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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1913)
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 191S. WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER PAGE THREB iiIBiil Look This Square in the Face iET a man ask you six months after you Duy an 1 HC outfit, " Why are you using a creanV separator? Is it tifn making money for you?" and the question will sound as cncihl you as though he had asked why you used a binder. This excellent combination pictured above, will give you more cream from your milk, saving from $5 to $15 per year for each cow you milk; separator skim milk, sweet, warm, and wholesome, will give you healthier, fatter pigs and calves, and this again means more milk and increased soil fertility; you will save hundreds of miles of going-to-the-creamery every year, with its wear and tear of wagon and harness, and so save the time of yourself and horses for many more hours in the field. There are other things an I H C Cream Separator Dairymaid, Bluebell or Lily will do for you. Then the one-horse power I H C engine mounted on a portable truck, will pump water, run a washing machine, churn, sausage grinder, grindstone, and run various other farm machines. Various points heavy phosphor bronze bushings, trouble-proof neck bearings, dirt and milk -proof spiral gears, etc., make I H C sepa rators the best to buy. Each style has four convenient sizes. See the local dealers who handle these machines, and have them dem onstrate the working to you, show you the close skimming qualities, and efficiency, and go over the mechanical features with you. They will give you catalogues and full information. International Harvester Company of America uncorportieuj , t. Portland Ore. I IXVESTIOATIOX TO FOLLOW SLAPPING OF CHINK'S FACE. Ijs Angeles, Sept. 1. Officers of the British ship Lord Lonsdale, lying at San Pedro, declared today that they will demand an official Investi gation of the actions of Immigration Inspector R. Miller, who slapped the face of the ship's Chinese cook, pre cipitating an imbroglio that almost cost him his life. The cook seized a meat cleaver and rushed at Miller, a dozen yellow members of the crew at his back. Officers of the ship helped the In spector, who had drawn his revolver, from the ship after the rook and two sailors had been overpowered. Ac cording to Captain John Forester, of the Lonsdale, Miller's procedure when he Inspected the Chinese crew was unusual. He declares the blow the Inspector struck the cook was unprovoked. Miller asserts that the cook, when ordered to sign the in spection slip, wrote an Insulting word Instead of his name. -YEAR-OLD HOY RITCHKKS HAHY GIRL, WIRE BRIEFS. t Goldendale, Wash., Sept. 1. When the sheriff vent to the farm of J. C. Warner to serve an attachment on a $3,000 stallion, he found the thoroughbred animal hauling hay with a Missouri mule as a teammate. Warner claimed exemption under the law. The courts will decide. CLOSER RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN' ENG. AND U. 8. San Francisco, Sept. 1. "He shot at me but I threw sand In his eyes and he missed. Then he and his wife clubbed me with the gun," said Anton Schlegel to the police. An ton Is In the hospital and Alec Mc Donald and his wife In the coop as determined scrappers. San Francisco, Sept. 1. Two ma ture and apparently respectable wo men who fought on the street hold the key to a police mystery here. They mixed It over a gold necklace. When questioned at police head quarters, It was revealed as a case of one man, two women and one gift. Los Angeles, Sept. 1. Omar Wool forth, after laughing himself Into hysteria, arrived at the receiving hospital in an ambulance unable to tell his troubles. His wife substitut ed: "He swallowed a sardine tall first. He said it tickled his palate, and then began laughing at himself." Los Angeles, Sept. 1. After fall Ing four stories through a skylight Katherine Dale. 17, was rescued un injured from the debris caused by her precipitate arrival In a hotel lobby. Plie fell from a window while scuffling with a girl friend. Portland, Sept. 2 Charles Blake, a logger, discovered one Japanese with patriotic regard for America when K. Moduchi kicked him Into the etreet for attempting to tear down an American flag which adorn ed the Japanese poolroom. Blake arrested; Jap commended. Munich, Sept. 1. The crimes of Jesse Pemroy. the famous American pervert who Is a life prisoner