FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1013. WEEKLY KOQVIC RIVER OOURIER rAGE BIX. Expense Stops When Your Cooking Stops i 4r That U cna of the big advantage New Pereciion Oil Cook-stove When you are through cooking you'iimply turn out the flame. There i no waate of fuel. And yet you can have full heat again when it' wanted, Ly merely striking a match. The NEW PERFECTION COOK STOVE it much neater and For Beit Rtlultt W Recoomif PEARL or EOCENE Sol J in bulk and caiff OIL p PORTLAND mi.tiiomsts Di;i j;at it.irusTs hcoki; :i to a- (From Tuesday's Daily. On high bcIiooI field yesterday ev ening on tho face of A. JJ. Cornell there shone a radiance as must huve shone on the fitce of Elijah's cbar lotoor when thut ancient mahout an nounced the glories of that CeIontlal voyage, becaime his boh, pitching steady and excellent bull, supported ably by Colt-catcher Hansen and the entire Mothodiat team, defeated the lluptlut club liy a score of 3 to ' In u (ioHO, hard-fought struggle Master Cornell allowed only two hits, fanned seven, walked three; McCracken also pitched a fine game, permitting only four hits, two of which were Bcratchy, striking out sovcii, and walking four. Hut a passed ball on a third strike, a catch er's overthrow of third and another passed bull, all In one inning, might . undo u Mathewson. lloth Manager Martin and Cap tain Creagor wero on the bench tho former administering to the splr- . O. I lun ulas Picked 'Em off the Gritv. ltnal needs oT his team and the lat- j tcr directing Its athletic maneuvers; and, Incidentally, injecting copious capsules of ginger Into it. ). Douglas and I 'rake. laved bril llantly. and Welb and 11. ltlako wal- 1. I I L.I.I ,..,' 'l'lu ;.'i Ing was ai 'colli pUshcd "'us' per tho Mi thodisU folium, lirs! batter up. was sale ai t-ri-t v hen ' Joc convened tho third s-lrihe into U M : , d ball : Pd.ilo h.. d s.H : lib ci Dene to scoiid and ho .--toll third t pa i d can; i.i.ui. it.-t.i s.oinncu taoiiiu; on Ji'ci's ewrtht'ow to catch him there. Webb (npled. tho ball talJin; :ui iinloi'i eti boiiud of ). r. t out of t he w a it in .; liebb 1' s hands, ami tallied tui Joel's -c ot.d ..r :.i'd bail. S K'ake ua'hi d and reachiHl third on mu-i-vw- xnious; t i ti i' U s b t'oniell and'i'iu r' ; that el e t". b.ot tor ! m'b Id. I - . to handle, bat w as Mo ent a! the : l1ate. Sumim-rs to Joel, wbue 1 1. O '" "'!,-:-'' u 1 ' ? t o si ore on Shad s bit HiM-v fanned " u ! o t lie M . x e.i n . ' linee hits, two inns I n Cie -c, . ... d .'Iivtn U ai'Mn e,l ,e c:m with one ,....n. II l'.'..kc tu;d d n,'.iw. Raliwav- of Mcv;. t. :; right, al.d s. orcd on ( slow . their f.vir 1 r . e:U ICe-. .1 f i. high bounder win. h even M.Cr.t.K pui! thus r.'-.-v ' en lould barely i, a. h. M.i. ti:.-l toiem'.-ira.--, ! ' '';!,.:; , i;et lt;.il.e at the plate but tailed b j N'W V'"' ''..;;'..- 'Mfi . a se.otid of time. That . n led Ciejm C.'- -.-.v.: Methodist scot lug Tho llaptlsts made one in the fa-1 Mltrns !l'mV Co-,-.,.- offlc mm of th cleaner than an ordinary range; no dirty fuel ; no ahe. Ask your dealer for the New Perfec tion Stove. It bake, broil, roast or toait. SAN FRANCISCO end on i walk to O. Douglas, Cor nell's wild throw to Webb to catch the runner napping, und Drake's beautiful single to center. The Pctrobrusians made their second run In the fifth when, with two out, Joel was passed, valiantly pilfered second and dashed gracefully around the circuit on Gulnnette's pretty single which cut first base. With lla;l;ett at bat, and Itaptiwt, I'res- Mart lit mid Creamer in Session. Incentive bytorian, Christian, agnostic and cubist footers imploring madly for tho downfall of John Wesley's co hort's. Hansen threw tltiinnette out stealing, Mini the day was done. The Score. Methodists . o 4 1 llaptlsts '2 2 Cornell and Hansen; McCracken and Jool. I'mpireg Crawford and I'rye. APPOINTMENTS ON HOI SE COMMITTEES. Washington, June 11. Members of tln house committee on ways and means presented the democratic cau cus today their nominations for com mittee assignments. These show a radical re-organiatiou of the bank in.; and currency commission, t'on-;'.i'es-.inan Class is made i liairinan and only lour of the pp'seht mem bers of the present loinuiittee are ti ¬ taiiie-l. The primipiil i ha irui.uishins , ,, ;i r as follows: .lndiciarv, t'lav ton: riv.