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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1913)
WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER OOCRIEH PAGE 8EVE.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE OF FOKFK1TIRE. NOTICE OF XRFF.1TURE. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. KRlDAt, JVXE , 1013. Depeartment of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, April IS. 1913. Notice is hereby given that Wil liam G. Long, of Selma, Oregon, who, on May 2S, 190S, made home stead entry serial No. 07G95, for Lot 1, SE4 NEU, EH SEU. section 6, township 39 south, range 7 west Wil lamette meridiaL, has filed notice of Intention to make five-year proof, to etabllsh claim to the land above de scribed, before Herbert Smith, Unit ed States commissioner, at Grants Pass, Oregon, on the 6th day of June, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles A. Wible, Francis E. Wible and Arthur L. Wible, all of Grants Pass, Oregon, and John W. Baird, of Selma, Oregon. B. F. JONES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, April 17. 1913. Notice Is hereby given that Edward Americas Rathbone, of Grants Pass, Oregon, who, on October 19th, 1907, made homestead entry serial No. 04371 for W'hi SWi. SE4 SW'Vi and SW,i NW4. section 33, town ship 34 S., range 5 west Willamette meridian, has filed notice of intention to make five year proof, to establish claim to the land, above described, before Herbert Smith, United States commission, at Grants Pass. Oregon, on the 6th day of June, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: II. M. Gorham, Jr., H. M. Gorbam, Sr., R. F. Gorham. and W. H. Pollock, all of Grants Pass. Oregon. B. F. JONES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, April 26, 1913. Notice is hereby given that Otha N. Bacus, of Kerby, Oregon, who, on August 16th, 1906, made homettead entry serial, No. 04021, for "Wty SEV4. E SWVi, section 28. town ship 39 S., range 8 west Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make five year proof, to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, before Herbert Smith Unit ed States commissioner, at Grants Pass, Oregon, on the 27th day of June. 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: S. A. Carter, II. M. Ynrbrotigh, Louis Hill and John Hill, all of Ker bv, Oregon. B. F. JO"NES, Register. SIMMONS. In the Justice Court for Galice Ju dicial District, Josephine County, Oregon. Edward Friday, Plain- ) tiff, ) vs. ) Frances E. Jackson, De- ) fendant. ) To Frances E. Jackson, the defend ant above named, greeting: In the name of the state of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed in the above entitled court and cause within bIx weeks from the date of the first publication hereof, the first publication being on Friday, the 2nd day of May, A. D., 1913, and the last publication being Friday, the 13th day of June, A. D., 1913, and If you fail to appear and make an swer, Judgment will be rendered against you for the full sum of three and 90-100 dollars, ($3.90), together with Interest t'tiereon at tho rate of six per cent per annum from the 22nd day of April. A. D., 1913. and for the costs and disbursements of the action; and further that the personal property attached In this cause will be sold to satisfy said de mand. This summons in the above en titled court and cause 1s hereby served upon you by publication by order of James B. Nesbit, justice of the peace of the Galice judicial dis trict, Josephine county, Oregon, Is sued on the 2Sfh day of April. A. 1".. 1913 EDWARD FRIDAY, Plaintiff. ACTION TO RECOVER MONEY. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oreson for Josephine County. Alice Rogers, Plaintiff, ) vs. ) A. G. Parks. Defendant. ) SUMMONS. To A. G. Parks, Defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby summoned to appear and answer the complaint filed againBt you in the above entitled ac tion in the court above named, on or before six weeks from the first publi cation of this summons, or in default thereo: the plaintiff will take Judgment aaln8t you for the sum of $213.0, and for (0'ai)8Weri for want thereof, the her costs and disbursements in this !piamtln wm apply to the court for action, to be taxed and for an order, reijef prayed for in her eom of sale of the property attached E ! plaint. to-w!t: for a decree of dl this action as prayed for in her com-'(,0 from thp defendant, plaint. j This summons Is published by an This summons Is published by or- , , , . ,,,, nn th- 21st dav of der of the Honorable F. M. Calkins. n?ty 1913, by Stephen Jewell, conn judge of said court, mado and entered v 'j,1(j?e 0f Josephine rotinty, Ore- Anril 