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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1913)
FRIDAY, SEPTEMRER 5, 1013. PAGE EIGHT, WEEKLY KOGI E RIVEIl COURIER SIMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregod for Josephine County. Anna Pearson,. Plaintiff, ) vg. ) T. B. ant Pearson, Defend- ) ) To T. H.. Pearson, Defendant: In the name of the state of Ore gon, you are hereby summoned to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled uit, on or before ten days from the date of servli e of this summons and complaint upon you if served within Josephiue county, state of Oregon, or within twenty days from the date of the service of this summons and complaint upon you if Nerved upon you within any other county within the state of Oregon, or if served by publication then on or before the ex piration of six weeks from the first date of the publication thereof, which first date of publication is July 25th, 1913, and the last date of publication Is, and the lust day and date for your appearance herein Is September 5th, 1913, and you are further notified, that In case you fall to appear and answer the complaint, on or before September 5th, 191o, or otherwise within the time specified, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, viz: for a decree dissolving the mar riage contract now existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for n absolute divorce on the grounds of desertion and abandonment for a period of more than one year, and such continued abandonment and de sertion, and also ou the ground of cruel and Inhuman treatment and personal Indignities on the part of the defendant towards the plaintiff that It has rendered her life burden some, nnd for the nmtody of the minor son, Glenn Pearson, and for $20.00 per month for the support of such minor child. This summons Is published by or der of the Honorable F. M. Calkins, Judge of the rlrcnlt court of the state of Oregon, dated July 18th, 1913, ordering publication of said summons for six successive weeks in the Rogue River Courier, a newspa por publlsed weekly at Grants Pass, Oregon, the first publication thereof to be made on the 25th day of July, 1913, and the Inst publication on Septomber nth, 1913. Unfed nt C.rnntg Phhh. Oregon, this 18th day of Julv, 19l!t. COLVKi & WILLIAMS, Attorneys for the Plaintiff. SIMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon fur Josephine county. I. K. Morrison, Plaintiff. ) vs. ) Jacob Louciner nnd his un-i known heirs, Jacob Lou-) znngcr and his unknown) heirs. John Jacob Leuen-) gcr and his unknown) heirs, lienrlch S'tiisKl and) IiIb unknown heirs, llarha-) ra Finch 1 1 and her un-) known heirs, and also all) other persons or parties) unknown claiming any) right, title, estate, lien or) Interest In the real estate) described In Hie comphint.) Defendants. ) Summon by Publication. To Jacob Leiii Inner and his un known heirs, Jacob Lem'.'irger and his unknown heirs. John Jacob Leu onger and IiIm unknown heirs, Hen rich Slussl ami his unknown heirs, Harhara I'lsouli and her unknown heirs, ami also all ether persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, li-n or Interest in the real estate described in the complaint, defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon you and each or you are hereby re quired to appear and answer tho com plaint filed nt',alnst')oii on or before six weeks from the dale of the Mist publication of tills summons, which said first dale of publication oT tho summons Is the i.'!)th day of August, A. I). l);i, and the last date of pub lication and tho time within which you are required to appear and an swer the said complaint Is the loth day of October, A. D. 19)3, and If you fall so to answer said complaint for want thereof the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief pia.M'd for. to wit: For n decree declaring the plaintiff to )P the abso lute and unnualltleil o nor In fee sim ple of the east half ,.f the southwest quarter of section :to, ami tho east half of the north-west iiuarter of sec tlon 31, all In township 4". south range x west of the Willamette Merl dlan. Josephine county. Oregon. That the defendants an,! each