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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1913)
FRIDAY, Stl'XDUlLU 5, 1813L DELINQUENT TAX LIST, 1912 This advertised liat of dellnouent! taxes for the year 191- I in pursu ance of an aci of th- state legisla ture, which 's em'ril 1 in ch.tpte' 27i of the genual tows t the 11.11 t-i,:n. Th.) tax i? the following advertised real ropery became ie-llnq-ioi. on April I, :n. nnd are ubje t to a psiii'ty of 10 ier cent and Interest at the ate ot U uer cent i or annum intll they ahull have been aid Black, A. L. E'i of EVi ot Sec. 10, T. 33 S, It. 6 W Blackburn, James E., NWVi of Sec. 28, T.3S s. K.o v.. Blackburn. Altha A., NE'i of Sec. 28, T. 38 8, R. 6 W Blulink, Darting & Jenks, E Vi of EVi of Sec. 20. T. . 34 S. It.. 7 W Blalock, Geo. W., SVi of SW Vi. NWVi of SW 1-4, SW Vi of SEVi of Sec 12, T. 3 4 S, It. 6 W Bland, J. E., NE' of SWVi of Sec. 21, T. 34 S, 6. W.... Ar.- Jay Ef.e.- thj expiration of u j Bland. Maud, All of SE'i of mon I s after hi taes cliargeJ gahct the folhv.'Pu real property are (Vlnquent tho 'hnff Is author ized, upon demni of any person makln: appll .Hlou. to n-sue 1o Mi em a cevlflcate of deUtii-iea- upou pay ment of the tuxes, peacl'y. Interest and (outs of adveri'.sliig. Certlflciites of delinquency shall bear Interest from the date of Issu ance until redeemed. at the rate of 15 per cent per annum. Abel, W. H. and J. I. Ya tes, SVi of NW', NWVi of NWVi Sec. 24. T. 34 8, It. 6 W J185.44 Abell, It. L. Est., Lots 5 and 6, Blk. 1, Merlin Adams, J. M., SEVi of NWVi Sec. 13, T. 37 S, It. 6 W... Adams, B. R Lots 1 to 8 limluslve, Blk. 5 Kerby, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8, Bl. 18, Kerby 7.14 Albright, E. M. et al, 8 of NEVi, NVi of 8EVi, of 8ec. 16, T. 41 S, R. 9 W.... SEVi of NWVi Lots 8 ft 4, of Sec. 16, T. 41 8, R. 9 W Albright, E. M., WVi of SE 1.96 4.81 16.56 8.51 of Ses.2 T. 41 8, R. 13.24 28.29 19.83 13.17 6.10 64.66 6.10 9.15 29.88 4.62 9 W 8 Mi of SEVi, WVi of NE Vi of Sec. 11, T. 41 9, R. 9 W Allen. Ed. II., Lots 2 & 3, Blk. 4 Allen's subdivision Alley, F. E., NW' of NWVi of Sec. 16, T.39 S, It. 6 W Ailing, Leonard J., Lot 5, Blk. 11. Miller & Co. New Addition Anient, Edith M., 61 acres in Sec. 16, T. 3 6 8, R. 5 W.. Ament, M. C. Lots 5, 6, 7, Blk. II, Bourne's Mrst Ad dition 113.62 Anderson, Antone A Lot 2, Blk 2, Ireland & Meade's Addition Anderson, Martha J., Lots 1, 2, 7, & 8, Blk. 17, Kerby Anderson, Arthur J., NVi of SWV. S!4 of NW'4, Sec 28. T. 35 S, R. 7 XV 39.69 Anderson Win. O., Lots 4 & 5, and SWVi SWVi, of Sec. 11, T, 3 6 S. R. 7 W... Anderson, F. M., Lots 5 and 6, Blk. 18, Kerby Andrews, II. L., Lots 30 nnd 31, Blk. 3, Lincoln Park Addition 33.55 Applegate -Williams, Cream ery Co.,1 1-3 acre's In Sec. 1, T. 38 S, R. B W 18.51 i Aubery, A. Lot 4 Blk. F, Jud son's Addition Averlll, A. I)., Lots 1. 2, 3, nnd 5 to 16 Inclusive, in W. B. Sherman's mibdlvl slon No. 8 Axtell. II. M., NEVi of SWVi of NVit of Sec. 7 T. .