17th. A. D.. 1913. commanding you to be and appear in this court and cause on or before six su'cesfive weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons, to-wit. April 2oth, 1913, which is the date or the first publication thereof, and the last publication thereof will be June fith, 1913. which said summons Is publish ed onre a week during said time In the Rogue River Courier, a weekly newspaper published iu Grants Pass, Josephlno county. Oregon, by order of said Judge. COLVIG & WILLIAMS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Office stationery at the Courier. Notice to R. C. Robertson of Forfeit ure of His Co-owner's Interest In Mining Claims for Non-payment of Assessment Work. To R. C. Robertson, Parrish, State of New York: You will take notice that I, J. II. Meade, of GranU Pass postoffice. Josephine county, Oregon, have caused to be performed the annual assessment work required under the statutes of the United States, and have paid the sums therefor herein after set out for the year 1912 upon the Sunbeam quartz mining claim, the Sunset quartz mining claim and the Sunrise quartz mining claim and that the persons hereinafter named performed said assessment work in the amount stated for said year 1912, and that I paid the said persons the amount of money set forth for said assessment work for said year following their name with the dates between which Bald work was performed and the date of pay ment thereof, to-wit: That J. H. Meade performed 73 days' assessment work for the year 1912 between the first day of Decem ber 1912, and the first day or March, 1913, that Ed Bert performed 6 days' assessment work for the year 1912 between the first day of December, 1912, and the first day of March, 1913; that M. Eddy performed 12 days' assessment work for the year 1912 between the first day of De cember. 1912, and the first day of March. 1913; that P. F. Fowler per formed 6 days' assessment work for the year 1912 between the first day of December. 1912, and the first ay of March, 1913; and that .D. M. Brink performed 6 days' assessment work for the year 1912, between the first day of December, 1918, and the first day of March, 1913. Thnt on March first. 1913. 1 paid said assessment work In the fnll sum of $300.08. That said assessment work for the year 1912 on the hereinafter describ ed mining claims wns performed con tinuously from its commencement in December, 1912, until its completion In the month of February, 1913, and without cessation; that A. H. Meade, H. V. Meado and J. H. Meade are each joint owners of an undivided one-fifth interest in and to the here inafter described mining claims, and that R. C. Robertson Is the owner of an undivided two-fifth'B interest in and to said mining claims, and that I caused said assessment work to be performed for the year 1912 to hold said hereinafter described mining claims under the laws of the United, Stntes. That said mining claims are situate in Josephine county, Btate of Oregon, and are particularly described ns fol lows, to-wit: The Sunbeam quartz mining claim, located by N. B. Meade, notice of location of which Is record ed at page 1S9 in volnme 7 of the Mining Records of Josephine coun ty. Oregon; the Sunset quartz mining claim, located by J. II. Meade, notice of location of which is recorded at page 439 In volume 7 of the Mining Records of Josephine county, Ore gon; the Sunrise quartz mining claim, located by N. B. Meade, notice of loca tion of which is recorded at page 441 in volume 7 of the mining records of Josephine county, Oregon, which rec ords are hereby referred to and made a part hereof for a more definite de scription of said mining claims. Ynu are further notified that you have failed and neglected to pay or contribute any portion of said assess ment work, and if you fall to pay or contribute to me within ninety days from the date of tho laBt. publication of this notice, published in the Week ly Rogue River Courier nt Grants Pass. Oregon, to-wit: The sum of $1 20.00 being your two-fifth's of the whole amount paid for said assess ment work by me, then your undi vided two-fifth's interest in said min ing claims will be forfeited to me un der section 2324 of the revised stat utes of the United States. Dated April S. 1913. J. H. MEADE, Co-Owner. SUMMONS. ln the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Jose phine. Clara E. Magill, Plaintiff. ) vs. ) Archibald Allen Magill, ) Defendant. ) To Archibald Allen Magill, Defend ant : In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against yen in the above entitled suit on or before six weeks from tho date of the first publication of this sum mons which is the 23rd day of May, 1913, the said period of six weeks from said date expiring on tho 4th 'dav of Julv. 1 9 13. and if you fall so gon. ROBERT O. SMITH, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the firm of i-loyd k Harbeck is dissolved by the death of John Lloyd, ose of the members of said partnership. All persons are notified that the estate of John Lloyd, def eased, will not be responsible for any debts contracted In the name of said firm after May 2, 1913. Dated May 14. 