of ineni and their unknown heirs and ! also nil other persons or parties I unknown claiming any rleht. ' title, estate, lien or Interest I In the real estate described n ' the complaint herein and nil I executors, ndmlnls'r.ttors and as-: signs and nil persons claiming by, through or under them, the said de- i fondants, he forever enjoined and j debarred ,r,ni Bering anv claim,' right, title. Men. estate or Interest I therein or thereto. That Plaintiff's title to Kaid above d"u rlhed property ' be forever Mulcted and that it he de- , clnred to he .'11(1,1 and a'M !n both : law nnd e,tinv md that full and complete eipilfable leiicf he had. i This summons ;s nuMh.he.l in the Rogue Klver Courier a newspaper of general ('Initiation publUlied at' Grnnts ra. Oregon i. order of V. M. Calkins CLcuP !.id;'e or the above entitled couM. made and en ered on the L'Sd ilav ' Vn--s' i ') ;i and l I" be publish. , six ron- secotlvi weeks. CLEMENTS CU'Ml'N'TS. ' Attornevs for n.tltitliT. Order pesch box Courier office. lath's at the SIADION'S. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tor Josephine County. Grace K. Harvey, by J. ) It. Harvey, her guar- ) dian, Plaintiff. ) vs. ) Old Channel Mining Com- ) pany, a corporation, ) Grants Pass Hardware ) Company, a corpora- ) tion, Thomas V. ) Drowning, C. L. Bar- ) low, Rice & Phelau, ) II. A. Williams, W. ) Marvin, Black Bear ) Mine, William Rogers, ) Woodford & Cook, L. ) C. Hudson, William ) Moore, W. A. Mas- ) sey. Harlow Bros., ) George Smith, Chaa. ) liuk, Geo. Miller. J. ) S. Moore, Chas. Shat- ) tuck, John Green, Geo. ) Harrison, Jas. Barton, ) Jas. Bishop, Walter ) Marvin, Clarence Frost, ) Jas. McCune, Frank ) Fox, Geo. Bour, Ralph ) Tuttle, C. H. Nex, El- ) mer Hansom, Thomaa ) Grants, Nelson Cole, ) Roy Hudson, and L. ) C. Hudson, Defend- ) ants. ) To Old Channel Mining Company, a corporation, and ThomasW. Brown ing, defendants: In the name of the state of Ore gon, you and each of you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the application filed against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before ten days from the date of service upon you if served within Josephine coun ty, Oregon; or if served within any other county within said state, then within twenty days from the date of such service upon you; or If served by publication, then on or before the expiration of sixty days from the date of the first publication of said sum mons, the first date of publication be ing July 18th, 1913, and the last day for your appearance being September 17th, 1913; and in case you fall to answer or otherwise plead within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief prayed for In the application, viz; For a decree declaring a lien In favor of the plaintiff upon all the right, title and Interest of the said de fendants in and to, as well as upon, the following described premises, to wlt: Mineral l,ots Nos. 37, 38, 39, 40, 4 2 and 43; also the Gallce and Chieftain Ditches and water rights, the mill and quartz creek ditches and water rights, the Six Mile ditch and water right, and the Stare Gulch ditch and water right, situated In township 3S South, Range 8 West of Willamette Meridian, and comprising 7," 7 acres of land; for taxes assessed and levied ngalust said premises for the years 1909 and 1910, viz: $7SO,73 for 1909. and $S12.84 for the year 1910; also penalty and Interest as by law provided from and after July 10, 1912; also for taxes paid by the plaint iff since tho years afore said, viz: taxes for lUii. $731.93, with Interest from July 10, 19i2, as by law provided, and also taxes for the year 1912 in the sum of $804.31, with Interest and penalty ns by law provided from May 31, 1913; and that said lien be foreclosed and the premises Bold In the man nor by law provided, and that from the pro ceeds of sui h sale the plaintiff retain tin taxes, penalties, interests and costs and disbursements and accru ing costs of sale, and for such other and further relief as Is equitable. Tills summons Is published by or der of the Ion Stephen Jewell, county judge for Josephine county, Oregon, dated July ISth, lalil, and requiring publication thereof in the Rogue River Courier, a newspaper of general circulation published in Josephine county, Oregon, for six successive weeks. II. D. NORTON. Attorney for Plaintiff. XOTK E I ult PI lU.ICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. l.aud Of tli e at Roseluirit, Oregon, August 4. 