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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1913)
TAGK SIX. WEEKLY KOGl KIVER COURIER FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1913. AN ELUSIVE LAKE. Guaar Antic of an Erratic Body I Watar n Switzerland. ' 111 (In- cuntou of ul,u. in SwiUer ' land. :il the fool u( Hie nivut Alt'ltih ' gimlet'. lUf II Mli.ill Ixnl.V of MllteC Luke Miirjt'li-ii. f which l lie Juiiruiti des Votive report a htiiiiij'e fart. At Irregiiiui iiilenaU every three or four enrn I. like Miirjcieu 0m jtlol-; and ciiiMi-hly iIini.m-.ii Tli I'll lioiiiriii.ii iiIwii vh im'ciii'k durlnif tin last days of August. Without warning Hit lake empties Itself, ami the great quan tity of water tlint It contained disap pears tliroiif-h fissures In the ro-k to cm. well the waters of the river lihone. ! CANTATA "CINDERELLA" I FIRE WARDEN' TELLS OF !JAIL I. W. W. WHO 1 I U 1TUL1C SCHOOL I'l l lLvi BURNING REGULATIONS. THREATEN' TO LYNC H POLICE. SAHARA IN A TUMULT. Tlio uiuih anticipated taatau by pupils of the public bcliuoU will be given rnday ami Saturday of tbio acek under tlie directions ot .Alios .it'M!iiJfier. ilerdofuie the apacity ol i In- opera house Lata been over tax iii ai this annual and popular Fury of a Dert Storm and a Quick Transformation. Od our way e encountered that ter- it Editor Courier: I would beg per- LOS ANGELES, May 5. Twenty mission, through your columns to ex- eSbt reputed Industrial Workers of plain briefly the attitude of the State tn World are held In Jail here to- rible experience, a desert storm. Board of Forestry in fire protection day following a clash with the po- came down uion us with hardly any work. 'lice during which, the latter allege, premonition, save of an oppressive in the first place, all lands outside 'treats to lynch them were made. J,", tZfuZ the national forests are under super- an hour Policemen Phillips J" ' S(Hmed ,0 rjse ,nt0 tne t-v. ir. It lias been thought advls- vision of the State Board of Forestry ,aid Hatch temporized with the men alr an(j wjtu ts sanjs and peb- laoii uit rt iore to run tlie program ' an J under the immediate aupervis- whom they interrupted In a masg , lor ivrn nhts this )tar, thus giviug j ion of the. supervising fire warden of,nee,inS In the suburbs, where. It is fvt-iy one an opportunity to be pre- the county in which they are situ- allied, they were selling beer in vio- ated. latlon of a city law. While the operetta. "Cinderella In i Nn nermif i nmo..., t - Hatch ran for help. According to J..7i "rhtbB or xe?ta r,8 madd 7 TftacZ everal u.eter. in a few hours, and the ,,hifcf lntertiil each b,8ht- the '0-jany material whatever upon your,after a patro1 wagon load of Plice valley Is Hood.!. An old custom u "'U'1 changed lor the grants a new pair of shews to the first " ond night. The program will be peasant who comes to announce the I sufficiently varied to be pleasing and dlspMurauce of the lake to the In habitant of the valley. All the autumn, after the disappear ance of the waters, the basin of Lake Marjelen remains dry. but during the following winter and spring It grad nally fills again. Scientific men lelleve that the phe nomenon Is canned In some ay by tba neighboring glacier. Llttlo by lit entertaining at a second hearing. "Cinderella In Flowerlaud" is con sidered one of the best operettas written for children. It follows the old fairy tale of Cinderella, In the personification of Dowers, and Is In four scenes, as follows: Scene 1 opens with a solo by the tie the melting Ice raises the level of I Fairy, after which Robin announces the lake until at the end of three or that Prince Sunshine is seeking a four years the accumulated water ex- I princess and Bends the Blossoms an erts such an enormous pressure upon iniinii .,.., i .. . , the side, and bottom of the lake that "tl0 V "'f8 bal1' l bJ the basin gradually becomes as porous h",d on the wod-"i Le- There is as a sponge. At some point or other mil'n excitement as to what shall be the water begins to escnpo. Then It worn, until Sweet Drier decides by flows more rapidly until at last It singing Song of the Styles. Scene 2. Tiger Lily and Holly hock tantalize DniBy. God- mother Nature appears and sends Daisy to tho ball. Scene 3. The May-day ball. Blos soms are assembled at the ball togeth er with Prlnco Sunshine and his pours through the fissures on every Ida CONCENTRATION. Do Only On Thing at a Tlmt, but Do That One Thing Wall. The man who makes good Is the man who can shut out of his mind