-r ami har , . hoi s, parkmatt; ir.ei chant marine, , , . , t , , n a;' in s, I mo'V ait.ii: ,,..,., , ..... , . r land; r.. i,l... S'iai ie 'fo: d r' ic job ; k at (' r t:' Nt.i: r.n. i n du; mi n N i. i i;vmi:i. l. .Ic.r... . i ,1 ,"l Vr l . Jr.! '.'' in ,.jr, ; i i i I he I a. I tii' UK.VMliS TAKES OFFH'K AS I. S. AITOKN'EV. Portland, June 2. Clarence Reames of Medford was Induct- ed into the office of United States attorney today when he took the oath of office. The oath was administered in the federal court before Judge Bean. Reames announced that Everett A. Johnson, who has been United Sta'es attorney for the past three months since the resignation of John McCourt, would be retained as his first as- slstant and that Jesse L. Sum- moral!, at present an assistant, will be another member of the staff. Two other assistants re- main to be appointed and Reames intimates that he will choose new men In place of George O. Mowery and C. C. Hindmnn. who with Summerall, completed Johnson's staff. ll ELKK.IEAPHS AID IN (PARDIN( FOREST. Supervisor Macduff of the Siskiyou forest reserve has recently received at the head office here a heliograph outfit for installation in the reserve to Lid in the reporting of fires with in tho territory. Messages ure transmitted by these Instruments by the means of mirror Hashes, and the ones received here are tho regular U. S. army type. Ono of tho Instru ments will be established at Snow camp, at the head of the Pistol river in Curry county, and another on Pack Saddle mountain on tho Win chuck, 23 miles distant, and it is ex pected that no difficulty will be ex perienced in reading tho mirror flash messages at this distance on reason ably clear days. Later another set of two instru ments is expected to arrive, and these will be established on High Dome and on Ship mountain. These four heliograph stations will cover the territory not already covered with telephone, and will be of great assistance in the patrol of the forest during the season of tire danger. The (lie guards were sent Into the forest on the first day of tho month, eigh teen new men going on at that time. Five more will be sent out on July 1st, making, in addition to tho reg ular men. thirty who will bo in the field during tho summer months to protect the standing timber from conflagration. With the system as well organized as it Is here, the probability of dam age to the timber of southern Ore gon is reduced to a minimum. The telephones now follow till the more accessible trails, and with tli instal lation of the heliograph sy;,teiu no point will be so remote that word of danger can not ho received within a few minutes. LONDON" MAX PRESIDENT CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Hf P. II. Ifoston, Juno 'A.-- Announcement of the selection "f Frederick Dickson of Loudon as president of the First Church of Christ Scientist, founded by trie late Mrs. Eddy, is announced here today. John V. Dittemore of liriHkline was named clerk and Adam II. Dickey treasurer. I .on N(.i:i.i:s wants MURE Plill.lC M RETS. l.o Aneles. June '.. The city louacil will lie called upon Uto to il, iv io pass upon the i ecouiiiietida tb'n nf its market onimittee that six additional free curb mari;ets be est .itili.--li.Mi in various part. of the i i .'. Throe inaiU ts, already estab lished tn a:i i (Tort to lower the cos' c liviti;-. has p;"Ved all i. c.eualilied -! ess H'K (,n I KNMEN I OW Ni l) R VH.Kt)D. ....hington. J ;nv . Vgree- tr.ei.t on n i,ontpro!,...4e bill for I . ' e , , , 'i !-. s li''. ' i ,!(,( v. n w.i- .t.;;,e.iu. e 1 !,e'e te,!.,v !,v !..,;. : - Chamberlain of Ore- 4 o;, ." d .lore's;). -. i i .'e: ;'y ( tao mctabe'-s of a 4 -!! .nun!Poe leusi.lerins: the is; ',' of a '..ovei'tuv.ent-built r.K'.nud for Alaska. It Is re- coved t 1 o b:,l a. trie J. upon :p- : : a'cs- ? I'l.iiie'i f0- a 4 ' ( ';i;: ' ;:' roil, b ;t daes not !ri t::o n itr.ber of miles ' ' ' ' li't. The hill is expect- i.'s-i :!.s s's-iot; of f:iirossi. METCAI.F HEAD OF PANAMA GOVERNMENT. Wabhlngton. June 3. Advocacy of the merits of W. J. Bryan for many years brought reward here to day to RUhard L. Metcalfe, assist ant editor of Bryan's Commoner, when President Wilson agreed to ap point him head of the civil govern ment of the Panama canal zone. This outs Metcalfe In line for the gover norship when the zone is placed en tirely under civil administration. FRITT AND V EG ETA RLE DIET OX LONG HIKE. New York, June 3 Fruits, nuts and