1913. Notice Is hereby given that the llntn Trefethen. of Holland. Oregon, who, on November 21, 1911, made Homestead entry serial No. 07659. for S'j of NW'i and lots 3 and 4 of section It, township t S.. range 7 W . Willamette meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to make commu tation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before lieriert Smith. I'nited States com missioner, at his office, at Grants Pass Oregon, on the 19th day of I September, 1913. Claimant names ns witnesses: John Clemens, George Porter, Ar thur Santolre and G. l (irltuniett, all of I lolland. Oregon. H. F. JONES. Register. NOTICF. OF PINAL Se.TTI.KM KNT. In the County Court for Josephine ntv Orenon In the Matter of the Estate) of Henry Klopper. Deceased.) i passed legislation which will allow Notice Is hereby given, that Mabel . the carriers SO days sick leave on i: Klopper, the administratrix of tliej,,!! ,,av and also will allow them In- anoe eniuieo estate, lias ine.l lier filial uciouut. and that Sa unlaw Sen- Member 27. l'.Hi'. at the limit' of ten , o'clock a. in. at the con nt v i ii:rt room at the Court House at Grants Pass 'in Josephine to inty. Or,' -.en. Is by ; onlcr of the judge of the above oli i titled court (Ked as the time nnd ipUue for hearing and .settling sild 'final account, and all poisons in'er ;cstcd In said estate n 1 !..;ing any ohieitlons to said final ai count are hereby notified to appear a! said time and place and p'oeu: tin r ohiec ' ions thereto. . Dated August 2'J. 1 I '! "V"l'' " KLOPPEU, Vdministratrlv. NOTICE IVK 11 BLICATIOX. Department ef the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, August 4, 1913. Notice is hereby given that Wil liam Trefethen, of Holland, Oregon, wno on Aovemner ii. in. umuo homestead entry, serial No. 07b59. for SVi of NW'U and lots 3 and 4 of section 14, township 40 S., range 7 W., Willamette meridian, has filed notice of intention to make commu tation proof to establish claim to the land above described, before Herbert h'mlth, L'. S. commissioner, at his of fice at Grants Pass, Oregon, on the 19th day 0f September, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: John Clemens, George Porter, Ar thur Santolre and G. C. Grimmett, all of Holland. Oregon. B. F. JONES. Register. SIMMONS. In the Circuit Court of State of Ore gon, for Josephine county. FraDk O. Zeigler, plain- ) tiff, ) vs. ) M. N. Peterson, alias ) Martin Peterson. De- ) fendant. ) To M. N. Peterson, alias Martin Pet erson, the above named defendant. In the name of the state of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled ac tion on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which first date Is the 25th day of July, 19i3, and if you fali so to aiwear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the complaint, to-wit: That the plaintiff be given Judgment against the de fendant In the sum of fifty dollars, together with Interest from and af ter the 1st day of May, 191 2, for feed, hay and grain furnished the defend ant by plaintiff; and for the further sum of three hundred fifty dollars, together with Interest from and af ter the 1st day of September, 1912, for money had and received by de fendant for sale of two certain horses belonging to Harry Squires, said claim and Indebtedness having been assigned to this plaintiff, and for tha plaintiff's costs and disbursements. This publication is made for six consecutive weeks by order of the Honorable F. M. Calkins, judge of the circuit court of the state of Ore gon, for Josephine county, duly made and entered tho 19th day of July, 1913. The first publication of this sum mons is made on the 25th day of July, 1913. HALL & LEPPER. Attorneys for Plaintiff, 14 and 15 Healy Itldg., Portland, Ore. Date of last publication Septem ber 5th. 1913. PREVENT RROKEN ARMS CRANKING Al'TOMOHILES. Popular Mechanics gives a simple method by which to avoid