(0 S, R. C W Ayers, David, WVi of SEVi of Sec. 21, T. 39 S, It. 8 W, NVi of NEVi less 93 11-100 acres f Sec. 28, T. 39 S, It. 8 W Bacon, Ralph, lfi',4 acres In Sec. S, T. 30 S, R. G W 72.75 Bailey, Alvla E., 4 acres in Sec. 21, T. 3 6 S, R. r XV... Bailey, A. L., NWVi of SEVi Lot 1 of Sec. 25, T. 37 S, R. 5 W linker, Almon, NW'i of Sec. IS. T. 33 8, It. 7 W 17.76 SW'i of Sec. 16, T. 33 S, R. 7 W 42.28 Bnnfleld, 10. E. and I. M Lot 10, Dig 8, Miller & Co. addition 7.63 Bnnfleld. J. I., Lot 11, Blk 8, Miller Co. addition Baufleld. J. 1'., part of Lot 3, Blk. S, Bourne's First ad dition Bank of Huntington. NW'i of NE'i, W'i of NE'i of NE'i of Sec. 2.1, T. 34 s. u. r. w Hanks, C. E. and B. F.. Lots 6 an, 6, Blk 50. O. T.. ..S.. 405.65 Bannister, Lyndon, SKu ot SE4 of Sec. !, T. It 5 S, R. 6 W W'i of NW'i. NW'i of SW'i Sec. lo, T. 35 S, If. 6 W Banta. Herbert, Lots 1, 2. 3, and 4 of Sec. IS, T. 38 8, R. 6 W Bnrkley, Marv A.. "Fx", Lot 4. Sec. 16, T? 35 S, R. 5 W Beard, Catherine l'.. Lots I nnd 4, Blk. r, Miller & Co'8 addition Lots 2 and 3, nlk M, Chancelor's Subdivision of l.ot t, Blk, M of Bourne's First Addition Lot 1. Blk. T, Bourne's First addition Bennett. II. M. K., Lots I, 2, 3, and 4, Sec. 3 6. T. 3! s. it. : w Bennett, J. A. SE', of Sec. 12. T. 39 S. R S W Benson. Ethel. H' or F. 'i of Sec. 2, T. 3 4 S. li. 7 W Beoimher. D, I'., N'j of NE i of Sec. 10. T. 3d S. U 5 W Berklieliner. Alice, Lot lu. Blk 69, O. T. S Berry, W. W. nnd I. A. Mc Donald. NW, of Set. 10. T. 3S S. R. 6 W Ilest-Fuller Realty Co . Lots 11 and 12. Blk 32, O. T. S. Beswlck, Margarett, W'u of SEV, of Sec. 10. T. 3;t S. R. 5 W NWVi west of county road Sec. 8, T. 35 S, R. 6 W Hlasslug, A. II. Lot 1, Blk 2, Bungalow addition Elevens, II. R. and I'hila. 4Vi acres In Sec. 19, T. 36 8, R. 5 W 3Vi acres In Sec. 19, T. 36 S, R. 5 W Booth, Tom, Lot 7, Blk. 74, O. T. S Booth, J. O. Estate, Undivid ed Vi of NEV4 of NEVi of Sec. 5. T. 35 3, It. 6 W.... Booth, J. M.. Lot 1, Blk H. Bourne's First addition.... Booth, Mary A., Lot 1, Blk. 19, Merlin Borough, J. B., Lots t and 6, ot Sec. 15, T. 36 S, R. 6 W, NW Vi of NE Vi . East 30 acres of Lot 1, less 21 acres In Sec. 22, T. 36 3, R. 6 W Bourett.O. Lots 1 and 2, Blk 39, Rail Road ad lition.... Brace, C. E., WVi of SWVi, NEVi of SW 1-4, North 10 acres of SEV of SWVi. and NW 1-4 of SE 1-4 of Sec. 8, T. 37 S, R. 5 W.... Brader, Gerhard, "Heirs", SEVi of NE Vi , EVi of SE Vi of Sec. 28, T. 34 S, R. 6 W BriggB, Ray I)., 2 28-100 acres In Sec. 36, T. 39 S, It. 8, nnd Sec. 1, T. 40 S, R. 8 W Brltton. Fred, Lot 3, Blk. 5. Miller & Co addition.... Brltton, E. W. and Minnie, part of Lets 2 and 3, Blk. 5, Miller & Co. addition Brown, C. H., XV or SWVi SE 1-4 of SW 1-4, SW 1-4 of SE 1-4 of Sec. 34, T. 35 S, R. 7 W Brown, Orr, SEVi of SEVi of Sec. 9, T. 37 S, It. 6 ..W SW'i or Sec. 10, T. 37 S, R. 6 W Brown, Hulda E., All Blk 57, Rail Roa : addition Brunsun, A. II., Lot 2, less 11 acres, Sec. 15, T. 36 3, R. 6 W Bryson. II. C, SE of SWVi of See. 36, T. 34 P. R. 6 V 1 1 noli, Marian, part lot 3, Blk 3., Bourne's