In Bos tlon, were equalled here today when a boy of 7 years, found in the out skirts of the city, was discovered to have butchered a little girl 3 years old. The boy stunned the child with a club and then split her head open and severed her arms and legs. He is believed to be Insane. Portland, Sept. 2. If he'd only thought of it sooner. Manager Wol verton. after Sacramento dropped seven straight to Portland, yester day decided to stack the bats against the grandstand instead of leaving jthem lie on the ground. Result: 'Sacramento took both games. TO WALK FROM PORTLAND TO 'FRISCO IX 10 DAYS. FIN D IJODY OF SALEM WOMAN IX RIV Portland. Sept. 1 Leaving Port kind on the morning of October 1, Dan O'Leary, 70, and claiming to be the champion walker of- the world, will attempt to walk to San Fran cisco, a distance of 770 miles In six teen days. This will be the first attempt made to walk the distance in any given number of days. O'Leary recently celebrated his 70th birthday by walking 70 miles. Sacramento, Sept. 2. "Stop," yelled Motorcycle Policeman Brown to a man and a girl on a speeding machine. And then he followed them IS miles with his revolver out. When caught Brown found them to be deaf mutes who thought him an up-to-date highwayman. AMERICANS REMAIN IX CITY OF MEXICO Los Angeles, Sept. 2. A fair maid who left only the initials "B. S." complained at a suburban police station that her watch, usually worn strapped above her ankle, had been lost or stolen. "I must have lost it getting on a street car," she sug gested to the sergeant. Salem, Sept. 1. A search of near ly two weeks is ended here today by the finding of the body of Mrs. Mary Guild, aged 60, In the Willamette river. She had been in ill health, and eluding the vigilance of rela tives, disappeared from her home August 19, leaving a note saying she Intended to drown herself. ELLIOTT SUCCEEDS M ELLEN. ARRESTMD FOR VIOLATION OF IVTERSTATR COM. LAW. Portland, Sept. 1. Charged with securing a railroad pass from the O. VT. R. & N. company for a woman not his wife. In violation of the Inter state commerce regulations, E. S. Shafer, a telegraph operator of Huntington, Or., Is under arrest here today. The woman, whose name was given In the complaint as Jane Dee. was also taken Into custody. New York. Sept. 1, Howard El liott, formerly president of the Northern Pacific Railroad, today for mally assumed the office of presi dent of the New York, New Haven and Hartford line vice Charles Mel len, whose resignation, presented to the board of directors several weeks ago, took effect today. KILLARXEY HOUSE BURN'S. Los Angeles, Sept. 2. Some one neglected to prune the splinters from the greased pole at the Ocean Park Labor Day celebration. A member of the Los Angeles plum bers union was the only man to reach the top. Montreal, Sept. 1. Pleading elo quently for a closer relationship be- ween England and the United States, the Right Hon. Viscount Richard Burden Haldane, lord high chancel lor of Great Britain, today spoke as the guest of honor of the American Bar association, which is holding Its annual convention here. Lord Hald ane took for his topic "Higher Na tionality; A Study In Law and Ethics." "What one who finds himself face to face with this assemblage natural ly thinks of is the future of the three nations; a future that may depend largely on the influence of men with opinions such as ours," declared his lordship. "The United States and Canada and Great Britain together form a group which Is unique; unique because of its common inher itance In traditions ,tn surroundings and In ideals. And nowhere Is the character of this common inherit ance more apparent than in the re gion of Jurisprudence. The lawyers of the three countries think for the most part alike. At no period has po litical divergence been strik ingly apparent. Where the letter of their law Is different, the spirit Is yet the same. It la this identity ot spirit, large ly due to a past, which the lawyers of this group have Inherited Jointly that not only forms a bond of union, but furnishes them with an Influence that Van hardly be reproduced In other nations. I take my stand on facts which are beyond controversy and seek to look ahead. I ask you to consider with me whether we, who have In days gone by moulded their laws, are not called on to try In days that lie In front to mould opinion in yet another form, and so encour age, the nations of this group to de velop and recognize a reliable char acter In