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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1913)
nUHAI, AUGUST 2, IMS. WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER pagl mc i PERSONAL AND LOCAL. 444-f Albert fcVeestafer of Carlisle, P arrived Tuesday night to Tiait kis cousin, J. L. Cbristlieb. Mrs. T. Brlnkerboff left tor Portland Tuesday night, called there on account of the death of her sis ter's husband. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Horning went to Newport AA'ednesday to spend their vacation. They will also stop at Toledo, Mr. Homing's former home. Miss Margaret Sherer, who has beea visiting Miss Hortense Hough for . the past week, returned to Glen dale Wednesday morning. Mrs. E. V. Wilkinson, who has A I la by at Wilderrille Bora, on Monday, August 25, to Mr. and Mrs. John B. Robinson, of WildervUle, a son. I ASK SPECIAL TAX LEVY FOK COU.NTY FAIR ILLINOIS VALLEY ITEMS. Mr. Inver has put In a bill of lum- The directors of tne Josephine jbei with one of the sawmills to build County Fair association met in this a house at his mine near Waldo, city Wednesday afternoon and got here he intends to live this winter. a great deal of the detail work nec essary to get the fair under headway An Heir fur the Smith's Sunday, August 24th. an eight pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. uonaia H. Smith, at the Good Sam- cleared off the table. Frank South, aritan hospital in this city. appointed to fill the vacancy on the 1 board caused by the resignation of , Mr. Gorham, was present, and got j Clay will into the harness like an old wheel , Sew Millinery Store Mesdames Howk and open a millinery store at 306 South horse. Sixth street and will be open for bus iness In a few days with a full stock of all new goods. 8-2 8-1 1 Mrs. A. X. McVay is building a new barn on her farm. Mrs. John Clemens has been ser iously ill. Several families held a picnic on the Illinois river on Sunday. The jnumber included the Kitterman. So Iwell and Hervey famlles and Misses ! Agnes George, Jessie Shaffer and, several others. I I Several children of tne neignDor- Poultry Association Meeting One matter given endorsement by the directors is the levying of a tax, as provided for by the last session of . the state legislature, fnr fair nnr poses. The act of the legislature nooJ are nav,QS an attark of Ger- The Poultry Association will hold grants to counties the privilege of,nian w6168 its regular monthly meeting at the levying a tax of not to exceed one been visiting: her son. D. 3 Wilkin. Commercial club rooms. Saturday. t mill upon all the assessable property; nn of Pmunl, r.r w a n 2 S il nVlnrlr Plane f.M. v tinUini in ttiA miintv fnr tho nnrnnsn of nnr- ter, Mrs. Bvu .. UM cuBD- "v. uB .-v r-r w- Aav a her tinmn .i riir n of fhe nnultrv ttinw at tha irviinSu. rhaslne around for fair numoses . . . P.vnnta Puca Q n I (lnnphtar lipn. county fair will be made at this and for the erection of buildings."' """" " thereon. Petitions will be circulated lue ""--' v" asking the county court to call an uruay- election for the purpose of submit I Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Burnett of Medford are visiting the latter's sis-1 H. B. Kitterman. j A. X. Parsons, real estate agent : Booster Says: EVERYONE AT HEART IS A HOME RUYER, HUT IX)TS OF FOLKS HAVE WEAK HEARTS. THE SPIRIT IS WILLING RUT THE FLESH IS WEAK." One and two quart fruit Jars at Cramer Bros. i meeting. ilrs. L. E. Gerten of Eugene is' visiting Mr. and Mrs, a. D. shooK. i To V,s,t Crater Lke A. M. Daniels and family of Eu .gene, traveling throuu oy automo bile to San Diego, stopped over at Grants Pass Wednesday to visit old friends, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Shook. Scbram jar caps at the Rogue Riv er Hardware. 860-tf Will Dana, Sid Howell, Cal Allen and L. D. Cole started out Thursday morning on a hunting expedition to the Reuben creek country. Mrs. Marguerrlt Falls, who has been the guest of the J. Pardee fam ily for a week past, left Thursday morning for Butte, Mont. Mr. and Mrs. Tneo. Hobgood left Wednesday evening for Portland, stopping off at Koseburg for a few days. Captain and Mrs. E. J. Evans, who have been spending several weeks among old friends in Grants Pass .and vicinity, left Wednesday even ing for Everett, Wash, to spend the winter. Miss Pearl Lewis, who has been .visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis Sr., left Wednesday night for Portland, where she teach- es in the Rose City Park eehool. . Dr. Emil John A. Dale and family, accom- ting the question of the special levy panied by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Laun- to the voters of the county, when, er, will leave within a day or two for under the law, the court can make Crater Lake and the Klamath Falls the levy at the first