First Addition Huell, Ella S, SEVi of Sec. 28, T. 38 S, It. 7 W Buell, S. II., part, lot 3, B. 10, Boundary Line Addi tion, Lot 8, B. 33, Railroad Addition Bull, Mary E., Lots 10, 11 12, B. 2ti, O. T. S Hull. l!enj. F., NWVi of SEVi, SVi of SEV of Sec. 18, Twp. 37, S. 11. C XV.... SWVi of SWVi of Sec. 18 Twp. 37 S. R. 0 W Hull, Levlna. cJ., SO acres iu Sec. 14, Twp. 37, S. R. (i W Hunch, O. O., Lots 10 and 20, River Heights Subdivision Burnett. L. E., SWVi of SW V of Sec. 2, T. 35 S. R. li W Burnett, It. II., Lot 12, Blk. (. Judson's Addition Harney, W. T., SE'i of SW Viof Sec. 3 2, T. 35 S, R. 5 W Borrows. J. It., Lot 3, Blk. 03, Riverside Addition Hyrd, It. L. . Lot 6, 11. 9. Rail road Addition Caldwell. Eliza. 30 acres in Sec. 16, Twp. 36. S. It. G W Carlton, Elizabeth M.. E'j. of NE'i of SW, of Sec. 36, T. 37 S. R. 6 W Carner, O. II., Lots 1, 2, B. 56, O. T. S 10 acres iu Sec. 31, Twp. 36. S. R. 6 W SE'i of SE'i of Sec. 30, Twp. 36, S. It. ('. W i of an acre In Sec. 29, Twp. 36. S. R. 6 W Carner, (Ha, lots 7, S. 17, IS, Block 13, Lincoln Park Addition Cart. A. T.. I-ot 4 and SW'i of NW'i . NW'i of SW' of Sec. 14, Twp. 37. S. R. i XV SE'i of NE'i and Lot 1. Sec. 15. T 37 S, R 7 W. SW'i of SW'i of Sec. 14, Twp. 37. S. R. 7 W Caughey. Grant C, 93 acres In Sections 21 and 2S, Twp. 3 0, S. R. S W Central State Bank of Min nesota, N'i of NE 4 , NMi of NW'i of Sec. 16, Twp, :ts s. r. r. w S'i of NW'i. SW'i NE'i. SW'i of SE' See. 16, Twp. 3S, S 5 W SE', of NW'i of See. Twp. 34. S. R. 6 W SW'i of NW'i of Sec Twp. 34. S. R. 6 W SE1 of Sec. 3 6, Twp. S. R. 6 W Challen. J. 1L. Lot 12 76, O. T. S Chandler & Richards, Lot 3. Block 3. Merlin iChaoln. W m. I... of SE'i of Sec. 31, Twp. 33. I S. R. 6 W 33.60 I Chapman. 3. . trustee, all west of Block 63. O. T. S. and East of Block 2 Miller & Co. addition, between H & 1 streets In Millers 15.50 1 Boundary Lin addition... .21.99 39.90 41.43 38.64 30.03 10.40 15.84 21.66 18.55 37.10 9.15 6.00 30.50 1.96 4.88 60.00! 2.92 19.44 12.99 , 6.84 8.55 49.00 8.96 60.88 17.86 i 15.20 30.50 39.65 ; 21.35 ! 27. SO 35.28 46.62 12.80 j 10.24 90. OS of of R. It's 3 6. 3l! Block ..46.74 5.19 43.43 27.80 42.55 2.30 12.20 61.64 3.60 31.00 1.53 15.41 8.28 .77 21.60 24.25 35.08 28.51 4.40 18.80 3.98 25.99 5.19 26.50 9.15 18.61 43.S8 2.85 24.40 22.50 18.00 .46 65.58 45.40 17.13 33.60 30.2,4 5.40 tO. 4 31.20 6.10 16.80 4.32 23.84 Chappel, J. E., NW of Sec. 36, Twp. 38 S, R 5 W SWi of Sec. 36. T. 33 S R 5 W Charley, M. J.. NV of XW'i of Sec. 12, Twp. 40, 8. R. 8 W Episcopal Church, Lots 9 and 10. Block 23, O. T. S Clark, H. J.. Lots 2, 3, 11 Block 58, O. T. S Cobb, G. A., lot 2, Block 13 Miller & Co. addition Cole, L. D.. Lots 1 to 6 in clusive. Block 52, U. T. S. :Cole, Mrs. Belle, lots 1 to 2 inclusive. Block ii, uau road Add., Lot. 7, Block 33, Railroad Addition Coleman, G. M., ll'j acres, Sec. 16, Twp. 36, S. R. 5 W Combs, H. C SE'i of Sec. 2. Twp. 34. 