1913. ELLEN LLOYD. Administratrix of Estate of John Lloyd, Deceased. To Josephus Kester.and Charleo H. Farmer, their heirs and assigns. Greeting: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, iu compliance with the revised statutes of the United States and the laws of the state of Oregon, has performed the annual assessment or development work upon the Strenuous Teddy quartz lode mining claim, situated In the Galice (unorganized) mining district of Josephine county, Oregon, for the calendar years nineteen hun dred eleven (1911) and nineteen hundred twelve (1912) and that un less you, the said Josephus Kester and Charles II. Fanner .pay your Just and due proportion thereof as the owners of an undivided two-sixths (2-6) interest in the said mining claim, two-wit: the sum of thirty three and 33-100 dollars ($33.33) for the year nineteen hundred eleven (1911) and thirty-three and 33-100 dollars ($33.33) for the year nine teen hundred twelve (1912) within ninety (90) days from date of publi cation of this notice, your said two sixths Interest In the aforesaid min ing claim will becrnie the property of the undersigned in accordance with law. JAMES B. NESBIT. Co-Owner. Date of first publication, April 18, 1M3. NOTICE TO DELINQUENT C(M)V.V To the Unknown Heirs at Law of W. B. Hunt, Deceased, aud to tVhoni It May Concern: The undersigned, M. C. Brown, is a co-owner of an undivided one-tlfth (1-5) interest, and tho heirs of W. B. Hunt, deceased, are co-owners to the extent of an undivided one-fifth (1-5) Interest In the following described mining property in the Illinois Min ing District, unorganized, Josephine county, Oregen. "It will do" quartz mining claim No. 2, recorded in volume 16 of min ing records of Josephine couuty, Ore gon, at page 6u4. "The Horse Fly" quartz mining claim No. 3 as described in volume 16 of mining records of Josephine coun ty, Oregon, at page 603. "The Good Enough" quartz mining cla'iu No. 1 as described in volume 16 of mining records of Josephine coun ty, Oregon, at page 03. Notice Is hereby given, that the un dersigned co-owner performed and caused to be performed the assess ment work for the years 1908, 1909 and 1910, for and on behalf of W. B. Hunt, deceased, in the sum of $60.00 for each year, making a total of $180.00 for the three (3) years, no part of which has been paid, and due demand has been made. Therefore the unknown heirs of W. B. Hunt, deceased, each and every one of them, are bereby notified, that if they fail or refuse to contribute the above amouut for assessment work, within ninety days from the last date of the publication of this notice, which notice is published once a week for a period of ninety days after the first publication of tho same in the Rogue River Courier, a weekly news paper published nearest to the said mlnlriir nronertv. in Grants Pass. Ore- gon, then the InteVest of the heirs of said W. B. Hunt, deceased, in the said mine and said described mining prem ises, shall be and heroine the property of said M. C. Brown. The first publication of this notice is April ISth. 1913, and the last date of the publication of this notice Is Jul LTith. 1313, being more than ninety days (SO) days from the first publication thereof. M. C. BROWN, Co-Owiy r. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. In the Count v Court of .be State o i t hen . e ho t h 2 rods. .he. west SO Oregon for the County of .lose-! r,,,,' wn'e 0h "ds then. e . least SO rods to the place of begln- '' ' jning; and that the defendants: and In the Matter of the Ks- ) !,,a,.h of thonl llaVe ,10 ,.(,,,, t ,m or tate of Jesso . Wool- ) j Interest In said premises or unv part folk, an insane person. ) thereof and qul- ting the plaintiff's Order to show cauyo why estate i ,,,, ttiorein. and for such other and should not bo sold. j further relief as is equitable. The it appearing to the Hon. Stephen, date of the first, publication of this Jewell, judge of the county court of Summons Is Friday, May 16. 