all court, Robin and the Sunbeams. A but one thing. An unsuccessful prin cipal of a school once said that every teacher ought to be able to do three things at once. Of course he was wrong. The teacher who does one thing at a time nnd does It well Is giv ing the pupil the best possible object lesson In concent rntlon. Wo have to leiirn to think clearly mid (llstrnctlng noises, to go forward on a straight and narrow way with out diversions and excursions thht waste our time and our substance and to keep at work regardless of tho "tired" feeling, the "spring" feeling and whether the fishing Is good or not When the soft breeze comes in nt the window we must stiffen the moral fiber ngnliiHt Its allurement. We must pin our attention firmly to the turgid anil dry geometry of n legal brief or the aerrled figures of the diiylmok or the busy system of n mercantile estab lishment ami let every other thought awnlt Its turn at the end of ollice hours. You may have heard a great lawyer In action In n crowded courtroom What wiii the secret of his power? It wns that lie would not let the Jnrv's ly. n ii i n-iii ion iii nn- niinesM fonirue wan- shower comes up In the form of Lit tle Raindrops. Daisy hurries and losi'B her slipper. Scene 4. Trying on of the slipper and Daisy crowned print ess. Grand finale. (liiiriMtors. Cinderella Florence Rlddlo Prince Sunshine Willard Ilartlett Tiger Lily Valesca Truax Hollyhock Evelyn South Kobln Red Arthur Cramer Godmother Nature.. Mildred Thrasher Honnle Dee Lewis DeGettuult Charioteers Melha Macy, Thelma Wisotnun, Hlunche Guthrie, Itemoh Tryer. Guests nt the Dull. H'ltlercup Dorothy Gilflllan '''"my Ollle Moore t rr. 1 i 1 Marion Krier vl"'t Esther (lilkey Sweet Ilrler Marguerite Davis Mignonette Helen Kills ''y '""I Ella Anderson . ..Gertrude Kerley bles Within five minutes my moum was part bit! with thirst and my watch ! choked with sand The din of the! storm was Indeserilmble, and the flying Dartit les stung like whiplashes on hand and face Our horses were uearly mad with fright For four hours the lnsuf- ; ferable rhoklns: wind blew with Its , scorching breath, and then the heavens j premises between now ann Jnn it nad taken tna disturbed to Jail, Such burning Is very much desired knlveB were drawn and loud threats opened und emptied what seemed to be WOODCOCK NAMED FOR THE DALLES REGISTER. and It la suggested that where pos-,TOIcea' ana tne """"lo11 nal e sible, the weather being favorable, ,come crltlcal when reinforcements all combustible material be disposed ,arr!ved- The -"ins-eaders were held of before the dry season Is upon us. 0L varIous charges. It Is a fact that the lands over I which our supervision extends In this county will largely be cleared and In cultivation at a future date, i Most of the lands are not heavily WASHINGTON, May 5. The pres timbered and It is not a matter 0f , Ident today sent to the senate the providing such handling as to Insure, uoir-lnatlon Frank Woodcock a future timber supply upon them as t0 bo re8iBter f the land office at Is the case within the national for- The Dalle8' Oregon. eBts. There are of course consider- able areas upon which forest growth GWDI.V APPOINTED SECRETARY should be perpetuated, but gener- STATE BOARD OF CONTROL, ally Bpeaklng our work has to deal j SALEM. May 5. R. B. Goodln with lightly timbered and brush was today appointed secretary for lands Intermingling and often stir-' the state board of control. This board rounding Improved farm property. 'comes Into existence June 3 through Such lands are probably held by non-'a bill passed by the recent leglsla resldents of the county and possibly ture. of the state. They will eventually be j Goodin has been bookkeeper and logged or cut over for cordwood. In overseer at the state Insane asylum the meantime, the adjoining farm ( for seven years. The new position Improvements are Jeopardized pays J3.000 annually. each summer. The state will assume the respon-1 RlieiiniutlNiii Quickly Cured. sibllity of disposing of such material i "My Bister's husband had an attack on the ground as, which by reason of ,of '''eumatiBm in Lib arm," writes a such location or condition or lack of l ts ,a' . ,,. 