8. R. 5 W Compson, II. B., et al. NEVi of SW'i of Sec. 15, Twp. 33 S. R. 5 W Conger, Henry H., lots' 1 and 2. block 5, Placer Cook. Jacob II.. Lots 7 and 8, Block 17, Railroad Ad dition Cook, T. J., NEVi of SEVi of SE'i of Sec. 13, T. 36 S. R. 6 W SV4 of SE'i of SW'i of SEVi of Sec. 6, Twp. 36, S. R. 5 W Coonts. Clara. Eh of SWVi of Sec. 32, Twp. 37, S. R. 5 W Cooper. liena. part of Lot 1. Block R. Bourne's first Addition Corbett, J. L.. Atty. In Fact, Lot 2 and SW of NEVi of Sec. 25, Twp. 37. S. R. 7 W Lot 3, and NW'i of SEVi of Sec. 25, Twp. 37. S. R. 7 W Corliss Ezlklel S.. three Pines Fruit tract. Letter B Corliss. Levi T.. Three Pines Frnt Trnrt. Letter D Castell, Elizabeth. 3 acres In Sec. 27, Twp. 34, S. it. XV Cox, Edgar. 2 acres '.. Sec. 3. Twp. 3,9, S. R. 5 XV WM- of NE'i. SE'i of NW'4, NE'i of SW'i of Sec. 6. Two. 30. S. R. 5 W Coyne, Joseph, N'4 of Lot 2, Sec. 16, Twp. 39, H. It. XV Crockett, Eiirydia, Lot 9, Block 41, O. T. S Crook. Mattle P., NW', of SW'i of Sec. 36, Twp. 36, S R. 6 W Cruoch Investment Co., E'& of NE'i of SE", of Sec. 25, Twp. 33. S. R. 5 XV.... Crow. A. J., SE'i of NW'i of Sec IS, Twp. 35, S. R. 6 W SW'i of NW'i and lots 5 and 6, Sec. 5, Twp. 35, S. R. 7 XV Crow. Henry C. Est. SEVi of SW'i and lots 3 and 4 Sec. M. Twp. 35, S. R. 7 W Crow, Win. M.. NE'i of NW'i, W'i of NEVi of Sec. IS, Twp. 35. S. R. 6 W All Block 34, Merlin Currv, Jennie C. lots 7, 8, 9, block 22. O. T. S Currier. LeRoy, lots 24, Block 5, Lincoln Park Addition Custar. Isaac, Est., Lot 8, Block 6. Miller & Com pany's Addition Dnmie. M. C, NW'i of NE'4 of Sec. 22, Twp. 35, S. R. 6 W Dalton Consolidated Placer Mine, Sections 28 and 29, Twp. 3S. S. R. 8, Mineral Entrv 06669 Dana, Susan, Mineral Survey No. 651, In township 33 S. R. S W E'.i of W'i of Sec. 31, Twp. 33. S. R. I XV W'a of SEVi of Sec. 31, Twp. 33. S. R. 7 W Daniels, C. C. lots i and 2, Block 10i, Riverside Addition Davis, J. E.. N'i of NWVi of Sec. 36. Twp. 33 S, R. 6 XV Dearniond. R. S., II. L. and XV. V lots 5. 6 7 and 8, Block 31, Railroad Add Decker, C. 8., 35 acres In Sees. 16 and 21, Twp. 36, S. R. 6 W Demaray, C. II., Lot 9, Block 3 4. O T. S Dixon. Cyrus F.. Lots 3 and 4. Block 2S Boundary Lino Addition Dodge. W. C. and wife. V4 ncres in section li, Twp. 36 S. R. R W Doneett. Geo. L & Clara. SW'i of Sec 27. Twp. 39 S. R. 8 W. NW'i of SE'i, SE'i of NW'i of Sec. 27, Twp. 39. S. R. 8 W Dowell. W. I., lots 5. block OS nnd I.ots 7 to 12 in clusive. Block S6. O. T. S. Downer, Anna, S'iof SW'i. NW'i of SW'i. SW'i of NW'i of Sec. 31. Twp. 34. S. R. 6 W Draugoo, Albert, SE ', of Sec, 2U. Twp. 3 4. S. R. 5 W Downes, Wm. & A. B.. 'i of N'i of SE' of NW'i of Sec. 2S. Twp. 36. S. R. 5 W Drake. J. D., Lot 7, Block L of Drakes subdivision of Lot 1. Block L of Bourne's First Addition; part of Lot 2. In Blk L of Drake's sub division of Lot 1, Block L of Bourne's First Addition Drake. J. P.. Lots 6 and 7 Block 3. Ireland ; Mead's addition D.inlap, Otto. Uus 6, 7, 8. Block 2 Ireland & Mead's addition 30.24 30.24 14.04 42.70 106.75 .77 45.75 53.23 25.45 80.93 8.30 3.51 18.00 35.00 5.30 31.84 53.38 34.60 16.72 22.44 7.36 1.96 2.80 19.98 2.64 21.52 7.60 6.00 31.79 15.84 13.11 52.36 5.60 62.53 22.12 16.02 8.96 50.40 16.20 23.13 34.70 15.86 10.64 26.70 48.28 25.93 31.27 fa m 1 m 87.12 31.27 29.45 52.52 3.45 25.93 5.49 10.07 Dunn, Melbourne, 4 34-100 acres, Sec 20. Twp. 3 6, S. R. 5 W Lots 1. 