1913, the state of Oregon lor Joi'.ephino and the date of tho last publication county by the petition of W. II. and the last date for your appearance Flanagan, guardian of Jesse W. is Friday, June 27, 1 913. This sum- Woolfolk, an insane person, this day presented anu meu, praying or an order of sale of the real estate tie scribed in said petition, to pay claims against said ward, to main- oit Vi t m r i .1 t,v nnv nvtii nuos r t nn LHlll J1J111 till (I III l'(J CAVVllOCO Kit. UU operation to restore his mind, that it is necessary to sell said premises. It Is therefore ordered by the Hon, Stephen Jewell, judge of said county!0; . p -"'iIaMn published at court, that all persons interested lu:i:"nt8 1 n88' J'ilne '""" t,A r,f unlrl W W.w.lfrilL- appear before said court on tho 5th dav of July, 1913, at 10 o'clock a, m. of said day, at the ofllcy of the j county Judge in tho court houso in; r.n,a(leil,ha ,,11)K. ,. P. j. Grants I'ass, Oregon, to show cause ..... why an order should not be granted , 8weet hta(1 of th, vivisection de to said W. II. Flanagan to sell tho pnrtment of the University of Perm following described real estate, sit- sylvanla medical school, an, one of uated in .hu kson county. Oregon, to- Philadelphia's most pr'-tnlm-tit W1Tbe southwest quarter of section ' ' 0,,t 0,1 h"r" ,0,,a'- f"'- twenty-six in towiuhlp thirty-four, south range 1 west, Willamette mer idian. And it is further or lured that a copy of this onb-r be published in the Weekly Rogue River Cornier for threo consecutive weeks, a news- arrest of all other siiri"'oiis connoct paper of general circulation and P'ib-'e(1 wUh tj10 department Is planned bv lished in the city of Grants i'ass, i fc Dr.Vweet flatly denies Josephine coun'y, state of Oregon. Dated Juno 3d, 1913. ttho charges. STEPHEN JEWELL. i County Judge. J The "safe and sane," Fourth iay I hereby certify that the abovo and , , . . foreirolng is a true copy of the or.look ood tho dav af,er' b,f wno iglnal order. .wants to stop all the noise? Give tho J. D. Wurtsbaugh, . Attorney for the Guardian. boyB a rhanc"- In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Josephine County. Fraxella Taylor, plain- ) tiff. ) vs. ) R. Z. Hartzler and Mollis ) A. Hartzler, his wife, ) and J. M. Kemp, De- ) fendants. ) To R. Z. Hartzler and Mollie A. Hart zler, his wife, and J. M. Kemp, De fendants. In the name of the state of Ore gon, you and each of you are here by required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons which said first date of publication is the 16th day of May. A. D., 1913, and the last date of publication and the time within which you are re quired to appear and answer the said complaint is the 27th day of June, 1913. and if you fail so to ans wer said complaint for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for, to-wlf, for Judgment and decree against the de fendants. H. Z. Hartzler and Mollie A. Hartzler, Jointly and severally for the sum of four hundrded and seventy-five dollars with interest at six per cent per annum from Febru ary 25th. 1911, and seventy-five dol lars attorney's fees for prosecuting and foreclosing this mortgage in cir cuit court. For a decree foreclosing that cer tain mortgage given by the defend ants, R. Z. Hartzler and Mollie A. Hartzler to Praxella Taylor, recorded In Vol. 18 of the Record of Mortgages of Josephine county, Oregon, at pages 144 and 145 and the ordering of the sale of the mortgaged property for the satis faction thereof, and for full and complete equitable relief. This sum mons is published in the Rogue Riv er Courier, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published at Grants Pass, Oregon, by order of Hon. F. M. Calkins, judge of above entitled court made and entered on the Sth day of May, 19.3. CLEMENTS & CLEMENTS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. HI IT IX EQUITY TO REMOVE CLOUD FROM TITLE T. Blackmau, plaintiff ) vs. ) M. Willard. Joseph L. ) G Gay, J. T. Toy, also all ) other persons or par- ) ties unknown claiming ) any right, title, estate, ) lien or Interest In the ) real estate described In ) the complaint herein. ) To G. M. Willard. Joseph L. Guy, J. T. Toy, also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, eBtate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein. In the name of the state of Ore gon you are hereby summoned and requested to appeur in the above en titled court and cause at the Court House in Grants Pass, in Josephine county, Oregon, on or before six weeks from tho date of the first pub lication of this summons and answer the complaint liled against you in said court, and cause, aud In case you fall to appear and answer or other wise plead within tho time herein limited, the plaintiff will apply to tho court or the relief prayed for In the complaint, viz: a drrreo adjudg ing the plaintiff to lie the owner In fee simple of the following described property: A strip of laud for a right of way two rods wide In the north east quarter of the southwest quar ter of section six.