vegetables will compose the diet of Henry Sain, 21 years old, who will start June 9 on a "hike" from Coney Island to San Francisco. He will carry messages from Governor Sul zer and Mayor Gaynor to Mayor Rolph of San Francisco. GREAT NORTHERN NOT COMING TO SAN FRANCISCO. St. Paul, June 3. Reports that the Great Northern railway, a Hill line, sought entry Into San Francisco where it Intended to build a terminal station, were flatly denied here to day by J. M. Gruber, the company's general manager. WILSON AND McADOO CONFER. Washington, June 3. President Wilson this afternoon held a confer ence with Secretary McAdoo during which the three currency bills were considered. Out of these it Is ex pected one comprehensive measure will be drawn. TIMOR X ATTORNEY FOR 12TII JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Salem, Juno 3. Don II. Upjohn of Dallas was today appointed district attorney for the newly created 12th Judicial district by Governor West. This district comprises Polk, Tilla mook and Yamhill counties. Upjohn was graduated from the Willamette lrw school last year. HAS VENICE COME TO THIS? Garland Flays It as a Slimy City of Grafters and Thieves. Ill a recent address to Hie Hamilton club of Chi'ii'.'o I lai, lim liarlanil, the essayist, novelist mid lecturer, handed the famous old city "I' Venice an aw ful roast, lie said: "Venice is the vvnlll'.-. Coney- Is land. It Is a show place supported by visiting easy marks, am! the show is so old und 1 1 )t 1 1 eaten that it is n won der any American falls for it. There Is some beauty of architecture, but the city has a petrified sy-teiil to tleeee all visitors. "Venice is a po-ir. old. slimy piece of scenery. All the so called canals out side the Grand canal are sewers. It is the homo of iiiosiiiitoes ami the field of malaria. livery inhabitant is a grafter, especially the hotel owners Slid gondoliers. "The doles' palace is medieval bunk and the I'.ridu'e of Siuhs I?.vroiile bunk. The air is bad. and most of the money handed tourists is counterfeit. The ynii'hilier Is a brigand, and his merry souu' usually precedes a robbery of his passengers. The waiters are thieves, who take your i;ood Italian money and hand yuu counterfeit in :'ham;e. "The iutiorant man who referred to the duu's of eni,e had the situation i7cil up ri-Jit." -New York World. VACCINATION FOR TYPHOID. Claims That Are Made For the Pre- ' ventive Treatment. , hi the Amen mi .Mairaiiio I'r. Womb ' Hut' liin-i hi. vvriiinu' about vaivination for t I'liniil. say -i Pi part : ! "When we remember that typhoid fever causes .",."'.000 deaths ami at least :rji,(nio cases of severe illness in the United States alone every year and that of all our infections ir is the one 1 uiosi iiKeiy 10 no niiiuvea t . v some per j inaiient ihitnae.,. to either kidneys, j bean, liver and -all bladder, limes or ! nervous m-nuii it will le seen that this co:.i'.vi:.o;vely tridin- precaution is a health Insurance indei .1. a life in sur ilH e policy of nit siual! value. "The only ili-o , un.'ort produced by the iu.ii" -Hon ,,f the typhoid culture is a slight sweUimr. reddenim: ami itch iiU; m the point of in .:o. t ion, followed by a mild feveri-!) atta. U. with a little headache at d perhaps M eka-die, which j are all ov-r within thirty-six to forty- 1 olcht ,..-irv 'c!,is is repeated twice, j iiialiii.,- three i:re, lions in a!l, at inter i "f a! ..-it ten days, the reaction ; tfo-ii e.i. Il in c. . progressively 1 The in, li . Mual is then pr.u ti, ally , -ua o.e : c-in.-t fever for a't j !"' three to ,-,e years and probably '"' "le. but this l.i.-t remains to . do ,"r:-,i,i"'' " m-st of the ino, t,::i. ,:"h" !!' ': not yet older than t'..-""c to ti u. ,;-s.'- San Francisco. Juno 3. Stewed Ufalfa lontains a larize amount of jtiitroulyvorinous matter and makes an Ideal breakfast food, according to Levi C. Ilubloick. an expert of the department of agriculture. WIRE BRIEFS. Portland, June 3. The election worried W. Louia Fliedner, candi date for commissioner, not at all, for while other would-be commissioners were shooing voters to the polls, Fliedner was securing a license and making other preparations for his marriage to Miss Gertrude M. Miller of Kansas City. Portland, June 3. "Brownie," a bear at the city zoo has been amus ing himself for the past week by cuffing his two companions. The two victims of Brownie's antics Joined forces and