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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1913)
FRIDAY, SUTEMHER 5, 101 S. WEEKLY KOGVE K1VEU TACl: FTVK tOHtHtt n defeated a team of Gran.g Pa8 Twl- South Oth St., conducted by Mes Heatiug stoves at Cramer Bros. I lighters at Ashland. Friday by a score dames Hou.k and Clay, is now open D. D. Daugherty of Dallas, Texas. ;01 15 to 10. O. Douglas and Cor- and a beautiful line of fall ban is Is the guest ot 0. H. Bernard tor njne11 Pitted and Hansen did the 'on display. Call and set? them. It few days. , catching for Grants Pass. j Mrs. F. H. Virtue arrived Wednes-i Wilder ill Girl Is ltride E. W. Drew, formerly of The Tal lin, and Miss Addle Robinson were inited in marriage at the home of day from Bandou to visit her father, i 1ll,,e Repine J. Darnlelle. ! Landlord J. H. Williams on Tues- Mr. and Mrs. A. Zaic. Dronrietors ' day amoved the two broken plate of the European hotel at Crescent i glass whil'b for son,e weeks have 'the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. R City, are spending a few days lu u !auorne(1 the front of the Peerless ers In this vicinity Wednesday and looking up business in connection with the new creamery In Grants Pass. Mr. Porter formerly owned a fine ranch on Crave nd has been misci4 b an. Margaret Ewlng of Salt Lake City Is spending her vacation with Dr. A'ilManu. r me Bros. renins tackle at Cramer city. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mcamara came over from Crescent City Tuesday and left the same evening for Port land. Mrs. Horace Hall returned from Portland Wednesday and the Halls have leased a bungalow at 621 North 4th street L. M. Williamson, who has been In the city for a week past attending I to business matters, left Wednesday j morning for his home at Berkeley. J Schrani jar raps at the Rogue Riv- j er Hardware. 860-tfj Gerald Sorrels, Lester DarneMle ! Clothing store and substituted new .'v. Roi.nson, at Wilderville, Wednes- i day afternoon. Rev. Wm. Rllev Jef-' ILLINOIS VALLEY ITEMS. glass, adding much to the appear- fery, Jr., performing the ceremony, ance of the place. n. the presence of Immediate rela- t ves. Mr. and Mrs. Drew left on the Death of Infant !ght train for the north anJ their The 2-months-old son of Mr. and 'Mure home at Sedgwick, Alberta, Mrs. R. L. Pulaski died at the fam- b it they will stop at Eupene, Fort- ily home, 31 J street Wednesday land and The Dalles to visit relatives ; morning from intestinal trouble. The and friends. They will bj at home to funeral was held Wednesday after- their friends after October let. noon and Interment In Granite Hill ! cemetery. ,EW HOPE. ; Returns From Alaska Trip I Mr. aud Mrs. Burroughs speut Miss Helen Clarke returned home 1 Wednesday at the home of Mr. aud jthls week after an absence of near- Airs. U. S. Wynaut. ilv four mnnthn rnln? flrt in 'v 1 Mrs. McAllister has been OU the and Norman Bailey went to Glendalei " . , , A . 1 , , ,. . . , t . , . rork accompanying her sister, who sick list. Wednesday to join Fred Mensch's surveying crew for several weeks' work. Mrs. II. J. Clark, who has been spending the summer with her bus- was married there, then back to .Miss Floieuce Wynaut aud .Miss, Seattle and to Wrangell. where she j Ruby Converse spent Tuesday with j jspent three months. Miss Clarke also Mrs. Homer York. 'visited Sitka, Juneau and Skagway. i Air. and Airs. Wynaut spent last j ! ' Thiii'uil:! v with tlinlr Hnn and dauith- V- A V 11. 1 . I- . I ' aUu hl uv.w, .Blulucu lu u.