(O) township 3G j south range ." W. in Josephine coun j ty, Oregon, and more particularly de scribed as follows: Commencing at a point 20 rods and 10 feet south of I the center of Kiid section 6, running ni0I1 1h ,,,,1,1111 JV order of the Hon. Stephen Jewell, county judge i tor joRepnino county, orei:ori, ny an order duly filed herein of date May 1 15, 1913, ordering service of (his 1 1 , , . . ;Bnn.mons by publicatinn for a period of six successive weeks In the Rogm River Weekly Courier, a newspaper "" EDWARI) S. VANDYKE. Attorney for the Plaintiff. lowing his arrest on a charge of cruelty to dogs used In connection with university experiments. The so ciety for tho prevention of cruelty to animals BW'ore to tho warrant. The Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office, Roseburg, Ore., May 31. 1913. Notice is hereby given that Elmer Georgo Hibbs. whose postoffice ad dress is St. Heleus, Oregon, did ou the 9th day of August, 1912, file In mis omce sworn siaiemeui ana appu- . oner.tlnB her. aeaingt cation, No. 0S23S, to purchase the Bays 18 PeratlnS Here against W'i NWVi. SE4 NW and SW'U h Underwood tariff bill, was NE',4. section 32, township 34 S., started today by a sub-commlt-range 7 west Willamette meridian, tee of the senate Judiciary com and the timber thereon, under the Th b fc provisions of the act of Juiu 3, IS, h, ' and acts amendatory, known as the cloning senators to find out "Timber and Stone Uiw," at such what steps they had taken, if value as might be fixed by appraise- ment, and that, pursuant to such ap- on have been appraised $660.00, the timber estimated 8S0.00O board feet at 75 cents ier M, and the land nothing; tnat saw applicant win oi-. fer final proof In support of his ap- Plication and sworn statement om the 15th day of August, 1913, be- fore register and receiver I nlted , States land office, at Roseburg, Ore- gon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initi ate a contest at any time before pat ent issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. B. F. JONES. Register. HUMAN TIGER TO HANG AT FOLSOM ON FRIDAY. Sacramento, June 4. It was learned today from reliable sources here that Jacob Oppenhelmer, the human tiger," condemned to be hanged Friday at Folsom for assault ing a fellow prisoner, will be execut ed, and that Governor Johnson will not Interfere. Although the governor will not discuss the case, it is known tnat every preparation for the hanging has been made- and that Oppenhelmer will go to his denth on the appointed day. Can't Keep It Swrot. The splendid work of Chamber lain's Tablets Is daily becoming more widely known. No such grand rem edy for stomach and liver troubles has ever been known. For sale by all dealers. CLOUD BURST AT SlllRi" TIL OULCII KILLS STOCK. ! P'Hor to sand r..r llres In tnnns or m- 1 fin mumble liquids. The experiments Baker, June 4. Much damngo ; were conducted with tanks of burning was reported today ns the result of ! Ih'1 though the snino principles U. t..d tam broue fc SM,. 'Ill'l' Tall Gulch, near Durkeo, the water f )rnm n WimM t)mt BhlltB ()ff Uh ttlr sweeping over a largo area. , f(.om (i,m,s lln,i nH KawdiiNt Itself A large number of outbuildings pn tclii4 lire only slowly and then does were swept away and many head of not burn with 11 Maine the sawdust livestock killed blanket was completely successful in The water washed a channel 25 ( pt.ttln out the lire In these tests. It - , . . , , .,, tn..h ' ninde no 1 IfTereiice whether tho saw- feet deep and six feet wide through , tho yard of Thomas Ayers. prnct leal-j j,)st c ly destroying his residence. ) j Paper Garments. The best results yet attained In vnrl WASN'T GOING INTO DETAILS, j ons mto.npt that have been made to Youngiter Felt He'd Said All Wat Absolutely Necessary, One little four year old boy doesn't live far from Central That who Piirk WeM, New York, has ns his particular playmate a little girl of about the same age. The children frequently ; still better cloth Is made by n combl spend Ibelr evenings together, and the j nation of paper and woolen yarns.' other morning the girl came to the The fabrics do net, of course, possess fence and calied him. "Alton," she cried, "come oil out an' play." Alton's mother beard the cull and sh Id to li i in : "Tell In r you can't come over Jusl now because you have to lake 11 bath." So Alton went to the front window. "Lll.abeih," be called, "1 c iiu't come over now." Then be turned back to bis mother and milled; "I don't link the rest of It need be saldeil." Inn. Tenie, Mood and Gender. A somewhat angular, severe