meeting In Jan country, traveling in Mr. Dale's new uary If a majority of the voters vote Stoddard-Dayton car. In favor of such levy. The petitions will be circulated at once that the lleay Steel For Canyon election can be called for the time The Southern Pacific company has of the regular November election, placed 90-lb steel ' rails along the Tll premium lists for the fair are tracks from Glendale to Cornutt. a now nearly ready for distribution, Fruit jars and stone jars In all sizes at Cramer Bros. MARIS CALLS ATTENTION TO SCHOOL FAIRS The earlier school fairs are al-j ready being held and at the end of another month most of them will be 1 a matter of history. Every one con nected with the work is anxious that that history read satisfactorily. This ' is about the last opportunity we shall have to cull your attention to : your exhibits for most of your work distance of 31 miles throughout the and will be from the hands of the Cow Creek canyon, and a crew of printers early next week. track layers will soon commence re- " nianinff tho iiirhtor riia A pocket whetstone FREE this week with the sale of every pocket hfls already been done. knife at Cramer Bros.' JUSI iew W0,U8 ttU0Ut eu'i'B. ;Aa we have often said, the intrinsic value of the prize you are competing Rohie Gets New Auto I. A. Robie has purchased a new Eiulit Apples) to the Yard of Marve Jordan, and the latter will A yard of and only eight" ""le importance compared go to Portland and drive the new of them at that, can be seen at the the habit, of Industry you are machine down. Mr. Robie's old ma- Commercial club rooms, the fruit j'01'" " the experience you are chine, a Maxwell, has been purchased irg the Idlewlld or-; Balnlng in earning 'how to d0 some bv J C. Williams, who has become a. One of the apples has a cir-, Practical thing well. If you borrow tired of walking since he sold his curr.ference of 164 inches, machine a few months ago. All we ask of any trader is to compare the price nnd '",l Itles we offer before plucing his ortW for unythlng we carry. This Fnhhlon Shop litis Ixhmi act iimhI of Ih'Iit a lit tle dliniil of the town, !ut we think that is gKl fault. This town Isn't standing NtiU, And we are too luixy to watth jiiNt how fant it Is growing. If we ran a few u ImIiIik1 you'd le sorry, nnd if we run a few laps ahead, we'll be glad, because you'll be glad. AS YOU KNOW, OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS FAIR! To show you will be a irrcnt pleasure for us and you are earnestly Invited to rail and see what's new In Fall Outfltilng. Get the habit of trading at the Peerless Clothing Co. "IF MIA WEAR IT, AVE HAVE IT." i. Vueiiched ThJrt on the Street- SiHHMlcrs in Court For vllation of the ordinance pro- F. B. Oldlng speeded into the city hibiting drinking upon the streets or in other public places, Al Teal and Jim lewis were arrested AVed- I'ARTY ( O.MES FROM REUA IX ONE DAY ordinance regulating the running of automobiles on the city streets Wed- aml Jlrn were Howard and family of nesday evening and paid the cu?to- ne8(la-v evening, and Lewis at once Brownsville visited his uncle, B. A. jmary $5 for first offences. Earl 'Williams, here this week. They are jSmith was also brought before the traveling by auto, and went on "to court on a like charge, and a sus Crater Lake. Ipended fine of $10 now hangs over Henry Williams went to Eugene his head to be paid when he gets 1n Wednesday to work with the railroad construction gang. Miss Lucy Spiker returned to Glen dale Wednesday after visiting with friends here. Frank Cole returned Tuesday night to West Fork, after visiting his cousin, J. D. Drake. Mr. Cole In operating a placer mine about '24 miles from West Fork. Mrs. Ella Harper and her siBter, .Miss Fay Savage, left Wednesday for Los Angeles, the former to enter a school of elocution, and the latter to take a course at the conservatory of music. Mrs. N. J. Osborne, E. B. Perry too big a hurry another time. I!inkenii.n for Motor Th S. P. Company now has a crew of three men on the gasoline motor run.iiiiir between Grants Pass and Ashland, consisting of engineer, con ductor and brakeman, the latter made necessary on account of a new ruling of the company requiring a Maurran on all trains. The S. P. has adooud the slogan "Safety" and are making every effort to live up to the namo. pleaded guilty and was given a bus pended sentence. Teal took until 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon to say the word. The charge made by the police was that the men purchased beer from the thirst parlors by the pail, and then drank it and offered it to their friends upon the Btreet. something to show, or take some thing to the fair you have not raised or made, you will fall to get the value out of it that you should. Now, J do not understand me to say that ; you should not take