-u;Xew rnslor Arrlves twin-law at the Culy ranch. Pass Wednesday. . Rpy Walbeck new pagtor of tne Mr uuti:her j8 01U repairing the Otto Meisner returned Wednesday jM E fhnrfh jouth Rnd arrlved 'teepnone ,lne at New Uope. from Springfield, where he has teen;here Tnursday afternoon frora ar. j Mr and Mrg. u D. Walter aud working. Jrisburs. and will be entertained at Elser, Thora, Thelma and Mr. Wal- Mrs. T. W. Williams, Miss Hazel ! the homes of members of the church Hers' niece. Miss Ruby Converse, and can, leit inursaay ior Lng Beach, Cal., to Bpend the winter and possibly longer. s' niece, Aliss 1 until their household goods arrive ieft for Bandou, Oregon, last Sat ;and they can become settled In the'm-day, that being their home, iiiarsonase. Rev. Wiehtman has been ir nmi Mm. Morev Hnd family Eugene Wright went to West Fork trnn8ferred to Harrlsburg. 5 went to the hop yard at Willis York's to pick hops. .Mr. and Airs. Sleigh and family J. D. Cook, of Three Tines was )eft IOr the hop yard today, hronsrht to Grants Pass Thursday, Berk York and wife are back from suffering from an inflammatory rhen- Dorrls, where he was working the mafic condition In one knee which pllst Bu mmer. has made him an Invalid for the past r iU1,i irs. j. (j. Wynant are three weeks. Mr. Cook, who was ac- ninvinr down the Rol-iip to work for friends here several days, returned ! coniparilp(l by n)s w!fe anj daughter, Mr. Cl,w.. Thursday on a deer hunt Mr. and Airs. C. F. Blundell and ; y C(X(k ,j, two children went to Alerlin Wednes day, where Mr. Blundell will teach. Ed. Friday of Galice was In the citv Wednesday and left in the even ing for Portland on business. Geo. A. Johnson, who visited was taken to the South Pacific hospital. Aliss Krclinger and her mother have moved into the Coe house for the winter. AUrs Krellnger Is en- ti Roseburg Wednesday Mrs. B. B. Cochrane, cousin of Mrs C. H. Woodward, and Miss B. B. r-- j .v - i v, iii t ! vvoihuxsiiiiv. f?pnt 10. the Romie D.,us, uu ueCu , .............. . . gawd to teach the school here. n j at,d ivm'o for several davs1 River Hardware w 11 Kive 1 ,tMi0 votes." past, left Thursday for Sacramento, 'with any house broom sold for less Scharm jar caps at the Rogue than 65c and 1.500 votes for each River Hardware. 'f broom sold for C5c or more. 9-5-lt Dr. Alexander Wtuohell and .Mr. Reber of the Wisconsin Allneral Col lege, Air. Watson of Ashland, Sidney French of Corvallls College and Mr. Hull of Aledford have been at Takll-1 ni.i making a geologlcaJ survey. They! will return to Grants Pass on Sun day. J. D. Deusmore formerly connect ed with the copper mine and now with the Union Aieat Co. at Salem has been in Takilma on business. K. J. Khooery has been in Grants Pass on business. Hoy wens nas remeu jis uairy aiu-h to Mel. Gates, who will take cst-sMon on St'pteiuLer 1 and is .iMvarlng to move away. Air. and Airs. Oro Smith and fam ily are enjoying an outing at Cres cent City. A band of 160 head of cattle was brought through the valley on its way from Crescent City to Aledford this week. Airs. A. N. McVay had the misfor tune to lose her bam and Its con tents by lire on Sunday morning. The barn was located near the site i of the creamery which burned In the spring. It is said to be fully In sured. A dance was given at Spence Hall on Saturday nUht. A large crowd was In attendance. Air. Graham of the firm of Gra ham nnd Wakeman of Aledford Is In tbf valley representing the Contl twn'al Insuranco company. R. V. Ceorte Is In Grants Pass this week. Booster Says: "T HE time to boost is nil the time morning, noon and ilewey eve. You don't need to foe h hotel clerk or a trust magnate you neeun t be any oilier limn a human bring uith n good pair of lungs h few bruins in your iioMlle, and n linn resolve to spNik a rikmI word for rvrry :M(Kinin' thing under the mm. In fact flint's one of the chief plunks in