4, 6. 8. 9. 10, in block 1. Madrona Heights 'Addition Lots 1, 3, 4. C, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Block 2, Madrona Heights Addition Lots 9 to 16 Inclusive. Block C Nelson's addition Button, A. E.. lots 26 and 27, block 5, Lincoln Park Ad dition Dvsert. X. S., SW'i of SLVi of Sec. 7, Twp. 34, S. R. 5 W Earl, W. II., S'i of Lot 2. Sec. 16, Twp. 39 S. R. 8 W Eaton. Martha. E'n of NE'i SWVi of NEVi. NE Vi of SE' of Sec. 34, Twp. 34, S. It. 7 W Eckert, Mrs. Eustina, Lots 100 and 101. W. G. Smith subdivision Wolf Creek.... Edmonson, Juliett. N'j of S4 of Sec. 28, Twp. 33, 8. It. 7 W Elsnian. Vina. Lot No. 10, River Heights subdivision Elder Mining Co., SEVi of Sec. 25, Twp. 40. S. R. 8 W SWVi of Sec. 25, Twp. 40, 3 R 8 W SW'i of Sec. 36, Twp. 40, S. R. S W Ellis. Jos. T.. lots 1, 3, Block 38. Lot 2, Block 40, Rail road Add Engstrom. August, EVi of SE'i of Sec. 4, Twp. 37, S. It. 5 W Enyart, A. L. SW'i f SW'4 of Sec. 10, T. 35 S. R. 6 W Erlckson, Claud, 28 acres In Sec. 30, T. 37, 3. R. 5 W Farmer, J. M., SEVi of NEVi of Sec. 27 T. 35 S. R. 7 W Farmer, J. E., S'EVi of SEVi of Sec. 25, T. 33, S. R. 7 W NEVi of SWVi, NWVi of of SWVi of Sec. 21, T. 33, S. It. 6 W Farra, E. Eftie, SWVi of NWVi of Sec. 27, T. 37, S. R. 5, W.; NVi of NEVi of Sec. 28, T. 37 S. R. 5 W, and SWVi of NEVi, NWVi of SEVi, iEV of SWVi and SE1, of NWVi of Sec. 28, T. 37 S., It. 5 W Farwell Construction Com pany, 50x50 feet and Bee Deed Record Vo. 38, page 230 for description lu Sec. 3 4, T. 34, S. R. 6 W Lots S, 9 and 10, Three Pines Fruit Tracts Lot 19 and part of 14 Three Pines Fruit Tract.... Felhniau, Jos., ia1 1 and SEVi of NWVi of Sec. 6, T. 3o S., R. 5 W Field. O. II., Tract SWVi of SWVi of Sec. 12, T. 38, S. It. 5 W; NWVi of NWVi of Sec. 13, T. 38, S. .... 5 W Fields, Emily, lots 8, 9, 10, 11, Browndale towtisite Findley, J. D., SEV4 of Sec. 4, T. 35, S. It. 5 W NEVi of See. 22, T. 35, S. It. 5 W Fray ne, James, EVi of SWVi, SWVi of SE'i. SEVi' of NW Vi Sec. 32, T. 40, S. R. 8 W Froinni, Frank, SWVi of NW Vi , W Vi of SW Vi , SE Vi of SWVi of Sec. 34, T. 34, 5. It. 7 W Fromni, Louise, hEVi of SW'i. SVi of SE'i, NEVi of SE'i, Sec. 28, T. 34, S. ' It. 7 W Frost, Clarence A., Et ux, W'i of D. C. No. 40. less 2 acres. Sec. 7, S. 17 and IS, T. 3S, S. R. 7 W Gale, II. E., and Hampshire, J., 7 acres in Sec. 30, T. 36. S. R. 6 W Gerniond, W. A., SW'i of SW'i of Sec. 34, T. 39, S. R. S W Gibson, L. XV., NE'i of SWVi of Sec. S, T. 35. S. R. 6 W Gibson. Ella. 1 'i acres in Sec. 16, T. 35, S. R. 6 XV.... Gibson, J. 0.. Lots 10 and 11 Block 4, Lincoln Park Ad dition Gilkey, H. L SE'i of SE'i of SE'i of Sec. 13, T. 36 S. R. 6 W Gilniore. W. E.. 60x120 feet In Sec. 9. T. 39 S. R. S W.. Glendale Mining & Milling Co.. Mineral Lot No. 319, Sec. 22, T. 33 S, it. 5 XV.... E'i of SE'i of Sec. 21. T. 33 S. R. 5 W Golden Drift Mining Co.. Lots 1, 2. 