anything to th j y. C. Maton, wh0 is heavily Inter fair that Is not entirely the product itod in Grants Pass realty, arrived of lour own effort. Some of tne in the city Tuesday after having fairs, especially those that were ar- 'niade the entire trip through from ransed for lnte in the Beason, do jcallstoga. California, by automobile, not require you to do all the work, j Mr. Mason was accompanied by his Where this is the case I would urge daughter, Miss Uilu Mason, and by you to take everything you can, un-.Ebjte. The Journey was made up the OAKLAND LUMBER i MERCHANT DISAPPEARS Only 85 cents will give yourself and your cows solid comfort. This will buy a quart of Fly Knocker and a sprayer at Cramer Bros. der t'Je rules, that will make a good ! showing. Take pride in assisting to make your fair a success. But ' where the rules require that you do all the work yourself, as they do at i the state fair, do not try to evade 'them. We might deceive everyone travel, ami except for I but ourselves, but a clean consclewe I Is worth everything. If we never Elste. The Journey was niadeup the coast by way of Eureka and Crescent City, and the travelers were loud in their praise of the mngnificent scen ery of the route. Mr. Mason says that the road was not bad for auto a few short stretches Is In excellent condition. Tho last day the party came from ,do the first little dishonest trick, weUe,,h, t the mouth of the Klamath Iwill avoid n lot of trouble In this j river, covering 123 miles, and arrlv f life. This Is on the same principle las never taking the first drink to, They will remain here about a Do you desire a position in the nvold being a drunkard. It Ib a! month classified civil service? Post office safe r(Ie- j ATTENTION'! YOIXfi MEN'! YOUXfl AVOMEX! clerks, letter carriers, railway mall rj0 clerks, etc., in demand. Ages 18 to 45. Salary $75 to $150 monthly. not overlook the county and Two Drunks Ordered On John King, who has become a com and Eugene Osborne of the Illinois , nion visitor to the police court, was Hundreds of appointments to fill va alley, left Tuesday evening for Rose- rounded up again Wednesday even- cancies, extension of service and par-' "burg, where the boys will attend i ing, having imbibed too freely, and fe)g post Mr h. L. Carl will be at j school. was ordered to leave tne city. j. . New Jc,Bephln6 hotel in Granta PagB fQ h TT Tt. ha V a a hAAn 'X n ntn itam n-na aim nan ern fin ... .. - , jiumer ivagaidii, n uu .xujs, n auaugci, w'u" " on Monday. Kept. l. inquiring lor ... .v,im. , , - 1 w u ti i J lS ? I IIC Wfl M 11U 1 CT A II 1 M 1 IB, 4V Aa a. f tit a Hf nnl o n A IfertV- . iuv uiuB uci u o -u young men ana women wno aesire to rn.nnorttr,n t. I V V" IIHIUII 0 distrM prizes nt the state fair. It Is a fine thing to cultivate local pride and patriotism. Team work aids in developing this spirit, so Join with your fellows and do your who has at his grandfather's at Kerby, and the Charles McKinnon family in Grants Pass, left Wednesday night for his home at Itanler, AVash. Mrs. AVtlliam Knox of Fossil, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Haberman, and other rel atives, left Wednesday for Portland on her way home. A. H. Ramsey of upper Slate creek is In the city this week, and stated that the mining property on Slate creek, which he has been de veloping. Is turning out beyond his expectations. He is on a rich por phyry dyke, a free milling proposi tion. On AVednesday, September 3, the Rogue River Hardware will give 1, 000 Granfanola votes with each doz en pint fruit jars sold for cash; 2. H)0 votes with each dozen quarfs, and 3,901 votes with each dozen half gallon. You can have the Economy, Golden State or Mason. S-29-lt Mrs. B, B. Coclwan, sister of Mrs. C. H. Woodjvard, and Miss Bess Sans arrived Thursday from Portland nd will visit her a few dayg. Next week the ladies, with Mr. and Mrs. Wood ward, will make the trip to Crater Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blanrhard left XTnnrlov mnrntnz for Palo AltO, Cal., the former to continue his studies in the law department of Stanford uni versity, and the l.ter to arrange for entering the university. Mr. Blan chard secured his A. B. deeree last year taking also his law studies, and he will complete the law course in one and one-half years. A 7x9 wall tent for only $7.00. at Cramer Bros. New York. Aug. 28. District At torney Whitman of New York today accepted his nomination by Tam many hall for re-election. AVhitman said his endorsement by all parties showed a detrire to eliminate his of flco from politics. Los Angeles, Aug. 28. Luclen A. (ianuhl, lumber merchant of Oak land, dropped from sight on the nlis'ht of August 20, while a passen Her on the steamer Harvard, en route from San Francl8?o to I.os Angeles, according to reports to the police to day by his