1 favo him a bottle of Chamber- protection, endangers life or prop erty. It has often occurred to me and It dor from the relevnnt facts, lie kept1 Insistently to the straight line that Is tho shortest distance from point to point. He curtly dismissed nil that was superfluous. linniMterliil and cal ciliated to Mur the salient outlines of the matter In controversy. -Philadelphia Ledger. rT I 1 I I I I'TTTtTTTT'l"! f I I l"l UCHAEFER CELLS ONE ON NICK ALTROCK. ' Many funny hUH'Iuh are told of . Nick Altrock, tun one of the ' most amusing liu been turned off by Herman Schaefer. Nick's stage partner lnt winter Nick, according to Sennet, had ; the hardest time ot his life try- Ing to break himself of the habit 1 of chewing tobacco while on the stage "I had to threnten Nick with ! considerable punishment before 4 he would droit the habit," said Schaefer to Hugh Jennings oue day last whiter, "and on several occasions Nick started his act with a big chew stuck In one cor uer of his mouth "And there were times many of them, that Nick kicked be cause the orchestm got out of time to his music Nick always Insisted that the baud, as he called It. was running ahead of him, and one night I had to pre vent blm from waylaying the or chestra lender ss he came from the theater " I I I I II I 1 I I I I I I HI I I I I I I DAY MAY PILOT BOAT. i . Amarlcan Llkaly to Sail Lipton Yacht In Frlaoo Races. Captain Thomas Fleming Pay. wti,. piloted the motorboat Detroit across the Atlantic last summer, prvbabl will lx selected ss the nsvlgnttug oill rer of the yacht which 8lr Thomas Lipton will send to Ran Francisco to compete In the races there during the Panama-Pacific International eiposl tlon. The yacht will be called the Shamrock and will be the fifth of that Ilk If the New York Yacht club gives Sir Thomas the privilege of sailing Shamrock IV. for the Anierlea'a cup. The yacht will cross the Atlantic un tier Ita own anil. te towed throunh the ranatna canal snl go thence up the Taclfle coast to Sin Francisco, again under Its own csuvss The racer will bo convoyed by Sir Thomas' ste-aui yacht Erin. Narcissus Ruth Harmon MutterflioB from 3rd, 4th and 5th grades, East building. Sunbeams from 1st It, Riverside building. Raindrops from 1st A and 2nd R, East and Central building. Following Is given the program for the two nights. Frkliiy NIkIiI. I. Gardeners 1 A and 2 U Riverside Sunflower March 4th East Huttereups 1 A Riverside Popples 7th and 8tu B Central Busy Mr. Bee.. ..Ernest Teel, Central Sleepy Poppy Elizabeth Boesch, Riverside. Sweet Peas 2 A and 311, Riverside l'1-lslos ia, East Apple Blossoms 4th, Riverside In tho Merry Month of May. Daffodil Lady .. Carmallta Poole, 5th. Riverside The Flower's Cradle Song Vivian Isham, East II. Operetta. ...Cinderella in Flowetiand Specialties Three, Little Maids of Tlmbuctoo Marian Sablu, Helen Lister, Dorothy Starr. Solos - Evelyn South, Curl Boesch, Lucille Wright. SMturtltiy Night. I. Opening Chorus To the Woods Away Norwegian Mt. Folk Dance 1 A and 2 R. East There Were Three Crows 4th and 5th, East Gypsy Game Vernetta Qulnlan, Lynetta Quintan Japanese 6th and 7th, Riverside The OKI Flag Never Touched . .The Ground Boys, 4th Riverside II. Music High School Orchestra Operetta ...Cinderella In Flowerland Specialties -The Jap Doll Lucille Wright The Elf Man Carl Boesch Three Little Maids of Tlmbuctoo . Marlon Sahln. Dorothy Starr, Helen Lister. Director Miss Messenger. Pianist Miss Roberts. Stage Manager Miss Motley. Iain's Liniment which he applied to his arm and on the next morning the rheumatism was gone." For chronic has recently been called to my atten-!muscular rheumatis" you will find tlon that the situation surrounding I noinmK bt)tter tlian Chamberlain's tho Fruitdale district is verv !Ijimmenl- boia W a11 dealers, In favor of a fire FALLS 100 FEET TO DEATH. which could do considerable damage. It is within my authority as supervising warden to supervise the disposal of such ma- AKRON, O., May 5. Charles Carl terial as would further the spread of i80n' a M,Iwaukee aviator, was killed fire. I am In favor of cleaning up i today while blplanlng near Silver Lake. He ascended 100 feet when his engine suddenly stopped. Carl son was thrown from the machine, striking the ground head foremost. fire traps at a season when they can bo controlled and In controlling fires by preventing careless burning at a hazardous season. I offer to supervise the burning of ,Death was instantaneous fire traps throughout the county and will co-operate with property owners in this work when called upon. Tt should not be understood that June 1 ends the burning season, for after that date permits to burn can FRESNO, May 5. Two persons met death and four others were ln- be obtained through a fire warden , Jure1 here earIy today ln a fire wnlrh providing there Is no danger from U8iro-vpa tne 8UBWay lodging