it booster's platform. TIuM'h n loiitf one for HKi.ter. You would ln surpilsotl to r the wonderful values we are showing In !, M5 and $( suits. Every morning we begin the day with the Idea of clothing men rorrnily, and giving tbrni better clothes and lxMtor value t tin ii run l obtained anywhere oNe! M EX WHO HIT THEIR CIX)TIIES HERE ARE ALWAYS SAT. ISEIEH. '! ilir hnbli of trading at the Peerless Clothing Co. "IE MEX WEAK IT, YK HAVE IT." Ar T. D. Walen went to Portland one 'day last week to have his arm oper ated on. j Chester York was Been on our streets Wednesday night. Air. and Airs. Dutcher and family spent Saturday In Grants Pass. U MI.IAUV IN I IRM MEETING OE m:m). o wrecks wrrif STEEL PASSENGER COACHES. 3. 9 VA i 3 Have You Seen the Coupon Now in 1X4 Pi t Liggett c Myers Duke's Mixture makes a preat pi"pe smoke -and rolled into a cigarette nothing can beat it. It is the favorite smoke of thousands ot men who want selected, pure. Virginia and North Carolina bright-leaf tobacm It you have not smoked Dukes Mixture, made 'by Liggett Myers at Durham, N. C. trv it at once. Kach sack contains one and a half ounces ot tobacco that is equal to any Scgranulated tobacco made-and with each sack you get a book of cigarette papers FREE and A Coupon That is a Dandy. These coupons are gnoa ior many valuable pre s'-nts such as watches, lainfras jewelry, furniture, razors, china, etc. As a special offer, we will send you our illustrated catalog of presents FREE. Ju-t Srmi us your nam'" anil address on a postal. This offer expires December SI. UIS is I""! ' I "'""' ' "" . . m-..-" ,-,-t, : HORSESOt. j j TIN3I.F Y'S NAtUkAL LfcAF. ham FOUR POM i.v,, a J " PICK PUT. CL T. IMLD MONT Cl'.AHtntS. CLIX CIOARET 1 L. tiidotnr tci f i t n lJ til. 1 -L .J Pi A Premium Dept. ST LOUIS. MO. GRAVE (iHOSTS. Airs. Rhodes accompanied hy her son and .daughter, left for Seattle Wednesday so as to be there In time for opening of school. The Threshing crew is at T. J. Alack in's this week and expects to fin ish there by Saturday. Everyone on the creek has a splendid crop this year, which will lead to full pocket hooks this winter. A Sunday school has been organ ized at the Red school house and has adopted the name of Ralph Hawley I'nion Sunday School. Officers are: Airs. H. O. Williams, superintendent; Golda Duncan, secretary and treas urer and Dora Penny, librarian. ! Samuel Pettinpill, ur merchant, was relieved of $2". Sunday. Air. Pettinelll has an Idea who was re sponsible, but lacks ecessnrv proof. Mrs. ATartha Stevens '. I.ebnd spent Sunday and Monday with the Williams family. 1 Miss Clo-a Eiaht left for Wash ington Sunday evening. She has a !irood position there but was forced to pive it up oil accouni of sl'-kness. i. few months with the home folks jber tl and lots of Grave air restored her health. .Monday evening a surprise party was tendered the Rhodes family by friends. A delightful evening was spent, the young folkB playing games on the lawn while their elders chaperoned and visited. Later a luncheon was served consisting of pickles, roasting ears, cake, apples, etc., which means in this case all sorts and conditions of sandwiches. Miss Reza Rlack left for Seattle Monday. She spent her vacation with the Rhodes family, who are nls" from Seattle. J. P. Duncan lias .uety'.cjie liphts in Lis. Louse now and thy sure male tint? light. Jim says it. isn't necessary to wash lamp chirriKys now. '?w'. Pnt'f'fl '4 facer passed through Grave on hi way to Grants Tas? Wednesday In a fine auto. Grant Is putfirie on lots of stvle these days. II. O. Williams has some dandy field corn wi'h thrw and four ears to the stalk, well filled and matured at this writing Looks a If Or pon could