3. Sec. 32, T. 36 S, R. 5 XV; Lot 5. Sec. 23, T. 36 S, R. 5 W 7 acres in Sec. 23, T. 36 S. R. 5 W Undivided 3-5 of S'i of S'-i Sec. 15. T. 36 S, R. 5 W Gold King Mining Co., min eral Entry No. 02594 In T. 3S and 39, S. R. 9 W Goldsmith. M. E.. Tract NE'i of Sec 2. T. 39. S. R. 8 W Goldsmith, C. S., Lot 11, Blk. P. Nelson's Addition Gordon. Thomas. E K of E' "f SE', of Sec. 14. T. 36. R. 7 W Gordon, Thos., Vi acre In Sec. S. T. 36. S. R. 5 V.. Grants Pass & Rogue River R. R. Co., 3 Va acres In Sec. 17 and 20, T. 363. It. 5 W Graves. Thos. It., Ixit 10, Blk. it), Miller Co.'s ad dition Graves, A V., E'2 of SW't W of SE'i of Sec. 6, T. 3 4. S. R. 7 W Green. J. II., Lot Blk. 5 Merlin Greenback Gold Mining Co., SE ' of Sec 33. T. 33. S It 5 W. . 33.86 21.06 7.94 4.58 7.02 2.64 43.68 5.88 31.08 5.83 45.60 45.60 45.60 7.63 11.04 17.92 5.33 8.97 5.18 10.36 86.69 7.13 . 9.66 6.00 21.31 19.40 1.70 59.00 32.68 20.14 43.68 43.68 57.34 6.30 6.84 15.12 4.48 63.75 23.00 6.51 SO. 00 377.60 3.22 48.30 46.62 35.70 1.22 6.66 16.78 61.00 5.65 43.66 1.40 15.60 SH of SWVi of Sec. 33, T. 33 S., R. 5 N --- Grout, V. S.. Lot 4, Blk. 87, Hasan," E.' P., SV Vi of Sec. 14. T. 38. S. R. 8 W Hagerty, John -jV4 of SEVi NW, of SE Vi, SWV of NE' of Sec. 18, T. 34. S. It. 7 W --- N, of NE Vi . SWVi of NE'i of Sec. 20, T. 35 S., R. 7 W I Hall. B. M., Lot 4. Blk. 36 all Block 37, Railroad Ad- I dition I Hamilton, J. G., 2 acres In ! Sec. 17. T. 36, S. It. 5 W.... Lots 5 and 6. Blk. 6, Nel son Addition Hammond, L. A Lot 2, Sec. 16. T. 38 S., R. 7 W Hammond, Lorln A., lot 3, Blk.' 39, Railroad Addition Hammond, Lorln A., and wife, lots 5 and 7, Blk. 22, Railroad Addition 1, lots 3 and 4, Blw 24, R. R. Add.... Lot 4, Blk. 70, O. T. 8 North 2 acres of SGVi of NWVi of SEVi of Sec. 13, T. 36, 8. R. 6 W E Vi of NE 4 of SEVi . SEVi of SEVi, SVi of N'i of SWVi of SEVi. SV4 of SWVi of SEVi of Sec. 32, T. 34 S., R 6 W Hammond, Alva M., SVi ot NWVi, west end of SVi of NEVi, Vi acre west of ditch, Sec. 15, T. 38 S. R. 7 V 2 acres In Sec. 13. T. 36, S. R. 6 XV Hammond, Mrs. A. M., Lota 4 and 6, Blk. 22, Railroad Addition Lot 6, Blk. G, Miller & Co.'s new addition The Hammond Co., SWVi of Sec. 22, T. 33, S. R. 6 W.... Hannah. Mrs. Mary, NWVi ot NEV4 of SWVi Sec. 34, T. 34, S. It. 6 XV Harding & Eldrldge, WVi of SWVi, Sec. 13, T. 35, S. R. 6 XV NWVi of Sec. 14, T. 35, S. R. 6 W SWVi of Sec. 14, T. 35, S. R. 6 W SVi of SEVi, NEVi of . SEVi, SWVi of NEVi. less 10 acres. In Sec. 14, T. 35, 8. It. 6 W NVi of NEVi, NEVi of NW'4 of Sec. 23, T. 35, S. R. 6 W.: NWVi of NWVi of Sec. 24, T. 35 S, R 6 W ' Harmon, Effie O., NWVi of NE'i of Sec. 19, T 37 S., R. 7 W Harmon, C. E.. 94 acres in Sec. 25, T. 39, S. It. 8 W I EVi of NW'4 of SWVi. Sec. 25, T. 37 S.. R. 5 W.... Harris. C. L Lot 16, River j Heights subdivision jllaskins, drover, SW', of ! Sec. 10, T. 34. S. R. 5 W Havens, Mary J., lot 7, Blk. 1, Merlin