the brok en arms which have become com mon in the simple cranking of au tomobiles and offers the following: "Most of the accideuts caused from cranking an automobile engine are due to the crank suddenly flying backward before the hand can be re moved, and this usually results in a broken or strained arm or wrisl, says 'Automobile Dealer and Re pairer." Those accidents can be avoided if the operator will take bold of the crank and place the thumb on the same side as the fing- ers. Never take hold of the crank is you would any other handle, with j tho thumb on the opposite side from the fingers." FARGO, DALLAS, OMAHA AND DAYTON WANT CARRIERS. San Francisco, Sept. 2. An invi tation to hold the L'OUi annual con vention of the National Association of Letter Carriers at Fargo. N. D.. was received today by the conven tion now in session here. Dallas, Tex., Omaha, Neb., and Dayton, Ohio, also made their claims to the f!M.'. convention. A letter from First Assistant Postmaster General Daniel C. Rop er, expressing his good wishes, was answered with a vote of thanks passed by acclamation. Senator George C. Perkins, Congressmen Churchill and Curry and others sent their regrets at being unable to at tend. The reading of the committee on resolutions occupied the morning session. One of the most important ui i ur awii.uu.ih was mat request-itne i. i ... i ..... , . , , ,, ,.,, ,... T ... ...r; ter 1 arrier8 "'''tn to have definite leave of absence case of ; proiracieo iimess UIICAMt SW1 I.II RS AllAIN. Chicago. S.-pt V September I I'.eai records were broken !;cre this I afternoon wh.-n the m. ivorv climbed to !'. degrees The pievioim rec ord was esr.iMUlicd in 1 when the thermometer reuis'er.,1 de crees. Cooler weitber 'n predicted la'e today NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on Thursday evening, September 11. 1913, ai seven-thirty o'clock at the office of the clerk the board of dl- reCtors of g( hool district No. 7, Jose phine county, Oregon, will receive and consider sealed bids for the con veyance of pupils residing in the northern part of the said district to the central and east school build ings in Grants Pass, the board of di rectors to furnish the conveyance only therefor; said bid to be figur ed on a basis of a certain sum per month for the period of the school year. The route to be taken each morning shall be as follows: Leav ing Grants Pass via Highland Avenue and the Merlin road, thence In an easterly direction along that road way lying between the U. A. Grif fin place on the north and tbe Myra Gllflllan place on the south to Its In tersection with the county road com prising an extension of north sixth street, thence south along said coun ty road and north Sixth street to A street In the city of Grants Pass, thence west and south to the Central school building, said route to be re versed In the evening after school dismissal. All pupils to he deliver ed tq the respective buildings as above set forth by 8:45 each morn ing. A bond will be demanded by the board for the faithful perform ance of said contract. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. EDWARD S. VANDYKE, Clerk. CHICKEN DINNER FOR M CENTS. Will be served each Saturday and Sunday at the American restaurant, formerly the Good Eats, opposite city band stand. Grants Pass. Prices for other meals as reasonable. Clean rooms and comfortable bds for 25 and 50 cents. Mrs. H. M. Parham, Prop. 6-13-tf NOTICE. Now is the time to register. No one can vote hereafter unless he or she has registered. If you live in Grants Pass, one registration Is suf ficient for the county and city elec tion. E. L. COBUUN, 8-1-tf County Clerk. 