTAL Oregon State Fair SLF.M. SKIT. 2D-OCT. 4, 11)13. A Whole Week of Pleasure and Profit $110,000 OFF F.I IF. I) IX PHK.MIIMS. On Agricultural, Livestock, Poultry, Textile and Other Exhibits. I Horse Race, Shooting Tournament, Fireworks, Band Conceits, Eugenics Exposition, Children's Play ground and other Free Attractions, including Boyd and Ogle's One Ring Circus. lYee Camp Grounds. You are invited. Send for Premium List and Entry Blanks. Reduced rates on all railroad. For Particulars address FRANK MF.RKHITH, Secretary, Salem, Oregon. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES A. R. CASS Agent for Josephine County " CONCATENATED ORDER F IIOO IIOOS Ml FT. ! ! borlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. After taking one (lose of it I was cured. It also cured others that I gave It ot," writes M. K. Gebhart. Oriole, Pn. That is not at all unusual. An ordinary a'ta' k of diarrhoea an almost invariable I bo cured by' one or two doses of this remedy. For Pa'o by ! dealers. Till! EE KILLED WH EX EARTH PIT CAYI S. East Liverpool. O, S(pt. 9. Five men we-e evnml.od in n pit hrro todav 'vpon the- car' losed abo'it ht three of hf"i wrro killed, pert Kerr and Georcn Mann were rescued. Both were badly Injured. The oth er three hnve rw born found. pA Htminjlen Cukj kaj a it the shells, smoke and gases in the way of your aim? That's the ques tion that started us worlcine on the Rem LABOR ( OXVEXTIOX AT UTICA. I'tiea, X. Y., Sept. 9. Only those w ho could show union labor labels on thirteen articles of clothing were ad mitted to the Sttae Workmen's Fed eration of Labor which opened here today. The necessary credentials were: Hatters' label on hat, cap makers' label on cap or cloth hat. textile workers' label on linen and neckwear, garment workers' label on collars, vest, coat, trousers and shirt; American Federation of Labor's la bel on suspenders and neckwear. FIITI1EX PERSOXS INJURED IX OHIO TRAIN' WRECK. Indianapolis, Sept. 9. Fifteen persons were injured in a train wreck on the Pennsylvania railroad, near Wylie, Ohio, at noon today, ac cording to dispatches to the Penn sylvania offices here. The all-steel cars, it was stated, saved many lives. HlSIXEfcS POINTERS. Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Surgeon. J. B. Peterson, Pioneer insurance Man. Rcxall Remedies at Clemens, sells driiL's. Alfred Letcher, Registered Opto metrist and .Vweler, In Dixon's old stand. Front St. Eyes testd free. J. H. Xe'hbor went to Tuesday for a few days. Medford POLK'S 'Mfflrramu OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory A Directory of each Ciy, Town nn'l VIIUro, jrlvlng dcscrip'.lve ikotch of each I'Pi.o, locution, population, tflo (rr.iph. shipping anj t.ankin? point; al'o CliisJlfliM L'lrcc Imry, corapilCci ty i.. roi.K & en., sj:aiti.k V-