relatives. Gannhl's cloth ing and valuables were found in his stateroom the following day when the steamer left San Diego on Its re turn trip up the coast. The ship's officers were unable to explain his disappearance. His relatives here fear he walked over the rail while asleep. , Schram Jar caps River Hardware at the Rogue tf How the Trouble Starts. Constipation Is the cause of many ailments and disorders that make life miserable. Take Chamberlain's Tablets, keep your bowels regularand you will avoid these' diseases. Fci salo by all dealers. Get your fly knocker this week at Cramer Bros. derly 'tions charge, and was given lnstruc to continue on his way. lie started for Crescent City, where he will listen to the moaning of the sad sea waves and will philosophize up on the connection between tblrst and the high cost of living. qualify for one of theBe appointments.' P(.ntial every He will be there one day only, until 9 p. m. ThoBO interested should call and see him without fall. 912 NOTICE OF MEET1XU OF HOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Portlatwlers Hunt and Fish A. L. Mills, president of the First National bank of Portland, with his three sons and M. O. A'anAlstyne. were in the city Friday afternoon enroute to their home in the Rose City after an outing spent In the mountains of southern Oregon. They put in several days hunting and fish ing at the mouth of the Bogue, and four fine bucks, besides trout and salmon galore, were taken Into camp. From here Mr.. Mills return- becoming more es- ,i .. .. j "imni u.i.v ami mi etui uoi netrln too early In life to practice It. AVIshlng you all success, and hop ing to meet a great many of you at the fair, I remain, A'ours for better boys and girls, N. C. MATHS, Field Worker Industrial Fair. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Equalization of tho county of Josephine, State of Oregon, will, on the second Monday In September, to-wit, September 8, 1913. attend at the court house In said county and publicly examine the assessment rolls, and correct all er rors in valuation, description or qualities of lands, lots or other prop erty assessed by the assessor; and It shartl be the duty of persons inter- d to Portalnd oy train, the other t0 aear at the tlme acc members of the party gotaig through with te automobile. appointed. ECLUS POLLOCK, Assessor Josephine Cottnty, Oregon. Scharm jar caps River Hardware. at the Rogue , tf AVA NTH STATE TO PAY FOR TWO DEAD HOVINKM l.'ntftaner Returns Hwiite Laura Thomas Gunnell, who with Ethel Caroline Palmer, has been in the west, north and south for Just a year, returned home from San Fran cisco Friday night and will be here for about six weeks. Miss Talmer remained in the Bay City but will Albany, Ore., Aug. 28. Stating arrive here is a rew aayg. jirs. mac two oi niH jerseya uranK paint Gunnell says By had a most en- left at his farm by United States geo fnvab'o 'our as well as a profitable logical surveyors la year, and one. making all the Important cities turned tip their hoofs, I. K. Tooley in the northwest and In British Co- of Albany today asked Secretary of lumbla to Ontario, then south going State Olcott to have the state pay as !r as New Orleans. After a brief him for his logs, rc-f and visit they will agnln s'art The secretary advised Tooley that 'out on f ' tour, covering In a;the state has no Jurisdiction over jropssure. p of last fall. .federal employes. A'ou can't beat our $5.00 trout fishing outfit. Cramer Bro. PLUMS FALL FOR MORE OF THE FAITHFUL AVashlngton, Aug. 28. President i Wilson today sent the following nom inations to the senate: George , Buckner of Indiana to be minister to Liberia; 01nt' Arnold of Rhoflo Isrand to be Amcrlmn consul at Calno; Sach L. Cobb to be collector of customs at El Paso, Texas, and Frank Rabb to be collector of cus toms at Lareds, Texas. Hie First National Bank Of Southern Oregon CAM1AL, SURPLUS AND l ISL1 VILLI I'D Of IIS. $100,000 A strong hank, equipped to handle all brunches of toiiiiiiertlul liu liking. Interest paid on Time I to posits. Your uceount is rcHvtfulIy Invited. L. It. HALL, President II. L. GILKEY, (ashler. J. V. CAM Pit ELL, Vice Pres. It. K. HACKETT, t Cashier. J. T.' FRY, Astilxtant Cashier. WIIITK3 LYNCH XEGHO. Jennings, La., Aug. 28. Taken from his cell by a mob of white cit izens and riddled with bullets James Corwaux, a nero, who has been ar rested for assaulting A. W. Josephus. an Italian merchant, Is dend here to day. Comeaux at'arke:! Josephus when the latter accidentally swept dirt on the neero's shoes while he was pasplng the Italian's store. Economy Jar raps River Hardware. it the Rome tf Letterhead at Courier f flc Would consider purchase of small amount of ALMEDA CONSOLIDATED STOCK if price is right. Address, with quantity and best price,1 SPEGULATOR, Care Courier, Grants Pass, Ore.