looking spinster as standing on the station platform otitsluV a mnil coach, Inspect ing. with undisguised eu.rolty, the In geiiloiiM net lllTMIigeliiclit Which s nblo to sweep III mall Iiuls while the train N In swift motion. "Is she working nil rlL-btV" asked one .if the ollielals. "Aye. aye. Pill," replied hi.s mate, w lien Mi hli'li!;. the lady tmiehe I1I111 on the shoulder. "Why do you .all It MieV" she In quired, iis mmihI iitlilct for liiforma tioli. "I!e''lii-e cr," replied And the nlino-t ilro tin- Clrjilie. iiiadam. It's a mnil catch the courteous olllrlnl. niiT of the lingular spinster ivned tie shrld whistle of 1 hen preparing to move on. TOiubui . ie-u ers. How to Know the School. A 'ieiioali writer Inn dlseovered signs by whieh to dole, t the school to which a painter belon-s; if he paints tile sky gray and the grass k. In belongs to (In L'ood old -laseal school. If h paint -i the hl;y blue and the gra-s 1 green, he Is a realist. 'If In paint the sky green and the grass blue, be Is j nn Impressionist. If he paints the sky yellow an. I tie grass purple, lie Is a colorlsf. If he rut I lit -( the sky like k Ulld the grass red, he hhows the pos sloii of greet dee. .tat I', e :i!eit. If ; you can't tell the ttky from tb grass, he's 11 cul'lsl. Christian peglster. HI NT FOR "INSIDIOUS IiOBBY" HAS COMMENCED. Washington, June 2. A dll- igent hunt for the "insidious lobby," which President Wllsoa -f Bny t0 influence tariff leglsla- tlon, and whether any members -f f th uPPer ho,,8e are uncial- 'ly interested In pending ruea- ; sures. Th ludlciary committee ,. w- x room wa8 acked today when the investigation started. It will meet afternoons and evenings t durlnar the week or until the in- -f vestigatlon Is ended. 1 A Storm In Scotland. A bitter dispute Is raging In the Scot tish capital over a qtlvstioii of national honor. The new great seal of Scot land, which has Just been "made In England," has on the obverse side tho royul arum of Scotland, In which tho Scottish quartering are first and fourth, the English second and the Irish third, ns differing from the royal arms of England, ns used by the sov ereign for all national purposes, which have the English quarterlies first and fourth and the Scottish second. On the reverse side of the seal there Is an etligy of the king, and In completing the design two small shields were in cluded bearing the royal arms quar tered Engllshwlse. It Is these two small shields which have roused the storm. The great seal or Scotland is used only 'for purely local grants by the sovereign. Mild" the Scots ore wild over this "English Importation." which they regard ns 11 gratuitous insult to the people north of the Tweed.-New York Tribune. Sawdust Blankets. Sawdust ns 11 lire extinguisher souuus 1 absurd, but recent experiments iu Bos ! ton moved It to be very successful iu i quenching fires In oil. and much stl- produce a wearable cloth from paper are said to be these produced by n pat ented process employed In Saxony, Narrow strips of paper are spun Inta yarn, which may be woven to form cloth. Belter results nre bud by spin ning paper mid cotton together, and the strength and durability of ordi nary cloth, but useful clothing is made of tliein at 11 low price. They may bo 1 washed without Injury. St. Louis Ru public. Man's Seven Faults. A magazine called Paris Taste asked Its women readers recently to vote on the seven worst faults of the modern young man nnd has Just published tho replies. Egotism gets 10,01 1 votes, laluess and self sulllcleiicy run a dead beat with 7. Iihi votes, nnd fast living, gambling, luleiiipeniiiei! and abuse of sport vary fnun (i, loo to .lKK) votes. I'ooildiness routes last In the list. A Queer Coincidence. While n serial story was running In a certain inaga.lne some years ngo a lady in Johannesburg wrote to tho publisher asking whether Christian Lys (Hie author's 110111 de plume) was assumed or not. She herself, she said, was 11 Mrs. Lys. who was trying to trace 11 11 ancestor of her late hus band, who was a descendant of J01111 of Arc. Mr. Itielmer. the author In question, wrote assuring the lady that bis pen name was n family one, bis forbears having come from Aberdeen. .Strangely enough, It enmo out that tho lady's family also came, from Aber deen and their name was Iirebner. Pall Mall Gazette. Mining blanks at Courier office. P 0 L IK ' S P30EMUI JllliWIit OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory A Directory of .n h i'liy. Town nnd Vllluge, K I v I n K di rlptlv kit li of each plnn, lotlon, .piiimion, iti fraph, uMppInK mi't banking pnlni; alfio (MnMlfli .1 Ulr... f.ry, compiled by burtlnr-in nnd pnif.?mton. 11. I I'OI.K CO.. SEATTLE