Having, Jane C, 1 Vi acres In Sec. 21. T. 35, S. It. 6 XV.... Jlavercamp, II. C, SVi of I SEVi of SE'i of Sec. 36, T. 38, S. R. 5 W (The Hawkeye Lumber Co., j N'i of NEV of NEVi of i NW',, E'i of SW-, of NEVi of NWVi of Sec. 24, I T. 36. S. R. 6 XV j Ben.i. Healey, Est., EVi of NE'i, NWVi of NE'4 Sec. 33, T. 36, S. R. 5 XV and Mineral Lot No. 475 in T. 36, S. It. 5 W Heberlie. L. A., S'i of SEVi and lt 4. Sec. 16. T. 39, 5. R. S W Heinback, Gertrude, L., Lot 1. Blk. 6 2 It. K. addition.... Hendricks, R. E.. Lots 5 and 6. Blk. M, in I lend rick & Marshall's Subdivision of Lot 4, Blk. M. Bourne's First addition Hendricks. C. E., 1-S acre. Sec. S, T. 36 S. R 5 ' Herman. Eliza, Lots 6 and 7, B. 2 Merlin Herzinger, H. L., Lots 10, 11, 12, B. 65. O. T. S SW'i of Sec. 27, T 38 S, R 5 XV Hewett, Geo. S'2 of SVi of SW'i of NWVi, Nvi of W'i of S'i of SWVi of NW'i of Sec. 16, T. 37 S. It. 5 W Hilkey. B. F., NW'i of SEV4 of Sec. 26, T 36 S, R. 7 W Hill. J. It.. NW'i of NE'4 of Sec. 36. T. 37 S. R 8 W Hill. ("has. M.. E'i of W of Sec. 2S. T. 33 S, R 6 W Hill, John It., SE'i oi NW'i of Sec. 36, T. 36 S, R 6 XV Hinkson. Mahle C. SEVi of SEVi of Sec. 6, T. 35 S. R. 5 W Hobart, Letltia B., Lots 4, 5, 6. 7, Block 7. Lincoln Park Addition Holland. Wm.. list., EVi of SE'i of SW'i of Sec. 6. T 37 S. R 6 W, E'i of NEVi of NW'i of Sec. 7. T. 37 S, R. 6 XV Holt, Sidney B.. Lot 7. Blk. 2, Miller & Co., addition.... Hoover. Louisea J., Lot 9, Blk. 84. O. T. S Horman, John, W'i of SE'i, SW'i of NE'i Ldt 2. Sec. S, T. 35 S, R. 5 W Howard. J. C, NE'i of SE'i of SE'i Sec. 36, T. 3S S.. it 5 W Howe, c. E mineral entry No. 134. SE'i of NE'i, NE'i of SEVi of Sex. S. T. 34. S. R. 5 W Howell, Edward, Lot 6. 7. 8, Blk. 25. Railroad Addition N'j of STEi of NEl of Sec. 4. T. 36 S. R. 5 W Hubert. E. P., l-r, acre in Sec. 8. T. 36 S, R 5 W 290.55 7.32 23.00 38.64 85.56 69.54 41.95 1.83 1.44 2.75 21.96 13.73 6.91 24.04 17.86 7.51 13.73 9.15 47.04 5.06 11.52 23.04 23.04 68.40 29.18 23.60 50.40 1.80 2.00 74.41 .56 24.65 3,78 21,51 75.67 12.60 .92 4.58 3.05 1.40 55.67 14.40 3.68 5.04 11.50 31.08 6.08 9.00 45.45 18.40 4.75 25.32 37.51 3.78 25.35 8.24 3.60 6.10 Howell, Ed., SE'i ot SEVi, EVi ot SWVi of SEVi, Sec. 23. T. 36 S, K 7 W, NVi of NEVi of Sec. 26, T. 36 S, It 7 W 2.7.36 Iloyt, Jerome, lot 1 and SEVi of NE'i of Sec. 2, T. 34, S. R 5 W 46.8a Lois 3, 4 and 5 and SEVi ot NWVi of bee. 2, T 34 a R 5 V 51.20 Hull, Jackson, 21 Vi acres in Sec. 20, T. 36 S, R 5 XV.... 51.83 Hurt & Cane, SVi of SVa ot Sc. 22, T 36 S, R 7 V 26.56 Hydraulic Mining Co., 35 acres In Sec. 25, T 34 S, R 5 W 28.51 luman, N. F., 80 acres lu Sec. 32, T 33 S, R 5 W.... 11.23 Isham, S. E., 1 acre in Sec. 17. T 36 S, R o W 16.02 Jensen, John S., SEVi of SWV SWV of SEVi Sec. 24, T 37 S, R 5 W. . NWVi ot NEVi ot Sec. 25, T 37 S, It 5 W, WVi of SWVi of Sec. 24, T 37 S, R 5 W 28.98 Jess, Sherman, NWVi of NWVi of Sec. 23, T 36 S, R 7 W 4.50 Jeter, Minnie, Lots 1 and 2 lu Blk D, Judson's Addi tion 10.68 Johnson, J. M., Lots 11 and 12 In Blk 12, O T S 19.83 