hoiiBe lire spreading. H. V. ANDERSON, Supervising Fire Warden. Grants Pass, May 3, 1913. Health a Factor In Success. The largest factor contributing to a man's success Is undoubtedly health. It has been observed that a man Is seldom sick when his bowels are regular he Is never well when they are constipated. For constlpa- IS, lJ" would be passed We..ne8,My not only move the bowels but im-1 Tre flnal ParaKi"aphB of the sundry prove the appetite and strengthen ! sctodule were considered first to the digestion. They are sold by all day. The Income tax paragraph will ueniers. Fillet of Sola la Rara. A dish called fillet of sole often ap pears on the bills of fare of American restaurants, hut It Is very rarely sole. It Is almost always flounder For the sole does not swim In our waters, and the only way an American chef can get sole is from the Ice box of an Atlantic liner that bus Just arrived from Eu rope, and then It Is nt least a week old Sole Is a far daintier fish thnn flounder, nnd It must be eaten very fresh to be any good. New York World FELINE WHISKiRS. Delicate Nerve Signals That Guide tho Lion In the Jungle. ' Because a eat t un gc about so safely and rapidly In the d.irk without Injury lo hiuieli or witlioiit running into tiling nearly every one believes It Is due entirely to the fact, that be sees with bis eyes In the dark. That a cut can see to a certain ex tent in the diirk is quite true, but it is doubtful If he could go about so rapid ly ln total darkness were it not for his long whiskers. Note a cat's whiskers and you will see they are always as long, generally longer, us his head Ii wide, and a cat's head is as wide as his body. These delicate hairs that project from the muzzle of the cat family are woriderful mechanisms. Each one grows from u .follicle or gland nerved to the utmost sensibility. Its slightest contact with any obstacle is Instantly felt by the animal, though the hair It self may be tough and Insensible. Consider the Hon stealing through the Jungle nt night ln search of prey, when the least stir of a twig gives Jlnriu The lion's whiskers Indicate through the nliest nerves any object tllllt III.'IV lit- In hU null A 'mini. er of the majority, predicted thai I stops ulu. short before pushing through some elose thicket where the rustling leaves and boughs would betray his presence. Wherever his head may be thrust without a warning from the TWO DEAD IN FRESNO LODftl.VO HOI SE half the Mediterranean on our devoted heads. From parching heat the tern- j perature sank to a little above freezing ; In a few minutes, and then the rain ; came down like a sluice, the great j drops splashing the sand back up to our horses' bellies. J Finally the storm vanished as quick-1 ly as it bad come, and the sun came out and smiled at our Bad plight Without a word we all stripped to the buff and wrung out our water logged garments. As we sat our poor horses tike centaurs, waiting for the sun to dry our clothes, I caught Abd er Rah man's eye, and for the first and last time heard blm laugh aloud. For a full minute we sat rocking ln our sad dles with mirth, until gradually our wits and our bodily warmth came back to us. 1 do not pretend to know bow these things happen, but almost within an hour or two the desert all about us was green with little plants springing Into life, and ln the pools formed by the water In the hollows frogs were croaking the miraculous fact of their existence to a sunlight worltL-Wlde World Magazine. How to Keep a Boy Healthy and Happy That is what every mother of a growing boy is anxious to know. We offer the solution to this problem. It is one of the very few absolutely sure ways of making a happy, manly boy Put Mm into overalls and let him liv eutdoora every poatible moment of hie life. The dressed up boy who hardly dares to move for fear of soiling or tearing his clothes is about the most unhappy and peevish individual alive. The boy in overalls (if they are the right kind of overalls) hasn't a care on Good looking ,-.!, Long wearing earUU K;: Get Him Two-Horse Brand ' OveraDs rr- ... The best that arc made. Con structed for comfort and long wear. Saves the good clothes. The boy always looks neat and trim. Ask your dealer for Two Horse Brand Overalls. Take no others. A New Pair If Made and Guaranteed by Levi Strauss & Co. San Francisco ITKE. ,The dead have not been Identified. T. jllaradas, one of the Injured men, will 'die. KESl .ME DERATE ON TARIFF REVISION. WASHINGTON, May 5. Debate on the Underwood tariff bill was re sumed