the obligations they assume towards each other. "For it may be that there are rela tions within such a group of nations that are not possible for nations more isolated from each other and lacking In our Identity of history and spirit. Cnnada and Great Britain on the one hand, and the United States on the other, ubo a common lan guage, have common interests and common ends, resembling a stroug society. If there be such a society, It may develop within Itself a foun dation for International faith of a kind that Is new In the history of the world. Without Interfering with the freedom of action of these great countries, or the Independence of their constitution, It may bo possibfe to establish a true unison between sovereign states. This unison will doubtless, If It ever comes Into com plete being have its witnesses In treaties and written agreements. But such documents can never of them selves constitute it. Its substance, If It Is to be realized, must be sought for deeper down In an Intimate so cial life." Lord Haldane urged lawyers to as sist In the freshening of the conven tional atmosphere which surrounds men In public life by omitting no op portunity to think rightfully and contribute to the fashioning of a more hopeful and resolute kind of public opinion. Mexico City, Sept. 1. The expect ed exodus of American residents from Mexico as a result of warnings voiced in President Wilson's mes sage to congress, has failed to ma terially. A few Americans left the capital today, but a majority will re main, being unwilling to sacrifice business Interests unless the situa tion becomes alarming. Provisional President Huerta is expected to Ignore anonymous charges that a group of Americans here plotted to bring about Ameri can Intervention. "JAY WALKERS" ARE DOOMED. Vera Crus, Mex., Sept. 1. Fifty American refugees are here and no transport Is available to carry them to the United States, and no regular vessel sails tor several days. United States Consul Canada has arranged to accommodate the penniless at a local hotel. John LInd, President Wilson's special envoy, will spend tomorrow at a plantation near Terra Blanche. He has given no Indication here as to what ho relieves the future holds In tho American-Mexican dispute. SLIT SKIRT SENDS BLIND MAX TO MUNICIPAL FARM. Kansas City, Sept. 2. M. J. Mc Carty, fake blludman, who was sen tenced to serve 100 days on the municipal farm because he gazed for 30 seconds at the aperture In a slit skirt, was far from being down cast today. "Believe mo, gentlemen," he Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 2. A cam paign of ridicule directed toward the extermination of the "Jay Wal ker Family" was Inaugurated her today by the local automobile club. The "Jay Walker Family," accord ing to explanations made today la numerous. It Is composed of those pedestrians who cross congested streets without first looking to see It it Is safe to do so. The local au tomobile club today adopted reso lutions suggesting propaganda to ba distributed all over the country to "kill off the Jay Walker Family." Automobile clubs all over the coun try, It was decided today, will be asked to aid In exterminating "Mr. and Mrs. Jay Walker and all the lit tle Walkers." FORMAL HAGUE CON FERENCE OPENS. The Hague, Sept. 2. The formal sessions ot the Hague Conference opened here' today with delegate! from a score of the largest nations of the world attending. Among tn United States delegates are Repre sentative F. C. Stevens, of St. Paul; Representative Richard Bartholdt, of Missouri, and Representative James L. Slaydon, of Texas. STEEL ARRIVES FOR ' MEDFORD STREET RAILWAY. Modford, Sept. 2. With the ar rival yesterday ot two carloads ot steel rails for the interurbun rail road the Bullis company announce that the laying ot rails on Mala said, "when I tell you that It was 'street will be started the last of the worth It. I would do the same thing over again and then some." McCarty was wearing a "Help the Blind" sign when a buxom brunette, with a skirt silt to the knee, dropped a dime in his cup. J. W. West, a clerk, saw McCarty fix his eye on the aperture. After West had done some staring himself, he called a policeman. week and the electric railroad will be In operation by the middle of No vember. Three more carloads are en route, the eloctrlc cars are ready for ship ment and from now on work will be rushed toward the completion of the line to Siskiyou Heights addition from the corner ot Main and Front