'HI' VERS' WEEK" IN PORTLAND. Portland, Ore., Sept. . Portland is thronged today with merchants from cities, town' and hamlets of uregon, wasnmgton, Idaho, Mon- tana and northern California who have come here to do their "fall shopping" during buyers' week. The idea of setting aside one week as J All tho wooden Pullmans were buyers' week originated with the badly demolished, only the plat Jobbers' and Manufacturers' associa-! forms remaining, tion. nnd special displays in Port-! An Inquest over th? bodies of the land's retail and wholesale establish- j victims is beins held thU af'.mnnn ments are on view to tempt tho vis - Itors. It was believed that through ..overs wceK, reniana wouio secure a much larger sharp of the .toners' 'ratio or me const. iwenrv-nve thousand invitations were sent to merchants throughout this section. ',npt ()Jath near wainpo-fopd. Conn., WII.LARD MANSLAl GMTEIi CASE early today when tho White Moun CONTI NlTil) TILL TOMORROW', tain express of the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad collided Los Angeles, Sept. 2. The pre- with the Bar Harbor express. More limlnary hearing of Jess Willard and tha : a sto-e ef passengers were In other persons charged with man-, .lured, some probably fatally. The slaughter in connection with the bodies of all the victims have not death here of "Hull" Young, follow- been recovered and It Is believed ing a hoxmg match with Willard, i'.intl..n..l tn,ln.. II " uui.., This move was taken when Earl; mad officials admit that 13 corpses Rogers, counsel for the defense, ex- have been removed from the wreek hiblted a telegram from San Diego age. but as nil tho vtettma . stntintr that F,l,ll u'ka.r ui tue aeienuants, was under arrest there and could not appear in court. Today's wreck was the eleventh to occur on the New Haven tracks LOSS OF LINGERIE DOES within two years. The interstate NOT DELAY WEDDING, commerce commission has sent in- spectors from Washington to inves Spokane, Sept. 2. Despite the tigate and it Is believed that crlm loss of two trunks full of feminine Inal prosecution of those responsible finery, which had taken months to for today's wreck will follow, prepare. Miss Marie Kreplova, aged Engineer Miller of the White 21, who traveled tialf way around Mountain world to becomo a bride, will be !,....,.., ........ . "c'a"t81' "e asse"9- however, that mi . if a 'uuigiu 10 rranK Korman of Pullman, Wash. When Miss Kreplova. who cannot speak En -.s' moving slowlv when the White and is unfamiliar with American , Mountain express, traveling at 4' ins'onis. arrived In New York Cltv'iuiW m, i,,- ,m,.i .... from Austria, she failed tn rhnM, hor trunks, and they were left be-; mini, me wendinc win tie the cul minatlen of an old rountrv romance aught a P.a.l ( id,). "I. asi winter my son caught a very' bad cold and the v. ay he coughed was something dreadful." writes Mrs Sirah I' Der.cnn. of Tt,ton. Iowa' We thought su e he was going Into ousuiup'ion w,. bought jus- one i I'Ot ed V of 'h.iiii''crlaitf! Cough Rem-' d that one Lottie stopped his ough and n-rd his cold complete-1 v lor s:le by all dealers The First National Bank Of Southern Oregon CATI7 AL. SLKFLVS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS. $100,000 A strong bauk, equipped to handle ail branches of commercial banking. Interest paid on Time Deposits. Your account is respectfully Invited. L. It. HALL, President H. L. GILKEY, Cashier. J. C. CAMPBELL, Vice Pre. R. K. HACKETT, Ass'i Cashier. J. T. FRY, Assistant Cashier. DEAFNESS CANNOT UE CURED, by local applications, they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. Thero is only one way to curs deafness, and that is by constitution al remedies. Deafness Is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when It is entirely closed. Deafness Is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal con dition, ueariug will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an InUamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol lars lor any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills lor con stipation. 11 MANGLED RODIES IN CONNECTICUT WRECK. New Haven, Conn., Sept. 2. Wooded Ptillmau sleeping cars, equipment which the Interstate Com merce Commission recently con demned, is held responsible for the loss of 16 lives which occurred at Wallingford, Conn., today when the While Mountain express of the New York, New Haven & Hartford rail road, crashed Into the rear end of the Bar Harbor express. Fourteen mangled bodies now lie iu the im provised morgue at Wallingford and two of the injured died during the afternoon in hospitals. The body of a man, mutilated be yond recognition, was found lying across telegraph wires. Fifty yards ! from the wreck lay a human skull from which all flesh had been tnm i headless body .was one of the (flm brought to the morgs-.e. and the skull prohablv belongs to it : it will be followed by a searching probe directed by representatives of the Interstate Commerce mission. com New Haven, Conn., Sept. 2. Thirteen persons are. known to have that a thorough search will brine ! ....... . ... .. uie ue.uii ust up to inteen. Rail- i,... ,u. ,, .. . - - - ... iMniiu " .