chewed him up so badly he died from loss of blood. Ban Francisco, June 3. r-ansy Evans says Charles W. Fields has a disposition like a gallon of nitro glycerine. Pansy is peeved because "Fields threw her into the Pacific ocean and ruined $400 worth of per fectly good clothes." Los Angeles, June 3. Learning that a warrant for his arrest for vio lating a building ordinance had been issued, Bert Lustlg, motion picture showman, who also is a deputy sher iff, demanded the warrant and served It on himself. He will col lect the fee. Portland, June 4. Grief of those recently deprived of pleasure and I nourishment by the abolishment of I free lunch is multiplied by the city's 'attorney's decision that lunches shall not bo sold in "hoozeries." Some j saloons were selling lunch for a penny and they donated the cent. San Francisco, June 4. General Manager Scott of tho Southern Pa cific railroad received the following letter from Walter Farnum Jr. of Seattle: "You and your company ought to be shot for losing our dog Fluffy. I wish I was big enough to lick you." San Francisco, June 4. Mrs. Julia Green is divorced today after explaining to the court that she had kept a police whistle under her pil low to call the officers when her husband started to beat her. Venice, Cal., June 4. Ben Moore, 22, Skagway, Alaska, and Marguerite Stratton, 20, Providence, R. I., met for the first time Friday, were en gaged Saturday and married Sunday. The parents of neither have yet been notified. All kinds of leal blaul -s at th Courier. Vnlr7 IN I:V,UY I'EPAUTMFXT (f frfngLy Enables us to attend to your bank- ollMe ijIY ing needs promptly and efllciently. vlfc? 1 v The willing co-operation of offl- The willing co-operation of offi cers and employes makes this institu tion u safe and satisfactory deposi tory for your money. Grants Pass Banking & Trust Company Onus Schmidt, President. Geo. P. Jester, Vice President. Marshall Hooper, Cashier L. A. I turner, Ass't Cashier. KiniXTOllS. Clans Schmidt. 0. S. lllanchard. Marshall Hooper. Geo. It. Kiddle. Jas. T. Tuffs Herbert Smith. Geo. P. Jester. jjp" T&Tfflfffrj) :!:f"' ASK THE MAN who checks on this bank which he considers the safer way to carry money: CASH IN THE POCKET OR ONE OF OUR CHECK BOOKS The CHECK BOOK is THE ONLY WAY when Safety and Convenience are Considered. JOSEPHINE COUNTY BANK SWEET POWDERS w?r a sun rnpn rwn v 1 1 1 u. i i u rj ,. li r u r r m, na lrair3 Don't aceapt hunple ni.l1 PRKK. Addri,. " mitubttitut. A. S. OLMSTED, L Ror. N.Y. 21 COUXTIUKS IN PAX-PACIFIC FAIR. Washington, June 4. Only 15 countries have failed bo far to mak conclusive response to the Invitation extended through the state depart ment to participate In the Panama Pacific exposition to be held in San Francisco In 1915. Twenty-four gov. ernments have accepted the Invita tion. Among the more Important govern ments which have failed to respond are Germany, Great Britain, Paly, Austria-Hungary and Spain. Ger many la awaiting developments re gardlng the tariff before answering definitely and Great Britain is hold Ing off to learn the exhibition space available. The countries which already have accepted ore Argentina, Bolivia, Bra zil, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, Dominicla, Ecuador, France, Guatemala, Haytl, Honduras, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Nicar agua, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Sal vador and Uruguay. Up to date only two countries Panama and Salvador have accept ed tho invitation, also extended through the state department, to at tend the exposition in San Diego, to be held at the same time as the San Francisco exposition. 1IODY OF MISSING PKOFFSSOli IS I'Ol'ND. New York, June 4. The body of Professor Benjamin Gibson, a stud ent in the Teachers' College of Co lumbia University, is recovered here today from the Harlem river. He had been missing ten days. A watch and a diamond stick pin were miss ing, causing some of his friends to believe that he was murdered. There were no marks of violence on the body and the police believe it was a case of suicide. Get Them at Home There 13 no need of sending to the city for stock certificates. The Cour ier regularly keeps in stock a sup ply of blank certificates suitable for any kind of business and can turn I out lithographed blanks the same as the city office on short notice. B.upallpn, M em drfc MsBui-h Iroubln, Trriklaa