Johnson, John, Lot 6 In BZlk 11, Lincoln Park 18.39 Johnson, A. M., 10 acres In Sec. 21, T 36 S, R 5 W 13.25 Johnson, Chas. J., Wft of NWV ot Sec. 34 T 39, S R 7 W 53.76 Johnson, A. S., SVi ot SWVi. NWVi ot SWV, SWVi of NWVi of Sec. 8, i" 35 S, R 7 W 60.49 Jones, Nettie, Lots 6 and 7 In B. 5, Browndale Town Bite 78 Josephine In v. Co., Lots 13 and 14, B 4 and Lot 16 In , B. 5, WestholHi, 8.05, Lots 7-13 In B. 7, all Block 10 In Westholm Park 9.15 Katen, J., SEVi ot NWVi, NEVi of SWVi. W'i ot NWVi of SE', WVi of SWVi ot NEVi, ot Sec. 7, T. 36 S, R 6 XV 20.16 Keal, J. II., Lots 2-5 in B. 5, Lot 6 in B. 2, Lots 4-5 In B. 3, Takilma 13.11 Keep, Frank L., NVi of NVi of NW'i of Sec. 30, T. 35 S, It 6 W 10.98 Kelley, Estella B., NW Vi of SWVi, SWVi of NWy of Sec. 32; T 36 S, R 6 W.... 11.52 Kelly, T. D., et al, SWVi less 12 acres in Sec. 4, T 35 S, R 5 W 27.04 Kenney, Karoline, beginning 500 feet N of S E Cor of SWVi of Sec. 16, running N. 50 ft W to county .road S on road 50 feet E to be ginning in Sec. 16, T 36 S, R 6 W Lots 9-10 in B 1, Brown dale Townsite ' Kester, Eugene, EVi of SWVi of .E',i of Sec. 12, T 36 S, It 7 W Keyte, Harley T., SWVi of SW',i, Sec. 32, T 34 S, R 6 W Khoeery, K., Lot 5 in B. 8, Takilma Kinkle, Mrs. M., NEVi of NEVi of Sec. 1, T 37 S, R 5 W Kirkpatrick, John, Est., 2 acres in Sec. 16, T 35 S, R 6 W Kitowski, T., Plot 9 in B. 69, O. T. S Knight, Harry R WVi of NW'i of SE'i of Sec. 9, T. 37 S. R 5 W Kribs. F. A., Lot 3, in Sec. 22, T. 36 S. R 6 W Kurtz, Louis, NEVi of NEVi of Sec. 24. T 38 S, R 8 W Kuykendall, W. R., SVi of NE'i of Sec. 4. T. 35 S, R. 6 W La Carte, Everyl G., Lots 7, 8, 9, Blk 26, O. T. S Lacey, T. E., Et ux, South 30 acres of NEVi of SW V4 Sec. 6., T. 36 S.. R. 5 W.... Lacey, T. E., Lots 10, 11, 12, Blk 19, O. T. S Larlniore, Jasper N.. 2S acres In Sec. 8, T. 39 S.. R. 5 W LaRne. Arthur, 3'2 acres In Sec. 16, T. 36 S.. R. 5 XV.... Launer, L. A.. Lots 5 and 6, Blk 69, O. T. S Laurel Hill Ditch Co., 20 acres in Sec. 1, T. 38 S R. 5 W Leland, Frank M., 4 acres in hec 19, T. 36 S., R. 5 XV.... Ionard. Lawrence, heirs of, SE'i of NW', SWVi of NE 4. Sec. 22, T. 39 S R. 7 W, Lewis, Deliah S., Lot 2," Blk N. part of Lot 3, Blk N, Bourne's first addition Lewis, Harry L 160 acres in Sees. 6 and 7, T. 35 S., R. 7 W Lightenberger, Wm., Lots 4 to 11, Inclusive, W. O. Smith subdivision, Wolf Creek Lind. Gus. Lots 7, 8, 9, Blk 23, O. T. S Llnd, Florence and Gus, part Lots 10, 11, Blk 11, Bourne's first Lind, Florence L., SVi of SW l .... a oi At;'; ot SWV, Sec. S. T. 36 S R. 5 W Lind. Florence L., Lot 11. Blk 28. O T s Lindsay. Jndlda A Lot 2" mit k, chansoller & Jud- son subdivision of Bourne's first addition Lister. E. H Lots 3. Blk 25. and i.ot 4, Blk 64, Railroad addition Logan. R. M., 30 acres in Sec. i- 3, S., R. 7 V SEi less 11 acres. Sec. 4. T. 39 S., R. 8 W 1.40 .26 7.00 8.32 7.14 7.36 3.03 14 03 3.68 2.09 17.10 16.56 19.07 9.55 45.75 19.00 9.28 19.07 1.80 3S.96 14.05 63.30 58.20 31.79 42.70 42.70 64.05 19.83 19.83 4.13 8.00 56.40 "V77 7;