today ln the house. Represen tative Underwood of Alabama, lead- TWO ARE SHOT RV HOLD-ITS IX nUTTK. BUTTE, Mont., May 6. Shot by two masked desperadoes In an at tempted hold-up here last night un der the full glare of an electric light, Harry Drum, deputy clerk of the United States court, today is at the point of death with three bullets ia his body and Theodore Thomas, sec retary of the Mining Exchange, also Is dying. Thomas was shot twice. Two mea have been arrested on sus picion, but nelthor Drum nor Thomas have been able to Identify them. GILL XETTERS MAKE RIO HAULS AT ASTORIA. How the Puis Variaa. The human pulse has rather a wide range, but the general average may be put about ns follows: At birth: 140; at two years. 100; nt from sixteen to nineteen years. KO; at manhood, 75; old Hge. t!0. There are, however, great variations consistent with nealtb. Na poleon's pulse Is said to have been only forty four In the minute. A case is also related of n healthy man of eighty seven whose pulse was seldom over thirty dining the last two years of his life nnd sometimes not more than twenty eight Another man of eighty seven years of ai;e enjoyed good health and spirits with a pulse of twenty nine, and there Is also on record the curious Instance of a man whose pulse In health was never more than forty five, and. to be consistent In his Incon sistency, when he had fever his pulse fell to forty Instead of rising, as is usual. .... I wonssa mere ms body may pass nofse lessly. It Is the aid given him by his whiskers. In conjunction with the soft cushions of his feet, that enables hira "Talaaman" In Enghah Law. A talesman, according to English law. Is a juror summoned to fill a gap, and formerly, at any rate, this was often done by taking ny suitable per son who was present In court. "Tales de cln-umstautlbus" ("such of the by standers") were the first words of the order directing this process. Good Pickwickian may remember that, as only ten sps lal Jurymen were present on s memorable occasion. Mr. Serjeant Huifiu "prayed a tales," whereupon two of the common Jury mea. one of whom wj the unfortunate chemist, were pressed Into the service. -London Standard. come up tomorrow. The republican minority Is pre pared to attack the clause placing agricultural Implements on the free to proceed as silently as the snake. list, asserting It merely Is Intended rsew 'ork American as a sop to the farmers for slashing ! the duties on wheat and flour. WOMAN NOVELIST DROWNS. LONDON, May t Sl r 111,. Disorders of the stonmch may be T ' ' Alive Maud avoided by the use of Chamberlain's Mead0W9 a novelist, is dead here Tablets. Many very remarkable today. She was drowned while at eures have been effected by these , tempting to rescue a dog which had i"cu iulu mo water. Wasted Medicine. A" hinds of legal blaul.s ar the "There Is one loss sustained by drug- i Courier, gists that very few people know about" 1 snld the experienced clerk. 'That Is In the prescriptions that have to be made over, the same as clerks, stenog- ! rnpiiei-s. writers and artists, no matter how painstaking, occasionally have to do their work over. The most careful drug clerk In existence Is bound to make mistakes sometimes In tneasur- Itie sud ml tin u. "He may mur In too much of some Mud of liquid or sift In too much of a 'ertnln powder. In most cases the overdose would not really affect the valt'e of the medicine, but the eon sclentlous clerk Is not eolng to take chances on murdering anybody, so he throw nway the whole mixture and makes up another prescription." New York Times. ASTORIA, May 6. Every Indica tion points to the largest and most successful salmon fishing season realized by the local fishermen for many years. While It is yet early to tell anything definite the catch thus far has been exceptionally good. Since the opening of the season last Thursday some big catches have been made by the gill netters. CLEVELAND HAS HOTTEST MAY 5TII IN 42 YEARS. CLEVELAND. May 6. Threa deaths are reported here today from yesterday's heat. Yesterday was the hottest May 5 for 42 years. The high school orchestra under direction of Mr. Hulblrt will furnish music before curtain and at Intermissions. Hie First National Bank Of Southern Oregon CAPITAL. SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS. $100,000 A strong bank, equipped to handle all bra aches of commercial tanking. J?1" on Deposit. Yonr account Is mipectiully Invited L. R. HALL, President. I. C CAMPBELL, Ylc-IW IL L. GILKEY, Cashier. R. K. HACKETT, Ass t Cashier.