go Kansas one bettor for corn. A. A. Porter was visiting ranrh- The first nieetiug of the Ladles' auxiliary will be held Saturday p. m. at 3 o'clock In the Commercial club rooms. A full attendance of mem bers is desired, also a cordial Invi tation Is extended to all ladles, es pecially newcomers. The yearbooks are ready and will be distributed to the members on Saturday. The following program will given: Flower Aster. President's Day. Lenders Airs. George Sabin -Mrs. C. L. Hobnrt. Roll Call Responses, Vacation notes. Instrumental Music Airs. Bert Elliott. Address hy President Mrs. Hess G. Conklin. Paper, "The Heart of the Woman Movement." Mrs. E. E. McKlbbon. Vocal Solo Airs. A. S. Barnes. Hostesses: Mrs. Albert Coe, Airs. R. L. Coe. Airs. R. A. N. Reymers, Airs. E. K. Townsend. St. Louis, Sept. 4. Commenting upon the New Haven wreck, officers of the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad Baid today that not a pas senger has been killed on that sys tem since the Installation of all-steel cars. 1110 I'RH fs r.i rou ori:;ox iirtm:tts. be rnd Oliver plows lead the world. Cra mer Itros., agents. NATIONAL FFIU'RATIOX 1. O. CLERKS ADJOURN. Indianapolis, Sept. 4. The bi ennial convention of the National Federation of Postofflre Clerks ad journed here today following the election of officers. Thomns Fla herty of Sun Francisco was elected .-e rctnry nnd . treasurer of the federation. New York, Sept. 4. Through auc tion. Oregon Rartletta $2.10. Philadelphia. Sept. 4.- Through auction. Hardens' $2.15 to $2.70, Chicago, Sept. 4. Through auc tion, three cars Rogue River Bart li'Us $1.70 to $2.7,1; average $2.25. Pittsburg, Sept. 4. Through auc tion, one car Rogue River pears, line stock $2.50 to $2.75. Offlco stationery nt the Courier. Dim i horn Quickly Cured. "I was taken with diarrhoea nnd Mr. Vorks. the merchant here, per suaded mo to try a bottlo of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diar rhoea Remedy. After taking one done of It I wns cured. It also cured others Mint I gave It ot," wrltea M. H. (lebhart. Oriole, Pa. That Is not at nil unusual. An ordinary attack ..I ,H,,..., i.nn ntmnut InVfirlllhlV Paint now with Patton's Sunproof ; ,)(, (.1rp(, hy nm or ,w0 dosp of thls paint. Crnmpr Pros., agents. 'remedy. For snU by all dealera. I JACKSON COUNTY FAIRl ( OI NTV TRFASi KI R S CALL FOR WARRANTS. All Josephine county warrants i protested prior to April 1, 1911, are hereby called lii and are payable at 1 tny office. Intel est ceiisftf Koptem-' 1013. J. K. PETERSON. 9-lj-3t County Treasurer. Economy jar i-aps Rlvir Hardware. at the Ros-'ue tf gy Tlio re.juli ' ear of Your FiOurr WBONt' n..9i- KV.!i.;.I5 V f :,'I)K XI-!t voil A (....v-t ( .f...l..J l r., ii . v,, :-.,.; I' ... w-A 'fi .wi i -,t it ., i-.. ,' ,' ,.l in t'..i't, t : : HAn.rv t.o!.sr r co. C 'tl ,r, Sept. 9 to 13 Thursday, September 11, has been set aside as GRANTS PASS DAY with special attraction', during the .iy mid evening. Wild horse ami hull tiding, riiclii:;, street tiirnlwil. Tin- Grnnti Pines .Moiise I iiinl hits lieeii iingt'd to pluy. - At hi Lim- )ui will '' an IMMENSE DISPLAY OF FARM PRODUCTS Fit i us, i .i tiili;s, i.iaiNs, IniiM-s cattle, sheep, siOne, iiiulliy, pet stm U, etc. iiilliuiiy nnd Ikiw-i'IiuPI urtbli. ftiiicy work, ! i . ii . W - . 1 h,l I ,'lpii III'' I-"I . tr) I'C KMit nl)(iv) (fiiiieru In this t rr I -tory. No in v'-? imu' ri-'iulr-d. Wp teach o'i tin- liiikiin-is iiild re fer customer to om. U.MM'I.EY CfjltSETS are NOT SOLO IN STOKES SPIRITED SPEED CONTESTS With Liberal Purses. i:TI IMAIVMI T I III: ALL AND FOR ALL A COOJ) TIME. ( nine mill Print: )nir I 'rlemU. fl Spein (rain cnes Medfurd for Orants Pass nl IO::J(t p. in, I i