- C I 11 ,i.iirii nisiu ciouimg, menuncatton is nrogrpsslne stlnwiv v..,... nuriuit una ueen arrested lies saw no lights on the Rar TIarhnr train in ,,.' ' "" Mos: of the dead and Injured were passengers on the three rear Pull mans of the Bar Harbor express. V(PI( K GOES TO Roc; MANIA. Washington. Sept. 4 President Wilson sent the following nomina tions to the senate today: Charles Voplck of Illinois to be minister to Roumanla. '"""'is. and Thomas Birch of New Jersey to be mini-ter to Portugal. TO AMEND CHARTER. (Continued from Page 1.) nor the legislative act authorize a particular Issue of bonds to build a particular railroad or purchase any particular real estate; but before the city can have the benefit of the statute it must act affirmatively by making Its charter conform to it and then proceeding in the manner pro vided In Its charter and ordinances. Section 2, article 2, of the constitu tion confers powers and authority upon cities to form their own char ters and make their own laws with in their municipal needs. That Is In local and special municipal legisla tion. Authority beyond that must come from the sovereign, namely, the legislature, by general laws, or by the people by general or special laws. Therefore, the court holds that the city is not authorized to Issue or sell the bonds sought to be issued or sold. The Local Situation. The local railroad situation re mains unchanged and the program as announced iu yesterday's daily will bo carried out. The railroad com mission is meeting this afternoon to discuss a proposition wired by Dr. Reddy from Sau Francisco and in an endeavor to devise means which will admit of construction work on the railway roadbed being continued without cessatiou. Members of the com mission are confident that this will be easily accomplished. Dr. Roddy has wired from San Francisco that he will arrive here tomorrow night and will submit a proposition which he feels certain will be en tirely satisfactory. . Fruit jars and cans Bros. at Cramer GASOUMi RIG GETS W EALTHY III IS DWELLERS. iioston, Sept. 2. Rivalry among fashionable families of Boston for high-priced automobiles has become so keen that back bay mansions, valued at $2,500,000 have been of fered for sale at cut prices to raise gasoline money, according to a Bos ton newspaper. Sixty mansions, it is said, are on the market at bar gain prices ranging from $20,000 to $95,000. Sr hra in jar caps iiivcr Hardware. at the Rogue tf .Mother of Eighteen Children. f tha TMntltnw .f ,l, U:l ,.re, y L 7 u'7r'?"" l"c oi uuuis more work than any young woman in my town." writes Mrs. C. J. Mar tin, Hoone Mill, Va. "I suffered for Ave years with stomach trouble and . . ""l il8 "'ucn as a Uiseuil f" n 1 1 t rt lint ...... it t. without suffering I have taken uiree bottles of Chamberlain's Tab lets and am now a well woman and weigh ICS pounds. I can eat any thing I want to, and as much as I want and feel better than I have at any time in ten years. I refer to any one in Boone Mill or vicinity and they will vouch for what I say." Chamberlain's Tablets are for sale by all dealers. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS its forty -fifth school year September 19. 1313. DEGREE COURSES "n many phases of agriculture Engineering.' home Economics. Mining forestry, com merce Php.pmacy. Two-year Courses in agricul- Ture hove economics. Mechanic arts forestry. Commerce. Pharmacy TEACHER'S COURSES in manual tr lining, agriculture, domestic sciencc ait'1. art. MUSIC, including piano, string-, band instruments and voice culture. A Beautiful Booklet entitled "T:ik i:kkHMKNT r ki' Liv.:" ' ' M.'x'.V'X wtll he nuilf.l f:.J 0:1 ,' 11 A ' '' !' A' T.v ant. ReifUtr-r. I'" C "v ti ! .S, O.Vj;vM.