streets. NO DIFFERENCE. ELECTRICAL STORM AND ( LOIMIURST AT OGDrIN". Oadon. Ulan. Sept. 1. Dairage estimate! r. $20,000 Is done here terday. flooding scores of retail and cloudliru v::'ih swept Cgrtci terday. odlng r.::: of r -VI 1 wholesale houses. Lightning f-tru.k a pi-eery vtore, melting the soM-r In limdreds of cans of vesetaMes. :tr.1 n llMng the contents. Dublin, Sept. 1. Built 32 years ago at n cost of $1,000,000 Klllarney house, at Klllarney, county Kerry, the home of the Earl ef Keamore, Is practically in ruins today as a re sult of a fire which Rpread rapidly because of lack of water. Many priceless works of art were burned. COOUILLE, CITY OF GOLDEN PAVED STREETS. Coquille. Sept. 2. The streets of this town are paved with rock that will yield 16.40 in gold to the ton, It was learned today following the re ceipt of an assay of specimens sent to Virginia City. Nev.. by J. C. Wll nn, a miner, who detected traces of the precious metal In the paving ma terial. The rock is secured from a quarry five miles from town. The Proof i Here the Same As Ev- crywhere. For those who seek relief from kid ney backache, weak kidneys, bladder Ills, Doan's Kidney Pills offer hope of relief and the proof is here in Grants Pass the same as everywhere. Grants Pass people have used Doan's and Grants Pass people recommend Doan's, the kidney remedy used In America for fifty years. Why suffer? Why run the risk of dangerous kid ney Ills fatal Brlght's disease. Here's Grants Pass proof. Investigate It. Henry Nutt, 400 Isham St., Grants Pass, Ore., says: "For a long time I suffered from weak and painful back. At times I was so bad I thought my back would break and I could hardly work. Others of my family having been benefited by Doan's Kidney Pills. I decided to try them and they strengthened my back and kidneys and made me feel like a different man." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. GERMAN-AMERICAN AL LIANCE IN SESSION St. Paul, Sebt. 2. A program of German folk songs and patriotic American airs today marked the opening of the annual sessions of the German-American Alliance, one of the strongest German societies in the United S'ates. WATER OF PACIFIC LET IX PANAMA CANAL. tott for the most part attribute their sue- 0j cess to the start In life gained by a qjyj This bank pays four per cent, compounded semi-annually, and In vites you to open an account with $1.00 or more. The Grants Pass Banking & Trust Company OFFICERS AND Claun Schmidt, Provident. Mai-tthull Hooper, Cashier Jus, T. Tuffs. Geo. It. Riddle. DIRECTORS. Geo. P. Jester, Vice President. L. A. La u nor, Ass't Cnnhler. O. S. Illiinchard. Herbert Smith. Panama, Sept. 1. Following the removal yesterday ot the last re maining barrier at the Pacific end cf the Panama canal, dredges tomorrow will start to remove the last barrier ot the Atlantic channel. When this work Is finished ships may navigate to the locks from both ends. The Pacific barriers were blown up by an electric switch which was turned on twice yesterday, first at 9:30 o'clock and again at 1:30 p. m. The first blast constituted about 44, 800 pounds of 45 per cent dynamite and hundreds of tons of mud and stones were thrown high in the air. The explosion tore a big gap In the barrier, but was not to a sufficient depth to permit the water to flow through as the tide was too low. The actual breaking of the barrier came In the afternoon when the second charge was let go. Then a workman with a shovel made a trench through which a rill of water trickled. It widened gradually and In an hour was a raging torrent, with a 35 foot fa)! of water pouring through an opening 400 feet wide, Into that part of the canal between the Garnboa dike and the Mlraflores locks, which previously had been excavated by steamshovels. UCK means rising at six o'clock In the morning, living on Iron lima you earn Minding your own buMlness and not meddling with other KHplo's Luck means appoint ments you have never fulled to keep Tho train you have never failed Mi catch Luck means trusting In God and your own re source." The man with a bank account and a check book in his pocket Is considered lucky. This kind ot luck Is within your easy reach. Many of our best customers started with a small deposit. So can you. JOSEPHINE COUNTY BANK T. IJ. CORNELL, President J. L. CALVERT, Vice Free. SAM II. RAKER, C&ituler GEO. R. DICKINSON, Ast Cashier. Letterhead? at Courier offlca. FLYING MERKEL Motorcycles A. K. CASS Agent for Josephine County